Mettler Toledo MultiRange IND226 Operating Instructions Manual

Operating i nstructions

METTLER TOLEDO MultiRange IND226x weighing terminal
Dependable Performance of Your
IND226x Scale Terminal
Register your new terminal:
1 2 to allow us to contact you about en-
hancements, updates and important notifications concerning your product.
Get to know your weighing equipment:
Production engineers, maintenance personnel and operators should familiarize themselves with the user and technical documentation shipped with your new terminal. If you cannot locate this information, please contact your local authorized service provider to request a copy.
Essential Services
Contact METTLER TOLEDO for service:
The value of a measurement is proportional to its accuracy – an out of specification scale can diminish quality, reduce profits and increase liability. Timely service from METTLER TOLEDO will ensure accuracy and optimize uptime and equipment life.
Installation, Configuration, Integration and Training
Our service representatives are factory-trained, weighing equip­ment experts. We make certain that your weighing equipment is ready for production in a cost effective and timely fashion and that personnel are trained for success.
Initial Calibration Documentation
The installation environment and application requirements are unique for every industrial scale so performance must be tested and certified. Our calibration services and certificates document accuracy to ensure production quality and provide a quality system record of performance.
Periodic Calibration Maintenance
A Calibration Service Agreement provides on-going confidence in your weighing process and documentation of compliance with requirements. We offer a variety of service plans that are scheduled to meet your needs and designed to fit your budget.
Whenever you call us, our service representatives will be there at the right time, with the right parts, the right tools and the right skills to meet your needs.
Product Model Number
Product Serial Number:
Authorized Service Provider
Service Telephone Number:
1) Product model and serial number can be obtained from product data plate
2) Visit to find the name and number of an authorized service provider
Essential Services IND226x
Extending the Capability of Your IND226x
The IND226x is a weighing terminal for the use in hazardous areas. There are a variety of peripherals that can be added to the terminal to enhance your process. METTER TOLEDO authorized sales and service representatives will assist you in selecting, installing, configuring, con­necting and maintaining your IND226x with the following hardware and software solutions:
Configurable Weighing Functions:
• Over/Under mode (checking or classifying)
• CalFREE calibration without test weights
• Configurable Sleep / Standby mode
• Remote display function
• Interface IND: serial data interface for communicating with PC systems or peripheral devices in the non­hazardous zone via the interface con­verter ACM200
• Interface Remote: serial data interface for operating the IND226x as a sec­ondary display
Additional Services to Ensure Compliance, Equipment Life and Uptime
METTLER TOLEDO can deliver services that he lp to ensure your c om pliance with regulatory and quality requirements and to maximize equipment life and uptime. These services include:
Regulatory Compliance Services:
Equipment Qualification (IQ, OQ, PQ)
Recommendations and help with SOPs
• Periodic test procedures and refer­ence weights
Calibration and Certification Services:
• ISO9001 and ISO17025 compliant certification
• Measurement uncertainty and mini­mum weight determination
Maintenance and Repair:
• Comprehensive service agreements
• On-site maintenance and repair
Discrete I/O:
One active input for clear, tare, zero or
print function
Parts and Accessories:
Floor stand
Pillar support
Wall bracket
Subject to technical changes © 08/2010 Mettler-Toledo AG
IND2 26x


1 S afety instructi ons ....................................................................... 5
2 Introducti on................................................................................. 6
2.1 Sys tem overview... ......... ......................... ......... ................ ......... .... 6
2.2 Commis sioning .. ......... ......... ....... ......... ......................... ............... 8
2.3 Des cri ption .... ......... ....... ......... ......... ....... ......... ....... ......... ......... ... 9
3 Basi c functions ............................................................................ 11
3.1 Switching on and off ...................... ......... ....... ......... ......... ............. 11
3.2 Zeroing...................... ......... ....... ......... ................ ......... ....... ......... 1 1
3.3 Simple weighing....... ......... ....... ......... ......... ....... ......... ................ .. 1 1
3.4 Weighing with tare.. ......................... ......... ....... ......... .................... 12
3.5 Printing/transferring data .......... ......... ................ ......................... ... 12
3.6 Information on s torage battery operation................... ................ ....... 13
3.7 Cleaning... ......................... ......... ....... ......... ......... ....... ......... ........ 1 3
4 Appl ications ................................................................................ 14
4.1 Dis playing weight values with a higher resolution ( x10) ......... ......... . 1 4
4.2 Switching weight unit ....................... ......... ....... ......... .................... 1 4
4.3 Checkweighing....... ......... ......................... ......... ....... ......... ......... .. 1 5
4.4 Clas s i fying................. ......... ....... ......... ................ ......... ....... ......... 1 6
5 Operator menu ............................................................................ 18
5.1 Entering the operator menu ....... ......... ......... ....... ......... ................ ... 1 8
5.2 Operating the menu . ......... ....... ......... ......... ................ ......... .......... 1 8
5.3 F2 – F key menu ......... ......... ....... ......... ......................... ......... ...... 1 9
5.4 F3 – terminal menu .............. ......... ....... ......... ................ ......... ...... 22
5.5 F4 – communication menu ......... ......................... ................ .......... 2 2
5.6 F6 – ending menu ........... ......... ................ ......... ......................... .. 2 4
6 S upervis or menu ......................................................................... 25
6.1 Entering S upervis or menu ... ......................... ......... ....... ......... ......... 2 5
6.2 Operating the Supervis or menu.......... ......... ....... ......... .................... 2 5
6.3 Block F1 – Scale ................ ......... ....... ......... ......... ....... ......... ........ 2 6
6.4 Block F5 – Maintenance....... ......... ......................... ......... ....... ....... 3 1
7 Interface commands .................................................................... 33
7.1 SICS interface commands .. ......... ................ ......... ....... ......... .......... 3 3
7.2 Toledo Continuous Mode... ......................... ......... ....... ......... .......... 3 4
8 Er ror messages ........................................................................... 36
Operating i nstructions 7 2 203 9 52B 0 8 /1 0 3
IND2 26x
9 Technical data and accessories .................................................... 37
9.1 Technical data ............. ......... ....... ......... ......... ................ ......... ..... 3 7
9.2 Technical data for ACM200 ...... ................ ......... ......... ....... ......... ... 3 9
9.3 Acces s ories . ......................... ......................... ................ ......... ..... 4 0
10 Appendix .................................................................................... 4 1
10.1 Dis pos al.... ......... ....... ......... ......................... ......... ....... ......... ....... 4 1
10.2 Declarati ons of conformi ty... ......... ......... ....... ......... ....... ......... ........ 4 2
4 Operating ins tructions 7 2 203 9 52B 0 8 /1 0
IND2 26x

