Mettler Toledo Refracto 30PX, Refracto 30GS Instruction Manual

Operating Instructions Bedienungsanleitung Mode d'emploi Instrucciones de manejo Istruzioni d'uso
Refracto 30PX Refracto 30GS

Contents Page

1 Introduction ...................................................................................3
2 Safety measures ............................................................................ 3
3 Description of the instrument ......................................................... 4
3.1 Refracto 30PX/GS ........................................................................... 4
3.2 Display .......................................................................................... 4
3.3 Keys ..............................................................................................5
4Tutorial.......................................................................................... 6
4.1 Inserting batteries ........................................................................... 6
4.2 Setting date and time ...................................................................... 6
4.3 Adjustment .....................................................................................6
4.4 Cleaning ........................................................................................ 6
4.5 Switching off and on ....................................................................... 7
5 Menu (menu) ................................................................................ 7
5.1 Using the menu .............................................................................. 7
5.2 Measurement Unit (Measure Unit) .................................................... 8
5.3 Temperature Unit (Temp. Unit) ....................................................... 10
5.4 Measure Mode .............................................................................. 10
5.5 Interface ....................................................................................... 10
5.6 Beep ............................................................................................ 11
5.7 Backlighting and LCD-Contrast (LCD)............................................. 11
5.8 Automatic Switch-off (Power) ........................................................ 11
5.9 Software Version (Version No.) ...................................................... 11
5.10 Date and Time (Date & Time) ........................................................ 11
5.11 Identification................................................................................. 11
6 Measurement (measure) ............................................................. 11
6.1 Procedure for proper measurement ................................................. 11
6.2 Pipetting the sample onto the measuring cell .................................. 12
6.3 Dipping the measuring cell into the sample..................................... 12
6.4 Measuring .................................................................................... 12
6.5 Saving the results ......................................................................... 13
6.6 Displaying and marking saved results ............................................ 13
6.7 Printing and transferring results...................................................... 13
6.8 Deleting results ............................................................................. 14
7 Adjustment (cal).......................................................................... 15
7.1 Adjusting the measuring cell with water .......................................... 15
7.2 Adjusting the measuring cell with air .............................................. 15
8 Interface...................................................................................... 16
8.1 METTLER TOLEDO LC-P45 printer settings....................................... 16
8.2 Data transfer to PC........................................................................ 16
8.3 Data format ..................................................................................17
9 Error messages and malfunctions ................................................ 18
10 Cleaning and maintenance .......................................................... 19
10.1 Cleaning the measuring cell........................................................... 19
10.2 Cleaning the housing .................................................................... 19
11 Standard and optional equipment................................................. 20
11.1 Standard equipment ......................................................................20
11.2 Optional equipment ....................................................................... 20
12 Technical data ............................................................................. 21
13 Appendix ..................................................................................... 23
13.1 Refractive index of pure water (1540 °C) .................................... 23
13.2 Brix% .......................................................................................... 23
13.3 Brix%-table ..................................................................................24
13.4 HFCS42 and HFCS55 (inverted sugars).......................................... 25
13.5 HFCS42 table (0...76 Solids%) ..................................................... 26
13.6 HFCS55 table (0...80 Solids%) ..................................................... 27
Index ........................................................................................... 28
Introduction / Safety measures

1 Introduction

The METTLER TOLEDO Refracto 30PX and 30GS are portable measuring devices suited for determining the refractive index of liquids. These devices determine the refractive index by measuring the critical angle of total reflection of a light beam falling on the sample. To carry out measurements, the sample is either pipetted onto the measuring cell or the measuring cell is immersed directly in the sample. The two Refracto versions are equipped with different measuring cells. The Re­fracto 30PX has a measuring cell made of optical glass, whereas the Refracto 30GS has a measuring cell made of sapphire. Sapphire has a higher refractive index and a better thermal conductivity than glass. For this reason the Refracto 30GS has an extended measuring range (nD max. = 1.65) compared to the Refracto 30PX (nD max. = 1.50) and registers the sample temperature more quickly. The results are automatically calculated into one of the following units: Refractive index, Brix%, HFCS42, HFCS55, °Baumé, °Oechsle (CH,D), °KMW (Babo), T.A. 1990, % weight, % volume, specific gravity and freezing point (in °C or °F) of sodium chloride solutions and ethanol/water mixtures, % weight, % volume and freezing point (in °C and °F) of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol/water mix­tures, % weight and % volume of isopropanol/water mixtures or a user-defined unit. The value is then shown on the backlit display. For exact measurements, it is imperative to correct the temperatures influence on the refractive index. The Refracto registers the sample temperature and automati­cally corrects the result. For the correction it uses either internally-stored tables or one of the 10 temperature-compensation coefficients entered by the user. The results, along with the sample identification, temperature, temperature-com­pensation coefficient, date and time, can be saved to the device. They can then, together with the instrument identification, be transferred via the integrated infra­red interface to a computer or to a printer.

