DICOMBurner, version 3
User Manual
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
Table of Contents
1 ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 INDICATIONS FOR USE ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 7
4 INTERFACE ARCHITECTURE AND MAIN DIALOG..................................................................................... 8
5 CREATING A CD/DVD OF DICOM FILES ...................................................................................................... 12
5.1 BURN LAST PATIENT .......................................................................................................................................... 13
5.2 BURN ALL NEW IMAGES – ONE CD/DVD PER PATIENT ...................................................................................... 13
5.3 BURN LAST STUDY ............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.4 BURN NON -BURNT ............................................................................................................................................. 15
5.5 BURN CUSTOM FROM LOCAL STORAGE .............................................................................................................. 16
5.5.1 Study-level search ..................................................................................................................................... 16
5.5.2 Series-level search .................................................................................................................................... 17
5.5.3 Instance-level search ................................................................................................................................ 18
5.5.4 Burn files step ........................................................................................................................................... 19
5.6 BURN CUSTOM FROM DICOM DEVICE ............................................................................................................... 20
5.6.1 DICOM Device Selection.......................................................................................................................... 20
5.6.2 Study-level search ..................................................................................................................................... 21
5.6.3 Series-level search .................................................................................................................................... 22
5.6.4 Instance-level search ................................................................................................................................ 23
6 IMPORTING DICOM FILES............................................................................................................................... 24
6.1 IMPORT FROM DISK ............................................................................................................................................ 25
6.2 IMPORT FROM DICOM DEVICE .......................................................................................................................... 25
6.2.1 DICOM Device Selection.......................................................................................................................... 25
6.2.2 Study-level search ..................................................................................................................................... 26
6.2.3 Series-level search .................................................................................................................................... 27
6.2.4 Instance-level search ................................................................................................................................ 28
7 EXPORTING DICOM FILES .............................................................................................................................. 29
7.1 EXPORT TO DISK ................................................................................................................................................ 29
7.1.1 Study-level search ..................................................................................................................................... 29
7.1.2 Series-level search .................................................................................................................................... 30
7.1.3 Instance-level search ................................................................................................................................ 31
7.1.4 Export images step.................................................................................................................................... 32
7.2 EXPORT TO DICOM DEVICE .............................................................................................................................. 33
7.2.1 Study-level search ..................................................................................................................................... 33
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
7.2.2 Series-level search .................................................................................................................................... 34
7.2.3 Instance-level search ................................................................................................................................ 35
8 DELETING DICOM FILES.................................................................................................................................. 36
8.1 STUDY -LEVEL SEARCH ...................................................................................................................................... 36
8.2 SERIES -LEVEL SEARCH ...................................................................................................................................... 37
8.3 INSTANCE -LEVEL SEARCH .................................................................................................................................. 38
8.4 DELETE FILES STEP ............................................................................................................................................ 39
9 BACKUP DICOM FILES AND DATABASE...................................................................................................... 40
9.1 BACKUP DATABASE ........................................................................................................................................... 41
9.2 BACKUP A DAY .................................................................................................................................................. 41