1 S afety instructions

The IND2 26x weighi ng termi nal is approved for operation i n Zone 1 and 2 1
haz ardous areas . The interface converter ACM2 0 0 m
operated in the safe area.
If the IND2 26x weighi ng termi nal is us ed in
taken. The code of practice is ori ented to the "Safe Di s tribution" concept drawn up by
S afety ins tructi ons
ay only be ins talled and
haz ardous areas , s pecial care mus t be
Competence T
he weighing s ys tem may only be ins talled, maintained and repai red by
authori s ed MET TLER TOLEDO s ervice personnel.
Ex appr oval No modi
performed on the modules . Any weighing pl atform or s ys tem modules that are
us ed mus t comply with the specificati ons contained in the i ns tallation
ins tructions . Non-compliant equipment jeopardises the intrinsic s afety of the
s ys tem, cancels the "Ex" approval and renders any warranty or product liabi li ty
claims null and void.
he s afety of the wei ghing system is only guaranteed when the weighing system
is operated, i ns tall ed and maintained in accordance with the res pecti ve ins tructions .
s o comply with the foll owing:
– the ins tructions for the sys tem modules ,
– the regulations and s tandards in the respective country,
– the statutory requirement for el ectrical equipment ins talled in haz ardous areas
in the res pective c
– all ins tructions rel ated to safety iss ued by
T he explosion-protected wei ghing system must be checked to ensure compliance
with the requirements for s afety before being put into s ervice for the firs t time,
following any service work and every 3 years , at least.
Operation Prev
ent the bui ld-up of s tatic electricity. Always wear s uitabl e worki ng clothes
when operating or performing s ervice work in a hazardous area.
Do not use protec
Protect the keyboard membrane agai ns t ultraviolet radiation.
Avoid damage to the s ystem components.
ficati ons may be made to the terminal and no repair work may be
the owner.
tive coverings for the devices.
Operating i nstructions 7 2 203 9 52B 0 8 /1 0 5
Intr oduction

2 Introduction

2.1 S ystem overview

IND2 26x
A weighing s ys tem with the IND226 x weighing terminal can be operated either with
one of the following power supply units or an external storage battery:
APS50 0 Power supply unit in a haz ardous area,
US vers ion, 1 2 0 VAC, 50/6 0 H z
APS50 1 Power supply unit in a haz ardous area,
EU vers ion, 2 4 0 VAC, 5 0 /6 0 Hz
PSUx/120 V Power supply unit in a haz ardous area,
US vers ion, 1 2 0 VAC, 50/6 0 H z
PSUx/230 V Power supply unit in a haz ardous area,
EU vers ion, 2 3 0 VAC, 5 0 Hz
External B attery P ack External s torage battery for a hazardous area,
charging only in a s afe area and us ing a charger s pecified
and approved by METTL ER T OLEDO
Ei ther an analog wei ghing platform or the sys tem s olution Analog Ex1 can be
connected to the weighing IND226 x terminal.
The foll owing components are neces s ary for connection of peripheral devices :
Interface IND Acti ve intrinsically s afe data interface,
ins talled in IND2 2 6 x (Master)
Interface Remote Pas s ive intrinsically s afe data interface, for remote control
of an IND2 26x (IND22 6 x as a s econd dis play),
ins talled in IND2 2 6 x (second display)
ACM20 0 Interface converter for the s afe area,
for example, for connection of a P C in the safe area
Wide range power s upply unit 1 0 0 – 24 0 V AC, 50/6 0 Hz
6 Operating ins tructions 7 2 203 9 52B 0 8 /1 0
IND2 26x
Introducti on

2.1.1 Configuration with interface converter ACM200 i n the safe area

Hazardous area
Battery Pack
Ex-i max. 48 m
Ex-i max. 50 m
Ex-i max. 3 m
Ex-i max. 20 m
Analog weighing platform
Ex-i max. 20 m
System solution Analog Ex1
Wc Wc Wc Wc
Safe area
Ex-i max. 300 m
Das hed-line components are alternatives .