2 Safety measures

Measures for your protection
- Do not work in an explosion-hazardous environment! The in­strument housing is not gastight. Otherwise, there is a risk of explosion from sparks and/or risk of corrosion by gasses which can seep in.
Measures for operational safety
- When doing dip-in measurements, never immerse the instrument deeper into the sample than the indicated line. The instrument is only resistant to splashed water.
- Use batteries of the specified type only. Otherwise, proper opera­tion cannot be guaranteed.
- Ensure that the following environmental conditions are met:
no strong vibrations present
not in direct sunlight
no high humidity present
no corrosive gasses present
temperature between 20 °C and 70 °C
no strong electrical or magnetic fields present
Description of the instrument

3 Description of the instrument

3.1 Refracto 30PX/GS

Illustration, see rear fold-out page
1 Backlit display 2 Keypad 3 Measuring cell 4 Prism 5 Infrared interface 6 Battery compartment cover

3.2 Display

Illustration, see rear fold-out page
1 Selected unit of measurement 2 Result 3 Sample identification (AZ or space) 4 Sample number, or error number if an error has occurred 5 Appears if Memory in is set to Auto 6 Appears if Memory out is set to Auto. If a printer or PC is
connected, the data are transferred automatically 7 Battery-power indicator 8Temperature (°C / °F) 9 Appears if delete mode is activated
10 Mark for results
For the identification of invalid or incorrect results or for marking a
change in the sample series
Description of the instrument

3.3 Keys

Illustration, see front fold-out page Red symbols: Press key longer than 2 seconds. Blue symbols: Press key briefly.
No. Symbol Short keys press Long key press
1 ok/ Start measurement
measure Confirm input
Confirm data delete
Confirm data transfer
While pressing and holding
key 2: enter the menu
2 esc Exit the menu
3 Move marker to the right Transfer a series of saved
Display saved results results to a printer/PC
Transfer one saved result to
a printer/PC
4 Move marker downward Call up adjustment mode
Select sample number (descends)
Switch between Yes and No setting
5 Move marker to the left Delete saved results
Mark saved results
6 Move marker upward Select temperature-com-
Select sample number pensation coefficient α
Switch between Yes and No setting
Only the arrow symbols are used to represent keys 3 – 6 in the following operating instructions.
Switch instrument on or off


4.1 Inserting batteries

- Open the battery compartment cover on the backside of the Refracto by turning it counterclockwise with a coin.
- Insert batteries into the battery compartment, observing correct polarity.
- Close the battery compartment cover by turning it clockwise with a coin.
The instrument switches on automatically and is immediately ready for operation. The battery lifetime is approximately 60 hours with the backlighting turned off (at 1 measurement per minute). If nothing appears in the display: Check polarity of the batteries.

4.2 Setting date and time

- Press ok/measure and esc simultaneously to enter the menu.
-Press repeatedly until Date & Time appears in reverse display.
- Confirm
- Confirm
- Use the and keys to choose the number to be changed, then use the

- Use the key to switch to Time and confirm with ok/measure. Set the time

- Press esc to leave the menu.
Date & Time


with the ok/measure key to change the date.
or keys to change it. Confirm with ok/measure.
as described above.
with the ok/measure key.

4.3 Adjustment

- Put the instrument on a table.
- Pipette some drops of water onto the measuring cell. Press and hold the key until automatically (duration: several seconds). After adjustment is completed, the measured deviation from the theoretical value and Execute ? (No) appears.
- If the measured deviation is > 0.0005: Dry the measuring cell and clean it with a cleaning tissue. Press the ok/measure key and repeat the step above.
-Press the or key. Execute? (
-Press the ok/measure key.
The adjustment is confirmed.
CALIB (Water)
appears in the display. The instrument adjusts
) appears.

4.4 Cleaning

Remains of the sample on the prism reduce the accuracy of the Refracto mea­surements. The Refracto therefore must be cleaned carefully after each measure­ment.
- Clean the measuring cell with a cleaning tissue to remove remains of the sample completely.
Tutorial / Menu (menu)

4.5 Switching off and on

Switching off

- Press and hold the esc key until the display is turned off. The instrument is now turned off.

Switching on

- Press and hold the esc key until the display appears. The instrument is ready for operation.

