MFJ MFJ-1289M, MFJ-1289MD User Manual


Instruction Manual


Reproduction or use of editorial or pictorial content in any manner, without express written permission from MFJ Enterprises, Inc. is prohibited.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this MULTICOM manual, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


The MFJ Multicom program was written by Bob Slomka, WD4MNT and fixed by Steve Shumway XXXXXX.

The SSTV module in Multicom was written by Robert E. Tuttle, K1UTI

The Multicom manual was written by Glynn E. "Buck" Rogers, K4ABT; Version 2.2 revised by Thomas "Buck" Sommerkamp, KA0ZMI; Version 3.1 revised by MFJ.

All rights reserved.


MFJ Enterprises, Inc.

P.O. Box 494

Mississippi State, MS 39762

Entire contents Copyright ã 1993

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Table of Contents


Table of Contents ...............................................................................................................


Welcome to Multicom .........................................................................................................


Contents of the Advanced Starter Pack................................................................................


Before Installing Your Multicom Software............................................................................


Multicom Hardware Requirements.......................................................................................


Floppy Disk Installation .......................................................................................................


Hard Disk Installation..........................................................................................................


Remove Procedure;............................................................................................................


Build Procedure;.................................................................................................................


Disk Files Included with Multicom;.......................................................................................


Program Files (required for operation) ......................................................................


Utility Programs (not required for operation);............................................................


Sample Picture Files (not required for operation);......................................................


Setting Up Multicom ...........................................................................................................


MFJ MULTICOM Terminal Parameters Setup ........................................................


Computer to TNC Parameter Setting .......................................................................


QSO Time! ........................................................................................................................


Function Keys in Multicom; .................................................................................................


"Combination" Keys in Multicom;.........................................................................................


Function Buffers.................................................................................................................


Special Characters in Function Buffers.....................................................................


Using the Function Buffers......................................................................................


Editing Function Buffer Slots ...................................................................................


Selecting Radio Ports ..............................................................................................


Customizing in the Text Editor .................................................................................


Selecting Function Buffers to Use;...........................................................................


The Directory Utility ...........................................................................................................


Binary and Picture Transfer Commands ...............................................................................


The Text Editor ..................................................................................................................


Parameter Setup and TNC Configuration; ............................................................................


Editing a Parameters File .........................................................................................


Page ii

"Auto-Router" Feature; .......................................................................................................





Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) Mode;...................................................................................


"Auto-Monitor" Alarm;........................................................................................................



- Troubleshooting Guide.......................................................................................



- Selected Fax Frequencies..................................................................................





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Welcome to Multicom

Congratulations! You are about to enter an adventurous new world in amateur radio communications with your MFJ multi-mode data controller and Multicom, MFJ's communications software designed to help you take full advantage of your controller.

With Multicom, you'll be able to use all of the features of your MFJ-1278B or other multi-mode controller, including color fax and slow-scan television capabilities! Using your IBMâ or compatible personal computer, Multicom allows you to enjoy the following modes of digital ham radio communication:

o o o o o o o o o


Packet (HF and VHF) RTTY

FAX / Color FAX CW





Be sure to take plenty of time as you explore the many features of Multicom and your MFJ-1278B controller. Remember that you cannot hurt the controller by experimenting with the Multicom may "confuse" the controller temporarily, but it can always be brought "back to life" if necessary by simply resetting the unit.

Enjoy your exploration of the modes open to you as a ham. were second nature!

Multicom software and the wide variety of digital You'll soon be using the various modes as if they


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By purchasing this MFJ-1289 Advanced Starter Pack, you've taken the right steps toward enjoying your MFJ controller to its fullest.

Multicom is the software portion of your new computerized radio station. There is a difference between the hardware commands which come from your 1270/1278 controller (TNC) and the Multicom commands.

The easiest way to distinguish the two types of commands is to remember that all hardware commands are preceded by the cmd: prompt. On the other hand, software commands will usually not pertain directly to the controller. Examples are directory commands, digitizer commands, or editor commands.


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Contents of the Advanced Starter Pack

Before you begin installing the software, please check to make sure you have the everything included with the MFJ-1289 Advanced Starter Pack.

The MFJ-1289 Advanced Starter Pack contains an RS-232 serial cable and either two or three program disks (depending upon which size disks you purchased).

oIf you purchased the MFJ-1289, there are three (3) 5.25" disks supplied, along with the manual and the RS-232 serial cable.

oIf you purchased the MFJ-1289D, the RS-232 cable is not supplied; only three (3) 5.25" disks and a manual are supplied.

oIf you purchased the MFJ-1289M, there are two (2) supplied 3.5" disks, along with the manual and the RS-232 serial cable.

