Purge gas
In order to preve nt internal corrosio n due to cond ensation of atmosph eric moisture, the EasyMax
has to be
purged with dr y gas (dry air, nitrogen, argon).
Min. inlet pressure of
purge gas: 0.05 bar or 0.73 psi
Min. gas flow: 3 L to 5 L /min
Gas connections: Quick connect c ouplings for
tubing with 4 mm
inner diameter
(included in delivery).
Notice: Operation withou t purge can da mage the
instrument and will void the warrant y.
The EasyMax
requires a co nstant flow of c oolant
liquid. Either tap water (salt free) or a cryostat m ay be
used. If the wa ter is polluted or has a high degree of
hardness, filters should be installed in the inlet line.
Temperature range
of the cooling liquid: -20 °C to 40 °C
(inlet temperature).
Min. flow rate: 3 L/min
2 Coolant connect ions: in /out with hose nipple
for tubing with 8 mm
inner diameter
(included in delivery)
If you use a c ryostat for c ooling, mind the following
specifications (one cr yostat per EasyMax
Min. pump capacity: 0.5 bar
Cooling power at 0 °C: 350 W
You can also use one cryostat for cooling several
systems (in parallel), but then you nee d a
pump with higher capacity (min. 0.5 bar).
The cooling power requirements at 0 °C increase
with every EasyMa x
connected (1: 350 W,
2: 700 W etc.).
Notice: Operation withou t coolant flow t riggers an
emergency program (temperature of the coolant outlet
Tc > 40 °C).
Ambient conditions
According to EN 61010-1, the following requirement s
must be fulfilled for safe ope ration of the EasyMax
Temperature: 5 to 40 °C
Max. relative
atmospheric humidit y: 80%
Material used for construc tion
Cover plate: stainless steel, PFA/ FEP coated
Housing material: powder coated stainless steel
Reactor windows: Borosilicate glass 3.3
Receptacles for thermostat bloc k: anodized aluminum
Sealing rings for t hermostat block: PTFE/25% carbon
Holder for lab b ars: stainless steel
Connectors for purge gas: stainless steel, nickel-plat ed brass
Purge gas lines: PVC, FEP, PP, PVDF, PTFE, aluminum
Coolant tubings: PVC, PVDF, anodized aluminum
Coolant connectors: nic kel-plated brass
Touchpad: PA12, aluminum
Protective cover for touchpad: Barex
Glass Reactors: Borosilicate glass 3.3
Magnetic stirrer: PTFE c oated
or overhead stir rer: borosilcate glass or Hastelloy
LEMO connectors for Tr sensors
and overhead stir rers: chrome-plated bra ss with protec tion
cap in POM
USB connector: stainless steel w ith protection cap
in POM
On/Off swit ch: stainless steel
Standard equipment
The EasyMax
will be shipped with*:
Lab bars, diameter: 14 mm •
Touchpad with 2 protec tive covers (cable length: 1 m)•
Pen for touchpad•
Two 2.5 m PVC tubes for coolant, inn er diameter: 8 mm •
2 m PVC tube for purge gas, inn er diameter: 4 mm •
(incl. reduction piece)
Country spe cific power cable (3 m)•
USB memory stick for data export•
Filter for tap wate r•
Flow controller for c ooling water•
Installation Instructio ns and Quick S tart Guide •
(languages: EN, DE, FR, ES, JP, CN)
Factory Test Repor t (EN)•
Installation Check Lis t (EN)•
Operating Instru ctions (EN)•
CE certificate•
* Gla ssware and othe r accessories according to custo mers order.
Spannung: 100 – 240 VAC
Spannungsschwankungen: ±15%
Frequenz: 50/60 Hz
Leistungsaufnahme: max. 1000 VA
Elektrische Anschlüsse
CAN Bus•
Anschluss Terminal•
inkl. Terminal: 15 kg
Leitungswasser, Ethanol, Ethylenglycol, •
oder Silikonöl
Die Abmessungen berücksichtigen nur den EasyMax
mit den
Kühlanschlüssen und de m Terminal (ohne USB Stick).
Zusätzlicher Platz w ird durch Zubehör wie pH-Meter, Durchflussmesser oder einen Kryostat en erforder lich.
Dieses Dokument skizziert die Platzanforderung für die Installation des EasyMax™,
seine technische Daten, die verwendeten Materialen und den Lieferumfang.
Für weitergehende Informationen verweisen wir auf den Produktkatalog und die
Bedienungsanleitung des EasyMax
Wissenswertes vor der Installation