9.3 BACKUP A WEEK ................................................................................................................................................ 42
9.4 BACKUP A PERIOD ............................................................................................................................................. 43
10 RESTORE DICOM FILES AND DATABASE ............................................................................................... 44
10.1 RESTORE DATABASE .......................................................................................................................................... 45
10.2 RESTORE IMAGES ............................................................................................................................................... 45
10.2.1 Study-level search ..................................................................................................................................... 45
10.2.2 Series-level search .................................................................................................................................... 46
10.2.3 Instance-level search ................................................................................................................................ 47
10.2.4 Restore files step ....................................................................................................................................... 48
11 VIEWING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 49
11.1 VIEW LOG DIALOG BOX ..................................................................................................................................... 49
12 DICOMBURNER CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................ 50
12.1 DICOM CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................. 50
12.2 DICOM DEVICES CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................... 52
12.3 LOG CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 53
12.4 FILE STORAGE CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................ 54
12.5 CD/DVD BURNER CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................. 56
12.6 LOCAL BURNER CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................... 57
12.7 RIMAGE UNIT CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................................... 60
12.8 PRIMERA UNIT CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................................... 66
12.9 MFDIGITAL UNIT CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................... 71
12.10 AUTOMATIC CD/DVD PRODUCTION CONFIGURATION ................................................................................. 76
12.11 AUTOMATIC BACKUP CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................... 78
13 REGISTRATION AND ADMINISTRATION................................................................................................. 80
13.1 REGISTRATION & ADMINISTRATION DIALOG BOX ............................................................................................. 80
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
1 Abbreviations
AE Application Entity
BMP Bitmap
DICOM Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine
DIMSE DICOM Message Service Element
DLL Dynamic Link Library
DPI Dots Per Inch
GUI Graphical User Interface
ICM Integrated Color Management
ID Identifier
JPEG Joint Picture Experts Group
LAN Local Area Network
PC Personal Computer
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PNG Portable Network Graphics
RAM Random Access Memory
SCP Service Class Provider
SCU Service Class User
SOP Service-Object Pair
TCP Transfer Control Protocol
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
UID Unique Identifier
USB Universal Serial Bus
VR Value Representation
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
2 Indications for use
The DICOMBurner software allows receiving and storing DICOM files on a database residing on a
networked PC. In addition DICOMBurner allows burning DICOM files on one or more CDs or DVDs, with an
embedded autorunning viewer. It is intended as a mean to produce digital media containing medical images,
to be provided to patients in substitution of the traditional film hard copies of the exams. Also the produced
media can be used to exchange DICOM files between non-connected PACS or DICOM workstations. The
images stored on the CDs/DVDs can be directly viewed on a normal PC through the embedded autorunning
DICOM Viewer; this software is meant for review of the medical images, and not for diagnosis. Nevertheless,
the DICOM images stored by DICOMBurner provide no quality loss with respect to the original images (no
lossy compression is used by DICOMBurner), hence they can be used as an element for diagnosis once
they are transferred or imported on a PACS diagnostic workstation.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
3 Introduction
NeoLogica DICOMBurner is a mini-PACS system that allows a complete interaction with a DICOM
Network. It’s able to import/export DICOM files coming from digital modalities or local disks. It has advanced
CD/DVD production capabilities.
DICOMBurner is an interface between the DICOM world of the digital modalities and a PC local database to
store them. DICOMBurner software runs on a PC based hardware platform equipped with a CD or DVD
burner. In addition it can be equipped with a CD/DVD Production Unit (such as Rimage, MFDigital or Primera)
to automate the CD/DVD burning and to print the CD/DVD surface in order to label it.
DICOMBurner is a Windows-based server application running in background: no user interaction is
necessary to have it working as a DICOM SCP for storage or query/retrieve. Nevertheless, a GUI is provided
in order to adjust configuration parameters and to burn the received DICOM files.
DICOM Query/Retrieve
DICOM Network
DICOM Query/Retrieve
Backup/Restore Images and
DICOM Query/Retrieve
This document will explain the meaning of the available configuration parameters and all the functionalities
available from the DICOMBurner GUI.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
4 Interface architecture and main dialog
The DICOMBurner application runs in background, with an icon in the system tray area of Windows.
When you start the application, a balloon tooltip for the system tray icon is displayed for some seconds.
DICOMBurner’s icon in the system tray of Windows
By right-clicking on the icon, the DICOMBurner tray menu appears:
DICOMBurner’s main tray menu
By double-clicking on the DICOMBurner tray icon, the main DICOMBurner dialog appears. This dialog box
provides some status information and global statistics about the DICOM associations.