2.1.2 Configurati on with remote controll ed IND226 x ( second di splay)

Battery Pack
Battery Pack
Hazardous area
Ex-i max. 15 m
Ex-i max. 50 m
Ex-i max. 3 m
Ex-i max. 15 m
(Second display)
Ex-i max. 50 m
Ex-i max. 3 m
IND226x (Master)
Ex-i max. 20 m
Analog Wheiging platform
Ex-i max. 20 m
System solution Analog Ex1
Ex-i max. 300 m
Wz Wz Wz Wz
Safe area
Das hed-line components are alternatives .
Operating i nstructions 7 2 203 9 52B 0 8 /1 0 7
Intr oduction

2.2 Commissioning

2.2.1 Guide for installers and terminal di agram

The ins tallati on of an explosion-pr
wei ghing terminal may only be carri ed out in accordance with the guide for i ns tallers
ME-72 2 0 3 9 58 and control drawing ME- 72203 6 7 7 .

2.2.2 Information on certified weighing systems

In the cas e of certified wei ghing s ys tems , the weighi ng platform connection at the
wei ghing terminal mus t be s ealed with a wire seal or a veri ficati on mark. In addition,
a label with the information on "Max", "Min" and "e" has to be placed within the
range of vision of the weight display.
otected weighing s ystem with the IND2 2 6 x
IND2 26x
Veri ficati on mark
Wire seal
8 Operating ins tructions 7 2 203 9 52B 0 8 /1 0
IND2 26x

2.3 Description

2.3.1 Overview

Introducti on
1 6- digit weight dis play
2 S
tatus i ndicators
3 Keypad

2.3.2 Status indicators

LED Meaning
Under / OK / Over Indicators for check wei ghing
PT Indi cator for tare s pecification
MinWeigh Indicator for MinWei gh function
~ Movement indicator
Net The displayed weight value i
lb / kg Weight unit currently selected
S torage battery s tate
s a net weight val ue
Operating i nstructions 7 2 203 9 52B 0 8 /1 0 9
Intr oduction
IND2 26x

2.3.3 Keys

Operating mode
power on/off;
Zeroing Scrolling
Tare Scrolling
Menu Key
Operating mode
Functi on key Back to the next
Cl ear key Back to the
T ransfer key
Long key-
pres s :
up menu
higher menu
previous menu
Acti vating
u item;
accepti ng
s e
lected s etting
10 Operating i nstructions 7 2 203 9 52B 0 8 /1 0
IND2 26x

3 Basic functions

3.1 S witching on and off

S witching on
Basi c functions
Pres s
The dis play lights up and then s hows the software number.
When the weight display appe
S witching off
s and hold

3.2 Zeroing

Zeroing corrects the influence of s light s oil ing on the l oad plate.
S etting to zero manually
1. Unl oad weighing platform.
2. P res s
The zero dis play appears.
Automati c zeroing
In case of non-certified weighing platforms , the automatic zero point correction can
e deactivated in the s upervis or menu (F1.4.1 ) .
In standard operation, the z ero point of the
rected when the weighing platform is unloaded.
ars , the weighing terminal is ready for operation.
until –OFF– is dis played.
weighing pl atform is automatically cor-

3.3 S i mple weighing

1. P lace wei ghing sample on the weighing platform.
2. Wait until the motion indi cator goes out.
3. Read weighing res ult.
Operating i nstructions 7 2 203 9 52B 0 8 /1 0 1 1
Basi c functions
IND2 26x

3.4 Weighing with tare

Place the empty container on the weighi ng platform
The zero dis play and the Net i ndicator appear.
and pres s
Cleari ng the tare
Pres s
The Net indi cator goes out, the gros s weight appears in the dis pl ay.
• If automatic clearing of the tare weight is s et
(F1.5.2=On), the tare weight is cleared automatically as s oon as the wei ghing
platform is unloaded to z ero.
• If tare interlock is s et in the s upervis or menu (F1.5.3=
only be cl eared when the weighing platform is unloaded to z ero.
i n the s upervis or menu
On), the tare weight can
Automati c tar ing
This function mus t be activated in
Place the empty contai ner on the weighing platform.
The weight applied on the weighing platform is automati cally saved as the tare wei ght. The zero dis play and the Net i ndicator appear.
the s upervis or menu (F1.5.1=On) .

3.5 Printing/transferring data

The weighing terminal is con
converter ACM2 00 in the s afe area.
Pres s
The display contents are pri nted out or
The display contents wil l not be printed or trans ferred
nected via the optional Interface IND to the interface
transferred to a computer.
if the s cale is in motion.
12 Operating i nstructions 7 2 203 9 52B 0 8 /1 0
+ 32 hidden pages