5 Menu (menu)

The menu of the Refracto offers the following functions:
Measurement Unit (Measure Unit) see Chapter 5.2
Temperature Unit (Temp. Unit) see Chapter 5.3
Measure Mode see Chapter 5.4
Interface see Chapter 5.5
Beep see Chapter 5.6
Backlighting and LCD-Contrast (LCD) see Chapter 5.7
Automatic Switch-off (Power ) see Chapter 5.8
Software Version (Version No.) see Chapter 5.9
Date and Time (Date & Time) see Chapter 5.10
Identification see Chapter 5.11

5.1 Using the menu

Entering the menu
-Press the keys ok/measure and esc simultaneously. The instrument switches to the menu.
Selecting functions
- Press the and keys repeatedly until the desired function is marked.
- Press the ok/measure key to activate the marked function. The instrument switches to the corresponding submenu or activates the desired function.
Numerical input
- Select decimal places with the and keys.
- Change value with the and keys.
- Press the ok/measure key to confirm the value.
Exiting the menu
-Press the esc key.
Menu (menu)

5.2 Measurement Unit (Measure Unit)

The measurement units of the Refracto are grouped according to their field of application:
- nD, nDt: General applications

- Sugar: Sugar determinations

- Conc.: General concentration determinations
- Alcohol: Alcohol (Ethanol)
-IPA: Isopropanol
- Salinity: Salt (sodium chloride)
- Wine: Determination of the sugar content in grape juice
- Antifreeze: Antifreeze

nD (refractive index)

Measurement of the refractive index (nD).
nDt (temperature-compensated refractive index)
Refractive index (n All results are calculated for the same reference temperature (T0, e.g. 20 °C),
) measurement at a reference temperature.
regardless of the measuring temperature (T). Measuring and reference tempera­ture have to be in the same unit (°C or °F).
Compensated refractive index = measured refractive index + α (T – T0) 10 temperature-compensation coefficients can be stored in the instrument. The following input is required:
Comp. No. Number of the temperature compensation coefficient (0…9) Comp. Temp. Reference temperature ( T0) α x 1000: Temperature-compensation coefficient.
For calculation of α, see page 9.
Sugar (sugar determinations)

Display of the results as Brix% (sucrose), HFCS42 or HFCS55 (high fructose corn syrup). See appendix.

Conc. (concentration determinations)
Measurement of the concentration via the input of the desired concentration­conversion formula y = a + bx at a reference temperature.
y= Concentration in % or without units
a, b = sample dependent coefficients.
x= measured refractive index
Input of the temperature-compensation coefficient see nDt.
Menu (menu)
Alcohol (alcohol determinations)
Measurements of ethanol/water mixtures. Display of the results in one of the following units: % weight (wt%), % volume (vol%) of ethanol at 20 °C, spe­cific gravity (SG) or freezing point (FP) of the mixture (in °C or °F). Selection of the temperature unit for the freezing point via Temp. Unit (see chapter 5.3).
Range of measurement: 0.050.0 % weight (0.067.7 % volume)
IPA (isopropanol determinations)
Measurements of isopropanol/water mixtures. Display of the results in one of the following units: % weight (wt%) or % volume of isopropanol (vol%) at 20 °C.
Range of measurement: 0.0 40.0 % weight (0.0 47.4 % volume)
Salinity (salt concentration determinations)
Measurements of sodium chloride/water mixtures. Display of the results in one of the following units: % weight NaCl (%NaCl), specific gravity (SG) or freezing point (FP) of the solution (in °C or °F). Selection of the temperature unit for the freezing point via Temp. Unit (see chapter 5.3).
Wine (determination of the sugar content in grape juice)

Display of the result in one of the following units: titre alcoométrique%vol 1990 (T.A(90)), Swiss °Oechsle (Oechsle), German °Oechsle (Oechsle (D)), degrees “Klosterneuburger Mostwaage (KMW(babo)) or degrees Baumé (Baume).


Measurements of ethylene glycol/water- and propylene glycol/water-mixtures. Display of the results in one of the following units: % weight ethylene glycol or propylene glycol (wt% EG, wt% PG), % volume ethylene glycol or propylene glycol (v% EG, v% PG) at 20°C or freezing point (FP EG, FP PG) of the mixture (in °C or °F). Selection of the temperature unit for the freezing point via Temp. Unit (see chapter 5.3).
Range of measurement: Ethylene glycol: 0.060.0 % weight (0.058.2 % volume)
Propylene glycol: 0.055.0 % weight (0.055.2 % volume)
Calculation of the temperature-compensation coefficient α
- Measure the refractive index (nD) of the sample
at a temperature (T1) below the normal measuring temperature (n
at a temperature (T2) above the normal measuring temperature (n
- Calculate α according to the formula:
– n
T – T
- Enter value α x 1000 into the instrument.
The temperatures T1 and T2 have to be entered in the selected unit (°C or °F, see chapter 5.3).
Menu (menu)
(measured) refractive index at 15°C (T1): 1.3334 (measured) refractive index at 26°C (T2): 1.3324
1.3334 – 1.3324 26 – 15
α x 1000 = 0,091; enter this value into the instrument.
= 0.0000909

5.3 Temperature Unit (Temp. Unit)

Unit for displaying the temperature in °C or °F (selectable).

5.4 Measure Mode

Configuration of sample identification and method of data storage.