The following picture shows a snapshot of DICOMBurner’s main dialog box.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
DICOMBurner’s main dialog box
In DICOMBurner’s main dialog box, the following information is provided:
• Store SCP Server :
o Current server status : tells if the connection server is started or stopped. The connection
server must be started if client connections and associations from Storage SCU have to be
accepted. When the connection server is started, it is impossible to modify the DICOMBurner
configuration parameters. In order to access to the configuration features, the server must be
stopped first.
o Listening TCP Port : the TCP Port where DICOMBurner is listening to for incoming connections.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
• General Statistics :
o Max concurrent associations : the maximum number of concurrent DICOM associations
accepted by DICOMBurner. This value may be changed in the “Settings… DICOM
Configuration” section.
Active : the number of DICOM associations currently active. This value gives an
indication of the current workload.
Available : the number of concurrent DICOM associations that are still available.
o Association requests since startup : the number of DICOM association requests received
since the application startup.
Accepted : the number of accepted DICOM association requests since the application
Rejected : the number of rejected DICOM association requests since the application
startup. An association request may be rejected, for instance, because the maximum
number of concurrent associations has been reached.
Released : the number of DICOM associations that have been regularly released by
Aborted : the number of aborted DICOM associations since the application startup. An
association may be aborted by both the SCP and the SCU when an abnormal condition
occurs (unexpected PDU, DICOM Upper Layer protocol error, etc.).
o Storage usage : represents the usage of the DICOM files archive.
Used : the size of the used storage expressed in MByte.
Available : the size of the available space for the storage expressed in MByte.
• Task List :
o List : all the tasks that user launched during the server running. It shows the task ID, its starting
time, its name, origination level, status and its progress percentage.
o Task details : the details related to the selected task. Depending on the selected task you can
see some useful information to understand what the task done.
o Delete/Abort buttons : respectively to Delete a completed task and to Abort a running one.
DICOMBurner’s main dialog also provides a toolbar positioned on the top of the client area, which allows
performing all main operations with the program. An overview of each toolbar button is now provided. Each
individual feature will be described in detail in the following sections.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
• Start : starts DICOMBurner’s connection server. This allows accepting connections and DICOM
association requests from DICOM Storage SCU’s. Once the server is started, the “Settings” button
is disabled.
• Stop : stops DICOMBurner’s connection server. Once the server is stopped, it is no longer possible
to accept connections and association requests from DICOM Storage SCUs. On the other side, the
“Settings” button is re-enabled.
• Log : opens the “View Log ” dialog (described later in this document).
• Burn : allows burning received DICOM files onto CDs or DVDs.
• Import : allows importing DICOM files from a local folder or from a DICOM device (DICOM
query/retrieve SCU) to the local database of the DICOMBurner.
• Export : allows exporting DICOM images into a local folder choosing a format among DICOM, BMP,
TIFF, PNG and JPEG. In addition it’s possible to export to a DICOM device (DICOM Store SCU).
• Delete : opens a GUI wizard allowing the selection of files to be deleted from the database.
• Backup : allows the backup of DICOM files or database content.
• Restore : allows the restore of DICOM files or database content (Disaster Recovery).
• Settings : allows entering the DICOMBurner configuration section. This functionality is only enabled
when the connection server is stopped.
• Hide : causes DICOMBurner to be minimized as a system tray icon.
• About : displays information about the current DICOMBurner version. The following picture shows
the “About DICOMBurner ” dialog box for version 3.1 of DICOMBurner.
Some of the functionalities available through the buttons located on DICOMBurner’s main toolbar are also
available through the tray menu, by right-clicking on the DICOMBurner tray icon.
The About DICOMBurner dialog box
The DICOMBurner tray menu
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
5 Creating a CD/DVD of DICOM files
DICOMBurner allows creating DICOM-compliant CDs or DVDs containing DICOM files. The DICOM
files to be stored on CD or DVD can be selected by the user through intuitive wizard-based procedures. The
produced media also contains an autorunning DICOM Viewer which allows viewing the medical images on a
PC. A viewer named LocalEye and developed by NeoLogica is bundled with DICOMBurner, but the user can
select any other he likes.
