Mettler Toledo D4, D5, D6 Instruction Manual

Reference Manual
Density Meter Excellence

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 5
2 Safety information 6
2.1 Definitions of signal words and warning symbols ................................................................. 6
2.2 Product specific safety notes .............................................................................................. 6
3 Design and function 8
3.1 Overview density meter...................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Rear panel ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Terminal .......................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 The principle of density measurement.................................................................................. 10
3.5 Design of the measuring cell and the temperature controller................................................... 12
4 Installation and commissioning 14
4.1 Scope of delivery .............................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Download the Reference Manual......................................................................................... 15
4.3 Unpack the density meter................................................................................................... 15
4.4 Position the density meter.................................................................................................. 15
4.5 Connect the density meter to the power supply ..................................................................... 16
4.6 Disconnect the density meter from the power supply ............................................................. 16
4.7 Connect, adjust and disconnect the terminal ........................................................................ 17
4.8 Install the syringe adapter.................................................................................................. 18
4.9 Install the waste tube......................................................................................................... 18
4.10 Install accessories ............................................................................................................ 18
4.11 Setup .............................................................................................................................. 20
4.7.1 Connect the terminal........................................................................................... 17
4.7.2 Adjust the angle of the terminal............................................................................ 17
4.7.3 Disconnect the terminal ...................................................................................... 17
4.10.1 Install and connect the syringe holder................................................................... 18 Install the syringe holder ................................................................................ 18 Connect the syringe holder ............................................................................. 19
4.10.2 Set up the drying pump....................................................................................... 19 Install the DryPro........................................................................................... 19 Connect the DryPro........................................................................................ 20
4.11.1 Adjustments & Tests ........................................................................................... 21 Adjustment Sets ............................................................................................ 21 Test Sets ...................................................................................................... 22
4.11.2 Hardware .......................................................................................................... 22 Cell ............................................................................................................. 22 Automation................................................................................................... 24 External Instruments ...................................................................................... 25 Peripherals ................................................................................................... 27 Sensors ....................................................................................................... 30 Auxiliary instruments ..................................................................................... 30
4.11.3 Language.......................................................................................................... 31
4.11.4 Screen .............................................................................................................. 32
4.11.5 Beep................................................................................................................. 32
4.11.6 Shortcuts........................................................................................................... 32
4.11.7 Keyboards......................................................................................................... 33
4.11.8 Global Settings .................................................................................................. 33 System ........................................................................................................ 33 User Management ......................................................................................... 33 Analysis and Resources Behavior.................................................................... 35 Physical properties ........................................................................................ 36
4.11.9 Tables & values ................................................................................................. 36 Tables ......................................................................................................... 37 Auxiliary Values ............................................................................................ 38
4.11.10 Maintenance & Service ....................................................................................... 38 MT Service ................................................................................................... 39 Import / Export .............................................................................................. 39 Add External Cell ........................................................................................... 40 Reset to Factory Settings ................................................................................ 40 Firmware...................................................................................................... 40 Update ......................................................................................................... 40 Hardware / Firmware summary....................................................................... 41 Cell ............................................................................................................. 41 Export Adjustments / Tests / Measurements ...................................................... 42
5 Configuration of methods and products 43
5.1 Configure measurement methods........................................................................................ 43
5.1.1 Establishing Methods ......................................................................................... 43
5.1.2 Creating a Method Copy...................................................................................... 45
5.1.3 Modifying or Deleting Methods............................................................................. 45
5.1.4 Method Syntax................................................................................................... 45
5.1.5 Standard Data ................................................................................................... 47
5.1.6 Conditions and formulas..................................................................................... 48
5.1.7 Method Function ................................................................................................ 50 Title ............................................................................................................. 50 Configuration................................................................................................ 50 Sample ........................................................................................................ 51 Fill............................................................................................................... 52 Measure....................................................................................................... 53 Calculation................................................................................................... 56 Clean........................................................................................................... 57 Online Display .............................................................................................. 59 Report.......................................................................................................... 59 Adjustment ................................................................................................... 60 Test ............................................................................................................. 60 Cell Test ....................................................................................................... 61 Temperature Compensation ............................................................................ 61 Instruction .................................................................................................... 62 Auxiliary Value .............................................................................................. 62 Wait ............................................................................................................ 62 Auxiliary instrument ....................................................................................... 63 PowerShower ............................................................................................... 64 Stir .............................................................................................................. 65 Line rinse ..................................................................................................... 65 Park ............................................................................................................ 66