However, there are "D" versions of both the MFJ-1289 and MFJ-1289M. These are version of the software without the RS-232 serial cable. We've made these available for those who already have cables. The RS-232 cable is for connecting the controller to the RS-232 (serial) port of your computer.

The program disks contain the main MFJ MULTICOM program, utility programs and sample pictures. Refer to your DOS manual as needed during setup and use of your Multicom software, for more details on items not covered in this manual.


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Before Installing Your Multicom Software

If you haven't already done so, be sure of the following:

o Your controller is connected to the power supply.

oThe RS-232 cable is connected between your controller and your computer.

oYour radio is properly interfaced to the controller's RADIO 1 or RADIO 2 port (or the single radio port of the MFJ-1270, 1270B or 1274).

Check the Fast-Startã manual included with your MFJ-1278B or other controller, to make sure that the controller and radio are properly hooked up.

Once you're sure that the MFJ-1278B is properly interfaced with your computer, you are ready to begin installing the software for use.

Note: The MFJ Multicom software (MULTICOM.EXE, found on Disk #1) is copy-protected. If your computer does not have a hard disk, you must use the original floppy disk supplied by MFJ when operating Multicom.


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Multicom Hardware Requirements


For operations which do not involve the printing or displaying of graphics, you will require the following hardware:

oAn IBM PC/XT/AT/386 or compatible computer with at least 512K memory. This is absolutely the minimum required.



A CGA, EGA, VGA or MCGA graphic monitor;

The MFJ-1270B, MFJ-1274, MFJ-1278, or MFJ-1278B controller.


Multicom version 3.1 supports dual port, text mode operation. :

oAn IBM PC/XT/AT/386 or compatible computer with at least 512K memory. This is absolutely the minimum required.

o Two unused COM Ports (COM1 - COM4);

o A CGA, EGA, VGA or MCGA graphic monitor;

o Two MFJ-1270B, MFJ-1274, MFJ-1278, or MFJ-1278B controllers.



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The MFJ MULTICOM software supports packet picture transfer, SSTV and FAX operation. To successfully operate these modes and display pictures on the screen, certain hardware is required for your computer system. In addition to the following requirements, your computer must have at least 512K of RAM:

Packet Picture Transfer

oComputer System: IBM PC/XT/AT/386 or compatible computer with a clock speed of 7 Mhz or faster; the older "XT-style" PCs running at 4.77 Mhz are incapable of running the fax or SSTV modes.

o Monitor: CGA, EGA or VGA graphic card and monitor;

o Controller: MFJ-1270, MFJ-1274, MFJ-1278B, or MFJ-1278.

Multi-gray Level SSTV

o Computer System: An IBM PC/XT/AT/386 or compatible computer; o Monitor: A VGA graphic card and monitor;

o Controller: The MFJ-1278 with multi-gray level modem or MFJ-1278B.

Color SSTV

o Computer System: An IBM PC/XT/AT/386 or compatible computer;

oMonitor: A VGA graphic card and monitor only (other monitor/graphic card combinations will not allow color reception);

o Controller: The MFJ-1278 with multi-gray level modem or MFJ-1278B.


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Multi-gray Level or Color FAX

o Computer System: An IBM PC/XT/AT/386 or compatible computer; o Monitor: A VGA graphic card and monitor;

o Controller: The MFJ-1278 with multi-gray level modem or MFJ-1278B.

2-Level FAX (Use MFJCOM Utility Program)

o Computer System: An IBM PC/XT/AT/386 or compatible computer; o Monitor: A CGA, EGA or VGA graphic card and monitor;

oController: The MFJ-1278 or MFJ-1278B, 1270B/MFJ-1274 with 1.2.6 firmware or higher.


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Floppy Disk Installation

No installation is needed if you are operating the software from a floppy disk only. Load the program as follows:

1.Boot your computer system with the DOS disk.

2.Insert the original Disk #1 (which contains the actual Multicom program files) into your floppy drive (usually drive A: or B:).

3.At the A> or B> prompt, type

MULTICOM and press <Enter>

Note: From this point on in the manual, we will simply refer to your computer keys by showing them in bold, <F7>. To illustrate messages from your computer, or commands you will need to type in, we will use this typeface. If a key needs to be "held down" while you press another key, we will indicate it with a plus sign (for instance, <Alt> +R means to hold down the <Alt> key and press the R key at the same time)


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MFJ MFJ-1289M, MFJ-1289MD User Manual

Hard Disk Installation

You may install Multicom onto any hard drive contained on your computer system between C: and F:. Follow the steps below to install the software from the floppy disk to your hard drive:

1.At the DOS prompt, select the hard drive to which you will install the program. For example, if your hard drive is C:, then type:


2.Ensure that you are in the root directory by typing

CD \ <Enter>

3.Insert the Multicom Disk #1 in the first floppy drive of your computer (Drive A:). Ensure the disk is not write-protected. Change to drive A: by typing:


NOTE: If you ordered the disk size to fit your B: drive, then use the program INSTALLB. Whenever the instructions refer to the install program (i.e., INSTALL C TNC), substitute INSTALLB C TNC to install from your second drive.

