The weighing platform is part of a modular system. The associated components, such as terminals, application pacs and the extensive range of accessories, allow you to assemble a
weighing system ideally tailored to the needs of your operation.
▲ The explosion-protected weighing platform is approved for operation in Zones 2 (gases)
and 22 (dusts) hazardous areas. There is an increased danger of injuries and damage
when using the weighing platform in hazardous areas! Exercise particular care when using
in such areas. The rules for behaviour are based on the concept of "Safe Distribution" established by METTLER TOLEDO.
▲ Explosion-protected weighing platforms may be used in hazardous areas of Zones 2 and
22 only in conjunction with weighing terminals that have the appropriate approval and interface specification.
▲ The connection cable may not be separated from the weighing terminal while it is ener-
▲ Tighten the knurled nut of the IDNet connection cable with 10 Nm of force.
Selecting installation location
▲ The foundation must be capable of safely
support the weight of the weighing platform at its support points when it carries
the maximum load. At the same time, it
should be so stable that no vibrations occur during weighing operations. These requirements also apply when the weighing
platform is integrated in conveying systems and the like.
▲ Ensure that there are no vibrations from
machines near the installation site.
▲ Ensure that there are no drafts at the in-
stallation site.
Ambient cond itions
▲ Use powder-coated/enamelled weighing platforms only in a dry environment.
▲ In a damp environment, in wet operation or when working with chemicals: use stainless-
steel weighing platforms.
1 General information
2 Safety precautions
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