Mettler Toledo E4 XLS+ Operating Instruction

E4 XLS+ Electronic Pipettes
Advanced Electronic Pipettes with RFID
Operating Instructions
Single-channel Multichannel Adjustable Spacer
• Multichannel models with LTS
• Adjustable spacer multichannel models with LTS
• All models RFID enabled
E4™ XLS™ + Electronic Pipettes
Contents of Box
- E4 XLS+ Electronic Pipette
- Micro-SD card installed in pipette
- Battery
- Quick Reference Guide
- Sample Tips
- Wall Power Supply
- Conformance Certificate and Warranty Card
If any item is missing please call 800-472-4646 in the US, or contact your local METTLER TOLEDO office or distributor.
Safety Notice: If this product is used other than as described in this manual, its safety protection may be impaired.
Rainin, Pipetting 360°, E4, XLS, XLS+, LTS, LiteTouch, Hang-Ups are trademarks of Mettler-Toledo Rainin, LLC. LabX and Pipet te-Scan are trademarks of Mettler-Toledo International.
No part of this manual may be copied without the express written permission of Mettler-Toledo Rainin, LLC.
1 E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Pipette Overview ........................................................................................................................4
1.3 Getting Started ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Menus and Modes ................................................................................................................... 11
1.5 Options and Settings ................................................................................................................ 12
1.6 Using the Pipette ...................................................................................................................... 15
1.6.1 Pipetting Guidelines .......................................................................................................... 15
1.6.2 Tip Selection and Mounting ................................................................................................ 15
1.6.3 Tip Immersion Depth ......................................................................................................... 16
1.6.4 Sleep Mode and Power Shutdown ...................................................................................... 16
1.6 .5 H e lp ................................................................................................................................ 17
1.6.6 Filter ................................................................................................................................ 17
1.7 Volume Ranges and Increments ................................................................................................. 18
1.8 Sound Alerts ............................................................................................................................ 18
1.9 Setup Mode ............................................................................................................................. 19
1.10 Admin Mode ............................................................................................................................ 24
1.11 Operational Modes ................................................................................................................... 28
1.12 LevelIIMenu ...........................................................................................................................38
1.13 Mode Presets ........................................................................................................................... 46
1.14 Service Mode ........................................................................................................................... 49
1.15 Battery Charging ...................................................................................................................... 51
1.16 Replacing the Battery ............................................................................................................... 52
1.17 S t o r a ge ................................................................................................................................... 53
1.18 Tip Ejector Arm Removal ...........................................................................................................53
1.19 Care and Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 54
1.20 Autoclaving ............................................................................................................................. 55
1.21 Upgrading your Liquid End to XLS+ ............................................................................................ 55
1.22 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................... 56
1.23 Micro-SD Card Management and Firmware Upgrades................................................................... 57
1.24 Service, Calibration and Repair .................................................................................................. 58
1.25 Replacement Parts ................................................................................................................... 58
2 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device)
2.1 Description and Operation .........................................................................................................60
3 E4 XLS+ Multichannel Pipettes
3.1 Description and Operation .........................................................................................................63
4 E4 XLS+ Multichannel Pipette with Adjustable Spacing
4.1 Description and Operation .........................................................................................................66
5 Appendices
5.1 Speed Table .............................................................................................................................68
5.2 Glossary of Terms .................................................................................................................... 68
5.3 Memory, Power and Settings Management ................................................................................. 71
Specifications....................................................................................................................................... 72
EC Declaration of Conformity .......................................................................................... Inside back cover
E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
1 E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
1.1 Introduction
Rainin’s E4 XLS+ is a revolutionary electronic pipette fully laden with features and with a new graphical user interface that is extremely straightforward and intuitive in operation. The joystick control provides an easy to understand logic for setting operating modes and for as­piration and dispensing a variety of liquids. The pipette is designed for maximum comfort.
You can store your favorite protocols, configure the pipette set-up to your needs, and control access to pi­pette settings via passcode protection.
In models with the patented LTS
LiteTouch™ Tip Ejec­tion System, tip ejection forces are reduced by up to 85% in the single channel LTS models, and consistent sample pickup is easily attained across all channels in multichannel models, as well as tip ejection force reduction.