4.At the A:\> prompt, while Disk #1 is still in drive A:, type:


At this point, the program will automatically install Multicom and other disk files from Disk #1 to drive C: in the subdirectory C:\MULTICOM.


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When finished, your current drive will be logged to the C:\MULTICOM directory (or in whatever directory you used for Multicom's installation. See the section on the BUILD Procedure).

Please note that the original Disk #1 of Multicom allows two (2) installations to your hard drive. When you have installed Multicom once, the installation program will notify you that you have one (1) installation remaining on the original Disk #1. If you loose all the data on your hard drive, you can install Multicom one more time.

You can run the REMOVE program which will remove the program from your hard drive; this increases your installation count by one. However, if you use up both of your installation "counts," you must run the REMOVE program (see page 13) to remove Multicom from your hard drive in order to install it again.

We have tried to make the installation procedure compatible with most brands and types of hard drives. If you encounter a problem with IDE , ESDI or other hard drive types or with any aspect of your installation, please contact the MFJ Service Department for assistance at (800) 6478324.

5.Remove Disk #1 from drive A: and insert Disk #2. Copy the contents of Disk #2 (which are supplementary files and don't need to follow the INSTALL procedure) as follows:


COPY A:*.* C:\MULTICOM <Enter>

All files on Disk #2 will then be copied to the MULTICOM subdirectory. If you are using 5 1/4" disks, insert Disk #3 into your drive A: and press the <F3> key, followed by the <Enter> key. This will repeat the COPY procedure from Step


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#5 above (Note: If you are using 3 1/2" disks, there is no third disk because all of the files are contained on Disks #1 and #2).

You have now finished installing Multicom to your hard drive, along with the utilities and sample files. To uninstall the software, follow the REMOVE procedure on the next page; otherwise, you may begin running the program by continuing with step #6:

6.To run the program, type:




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Remove Procedure;

The original Disk #1 of Multicom allows you to install the software two (2) times on your hard drive. If you have installed the program to a hard drive and run the REMOVE program, the number of installation counts remaining for your software increases by one. To uninstall, follow the procedure below, which assumes you have previously installed Multicom onto your hard drive C: under the subdirectory C:\MULTICOM.

1.Make backup copies of your config, parameter, pictures, text, and other important files. You may wish to copy them to a floppy disk in case you wish to reinstall Multicom later.

2.Insert your original Multicom disk #1 in drive A (or drive B, depending on which drive you used to install the software). From the DOS prompt, type:


3.At the A:> prompt, after changing your hard drive to the root directory (C:\), type:


At this point, the program will remove the copy-protected software (MULTICOM.EXE from your hard drive and place it back onto the original Disk #1 in drive A. No other program will be copied to your floppy disk.

At the end of the REMOVE process, the software will notify you that there is "001 [or 002] installs left" on your original disk, depending upon how many times the software was installed. You can then install Disk #1 to your hard drive at a later time by again using the INSTALL procedure described above.


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Build Procedure;

The MFJ-1289 Software has the capability to be installed in other directories besides Multicom. This can be accomplished through the BUILD.EXE program on Disk #1. Below is an example as to how install Multicom to another directory. Follow the steps below to install Multicom to a directory named RADIO:

1.Obtain the DOS prompt for the hard drive to which you are going to install the program to.

2.Ensure that you are in the root directory of your hard drive, by typing :


3.Make a directory with the name desired, such as RADIO. This is done by typing the following:


At this time the computer has made a directory named "RADIO". You are ready to install the program into the new directory.

4.Insert the Multicom Disk #1 into the first floppy drive in your computer system. Ensure that the Disk #1 is not write-protected.

5.Obtain the DOS prompt of the first floppy drive by typing the following:


The following steps will copy the files over to our new directory named "RADIO".


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6.At this time we want to copy the files off of Disk #1. To do this you must type the following:


At this point the computer will proceed to copy all Disk #1 files over to Drive C:.

The next steps will install the copy-protection over to the new directory. This must be done otherwise the Multicom program will not run, and the software will give an ERROR MESSAGE saying:


7.With the DOS prompt of the floppy drive from which you are installing the software still on the screen type the following:


At the A:\> prompt, while Disk #1 is still in drive A: type:


After the Build program has executed the Build to C:\RADIO routine, Multicom can then be used. This same procedure can be used for any directory name that you choose, just follow the procedure very carefully.