5.2 Configure products............................................................................................................ 66
5.2.1 Create Products ................................................................................................. 66
5.2.2 Linking Methods with Products ............................................................................ 67
5.2.3 Parameters for products...................................................................................... 67
5.2.4 Calculations in Products ..................................................................................... 69
6 Series 70
6.1 Delete Series .................................................................................................................... 71
6.2 Creating a series copy....................................................................................................... 71
7 Operation 72
7.1 Start up the density meter................................................................................................... 72
7.2 Shut down the density meter .............................................................................................. 72
7.3 Typical phases of density determinations............................................................................. 73
7.3.1 Fill the measuring cell......................................................................................... 73
Table of Contents2 Density Meter Excellence
7.3.2 Rinse the measuring cell..................................................................................... 74
7.3.3 Dry the measuring cell........................................................................................ 74
7.4 Example: density determination using DryPro....................................................................... 75
7.4.1 Create the measurement method.......................................................................... 75
7.4.2 Configure the measurement method ..................................................................... 75
7.4.3 Create a shortcut on the home screen................................................................... 76
7.4.4 Determine the density ......................................................................................... 77
7.5 Viewing the results............................................................................................................ 80
7.6 Manual operation.............................................................................................................. 80
7.6.1 Automation........................................................................................................ 81 Action: Dry ................................................................................................... 81 Action: Rinse ................................................................................................ 81 Action: Drain ................................................................................................ 82 Action: Pump sample .................................................................................... 82 Action: PowerShower..................................................................................... 82 Action: Stir.................................................................................................... 82 Action: Move to position................................................................................. 83 Action: Move lift ............................................................................................ 83
7.6.2 Cell .................................................................................................................. 83 Action: Cell conditioning................................................................................. 83 Action: Cell test ............................................................................................. 83
8 Maintenance 84
8.1 Maintenance schedule....................................................................................................... 84
8.2 Clean the density meter ..................................................................................................... 84
8.2.1 Clean the housing .............................................................................................. 84
8.3 Clean the measuring cell ................................................................................................... 84
8.3.1 Typical phases of cleaning the measuring cell....................................................... 84
8.3.2 Example: clean using the drying pump................................................................. 85 Create the cleaning method ............................................................................ 85 Configure the cleaning method........................................................................ 86 Clean using deionized water and acetone ........................................................ 87
8.4 Check the measurement accuracy....................................................................................... 89
8.4.1 Typical phases of checking the measurement accuracy .......................................... 89
8.4.2 Example: test with a water standard ..................................................................... 89 Create the test method ................................................................................... 89 Configure the test method............................................................................... 90 Perform the test............................................................................................. 92
8.5 Replace the waste tube...................................................................................................... 95
8.6 Replace the syringe adapter ............................................................................................... 95
8.7 Replace the protective sleeve.............................................................................................. 95
8.7.1 Remove the protective sleeve............................................................................... 95
8.7.2 Install the protective sleeve.................................................................................. 96
8.8 View the firmware version .................................................................................................. 96
8.9 Update the firmware .......................................................................................................... 96
8.10 Prepare the density meter for storage................................................................................... 96
8.11 Transport the density meter ................................................................................................ 96
8.12 Dispose of the density meter .............................................................................................. 97
9 Troubleshooting 98
9.1 View and export system information.................................................................................... 98
9.1.1 View system information of the density meter ........................................................ 98
9.1.2 View system information of connected accessories ................................................ 98
10 Technical data 99
10.1 Density meter ................................................................................................................... 99
10.2 Terminal .......................................................................................................................... 100
10.3 Measurement ................................................................................................................... 101
11 Accessories 102
11.1 Standards ........................................................................................................................ 102
11.2 Sensors ........................................................................................................................... 102
11.3 Sample changers and pumps............................................................................................. 102
11.4 External measuring cells.................................................................................................... 106
11.5 Tubes.............................................................................................................................. 106
11.6 External instruments.......................................................................................................... 107
11.7 Peripheral instruments....................................................................................................... 108
11.8 Software .......................................................................................................................... 109
11.9 Miscellaneous accessories................................................................................................. 110
Index 111
Table of Contents4 Density Meter Excellence