Sample Name Sample identification.

Mode Method of data storage.

A letter (AZ or space) can be set for the identification of samples.

Labo By pressing the ok/measure key the result is saved and trans-

ferred (printer, PC).

Field By pressing the ok/measure key the result is saved. Custom User-defined setting.

Memory in Save results.
Auto Save result automatically. Manu Result saved by pressing the
ok/measure key.
Memory out Transfer result to PC or printer.
Auto Transfer result automatically. Manu Transfer result by pressing the

5.5 Interface

PRN Printer interface
Data transfer to the printer Printer with serial interface and connected infrared adapter. Results are formatted for output to a printer. Transfer rate (baud rate), parity, stop and data bits must be configured according to the peripheral device. The following settings are required for the METTLER TOLEDO LC-P45 printer: Baud rate 9600 Parity none Stop bits 1 Data bits 8
RS Serial interface. The Excel macro “PortableCapt for data transfer to the
PC via the infrared adapter is located on the HelloCD™. See Chapter 8.2.

IrDA Data transfer to the PC with the integrated IrDA interface in accordance

with protocol 1.20.
Menu (menu) / Measurement (measure)

5.6 Beep

Off Beep off. On Beep on.

5.7 Backlighting and LCD-Contrast (LCD)

The backlighting is turned off automatically 5 seconds after the last time a key has been pressed (Auto off), or it is always off (Always off).
Display contrast is adjustable to one of 9 levels with the   keys.

5.8 Automatic Switch-off (Power)

Off Automatic switch-off off. The instrument must be switched off manually. On
The instrument switches off automatically if not operated for 10 minutes.

5.9 Software Version (Version No.)

The software version is displayed.

5.10 Date and Time (Date & Time)

The settings for date and time can be edited here. The date is displayed in the format year/month/day (e.g. 2003/03/04 for March 4, 2003). Both date and time are included in the data transfer to a printer or computer.

5.11 Identification

An identification consisting of 10 letters and numbers (instrument name, user, etc.) may be entered here. This identification will be included in the data transfer to a printer or computer.

6 Measurement (measure)

6.1 Procedure for proper measurement

- Ensure that the prism and the measuring cell are clean before each measure­ment. Insufficient cleaning leads to remains on the prism and, therefore, incor­rect results.
- Check the sample for chemical resistance of the following materials:
Prism: Glass (Refracto 30GS: sapphire)
Measuring cell: Stainless steel SUS 316 (Refracto 30GS: gold)
Housing: PBT (polyester)
- Ensure that the samples to be measured
have reached more or less ambient temperature
are homogeneous. Viscous and highly concentrated liquids have to be mixed
thoroughly before a sample is taken or a measurement is carried out.
can be dissolved with a solvent suitable for cleaning the measuring cell.
- Adjust the instrument at regular intervals (see chapter 7).
Measurement (measure)

6.2 Pipetting the sample onto the measuring cell

- Pipette the sample onto the measuring cell. The measuring cell has to be filled up to the mark.

6.3 Dipping the measuring cell into the sample

- Immerse the measuring cell completely in the sample.
- Caution: Never immerse the instrument deeper into the sample than the indi­cated line. The instrument is only resistant to splashed water.

6.4 Measuring

The procedure is dependent upon the settings in the menu, see chapter 5.4 Measuring without temperature-compensation coefficients (α):
- Press the ok/measure key to start the measurement.
Measuring with temperature-compensation coefficients (α) (nDt or Conc. on the display):
- Press the key until a previously saved temperature-compensation coeffi­cient appears in the display, e.g. .
- Select the desired coefficient using the and keys.
- Confirm the selected coefficient with the ok/measure key.
- Press the ok/measure key to start the measurement.
Measurement (measure)

6.5 Saving the results

The instrument can save up to 1100 results internally. Each time a result is saved, the sample number increases by one.
The symbol appears in the display: Saving all results automatically
The instrument saves all results automatically. After the measurements, as soon as the result is saved, Ready appears on the display.
The symbol does not appear in the display: Saving selected results manually
After the measurements, the result appears in reverse display. Save the result:
-Press the ok/measure key. Do not save the result:
-Press the esc key. Ready appears on the display and the instrument is ready for the next measure-

6.6 Displaying and marking saved results

Displaying saved results
-Press the key. The sample number flashes and the symbol appears.
- Scroll through the saved results using the and keys.
Marking results
For the identification of invalid or incorrect results or for marking a sample change.
- Select the desired sample number using the and keys.
-Press the ok/measure key. The selected sample number is marked with an asterisk.
The marking is removed if the sample has already been marked.