E4 XLS is available in single, multichannel and adjust­able spacer versions.
All user settings and service settings are stored on non­volatile memory and are protected even if the pipette is reset or in the unlikely case of a battery failure.
E4’s built-in Service GLP section help you track the pipette’s service records and intervals. E4 XLS models also contain an RFID tag (radio-frequency identifica­tion) for facilitating calibration management for all your pipette assets.
This manual describes features introduced with the XLS+ model, firmware 1.4.
1.2 Pipette Overview
Before using the pipette for the first time, please review the instrument components, user interface and pipette controls as described on the next few pages.
1. USB / Charger Port
2. Display
3. Soft Keys
4. Finger Hook
- RFID Tag
- Serial No
5. Joystick (also called Thumbstick)
6. Tip Ejector Button
7. Shaft
8. Tip Ejector Arm
9. Disposable Tip
Figure 1: E4 XLS SIngle-channel Pipette
The high performance electronic color display is the user interface for E4 XLS+. Screen navigation, pipette opera­tion, settings and options selections are performed using the soft keys and joystick controls. Common screen information and the available functionality in menu and mode screens are shown in Figure 2.
1. Current menu or mode
2. Menu level, current operation or page number
3. Time
4. Battery charge indicator
5. System icon display
6. Carousel of modes
7. MenuLevelIandLevelIIaccessicon
8. Soft key functions
9. Joystick navigation icon
10. Tip Volume Indicator
Navigation is done using the soft keys and the joystick control. The functions of the soft keys and joystick control change according to the menu or mode displayed. In this manual we use the convention of showing the image of the control to denote the action of selecting that control. As examples, the key means move the joystick to the right, OPTIONS means “Select the OPTIONS soft key”.
or to view and select menu items
, or toentertheselectedBasicModeorLevelIIMenu
Soft Key Functions
There are two soft keys below the display. Left and right soft key functions change according to the current menu or mode screen. Functions are shown in the display above each soft key, and the available joystick controls are highlighted in the navigation icon. In the example in Fig. 3 there is a function shown for the left soft key (RESET) but not for the right one.
Left soft key items that can be displayed:
- MAIN: Displays the Main Menu for the menu level selected
- PREV: Returns to the previously-used mode, allows toggling between modes
- DONE: Exits Settings and Options screens after activity is done
- RESET: Empties tip and resets operation
- RETURN: Exits a Help screen and returns to the previous screen
- CONT: Exits notification messages and allows the current operation to continue
Right soft key items that can be displayed:
- OPTIONS: Available mode options
- CANCEL: Cancels and exits the current action without saving changes
Figure2:DisplayComponents:LevelIMenu(left), Basic Mode (right)
13 3
8 88 89 9
4 4
7 6
Figure 3: E4 XLS Controls
E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
- HELP: Displays mode and menu information and operating instructions
- LOAD: Load a Preset
- SELECT: Select a Preset or Protocol
- SAVE: Save a Preset or Protocol
- DELETE: Delete a Preset or Protocol
Joystick (Thumbstick) Controls
Rainin recommends that users practice menu and mode screen navigation in order to familiarize themselves with the joystick’s ease of use and sensitivity in control.
Press and click the center button to:
- Aspirate and dispense
- Access menu items
- Edit settings or options
- Choose and save selections Note: The circle icon (
) represents a center-press control in this manual.
Move the joystick control left or right to:
- Navigate between menu items and pages
- Access Settings screens
- Make coarse setting value adjustments Note: Left (
) and right ( ) arrows represent these joystick controls in this manual.
Move the joystick control up or down to:
- Aspirate and dispense
- Navigate between settings and options
- Make fine setting value adjustments
Note: Up (
) and down ( ) arrows represent these joystick controls in this manual.
1.3 Getting Started
The pipette is shipped without the main battery installed, and with the back-up coin cell battery insulated so that it will be fully-charged when you need it. To get started, open the battery cover on the back of the pipette head and remove the pull-tab shown in Figure 4 - the pull tab is used to insulate the battery during shipping.
Locate the main battery and install it as shown in Figure 5, then you will see a screen advising you to set your local time and language (the default language is English). Setting preferences is shown in section 1.9 - Setup Mode. Make sure the label faces outward and the battery is in the same orientation as shown in the photo. Re­place the battery door.
