Name The name of the titrant.
Conc. [mol/L] The concentration of the titrant in [mol/L].
Titer The titer can be automatically determined using a titer determi-
nation, or manually entered. If the titer is determined through a
titer determination, the current date and time are stored.
Minimum The "Minimum" parameter lets you define the lower limit for the
range within which the titer must be.
Maximum The "Maximum" parameter lets you define the upper limit for the
range within which the titer must be.
Titer This parameter indicates whether the titer determination was
automatically determined ("Determined") or manually entered
Standard Here you can select one of the standards defined in the titrator
to determine the titer of your titrant.
Burette Using this parameter you can define the burette volume. Pos-
sible values are 1, 5, 10 and 20 mL.
Charge With this parameter you can record information about the batch
from which the titrant originates.
Fill rate [%] The "Fill rate" indicates how quickly the burette is filled with
titrant. Filling the burette at the highest rate corresponds to a fill
rate of 100%, and at the lowest rate to a fill rate of 30%. The
preset value is 100%
Check after [day] This value is used to calculate the expiration date for the titrant.
A period of 0 to 100 days can be defined. If the parameter has
the value 0, no expiration date is determined.
Expiry If the value 0 is entered for the "Check after" parameter, no
expiration date is calculated.
Date The date of the last titer determination. Each time you store the
titrant, the date is set to 00-00-0000.
Time The time of the last titer determination. Each time you store the
titrant, the time is set to 00:00.