6.7 Printing and transferring results

The interface and peripheral device are configured properly, see Chapter 5.5 and Chapter 8.
For PRN and RS interfaces, the infrared adapter must be connected to the printer/PC.
The procedure for printing and transferring results is dependent upon the settings in the menu (see Chapter 5.4).
To transfer or print results, hold the instrument in the direction of the infrared adapter at a maximum distance of approx. 20 cm.
The symbol appears in the display: Printing or transferring results automatically
Every displayed result is transferred automatically.
Measurement (measure)
The symbol does not appear in the display: Printing or transferring selected results manually
-Press the key.
- Select desired result with the or key.
- Press the ok/measure key to transfer/print the result. The symbol flashes and the result is transferred.
Printing and transferring results of a series of samples manually
- Press and hold the key until pears in the display.
-Press the or key. Execute? (
- Press the ok/measure key to confirm.
- Enter the desired series of samples (from ... to ...) using the arrow keys.
To transfer the series of samples:
-Press the ok/measure key.
The sample series (from ... to ...) is confirmed. The symbol flashes and the results of the selected series of samples are transferred.
To print or transfer all results manually
- Press and hold the key until pears in the display.
-Press the ok/measure key.
The symbol in the display flashes and all results are transferred. After a successful transfer, the user is asked whether he/she would like to delete
the transferred results:
Leaving transferred results intact
- Confirm
sure button.
Deleting transferred results
-Press the or key. Execute? (
- Press the ok/measure key to confirm.
All results are deleted.
) appears.
Memory All Clear
Memory All Clear
) appears.
Memory out
Memory out
Execute? (No) by pressing the ok/mea-
, Execute? (
, Execute? (
Execute? (No).
) ap-
) ap-

6.8 Deleting results

It is not possible to delete individual results with the Refracto.
Deleting all results
- Press and hold the key until appears in the display.
-Press the or key. Execute? (
- Press the ok/measure key to confirm.
All results are deleted.
) appears.
Memory All Clear
Execute? (No)
Adjustment (cal)

7 Adjustment (cal)

7.1 Adjusting the measuring cell with water

- Ensure that the measuring cell and the surface of the prism are clean.
-Transfer pure distilled water onto the measuring cell by means of the pipette which comes with the instrument. The measuring cell has to be filled up to the mark.
-Wait until the water has reached more or less ambient temperature.
-Press and hold the  key, until
The instrument adjusts automatically (duration: several seconds). After adjust­ment is completed, the measured deviation from the theoretical value and Execute ? (No) appears.
Measured deviation < 0.0005
-Press the or key.
- Execute ? (
-Press the ok/measure key.
The adjustment is confirmed.
Measured deviation 0.0005
- Check whether the measuring cell and the surface of the prism are clean.
Measuring cell and the surface of the prism are clean:
-Press the or key.
- Execute? (
-Press the ok/measure key.
Measuring cell and/or the surface of the prism are dirty:
- Confirm Execute ? (No) by pressing the ok/measure key.
- Clean the cell and the surface of the prism and repeat the adjustment.
) appears.
) appears.
CALIB (Water)
appears in the display.

7.2 Adjusting the measuring cell with air

The Refracto measures with the specified accuracy if the measuring cell is cor­rectly adjusted with distilled water. An adjustment with air is only necessary if the error message E-01 appears frequently during measurements or adjustments.
Preparing the measuring cell
- Clean the measuring cell and the surface of the prism thoroughly with a clean­ing tissue. Wait until the surface of the prism is completely dry.
-Press the and keys simultaneously.
cell automatically. Adjustment is complete when
- Adjust measuring cell with distilled water (see chapter 7.1)
If the error message E-01 appears in the display during the adjustment with air, call METTLER TOLEDO service.
appears in the display. The instrument adjusts the measuring

8 Interface

Using the infrared interface of the Refracto, the stored measurements together with the sample identification, measurement unit, temperature, temperature-com­pensation coefficient, instrument identification, date and time can be printed out with a printer or transferred to a PC. An infrared adapter or a PC/printer with an IrDA interface is required.
Data transfer is only possible when:
there is visual contact between the infrared adapter and the infrared interface;
the distance between the Refracto and the infrared adapter is less than 20 cm.

8.1 METTLER TOLEDO LC-P45 printer settings

- Configure the infrared interface of the Refracto as described in Chapter 5.5.
- Connect infrared adapter to printer.
- Switch printer on.
-Press the menu button on the printer.
- Set the following serial interface parameters, see the operating instructions for the printer:
Baud rate: 9600Parity: NoneStop bits: 1Data bits: 8

8.2 Data transfer to PC

- Configure the infrared interface of the Refracto as follows (Interface, see chap­ter 5.5):
Interface: RSBaud rate: 9600Parity: NoneStop Bits: 1Data Bits: 8
- Connect the infrared adapter to an available serial interface (COM1, COM2, etc.) on the PC.
- Insert the accompanying HelloCD into the CD-ROM drive of the PC.
- Install the PortableCapt program (Excel macro).
- Start the PortableCapt program on the PC.
- In the Excel macro: select the serial interface (COM1, COM2, ...) to which the infrared adapter is connected.
- For further procedures see Chapter 6.7.

