6. Mounting
Power down th e equipm ent.
Mount the mo dule on standard ra il (TH35 per IEC 60715 in
junctio n boxes and/or on dis tribution pane ls).
Electric installation and device termination shall be done by quali-
fied per sons only, by respe cting all applic able
specifications and regulations.
Plug in the terminal block for bus connection.
5 mm
The modul e can be aligned wit hout interspac e. Use the jumper plug
to connec t bus and supply volt age when the modul es are mounted
in serie s.
The maxi mum quantity of mod ules connected i n line is limited
to 15 or to a maximu m power consumptio n of 2 Amps (AC or
DC) per co nnection to the po wer supply. For any sim ilar block of
additional modules a separate connection to the power supply
is mandatory.
Connec t the cable f or bus supp ly.
Mounting in series.
7. Bit rate and Parity setting
The bit rate a nd parity can be s et in the programmin g mode when
ajumper is p lugged behind th e front cover of the mod ule. This
jumper is re moved in normal mo de. A connection to t he bus is not
required during bit rate setting.
The bit rate o f the modules can be s et in the followin g way:
1. re move the fro nt cover of the module;
2. plug a jumpe r to the two middle pin s of the 4 pole header
betwe en the red and green L ED (Á);
3. set the de sired parity an d bit rate with the addre ss switches (Â )
in accordan ce to the chart below.
If the settings differ from the settings specified in the chart the factory
setting applies.
Factory setting: 19200 Bd Even
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200
1 2 3
Parity even odd none
4. switch o n the supply voltage o f the module; it is now per manent-
ly saving t he bit rate in an EEPROM;
5. switch o ff the supp ly voltage of the mod ule;
6. remove th e jumper from the hea der and place the front c over.
S03+ S03-
24V 24V
B +
Jumper below
the faceplate
METZ CONNECT GmbH | Im Tal 2 | 78176 Blumberg | Germany | Phone +49 7702 533-0 | Fax +49 7702 533-433
Mounting instruction see www.metz-connect.com
8. Software Description
8.1 I/O Commands
“02 (0x02) Re ad Discrete Input s”
Reques t
Valid Input Starting Address 0 .. 3
Valid Quantity of Inputs 1 .. 4
Byte Count 1
Input Status Bit0 .. Bit3 ( Bit4 .. Bit7 = 0 )
1 = Status Input closed
0 = Status Input open
“04 (0x0 4) Read Input Regis ters”
Valid Register Starting Address 20
Valid Quantity of Registers 1
Byte Count 2
(Tabulator kontrollieren )
8.2 Modbus functions
The follo wing functions ar e used to read or wri te the register s. The
valid addr ess ranges are ind icated in bracket s.
Read Input Registers (0-20)
Read Holding Registers (0-43)
Write Single Register (20-43)
Write Single Register (65)
Write Multiple Registers (0-43)
For long dat a types with a le ngth of several re gisters, the se registers
are liste d directly one af ter the other and th e one with the highes t
value are in dicated first . This data can only b e transmitted in co mplete form.
Discret e Inputs (Read- Only)
Name Description
0 – 3 INPUT
Switching s tatus of the input s
(switches are connected),
0: Off (sw itch is open), 1: On
(switch is c losed)
Input Register (Read-Only)
Address Name Description
0 – 11 IZ
Pulse counter
Data typ e uint48_t (3 regi sters each)
12 – 19 BZ
Calculated counter reading
Data typ e uint48_t (2 regi sters each)
20 INPUT Bits 0-3 c ontain Discret e Input 0-3
Holding Register
Address Name Description
0 – 11 IT
Copy of the pu lse counter afte r having presse d
the key
Data typ e uint48_t (3 regis ters each) (EEPRO M)
12 – 19 AZ
Initial count
Data typ e uint32_t (2 regist ers each)
Factor y setting 0 (EEPROM )
20 – 23 IE
Pulses p er unit
Data typ e uint16_t (1 register eac h)
Factor y setting 1 (EEPROM )
24 – 27 WI
Current conversion factor
Data typ e uint16_t (1 register eac h)
Factor y setting 1 (EEPROM )
(continued) Descripti on of the sof tware
28 – 31 WU
Voltage conversion factor
Data typ e uint16_t (1 register eac h)
Factor y setting 1 (EEPROM )
32 – 35 WP
Operating mode for calculation with conversion factor
Data ty pe uint16_t (1 register eac h, only bit 0 valid)
Range of val ues 0…1, see below
Factor y setting 0 (EEPROM )
36 – 39 ZS
Format of th e counter digit displ ay
Data typ e uint16_t (1 register eac h) (EEPROM)
High byte f or counter digits ,
Range o f values 0…9, factory s etting 7,
highe r values are limite d to 9
Low byte f or places after t he decimal point,
Range o f values 0…3, factor y setting 1,
highe r values are limite d to 3
40 – 43 TA
Flag for key a ctivation
Data typ e uint16_t
(1 register e ach, flag in bit 0 only )
0: key is locke d,
1: key is operati onal
factor y setting 1 (EEPRO M)
Codes for b aud rates and parit y
Factor y setting 19200 baud, Eve n Parity (EEPROM)
8.3 Oper ating mod e for calcu lation wit h convers ion
In the WP re gister, there is a code 0…1 that de termines, toge ther
with the co nversion facto rs WI and WU, the way how t hey are
include d in the calculation . WP, WI and WU dep end on whether
the conver ters are switc hed by the counter s, whether the cou nter
indicate s the consumption in a p rimary or secon dary way and whe ther the em itted pulses co rrespond prima rily or secondar ily to the
A differ ence must be made be tween the follo wing electri city meter
Type 1: Direc tly measuring cou nter, display: prima ry,
pulse: primary
Note: Indicates the actual consumption
Species: DIN rail counter with mechanical drum-type counting
mechanism, Ferraris counter
Type of formula: WP = 0
Factors: WI = WU = 1
BZ = (------- --- + A Z) ∙ WI ∙ WU , BZ = counter re ading = cons umption
Type 2: Conver sion counter, display : primary, pulse: s econdary
Note: Indicates the actual consumption
Species: Counter with LCD display
Type of formula: WP = 1
Factors: WI and WU correspond to the converters
BZ = (------- --- ∙ W I ∙ WU) + AZ , BZ = counter re ading = consu mption
Type 3: Conver sion counter, display : primary, pulse: p rimary
Note: Indicates the actual consumption
Species: Counter with LCD display, multi-function meters
Type of formula: WP = 0
Factors: WI = WU = 1
BZ = (------- --- + A Z) ∙ WI ∙ WU , BZ = counter re ading = cons umption