1 Introduction

Thank you for choosing a METTLER TOLEDO density meter. The density meters D4, D5 and D6 are easy-to­operate, high-performance instruments for measuring the density of liquid samples.
About this document
The instructions in this document refer to density meters D4, D5 and D6 running firmware version 1.0 or higher.
The firmware license is subject to the End User License Agreement EULA version 3.0. See the following link for the license text:
For third party licenses and open source attribution files, see the following link:
If you have any additional questions, contact your authorized METTLER TOLEDO service representative or dealer.
Conventions and symbols
For useful information about the product.
Refers to an external document.
Elements of instructions
1 Steps 2 Steps
ð Intermediate results 3 Steps ð Results
Introduction 5Density Meter Excellence

2 Safety information

Two documents named "User Manual" and "Reference Manual" are available for this instrument.
The User Manual is printed and delivered with the instrument.
The electronic Reference Manual contains a full description of the instrument and its use.
Keep both documents for future reference.
Include both documents if you transfer the instrument to other parties.
Only use the instrument according to the User Manual and the Reference Manual. If you do not use the instrument according to these documents or if the instrument is modified, the safety of the instrument may be impaired and Mettler-Toledo GmbH assumes no liability.
User Manual and Reference Manual are available online.

2.1 Definitions of signal words and warning symbols

Safety notes contain important information on safety issues. Ignoring the safety notes may lead to personal injury, damage to the instrument, malfunctions and false results. Safety notes are marked with the following signal words and warning symbols:
Signal words
A hazardous situation with medium risk, possibly resulting in death or severe injury if not avoided.
A hazardous situation with low risk, resulting in damage to the instrument, other material damage, malfunctions and erroneous results, or loss of data.
Warning symbols
Electrical shock

2.2 Product specific safety notes

Intended use
The density meters D4, D5 and D6 are designed to be used by trained staff. The density meters are intended for measuring the density of liquid samples that are compatible with the materials with which they come into contact.
Any other type of use and operation beyond the limits of use stated by Mettler-Toledo GmbH without consent from Mettler-Toledo GmbH is considered as not intended.
Responsibilities of the instrument owner
The instrument owner is the person holding the legal title to the instrument and who uses the instrument or authorizes any person to use it, or the person who is deemed by law to be the operator of the instrument. The instrument owner is responsible for the safety of all users of the instrument and third parties.
METTLER TOLEDO assumes that the instrument owner trains users to safely use the instrument in their workplace and deal with potential hazards. METTLER TOLEDO assumes that the instrument owner provides the necessary protective gear.
Safety information6 Density Meter Excellence
Safety notes
Danger of death or serious injury due to electric shock!
Contact with parts that carry a live current can lead to death or injury. 1 Only use the METTLER TOLEDO power supply cable and AC adapter designed for your
instrument. 2 Connect the power cable to a grounded power outlet. 3 Keep all electrical cables and connections away from liquids and moisture. 4 Check the cables and the power plug for damage and replace damaged cables and
power plugs.
Risk of damage to the instrument due to the use of unsuitable parts!
Using unsuitable parts with the instrument can damage the instrument or cause it to malfunction.
− Only use parts from METTLER TOLEDO that are intended to be used with your instrument.
FCC Rules
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful inter­ference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Safety information 7Density Meter Excellence