8.3 Data format

If RS is selected as interface, the data is transferred in the following format:
Sample identification (AZ, space)
If result is marked (*); otherwise, space
Format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm
Temperature unit (°C or °F)
Number of the temperature-compensation coefficient
These contain only spaces, unless nDt or Conc. is selected as the result unit
Error messages and malfunctions

9 Error messages and malfunctions

Error Possible causes What to do
E-01 Intensity of the light source not - Carry out an adjustment
correctly adjusted. with air
E-02 Error during adjustment with air - Clean the surface of the prism
The surface of the prism is dirty and repeat the adjustment with
E-03 Error during adjustment with water - Put water on the measuring
There was no water on the cell and repeat adjustment measuring cell during the - If the error message appears adjustment again: Check whether the light
E-05 Full appears instead of a - Delete data from memory
sample number:
Data memory full
E-06 Memory fault - Call METTLER TOLEDO Service E-07 Measuring time of 3 minutes - Switch instrument off and
exceeded on again
BATT Batteries empty - Replace batteries
No There is no sample on the - Put a sample on the measuring Samp. measuring cell cell and repeat measurement
No Error during measurement - Wait until the sample has Meas. This error normally shows up if reached ambient temperature
the difference between sample and repeat measurement and ambient temperature is too high
Range The refractive index of the sample - Measure only samples with a Over is not within the range of meas- refractive index in the range of
urement of the Refracto 1.321.50 (Refracto 30PX)
- If the error message appears again: Check whether the light source works and call METTLER TOLEDO Service
source works and call METTLER TOLEDO Service
- Carry out a measurement with pure distilled water. If error appears again:
(see Chapter 4.1)
- Measure only samples with a refractive index in the range of
1.32...1.65 (Refracto 30GS)
Cleaning and maintenance

10 Cleaning and maintenance

10.1 Cleaning the measuring cell

Remains of the sample on the prism reduce the accuracy of the Refracto measurements. The Refracto therefore must be cleaned carefully after each measurement.
- Rinse and dry the end of the instrument after dip-in measurements.
- Clean the measuring cell with a cleaning tissue to remove remains of the sample completely.
- Never use aggressive liquids or solvents to clean the housing of the Refracto.
- Be careful never to scratch the surface of the prism when cleaning it!
-We recommend that you use the cleaning tissues which come with the instru­ment.

10.2 Cleaning the housing

- Never use aggressive liquids or solvents to clean the housing of the Refracto.
-We recommend that you use the cleaning tissues which come with the instrument.
Standard and optional equipment

11 Standard and optional equipment

Each part identified by an order number can be ordered from METTLER TOLEDO.

11.1 Standard equipment

The instrument is delivered pre-assembled.
Order No.
1 Refracto 30PX refractometer Refracto 30PX
with carrying case, or Refracto 30GS refractometer Refracto 30GS with carrying case.
Includes: 2 AAA-type batteries (LR03, 1.5 V) 5 Cleaning tissues 2 Pipettes (LD-PE) 2 Vials with screw cap (PE) 1 HelloCD (CD-ROM) 51325001
1 Operating instructions 51710074
Operating Instructions Bedienungsanleitung Mode d'emploi Manual de Instrucciones Istruzioni d'uso
Refracto 30P

11.2 Optional equipment

Order No.
Cleaning tissues, 10 pcs. 51325003
Battery compartment cover 51324708
Memo cover, 10 pcs. 51324700
Memo paper, 10 pcs. 51324701
Infrared adapter 51325006
Printer LC-P45