Figure 4: Insulating pull-tab
Charge the battery for at least 15 minutes before using the pipette for the first time. Pipettes can be charged using the Wall Power Supply included with the pipette, the optional Rapid Charge Stand or with a computer us­ing the optional USB cable. If the Wall Power Supply is used, E4 XLS+ can be operated while it is charging, as shown in Figure 6. (Rainin does not recommend operating the E4 XLS+ when the pipette is connected to a com­puter for charging. Please refer to “Battery Charging” on page 44 for more information on charging the battery as well as installing and using the Wall Power Supply, Rapid Charge Stand and the optional USB cable.
Power Up
Press one of the soft keys to turn the pipette on. It will initialize and
Menu. See Figure 7. Note that your start-up screen may have different text than this image.
Basic Operation — Using Basic Mode
Rainin recommends learning basic pipetting operations as well as the selection and editing of settings in Basic Mode first before moving on to advanced operational modes. Rainin also recommends that users practice aspi­ration and dispense with water first prior to working with valuable samples.
At any time during operation:
- RESET empties the tip and resets the pipette operation to ASPIRATE.
- MAIN displays the menu the mode was accessed from.
- HELP provides general information for the highlighted setting. Operating instructions can be found in the Help for the operating screen.
Options and Settings
- Options: None
- Settings: Single Volume, Single Speed
- Blowout: Automatic and Manual
Figure 5: Installing the main battery
Figure 6: Using E4XLS while connected by the power cord
Figure 7: Start-up Screen
E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
Setup — Select Mode and Settings
1. In the Main Menu, or to highlight BASIC (Figure 8 left).
, or to enter Basic Mode (Figure 8 right).
3. to enter the Settings screen. The first setting box in the screen, Volume, will be highlighted. This is indicated by a white border around the settings box (Figure 9 left). or to navigate between and highlight other settings.
or to edit the volume setting. The settings box will turn white to indicate it is in edit mode (Figure 9 right). or for coarse volume adjustment and or for fine volume adjustment. Hold the joystick in place to quickly scroll through values.
Figure 9: Basic Mode: Volume Highlighted (left), Volume in Edit Mode (right).
5. DONE or to save the volume setting. CANCEL to exit without saving changes. The next setting, speed, will be highlighted (Figure 10 left).
or to edit the Speed Setting. The settings box will turn white to indicate it is in edit mode (Figure 10 right). In Basic Mode, the same speed is used for both aspirate and dispense. or for coarse speed ad­justment of 1, 5 or 10 and or for fine adjustment in single digits. Hold the joystick in place to quickly scroll through values.
Figure 10: Basic Mode with Speed Highlighted (left), and Speed in Edit Mode (right).
7. DONE or to save the Speed Setting. CANCEL to exit without saving changes.
8. DONE to exit the Settings screen and return to the operating screen.
If Basic Mode is exited, all settings are retained when the mode is accessed again.
The mode operation will flash ASPIRATE indicating E4 XLS+ is ready to aspirate sample. The joystick controls used for aspiration will also flash in the navigation icon (Figure 11).
Figure 11: Basic Mode Aspirate Operation.
1. Attach a new Rainin tip. Press the shaft into the tip with only enough force to make a good seal.
2. Hold the pipette vertically or within 20 degrees of vertical. Place the tip into the sample at the recommended
immersion depth – see section 1.6.3 on page 16.
or to aspirate the sample. It is not necessary to hold the joystick in place, E4 XLS+ will automatically complete the operation. The Tip Volume Indicator will mimic sample aspiration into the tip, and its red guide arrow and active volume display will adjust accordingly.
4. Pause for approximately one second (longer for large-volume pipettes) to ensure that the full volume of sample is drawn into the tip.
5. Withdraw the tip from the sample. If any liquid remains on the outside of the tip, touch it off carefully, taking
care not to touch the tip orifice.
E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
The mode operation will now flash DISPENSE indicating E4 XLS is ready to dispense sample. The joystick con­trols used for dispense will also flash in the navigation icon (Figure 12).
Figure 12: Basic Mode Dispense Operation.