If at some later time you decide to uninstall Multicom from the directory specified here, use the REMOVE procedure on Page 16. All you would need to do is substitute the directory name you used here in place of Multicom in the example on Page 11.


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Disk Files Included with Multicom;

There are several files that work together when Multicom operates. Some are required by the program; others are optional for your exploration of the software.

oIf you purchased the 3.5" disk version, you will only have two disks with your package (Disk #1 is the program disk, Disk #2 is the utilities and sample pictures).

oIf you purchased the 5.25" disk version, you will have three disks with your package (Disk #1 is the Program disk, Disk #2 is the utility disk, and Disk #3 contains the sample pictures).

The files contained on your distribution disks are as follows:

Program Files (required for operation)

MULTICOM.EXE** This is the main operating terminal program. It is copyprotected and should not be copied. Any attempt to copy the program may produce unpredictable results or a loss of the program software. Tape and disk backups will also produce unpredictable results.


This file is a PCX to 16 level/color SSTV file converter.


The required PCX file size is 320x200x256. This must be


in the same directory as Multicom.exe, otherwise the "C"


option on the SSTV menu will not work. Please see


SSTV section of this manual for further details.


This file is used by Multicom to receive Color SSTV


pictures. It allows Multicom to receive 10 formats of


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Slow Scan picture files. This file must be in the same


directory as Multicom, otherwise the SSTV receive


portion of Multicom will not work.


This file is the one Multicom uses to view the Color


SSTV pictures you receive with Multicom. This allows


Multicom to view 10 formats of Slow Scan pictures. This


file must be in the same directory as Multicom.


This file is used by the RTV.EXE file in order to allow


the SSTV pictures to track straight on the computer


screen. This file may need to be changed depending the


computer being used. Please see the SSTV section of


this manual for further details


This file holds all of the data for copying all of the


Black/White SSTV formats. Do not attempt to alter this


file at all. This file must be in the same directory as the


Multicom program.


This file holds all of the data for copying all of


the Color SSTV formats. Do not attempt to alter this file


at all. This file must be in the same directory as the


Multicom program.


This is a Borland Graphics Interface file. Do not attempt


to alter this file at all. It is very critical to color SSTV


pictures. The file must reside in the same directory as the


Multicom program.

MULTICOM.FUN** This file contains function buffers which you will want to define later. There are 10 buffers of 72 characters each. This includes alpha, numeric and


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puncuations. These buffers have various uses, up to and including sending data to your controller. Please see the section on Function Buffers on Page XX on this manual for more details.







and RTTY.FUN These files are pre-defined function buffers to be used in various modes of operation. For instance, theAMTOR.FUN file contains keys specific to the Amtor mode of operation. These files must be in the same directory as Multicom.


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Utility Programs (not required for operation);

MFJBCD.COM This utility program lets you capture and save VGA, EGA or CGA pictures that are displayed by Multicom. Note that not all pictures can be captured by MFJBCD.

MFJBCC.EXE This utility program is used in conjunction with MFJBCD. It lets you convert pictures saved by MFJBCD to the proper format required by MULTICOM for packet picture transfer.

MFJPIC.EXE This is the MFJPIC digitizer program used by MULTICOM. You must have the MFJ-1292 digitizer to use this portion of the program.


This file contains different fax frequencies and where


they are located.


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Sample Picture Files (not required for operation);

These files are sample pictures which can be used by MULTICOM for viewing or transmitting.


320 x 200 x 256-color VGA picture in packet multilevel


picture format.


Color EGA picture in packet picture format.


Color CGA picture in packet picture format.


ROBOT 72 second color picture.


Color SSTV picture in 72-second Scotty 1 format.


Color SSTV picture in 72-second Martin 1 format.


36-second SSTV picture in ROBOT 36 b/w format.

Note: We recommend that you do not use MULTICOM or the utility programs with any RAM-resident (TSR) programs on your computer (This includes Microsoft Windows, DOS Manager, Desqview, etc.). If you encounter problems with any part of the program, be sure to remove your RAM-resident programs before calling MFJ for help!


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Setting Up Multicom

After properly connecting the TNC to the computer and applying power to it, change to the multicom program directory.

CD \MULTICOM <Enter> ( replace MULTICOM with the name of your program directory)

Run the program by typing the following:


Before using Multicom for the first time, you should configure it for use by your system. The first time you run the program, the screen below will appear automatically. If you wish to change the configuration settings at a later time, you may press the <F3> key from the terminal screen


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