12 Technical data

Technical data

Measurement principle Measurement of the refractive index by
Light source LED, λ = 589.3 nm Sampling By means of a pipette (bench-top mode)
Working temperature 10...40 °C Storage temperature –20...70 °C Temperature accuracy ±0.2 °C Range of measurement nD
(refractive index) 1.32...1.50 (Refracto 30PX) Range of measurement nD (refractive index) 1.32...1.65 (Refracto 30GS) Accuracy nD (refractive index) ±0.0005 Resolution 0.0001
Range of measurement Brix 0...85 % Accuracy ±0.2 % Resolution 0.1 %
Display Backlit LC-Display Materials
Housing PBT (Polyester) Measuring cell (Refracto 30PX) Stainless steel SUS 316, glass Measuring cell (Refracto 30GS) hard gold-plated brass, sapphire Materials in contact with sample
Materials in contact with sample PBT, gold, sapphire (Refracto 30GS) Weight approx. 200 g Measuring time per sample 3...180 seconds Data memory 1100 results Interface Infrared for printer and PC Battery operation 2 x 1.5 V batteries (LR03); type AAA Battery lifetime approx. 60 hours (at 1 measurement per
determination of the critical angle of total reflection.
or by dipping the measuring cell into the sample (dip-in mode)
PBT, stainless steel, glass (Refracto 30PX)
minute and backlighting off)
Range of measurements and accuracy of remaining units: see next page.
Subject to technical changes.
Technical data
Unit Range of measurement Accuracy
HFCS42 [%] 0.0...75.0 ±0.2 0.1 HFCS55 [%] 0.0...80.0 ±0.2 0.1 Alcohol [Wt%] 0.0...20.0 ± 0.6 0.1
20.0...50.0 ±2.0 0.1
Alcohol [Vol%] 0.0...24.5 ± 0.6 0.1
24.5...67.7 ±2.0 0.1 Alcohol SG 0.915...1.000 ±0.004 0.001 Alcohol FP [°C] 0.0...–30.0 ± 1.0 0.1 IPA [Wt%] 0.0...20.0 ±0.6 0.1
20.0...40.0 ±2.0 0.1 IPA [Vol% ] 0.0...24.7 ± 0.6 0.1
24.7...47.4 ±2.0 0.1 NaCl [Wt%] 0.0...26.0 ±0.4 0.1 NaCl SG 1.000...1.199 ±0.003 0.001 NaCl FP [°C] 0.0...–27.0 ± 1.0 0.1 EG [Wt%] 0.0...60.0 ±0.6 0.1 EG [Vol%] 0.0...58.2 ±0.6 0.1 EG FP [°C] 0.0...–50.0 ±1.0 0.1 PG [Wt%] 0.0...55.0 ± 0.6 0.1 PG [Vol%] 0.0...55.2 ± 0.6 0.1 PG FP [°C] 0.0...–35.0 ± 1.0 0.1 Wine [TA(90)] 5.0...38.0 ± 0.1 0.1 Wine [°Oe] 0.0...260.0 ± 1.0 0.1 Wine [°Oe(D)] 0.0...260.0 ±1.0 0.1 Wine [KMW (babo)] 0.0...45.0 ±0.2 0.1 Wine [°Baumé] 0.0...29.0 ±0.2 0.1

13 Appendix

13.1 Refractive index of pure water (15…40 °C)

Temp Temp Temp [°C] n
15 1.3334 25 1.3325 35 1.3312 16 1.3333 26 1.3324 36 1.3311 17 1.3332 27 1.3323 37 1.3310 18 1.3332 28 1.3322 38 1.3308 19 1.3331 29 1.3321 39 1.3307 20 1.3330 30 1.3319 40 1.3305 21 1.3329 31 1.3318 22 1.3328 32 1.3317 23 1.3327 33 1.3315 24 1.3326 34 1.3314
[Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 56th Edition]. Values divided by the refractive index of air at the corresponding temperatures, according to the for­mula given in [Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 75th Edition].

13.2 Brix%

[°C] n
[°C] n
Brix% represents the concentration in weight percent of a mixture of pure sucrose and water (g sucrose per 100 g solution) and is used to express the % weight concentration of sucrose solutions in general. Brix% is calculated from the mea­sured refractive index using a concentration table stored in the instrument (source: 20th conference of the International Commission of Uniform Methods for Sugar Analysis ICUMSA). The results are given at the standard reference temperature of 20 °C using the temperature dependence for these solutions from the same source. The refractive index and the prism surface temperature are thus measured and the Brix% is calculated from the tables.
Note: When substances other than sucrose are present in the sample the
result in Brix% will not indicate the real sucrose concentration.

13.3 Brix%-table

[20th session ICUMSA, Colorado Springs 1990]
Brix% n
Brix% n
0.0 1.33299 30.0 1.38115 60.0 1.44193
1.0 1.33442 31.0 1.38296 61.0 1.44420
2.0 1.33586 32.0 1.38478 62.0 1.44650
3.0 1.33732 33.0 1.38661 63.0 1.44881
4.0 1.33879 34.0 1.38846 64.0 1.45113
5.0 1.34026 35.0 1.39032 65.0 1.45348
6.0 1.34175 36.0 1.39220 66.0 1.45584
7.0 1.34325 37.0 1.39409 67.0 1.45822
8.0 1.34476 38.0 1.39600 68.0 1.46061
9.0 1.34629 39.0 1.39792 69.0 1.46303
10.0 1.34782 40.0 1.39986 70.0 1.46546
11.0 1.34937 41.0 1.40181 71.0 1.46790
12.0 1.35093 42.0 1.40378 72.0 1.47037
13.0 1.35250 43.0 1.40576 73.0 1.47285
14.0 1.35408 44.0 1.40776 74.0 1.47535
15.0 1.35568 45.0 1.40978 75.0 1.47787
16.0 1.35729 46.0 1.41181 76.0 1.48040
17.0 1.35891 47.0 1.41385 77.0 1.48295
18.0 1.36054 48.0 1.41592 78.0 1.48552
19.0 1.36218 49.0 1.41799 79.0 1.48810
20.0 1.36384 50.0 1.42009 80.0 1.49071
21.0 1.36551 51.0 1.42220 81.0 1.49333
22.0 1.36720 52.0 1.42432 82.0 1.49597
23.0 1.36889 53.0 1.42647 83.0 1.49862
24.0 1.37060 54.0 1.42862 84.0 1.50129
25.0 1.37233 55.0 1.43080 85.0 1.50398
26.0 1.37406 56.0 1.43299
27.0 1.37582 57.0 1.43520
28.0 1.37758 58.0 1.43743
29.0 1.37936 59.0 1.43967
20 D
Brix% n
20 D