3 Design and function

2 3

3.1 Overview density meter

No. Name Function
Syringe holder
Cell adapters Used to fill, drain and dry the measuring cell
Protective sleeve Prevents liquid from entering through the opening around the cell adapters
Terminal Displays information and is used to enter information
Power button Starts up and shuts down the density meter
Instrument status light
Only included in the scope of delivery of D6
Prevents disturbance of the measuring-cell when the user injects a sample
Provides information about the status of the density meter
Status light
StatusLight Density meter status
Steady, green light The density meter is ready for operation.
Blinking, green light The density meter is performing a task.
Steady, orange light The density meter waits for the user to perform an action.
Blinking, orange light A task has been interrupted, for example because a value lies outside of its
Steady, red light An error has occurred during task execution.
Design and function8 Density Meter Excellence

3.2 Rear panel

15 13 34678910111214 5
No. Name Function
1 DryPro / pH/Cond
Fan and ventilation
3 Air In
4 CAN out
5 Power Supply
6 USB 1 / USB 2
7 PC
8 SPR200
9 Terminal
10 DryPro
11 Ethernet
12 Aux
13 Automation
14 LevelSens
15 ErgoSens
Mounting plate to attach a DryPro, or an external flow cell to measure pH or conductivity
Move air over the heat sink of the Peltier element
Gas inlet to connect a source of dry air and prevent condensation outside of measuring cell
RJ12 socket to connect a LevelSens box
DC Socket to connect the AC adapter
USB-A socket to connect USB devices, for example printers, barcode readers or an InMotion™ Autosampler
USB-B socket to connect a computer
6-pin Mini-DIN socket to connect the filling pump SPR200
19-pin Mettler-HDMI socket with non-standard pin assignment, reserved to connect the terminal and no other display device
5-pin Mini-DIN socket to connect the drying pump DryPro
RJ45 socket to connect a network
5-pin Mini-DIN socket to connect an auxiliary instrument
9-pin male D-sub socket to connect a sample delivery and cleaning unit
5-pin Mini-DIN socket to connect the fluid-level sensor LevelSens
3.5mm jack socket to connect the infrared motion-sensor ErgoSens
See also
2 Accessories}Page102
Design and function 9Density Meter Excellence

3.3 Terminal

f =
No. Name Function
Touch screen Displays information and can be used to enter information
USB-A socket Is used to transfer data to and from a USB flash drive
Terminal status light
Provides information about the status of the density meter
Opens a window with general information about the density meter
Opens the home screen
Ends all running tasks

3.4 The principle of density measurement

The density measurement is based on the electromagnetically induced oscillation of a U-form tube made of glass. A magnet is fixed to the U-tube and a transmitter induces the oscillation. The period of oscillation T is measured by a sensor.
A complete forward and backward vibration is known as a period, its duration is the oscillation period T. The maximum deflection in the vertical direction is the amplitude A.
Measuring tube with defined volumetric capacity: A) Excitation: Magnetic B) Detection: optical
The number of periods per second is the frequency f. Each glass tube oscillates with its own intrinsic frequency:
Design and function10 Density Meter Excellence
The frequency is a function of the total mass and changes when the tube is filled with a gas or liquid. If the
T =
ρ = AT + B
F =
2 A
2 W
F (
2 A
2 S
F (
2 S
mass is increased, the frequency falls, i.e. the period of oscillation T becomes longer, according to the below formula:
: Density of the sample in the measuring cell [g/cm3] VC: Volume of the sample (capacity of the measuring cell) [cm3] mc: Mass of the measuring cell [g] K: Measuring cell constants [g/s2]
The density ρ can hence be calculated as follows:
The relationship between the density and the period of oscillation T is as follows:
A and B are constants that depend on the elasticity, structure and mass of the measuring cell. As they vary from cell to cell, they must be determined by means of direct measurement. This is known as a coefficient determi­nation or adjustment of the instrument. The coefficient F of the measuring cell is calculated by measuring the period of oscillation T of two standard substances (usually air and water) with known densities:
= Density of air [g/cm3]
= Density of water [g/cm3]
TA = Period of oscillation of the air measurement [s] TW = Period of oscillation of the water measurement [s]
After the coefficient F of the measuring cell has been determined by an adjustment, the unknown density of a substance S can be calculated via the following formulas, whereby TA, TS and TW in the following formulas no longer represent the period of oscillation itself but the oscillation value OSC derived from it:
The following diagram shows the how the density of an unknown substance is determined:
Design and function 11Density Meter Excellence
The coefficient F is temperature-dependent. The volume of the measuring cell and hence its period of oscillation changes with the temperature. For very precise measurements, the coefficient of the cell should be determined for the temperature at which you measure your samples.
The oscillation value OSC described here is required to calculate the coefficient of the measuring cell and hence the density of the unknown sample. The period of oscillation T itself is not displayed on the instrument. The density meters only display the so-called oscillation value OSC that is directly derived from the period of oscil­lation T.
The oscillation value OSC is thus only an auxiliary value that represents the period of oscillation in high resolution as a whole number without digital places.