1. Touch the tip end against the side wall of the receiving vessel. or to dispense the sample. It is not nec­essary to hold the joystick in place, E4 XLS will automatically complete the operation. The Tip Volume Indica­tor will mimic sample dispense from the tip, and its red guide arrow and active volume display will adjust
2. Withdraw the tip, sliding it along the wall of the vessel.
3. If needed,
or RESET for tip blowout. or RESET again as needed for more blowout(s) (Figure 13). For viscous solutions, pause before blowout. Note that Blowout is automatic, but you can also perform blowout manually to repeat. You can delay piston return time if desired by holding down the joystick.
Figure 13: Basic Mode Blowout Operation.
4. Press the tip ejector button lightly to discard the tip. To prevent carry-over, use a new tip for each sample.
1.4 Menus and Modes
E4 utilizes two menu levels that allow user selection of pipetting modes and provide access to general pipette information and settings:
- LevelI Menu: Allows selection of common operational modes and
operational mode selections include Basic Mode, Advanced Mode, Multi-Dispense Mode, Manual Mode and Setup Modes.
- LevelII Menu: Provides selection of additional modes, pipette and personalization settings, service information and options, and ac­cess to Level I menu. The default selection includes Reverse, Titrate, Dilute, Service, Admin Modes, Power Off and Remote. Purespeed will also show on 20, 200, 1000, and 1200 µL models.
The following operational modes offer a wide variety of pipetting capabilities:
- Basic Mode: Basic pipetting operation. Selection of a single volume and one aspirate/dispense speed.
- Advanced Mode: Provides all E4 XLS advanced pipetting options such as Mix and Volume Sequencing.
- Multi-Dispense Mode: Provides multi-aliquot dispensing with user-settable automatic dispense intervals.
- Manual Mode: Provides joystick control of E4 XLS that simulates manual pipette operation. Fine control of pre­cise volume increments allows aspiration and dispense of measured sample volumes.
- Reverse Mode: Aspirates the selected volume along with the pipette blowout volume. Recommended for dense or volatile liquids.
- Dilute Mode: Provides in-tip dilution of multiple sample volumes.
- Titrate Mode: Performs titration through measured dispensing. Allows an initial rapid dispense followed by precise control of the remaining titration volume.
- PureSpeed
Mode: Performs sample preparation utilizing Rainin PureSpeed tips. For more information see
Pure Speed User Manual on the E4 User Manual disc or
- The following modes provide preference, configuration and access options for the pipette.
- Setup Mode: Provides basic personalization of pipette settings including display brightness, sleep timeout, volume level, time/date setup, language, and alarms.
- Admin Mode: Provides configuration and access control to pipette settings. Admin allows you to control use of your pipette by hiding, locking, and unlocking pipetting modes, date, time, alarms, and settings, with optional passcode protection. Save backups of the entire configuration of the pipette after modifying settings in other modes.
- Service Mode: Provides important instrument information including last service date, service log, serial num- ber, manufacturing date, model number, and more. Information is protected for GLP compliance.
Figure 14: E4 XLS Controls
E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
1.5 Options and Settings
The list of common options and settings is provided in the table below. A detailed description of these and other mode-specific options follows.
Single Speed
Mix Blowout
Mode Presets
Manual *
*Speed in Manual Mode is variable.
If pipetting options are available in an operational mode, OPTIONS will be shown in the operating screen.
Options can be selected as follows:
1. OPTIONS to access the Options screen (Figure 15 left).
or to navigate between and highlight an option. When more than one page of options is available,
Options 1 of X is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen. To navigate between pages, or at
the first or last option on a page. (Figure 15 center and right).
or to turn an option on or off.
4. DONE or
to save changes and return to the operating screen. When an option is on, an associated option icon will be displayed in the lower left corner of operating screen and/or an additional settings box will be shown.
If the operational mode is exited, all options are retained when the mode is accessed again.
Figure 15: Options in Advanced Mode: OPTIONS Soft Key in Operating Screen (left), Options 1 of 2 (center) and Options 2 of 2 (right)
Volume Options
Fixed Volume. Provides the option of selecting up to 14 preset volumes from a table in the Volume Setting box.
