Instruction Manual
Before you install the MFJ-1272B TNC/MIC switch, you must set it up for
your particular radio. The MFJ-1272B comes pre-wired from the factory for
Kenwood and Alinco radios
RECEIVE AUDIO on the microphone jack.
If you have one of these radios, the TNC/MIC switch is ready to use. If you
have a Kenwood or Alinco radio
RECEIVE AUDIO on the microphone
jack, or if your radio is not a Kenwood or Alinco refer to the configuration
section. We have given a few diagrams for placing the internal jumpers for a
few popular radios on Page 7.
If you must configure the TNC/MIC switch for your radio, please follow this
1. Remove the two screws and top cover of the MFJ-1272B.
2. Look at the writing on the unit's pc board. Please refer to Tables 1 thru
6 as to where to place the jumpers in relation to the pinouts on your
Consult your radio's manual
and the definitions below to match
Audio Out:
Audio to the from either the TNC or radio MICROPHONE.
This is the Push to talk signal from either the TNC or radio microphone.
Audio from the radio to the TNC. Please refer to the External Audio
section on the following page, if you use external audio make no
connection here.
Audio In:
Audio from mic (same # as Audio Out)
This is the system ground on radio's mic connector. Some radios have
two ground pins, MICROPHONE GROUND and GROUND. The
microphone ground
should not
be used, due to the possibility of
introducing "hum" into the system
Always use the pin labeled ground.
Connect all pins here except MICROPHONE AUDIO.