13.4 HFCS42 and HFCS55 (inverted sugars)

HFCS stands for High-Fructose Corn Syrup. These syrups are manufactured from natural corn syrup and consist of inverted (or isomerized) sugar, i.e. a mixture of dextrose, fructose, maltose and sucrose. They are classified according to their fructose content. Mainly three different HFCS are in use: a mixture containing 42 % fructose (HFC2S42), one containing 55 % fructose (HFCS55) and a third one containing 90 % fructose (HFCS90). Inverted sugar concentration denominates the concentration in weight % of an isomerized sugar solution. Inverted sugar concentration can be converted from the refractive index of the inverted sugar solution measured at 20 °C (n Refracto has stored conversion tables (Physical Properties Table, Corn Prod­ucts, 1991) for two of the mixtures (HFCS42 and HFCS55) as well as a table for temperature compensation.
The relation between inverted sugar concentration and refractive index varies with the composition of the inverted sugar. Compositions of the inverted sugar syrups HFCS42 and HFCS55 are shown below.
Fructose 42.50 % 55.40 % Dextrose 52.50 % 40.30 % Maltose 3.00 % 3.00 % Sucrose 0.00 % 0.00 % Maltotriose DP3 0.70 % 0.40 % Oligosaccharide DP4 1.30 % 0.90 % Sulfated Ash 0.03 % 0.05 %
20 D
). The

13.5 HFCS42 table (0...76 Solids%)

[Physical Properties Table: Corn Products, 1991]
HFCS42 HFCS42 HFCS42 Solids% n
Brix% Solids% n
Brix% Solids% n
0.0 1.33299 0.00 30.0 1.38059 29.71 60.0 1.43949 58.95
1.0 1.33441 1.00 31.0 1.38236 30.69 61.0 1.44168 59.91
2.0 1.33585 1.98 32.0 1.38414 31.67 62.0 1.44387 60.88
3.0 1.33729 2.98 33.0 1.38594 32.65 63.0 1.44608 61.84
4.0 1.33874 3.97 34.0 1.38775 33.64 64.0 1.44831 62.81
5.0 1.34021 4.97 35.0 1.38957 34.61 65.0 1.45055 63.78
6.0 1.34169 5.95 36.0 1.39141 35.60 66.0 1.45281 64.74
7.0 1.34318 6.95 37.0 1.39325 36.58 67.0 1.45508 65.71
8.0 1.34468 7.94 38.0 1.39511 37.55 68.0 1.45737 66.67
9.0 1.34619 8.93 39.0 1.39699 38.53 69.0 1.45968 67.64
10.0 1.34771 9.93 40.0 1.39887 39.51 70.0 1.46200 68.60
11.0 1.34924 10.92 41.0 1.40077 40.49 71.0 1.46433 69.56
12.0 1.35078 11.90 42.0 1.40269 41.47 72.0 1.46669 70.53
13.0 1.35234 12.90 43.0 1.40461 42.44 73.0 1.46905 71.49
14.0 1.35391 13.90 44.0 1.40655 43.42 74.0 1.47144 72.46
15.0 1.35549 14.89 45.0 1.40851 44.39 75.0 1.47384 73.42
16.0 1.35708 15.87 46.0 1.41048 45.36 76.0 1.47626 74.38
17.0 1.35868 16.87 47.0 1.41246 46.34
18.0 1.36029 17.86 48.0 1.41445 47.31
19.0 1.36192 18.85 49.0 1.41646 48.28
20.0 1.36355 19.84 50.0 1.41848 49.26
21.0 1.36520 20.83 51.0 1.42052 50.22
22.0 1.36686 21.81 52.0 1.42257 51.20
23.0 1.36854 22.80 53.0 1.42464 52.16
24.0 1.37022 23.79 54.0 1.42671 53.14
25.0 1.37192 24.78 55.0 1.42881 54.11
26.0 1.37363 25.76 56.0 1.43092 55.07
27.0 1.37535 26.75 57.0 1.43304 56.04
28.0 1.37708 27.74 58.0 1.43518 57.01
29.0 1.37883 28.72 59.0 1.43733 57.98
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