When this option is turned on, the Fixed Volume Setting box will display in the operating screen. This option is useful for routine work where standard volumes are used repetitively. Note repeat pressing will toggle through the values.
Volume Sequencing. Provides the option of selecting up to 16 preset volumes in series from a table in the Volume Setting box. This option is useful for preparative protocols that require multiple sam­ples at various volumes. When this option is turned on, the Volume Sequencing icon and Setting box will display in the operating screen.
Note: Only one volume option can be on at a time. For example, if Fixed Volume is turned on when Volume Se­quencing is already on, E4 XLS+ will automatically turn Volume Sequencing off. If both options are off, the mode defaults to Single Volume.
Mix Option
Provides in-tip mixing of dispensed samples. When this option is turned on, the Mix icon and Mix Setting box will display in the operating screen. Users can specify mix volume and either manual mixing or up to 99 automatic mix cycles.
Blowout Option
Allows adjustment of blowout function in specific modes. When this option is off, the Blowout Off icon will display in the operating screen. Users can still perform manual blowout(s) when the Blow­out option is off.
Cycle Counter Option
Counts each pipetting cycle which consists of one aspirate and one dispense and blowout op­eration. When this option is on, a Cycle Count Setting box is displayed in the operating screen.
Auto Pace Option
Provides automatic dispensing of aliquots at user-settable time intervals between 0.1 and 30 sec­onds. Available in Multi-dispense Mode only. When this option is on, the Auto Pace icon is displayed in the operating screen.
Mode Preset Option
Mode Preset allows for saving and rapid recall of favorite protocols.
Allows saving entire mode setting to a Preset file. Preset files can be named, edited, and deleted. Saved Mode Presets can be viewed and selected in the Settings screen. Mode Presets are specific to the Mode in which they were created.
E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
The pipette settings available in each operational mode are displayed in the boxes along the right side of the operating screen. Volume and speed settings are common to all operating modes. Cycle count, mix settings and Mode Presets are displayed if the corresponding option is available and has been turned on in the operational mode.
In general, settings can be selected and changed as follows:
to access the Settings screen.
or to navigate between and highlight a setting.
or to edit.
or for coarse value adjustment and or for fine value adjustment. Hold the joystick in place to
quickly scroll through values.
Some option-specific settings may require additional steps. If the operational mode is exited, all settings are re­tained when the mode is accessed again.
Volume Settings
Allow users to set the volume of sample to be aspirated. Minimum and maximum volumes are dependent on the E4 XLS pipette model. The type of Volume Setting displayed depends on what options are turned on or off in the operational mode.
Single Volume. Allows one volume to be set and used for aspirate/dispense. When this setting is active, Volume is displayed in the Volume Setting box. This is the default volume setting for all operational modes, and the only volume setting available in Basic Mode.
Fixed Volume. Allows one of 14 preset volumes to be selected from a volume table. This setting is shown only when the Fixed Volume option is on. When this setting is active, Fixed Vol X is displayed in the volume setting box. For example, Fixed Vol 3 indicates the volume shown is the third volume selection in the table.
Volume Sequencing. Allows up to 16 preset volumes to be selected for use in series from a volume table. This setting is shown only when the Volume Sequencing option is on. When this setting is active, Vol X of X is displayed in the volume setting box. For example, Vol 2 of 4 in­dicates the volume shown is the second of four volumes in the series selected in the table. The volume value and number will increment as each cycle completes.
Speed Settings
Allow users to set aspirate, dispense and mix speeds from 1 (slow) to 10 (fast). High speed settings are best for aqueous samples and lower speed settings are best for viscous, foaming, delicate or shear-sensitive samples. The maximum speed settings for large-volume E4 XLS Basic Models are limited to prevent ‘fountaining’, or air intake, during aspiration. See Appendix A for a complete speed table.
Single Speed. Allows one speed value to be set which is used for both aspirate and dispense. This is the only speed setting available in Basic Mode.
Multi-Speed. Allows aspirate, dispense and mix speed settings to be set individually. Displays aspirate and dispense speeds (Asp/Dsp Spd) initially. During operation, the set value and cur­rent operation (Asp Speed, Dsp Speed or Mix Speed) will be shown in the settings box as each action is carried out.