3.5 Design of the measuring cell and the temperature controller

For a specific determination of the density a very precise measurement and adjustment of the temperature must be ensured.
As the temperature of the probe cannot be measured directly in the U-form tube without falsifying the measurement of the oscillation, the temperature is measured via three thermistors at different locations. The temperature is measured at four different points:
Temperature 1: Sensor in the measuring cell, directly above the surface of the U-tube. This temperature
is shown as a status display (cell temperature). Temperature 2: Temperature of the thermoblock (block temperature) (not displayed) Temperature 3: Reference temperature (not displayed) Temperature 4 Ambient temperature (not displayed)
The following schematic diagram shows the design of the module:
Design and function12 Density Meter Excellence
1: Temperature controller
2: Peltier element 3: Magnetic excitation/ oscil­lation measurer 4: Heat insulation 5: Magnet 6: Temperature sensor 2 (block temperature) 7: Temperature sensors 1 (cell temperature) and 3 (reference temperature) 8: U-tube 9: Thermoblock 10: Temperature sensor 4 (ambient temperature)
During a measurement the temperature of the sample must be regulated (heating or cooling) to precisely correspond to the selected measuring temperature. The density of the sample changes during heating or cooling (density is temperature-dependent!). The same is true for the resonance frequency of the U-tube. The sample temperature corresponds exactly to the selected temperature (and hence the cell temperature, Sensor 1) when the resonance frequency stabilizes. However it takes a long time before this thermal equilibrium is completely established. With respect to the shorter measuring times, various measurement reliabilities can be chosen so that even before the measurement is completed the temperature and the OSC can be extrapolated to stable end values. This means that sufficiently accurate results can be obtained before stabilization:
End of the measurement with:
1) Meas. reliability "Maximum": T and OSC stable
2) Meas. reliability "High": T and OSC extrapolated; narrow tolerance
3) Meas. reliability "Medium": T and OSC extrapolated; medium tolerance
4) Meas. reliability "Minimum": T and OSC extrapolated; greater tolerance
Design and function 13Density Meter Excellence

4 Installation and commissioning

4.1 Scope of delivery

Part Order number D4 D5 D6
Density meter
Extern. Power Supply 120W 30298362
Power cable (country-specific)
Terminal WVGA 7inch AnaChem
HDMI cable
Syringe adapter (1 pc) 51337154
Waste tube 600mm, M8 connector
Disposable syringe (3 pcs) 10mL
Syringe Holder Dx
Protective sleeve for syringe holder
Syringe holder and 2 screws
Syringe adapter
Tube with 2 M8connectors,
length 280mm
Torx screwdriver 10
Combined water standard 9mL, density/refractive index
User Manual
Declaration of conformity
Installation and commissioning14 Density Meter Excellence
Part Order number D4 D5 D6
Test report

4.2 Download the Reference Manual

1 Go to the website
2 Select the Technical Documentation tab.
3 Enter the product type in the search field and start the search. 4 Select the Reference Manual from the result list. 5 Select the link.
ð The Reference Manual is either opened or downloaded depending on the browser settings. 6 Check which firmware version is installed on your density meter. 7 If the Reference Manual is not written for the installed firmware version, contact your authorized METTLER
TOLEDO service representative or dealer.
See also
2 Introduction}Page5 2 View the firmware version}Page96