DICOMBurner provides a quick and easy process to burn the received DICOM files. If you want you can burn
them by just one mouse click. The “Burning ” dialog box appears when you press the “Burn ” button on the
main toolbar or on the correspondent menu item from the DICOMBurner tray pop-up menu. There exist six
kinds of burning procedures:
1. Burn last patient
2. Burn all new images – One CD/DVD per patient
3. Burn last study
4. Burn non-burnt
5. Burn custom from local storage
6. Burn custom from DICOM device
These six options are accessible by clicking the small down arrow located next to the “Burn ” button on the
main toolbar. Once you select one of the available burning options from the pop-up menu, it will become the
default option associated with the “Burn ” toolbar button.
Note: if the set of DICOM files to burn exceeds the free size of the media you’ve loaded, then DICOMBurner
spans the DICOM files over two or more CDs/DVDs.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
5.1 Burn last patient
By selecting the “Burn last patient ” option, you are able to burn all the DICOM files related to the
patient the last received and stored image belongs to (i.e. the “last patient”). DICOMBurner displays a dialog
showing the data related to the last patient. Then you have to select the patient you want to burn and in
addition you can change the CD/DVD options with respect to the default one set by the “CD/DVD Burner
Configuration” tab. Pressing the “Burn Patients ” button will start the actual CD or DVD writing procedure.
Otherwise by pressing the “Delete Patients ” button you can delete the selected patient and its instances
from the storage and database.
5.2 Burn all new images – One CD/DVD per patient
By selecting the “Burn all new images – One CD/DVD per patient ” option, you are able to burn all the
new DICOM files received by DICOMBurner (since last burn), creating one CD/DVD per patient.
DICOMBurner displays a dialog showing the data related to the patients. This dialog may eventually list more
then one patient when several DICOM files belonging to different patients have been received and stored by
DICOMBurner since last burn operation. Then you can choose the patients you want to burn and in addition
you can change the CD/DVD options with respect to the default one set by the “CD/DVD Burner
Configuration” tab. Pressing the “Burn Patients ” button will start the actual CD or DVD writing procedure.
Otherwise by pressing the “Delete Patients ” button you can delete the selected patient and its instances
from the storage and database.
If you select a CD/DVD Production Robot by the “CD/DVD unit name” list, you can automatically produce a
CD or DVD per patient by selecting all the listed patients. Otherwise by a local burner, only one single patient
can be burnt.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
5.3 Burn last study
By selecting the “Burn last study ” option, you are able to burn all the DICOM files related to the study
the last received and stored image belongs to (i.e. the “last study”). DICOMBurner displays a dialog showing
the data related to the last study. Then you have to select the study you want to burn and in addition you can
change the CD/DVD options with respect to the default one set by the “CD/DVD Burner Configuration” tab.
Pressing the “Burn Studies ” button will start the actual CD or DVD writing procedure. Otherwise by pressing
the “Delete Studies ” button you can delete the selected study and its instances from the storage and
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
5.4 Burn non-burnt
By selecting the “Burn non-burnt ” option, you are able to burn all the DICOM files which have been
received and stored by DICOMBurner, but which haven’t been burnt onto CD or DVD yet. DICOMBurner
displays a dialog box showing the list of non-burnt instances. Then you can choose the DICOM files you
want to burn and in addition you can change the CD/DVD options with respect to the default one set by the
“CD/DVD Burner Configuration” tab. Pressing the “Burn Instances ” button will start the actual CD or DVD
writing procedure. Otherwise by pressing the “Delete Instances ” button you can delete the selected
instances from the storage and database.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
5.5 Burn custom from local storage
If you select the “Burn custom from local storage” option, DICOMBurner shows a GUI wizard guiding
you through a hierarchical (Study – Series – Instance) selection of the DICOM files to burn onto CD or DVD.