Cycle Count
Cycle is complete aspiration and dispense followed by blowout. Displays the operational mode’s current cycle count, which increments after each cycle completes. Cycle count can be set to any value between 0 and 99,999. This setting is shown only when the Cycle Counter option is on.
Allows users to perform in-tip mixing after dispense. A mix volume, up to 99 automatic mix cycles or manual mixing can be selected. This setting is shown only when the Mix option is on. Minimum and maximum volumes are dependent on the size of the E4 XLS pipette. When auto­matic mix cycles are used, the set volume and number of mix cycles (Mix Cyc X) are shown in the settings box. The cycle number will increment as each mix cycle completes until the set number of cycles is reached. When manual mixing is used, the set volume and Mix Manual are shown in the settings box.
Preset Selector
Allows user to select a Mode Preset file, if one or more has been saved. The display shows how many presets are available and which one is currently loaded (if any). Activating this setting box allows users to scroll through and select any available preset with the joystick.
1.6 Using the Pipette
1.6.1 Pipetting Guidelines
E4 XLS+ pipettes incorporate several features to enhance pipetting consistency. In addition, these guidelines should also be followed:
• Use a consistent immersion depth
• Pipette vertically or within 20 degrees of vertical
• Pre-rinse the tip twice by aspirating and dispensing sample before actual pickup
• Do not invert or lay the pipette flat with liquid in the tip
More information on Good Pipetting Technique, including a Lab Poster, can be found on the MT website:
1.6.2 Tip Selection and Mounting
Rainin pipettes and tips are designed together as a pipetting system. E4 XLS+ pipettes are calibrated with Rainin tips. Performance to published specifications can only be guaranteed when Rainin tips are used.
To mount a tip, press the E4 XLS shaft into the end of the tip with light force. With both LTS and traditional ver­sions, the tip will seal properly on the shaft with minimal force — do not use more force than is required.
E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
1.6.3 Tip Immersion Depth
The recommended depth for tip insertion into the sample for each model is shown below:
Nominal Volume Volume Range Immersion Depth
10μL 0.5to10μL 1–2 m m
20μL 2to20μL 2–3 mm
100μL 10to100μL 2–3 mm
200μL 20to200μL 3–6 mm
300μL 20to300μL 3–6 mm
1000μL 100to1000μL 3–6 mm
2000μL 200to2000μL 3–6 mm
5000μL 500to5000μL 6–10 m m
10 m L 1 to 10 mL 6–10 mm
20 mL 2 to 20 mL 6–10 mm
Tip immersion depth is critical. If the recommended depths are exceeded, the volume measured may be inac­curate and possibly out of specification. The tip angle is also important. The pipette should always be used in a position within 20 degrees of vertical as shown in 16.
Figure 16: Tip Immersion Depth and Tip Angle
1.6.4 Sleep Mode and Power Shutdown
E4 XLS+ is equipped with display and sleep timeout features, both of which assist in conserving battery life ­Sleep Mode reduces power consumption by 98%. E4 XLS+ will automatically sleep after a set period.
- Display Timeout. Dims the intensity of the display after a user-specified period of inactivity. To wake E4 XLS+ from a display timeout, press either soft key or move the joystick in any direction.
Note: The soft key or joystick action taken to exit a display timeout will return the E4 XLS+ to ready mode only. The associated soft key function or joystick command will not initiate.
- Sleep Timeout. Powers the display off and puts the unit into low power state after a user-specified period of inactivity. To wake E4 XLS+ from a sleep timeout, press either soft key. The pipette will initialize and show the splash screen momentarily before returning the display to the last screen accessed.
Refer to “Setup Mode“ in section 9 for information on how to change the time setting for these timeout features.
Besides Sleep mode, the E4 XLS+ can also shut down completely. The E4 XLS+ automatically shuts down after 16 hours of non-use. If you wish to shut it down earlier, push and hold both soft keys simultaneously. After 3 seconds, the units beeps twice and a warning screen notifies you that you are about to shut down the unit. Press
CONT to shut down. Alternately, enter “POWER OFF” mode on Level II of the Main Menu. To turn on unit, press any soft key.
1.6.5 Help
On-screen Help is available to assist users with step-by-step operation and provide detailed information for a particular screen, menu item, setting or option.
- Menu Help. To get more information on a specific carousel menu item, highlight the item and select HELP.
- Settings and Options Help. To get more information on a specific setting or option in the current screen, high­light the item and select HELP.
Note: For all advanced operational modes, operating instructions can be found in the Help for the first setting in the mode’s operating screen.
- General Information. In some screens, general information and/or operating instructions can be accessed directly without having to highlight a particular item. In these screens, HELP will be an available function as soon as the screen is accessed.
Note: In Basic Mode only, operating instructions can be found in the general help for the mode’s operating screen.
Select RETURN to exit Help and return to the previous screen.
1.6.6 Filter
5000μL,10mL,and20mLpipettesuseafilter in the end of the shaft. This helps prevent liquid from entering the shaft and contaminating the piston should the plunger snap up during aspiration. Using a filter is recom­mended when pipetting large volumes. The filter should be replaced if it gets wet.
Figure 17: Filter Orientation
The5000µLand10mLpipettesusethesamelter,asshowninthediagramabove: 5000 µL: small diameter into the shaft. 10 mL: large diameter into the shaft. Filter part numbers are 6190-164 17001944 (pack of 100) and 6190-165 17001945 (pack of 1000).
Thelterforthe20mLmodelisacylinder. Part numbers: 6190-221 17001951 (pack of 100), 6190-222 17001952 (pack of 500).
E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
1.7 Volume Ranges and Increments
Volume ranges and increments for each model are shown in the following tables:
Single Channel E4 XLS+ Models
Volume (μL)
Range (μL)
Range (μL)
10 0.1 to 10 0.5 to 10 0.01
20 0.2 to 20 2 to 20 0.02
100 1 to 100 10 to 100 0.1
200 2 to 200 20 to 200 0.2
300 3 to 300 20 to 300 0.2
1000 10 to 1000 100 to 1000 1
2000 20 to 2000 200 to 2000 2
5000 50 to 5000 500 to 5000 5
10 m L 0.1 to 10 mL 1 to 10 mL 10
20 mL 0.2 to 20 mL 2 to 20 mL 20
Multichannel and Adjustable Spacer Models
Volume (μL)
Range (μL)
Range (μL)
10 0.1 to 10 0.5 to 10 0.01
20 0.2 to 20 2 to 20 0.02
50 0.5 to 50 5 to 50 0.05
100 1 to 100 10 t o 100 0.1
200 2 to 200 20 to 200 0.2
300 3 to 300 20 to 300 0.2
120 0 20 to 1200 100 to 1200 1
1.8 Sound Alerts
General Sound Alerts
- Aspiration complete: High-tone ding
- Dispense complete: Mid-tone ding
- Blowout complete: Low-tone ding
- Reset activated: Two high-tone beeps
- Reset complete (piston in home position): Low-tone ding
- Soft key function accessed: Short click
- Menu navigation: Swoosh
- Menu item selected: Short click
- Setting or option selection: Short click
- Setting value or option edit: Short click
- Setting error (min/max setting has been reached): Buzz
- Cancel: Swoosh
- Low battery warning: Two high-tone beeps
- Service Alarm: Two high-tone beeps
Mode-Specific Sound Alerts
- Multi-Dispense Mode: A second low-tone ding will sound after the last aliquot is dispensed.
- Manual Mode: Aspirate and dispense complete alerts will sound only when the value set in the Volume Setting is fully aspirated or dispensed.
- Titrate Mode: After Fast Dispense, the dispense complete alert will sound again only if the value set in the Vol­ume Setting is fully dispensed.
1.9 Setup Mode
Setup Mode allows users to personalize general pipette settings. User-settable service alarms
or in the Main Menu to highlight SETUP and , or to enter.
Navigation of Setup Pages
- or to move between and highlight a setting
- To move between pages,
or at the first or last setting on a page or at any time. The current page
number is displayed in the upper left of each screen.