The DICOM files will be selected by query the local storage.
5.5.1 Study-level search
The study-level step of the wizard procedure allows you to select the studies containing the DICOM
files you want to burn onto CD or DVD. This step includes both the filtering options related to patient and
study levels. The list of studies can be filtered by specifying some filtering options (or search criteria): in
particular, the patient identification filters, the acceptable range of birth dates, the patient sex and the
acceptable range of study dates. By pressing the “Filter ” button you obtain the list of studies satisfying the
set conditions. Then you can select all studies you are interested in by using the mouse and multiple file
selection technique. The “Deselect All/Select All” button can simplify this task. The number of studies,
studies size, number of series and number of instances are provided for the selected studies. Finally, you
can proceed to the next step by pressing the “Next> ” button. As a shortcut you can start the burning or
deleting procedure of the selected studies without reaching the last wizard step by pressing the “Burn
Studies ” button or “Delete Studies ” button respectively. DICOMBurner will execute the burning operation
using the default burning options.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
5.5.2 Series-level search
The series-level step of the wizard procedure allows you to select the series containing the DICOM
files you want to burn onto CD or DVD. The list of series can be filtered by specifying some filtering options
(or search criteria): in particular, you can set the acceptable range of series dates and the producing
modalities. By pressing the “Filter ” button you obtain the list of series satisfying the set conditions. Then you
can select all series you are interested in by using the mouse and multiple file selection technique. The
“Deselect All/Select All” button can simplify this task. The number of series, series size and number of
instances are provided for the selected series. Finally, you can proceed to the next step by pressing the
“Next> ” button. As a shortcut you can start the burning or deleting procedure of the selected series without
reaching the last wizard step by pressing the “Burn Series ” button or “Delete Series ” button respectively.
DICOMBurner will execute the burning operation using the default burning options.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
5.5.3 Instance-level search
The instance-level step of the wizard procedure allows you to select the DICOM files/instances you
want to burn onto CD or DVD. The list of instances can be filtered by specifying some filtering options (or
search criteria): in particular, you can set the acceptable range of acquisition dates and the acceptable range
of store dates. By pressing the “Filter ” button you obtain the list of instances satisfying the set conditions. At
this level if you select an instance by clicking with the mouse over the corresponding row of the Instance List ,
you obtain a preview image of the DICOM file. Then you can select all instances you are interested in by
using the mouse and multiple file selection technique. The “Deselect All/Select All ” button can simplify this
task. Finally, you can proceed to the next step by pressing the “Next> ” button. As a shortcut you can start
the burning or deleting procedure of the selected instances without reaching the last wizard step by pressing
the “Burn Instances ” button or “Delete Instances ” button respectively. DICOMBurner will execute the
burning operation using the default burning options.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
5.5.4 Burn files step
The burn file step is the last one in the wizard procedure: a list of the files that will be burnt on the
CD/DVD is displayed. If you select a file by clicking with the mouse over the corresponding row of the Files
List , you obtain a preview image of the DICOM file. Finally, you can start the burning process by pressing the
“Burn files ” button. Also in this case in you can change the CD/DVD options with respect to the default one
set by the “CD/DVD Burner Configuration” tab.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
5.6 Burn custom from DICOM device
If you select the “Burn custom from DICOM device ” option, DICOMBurner shows a GUI wizard
guiding you through a hierarchical (Study – Series – Instance) selection of the DICOM files to burn onto CD
or DVD. The DICOM files will be selected by sending DICOM query commands to a pre-selected DICOM
5.6.1 DICOM Device Selection
The following dialog allows you to select the DICOM device to be queried. The DICOM devices have
to be configured by entering the “DICOM Devices Configuration” tab.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [ DB-UM-3 – Rev B]
5.6.2 Study-level search
The study-level step of the wizard procedure allows you to query, select and retrieve the studies
containing the DICOM files you want to burn onto CD or DVD. This step includes both the filtering options
related to patient and study levels. The list of studies can be filtered by specifying some filtering options (or
search criteria): in particular, the patient identification filters, the acceptable range of birth dates, the patient
sex and the acceptable range of study dates. By pressing the “Filter ” button you obtain the list of studies
satisfying the set conditions. Then you can select all studies you are interested in by using the mouse and
multiple file selection technique. The “Deselect All/Select All ” button can simplify this task. The number of
selected studies is provided. Finally, you can proceed to the next step by pressing the “Next> ” button. As a
shortcut you can start the retrieving and burning procedure of the selected studies without reaching the last
wizard step by pressing the “Burn Studies ” button. DICOMBurner will execute the burning operation using
the default burning options.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
5.6.3 Series-level search
The series-level step of the wizard procedure allows you to query, select and retrieve the series
containing the DICOM files you want to burn onto CD or DVD. The list of series can be filtered by specifying
some filtering options (or search criteria): in particular, you can set the acceptable range of series dates and
the producing modalities. By pressing the “Filter ” button you obtain the list of series satisfying the set
conditions. Then you can select all series you are interested in by using the mouse and multiple file selection
technique. The “Deselect All/Select All” button can simplify this task. The number of selected series is
provided. Finally, you can proceed to the next step by pressing the “Next> ” button. As a shortcut you can
start the retrieving and burning procedure of the selected series without reaching the last wizard step by
pressing the “Burn Series ” button. DICOMBurner will execute the burning operation using the default
burning options.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [ DB-UM-3 – Rev B]
5.6.4 Instance-level search
The instance-level step of the wizard procedure allows you to query, select and retrieve the DICOM
files/instances you want to burn onto CD or DVD. The list of instances can be filtered by specifying some
filtering options (or search criteria): in particular, you can set the acceptable range of acquisition dates and
the acceptable range of store dates. By pressing the “Filter ” button you obtain the list of instances satisfying
the set conditions. Then you can select all instances you are interested in by using the mouse and multiple
file selection technique. The “Deselect All/Select All ” button can simplify this task. Finally, you can proceed
to the next step by pressing the “Next> ” button. You can start the retrieving and burning procedure of the
selected instances by pressing the “Burn Instances ” button. DICOMBurner will execute the burning
operation using the default burning options.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [DB-UM-3 – Rev B ]
6 Importing DICOM files
By pressing the “Import ” button on the main toolbar or on the correspondent menu item from the
DICOMBurner tray pop-up menu, you can enter the importing feature. There exist two kinds of importing
1. Import from disk
2. Import from DICOM device
These two options are accessible by clicking the small down arrow located next to the “Import ” button on the
main toolbar. Once you select one of the available importing options from the pop-up menu, it will become
the default option associated with the “Import ” toolbar button.
DICOMBurner: User Manual [ DB-UM-3 – Rev B]
6.1 Import from disk
In addition to being able to receive DICOM files from DICOM peers through the DICOM protocol,
DICOMBurner allows populating its internal database by importing DICOM files from local folders or disks.
The “Browse for folder ” dialog box appears when you press the “Import ” button on the main toolbar or on
the corresponding menu item from the DICOMBurner tray pop-up menu: through this dialog box, the user
may specify a root folder where to search for valid DICOM instances.
The actual import procedure starts when you press the “OK ” button.
6.2 Import from DICOM device
DICOMBurner acts as a DICOM Query/Retrieve SCU allowing populating its internal database by
retrieving DICOM files from a remote DICOM device connected to the DICOM network. When you select the
“Import from DICOM device” functionality DICOMBurner shows a GUI wizard guiding you through a
hierarchical (Study – Series – Instance) selection of the DICOM files to be retrieved.
6.2.1 DICOM Device Selection
The following dialog allows you to select the DICOM device to be queried. The DICOM devices have
to be configured by entering the “DICOM Devices Configuration” tab.