- HELP for a detailed description of the highlighted item
- MAIN to return to the Main Menu
E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
Sound and Display Settings
Available sound, display and timeout settings are shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18: Setup Mode: Page 1 of 4
Sound Level
This is the volume setting for audible activity alerts. Volume levels between 1 and 10, or Off, can be selected.
or to edit.
or for coarse adjustment of Off, 5 or 10 and or for fine adjustment in single digits. or at 1
for Off. Volume level is shown on the System icon display.
3. DONE or
to save.
Display Brightness
This is the light intensity setting for the display. Values between 1 and 10 can be selected, where 1 is the dim­mest and 10 is the brightest setting.
or to edit.
or for coarse adjustment and or for fine. The screen brightness will automatically adjust as the
setting is changed.
3. DONE or
to save.
Display Timeout
The Display Timeout will dim the display after a period of inactivity in order to conserve battery life. Time inter­vals between 5 and 120 seconds, or Never, can be selected.
Note: To wake E4 XLS+ from a Display Timeout, press either soft key or move the joystick in any direction.
or to edit.
or for coarse adjustment and or for fine.
3. DONE or
to save.
Sleep Timeout
The Sleep Timeout will power the display off after a period of inactivity in order to conserve battery life. Time in­tervals between 1 and 60 minutes can be selected.
Note: If charging, the pipette will not enter a sleep timeout if a cycle is incomplete — for example, when a sam­ple has been aspirated but not yet dispensed. To wake the pipette from a Sleep Timeout, press either soft key. If not charging, the pipette will not enter a sleep timeout if a cycle is incomplete for an additional 15 minutes. The interrupted cycle is recoverable for up to 18 hours when not charging.
or to edit.
or for coarse adjustment and or for fine.
3. DONE or
to save.
Time and Date Settings
Available time and date settings are shown in Figure 19.
Figure 19: Setup Mode: Page 2 of 4
Shows the current time in a 24-hour, HH:MM:SS format. Time is displayed at the top right of all screens.
or to edit.
2. Hour will be selected initially.
or to navigate between hour, minute and second settings.
or to change value.
4. DONE or
to save.
Shows the current date using the current Date Format Setting.
or to edit.
2. The first field will be selected initially.
or to navigate between the other two date fields.
or to change value.
4. DONE or
to save.
E4 XLS+ Single Channel Pipettes
Time Display
This is the format of the on-screen time display. Select 24- or 12-hour formats or None to turn the time display off.
or to edit.
or to select display format.
3. DONE or
to save. The format of the time display in all screens will update immediately.
Date Format
This is the year, month and day format for the Date Setting. M/D/Y, Y/M/D, and D/M/Y formats can be selected.
or to edit.
or to select format.
3. DONE or
to save. The Date Setting will update automatically.
User Preference Settings
Available user preference settings are shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20: Setup Mode: Page 3 of 4
Users can select one of the following languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish or German.
or to edit.
or to select language.
3. DONE or
to save. The text displayed in all screens will update to the new language immediately.
This setting identifies the pipette owner. Users can enter up to 16 characters. The owner will also display in the splash screen.
or to edit.
2. Use joystick to select characters in Texteditor popup screen. Use the bottom left icon to select lowercase letters, numbers or symbols.
3. DONE to save.
Mode Levels
can be customized by the user. Mode access can be moved between menu levels as needed. Once a mode’s menu level is changed, it will be available only in the menu it was assigned to. The order of appearance on the carousel can also be changed. Modes that have been hidden in Admin Mode (Section 1.10) will not appear in the list. Locked modes also show a padlock icon.
or to view the mode menu table.
or to highlight a mode’s level.
or to edit.
or toselectLevelIorLevelIIMenu.
or to change order of appearance on carousel.
6. DONE or
to save.
7. DONE to exit table. Modes will immediately display as menu items in the selected menu.
Users can set service alarms based on number of cycles executed or days in use. Alarm options and settings are shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21: Setup Mode: Page 4 of 4
Cycle Alarm
The Cycle Alarm will notify users that pipette service is due after a set number of aspirate/dispense cycles have been executed since last service (see Service Mode). To set a Cycle Alarm:
or to turn the Cycle Alarm on.
to highlight the Number of Cycles Setting.
or to edit.
or for coarse adjustment and or for fine adjustment. Values between 1000 and 1,000,000 can
be set.
5. DONE to save changes.
+ 51 hidden pages