4.3 Unpack the density meter

1 Remove the density meter from the protective packaging. 2 Store the packing material for later transport over long distances. 3 Check if you received all parts listed in the scope of delivery. 4 Inspect the parts visually for flaws or damage. 5 If parts are missing or damaged, report it to your authorized METTLER TOLEDO service representative or
See also
2 Scope of delivery}Page14

4.4 Position the density meter

The density meter has been developed for indoor operation in a room with stable temperature. The following site requirements apply:
Dew point below measurement temperature
Ventilation as needed by the chemicals that are used
Ambient conditions within the limits specified in the technical data
No powerful vibrations
No direct sunlight
No corrosive gas atmosphere
No explosive atmosphere
No powerful electric or magnetic fields
1 Place the density meter on a level surface. 2 Make sure that there are at least 15 cm clearance behind the density meter.
Installation and commissioning 15Density Meter Excellence
3 Make sure that nothing blocks the ventilation openings in the rear panel of the density meter.
See also
2 Technical data}Page99

4.5 Connect the density meter to the power supply

The AC adapter is suitable for all supply line voltages ranging from 100...240 V AC and 50/60 Hz.
Danger of death or serious injury due to electric shock!
Contact with parts that carry a live current can lead to death or injury. 1 Only use the METTLER TOLEDO power supply cable and AC adapter designed for your
instrument. 2 Connect the power cable to a grounded power outlet. 3 Keep all electrical cables and connections away from liquids and moisture. 4 Check the cables and the power plug for damage and replace damaged cables and
power plugs.
Danger of damage to the AC adapter due to overheating!
If the AC adapter is covered or in a container, it is not sufficiently cooled and overheats. 1 Do not cover the AC adapter. 2 Do not put the AC adapter in a container.
1 Install the cables in such a way that they cannot be damaged or interfere with operation. 2 Insert the plug of the power cable in the socket of the AC adapter.
3 Insert the plug of the AC adapter in the Power
Supply(1) socket on the rear panel.
4 Insert the plug of the power cable into a grounded
power outlet that is easily accessible.

4.6 Disconnect the density meter from the power supply

The density meter is shut down.
1 Pull the plug of the power cable out of the power outlet.
2 Pull the plug of the AC adapter out of the Power Supply socket on the rear panel.
Installation and commissioning16 Density Meter Excellence

4.7 Connect, adjust and disconnect the terminal

1 2

4.7.1 Connect the terminal

The density meter is shut down.
1 Insert one of the plugs of the supplied terminal cable in the socket(1) on the back of the terminal.
2 Insert the other plug of the terminal cable into the Terminal socket(2) on the rear panel.
3 Start up the density meter. ð The density meter automatically detects the terminal and activates it.
See also
2 Start up the density meter}Page72

4.7.2 Adjust the angle of the terminal

The angle of the terminal has twopositions.
No task is running.
− To increase the angle of the terminal, fold out the two feet(1) at the underside of the terminal.

4.7.3 Disconnect the terminal

The density meter is shut down.
1 Pull the plug of the terminal cable out of the socket on the back of the terminal.
2 Pull the plug of the terminal cable out of the Terminal socket on the rear panel.
See also
2 Shut down the density meter}Page72
Installation and commissioning 17Density Meter Excellence

4.8 Install the syringe adapter

1 Screw the syringe adapter(2) into the front cell
2 Make sure that the connection is tight.

4.9 Install the waste tube

1 Screw the connector of the waste tube(2) into the rear
cell adapter(1).
2 Make sure that the connection is tight.
3 Place the end of the waste tube(1) into the waste
4 Shorten the waste tube so that the end of the waste
tube(1) is above the level of the waste.

4.10 Install accessories

4.10.1 Install and connect the syringe holder Install the syringe holder
1 Remove the protective sleeve. See [Remove the protective sleeve}Page95].
Installation and commissioning18 Density Meter Excellence
1 2
2 Install the protective sleeve supplied with the Syringe
3 4
Holder Dx.See [Install the protective sleeve}Page96].
3 Make sure that the opening for the syringe holder(1) is
over the two mounting holes for the syringe holder(2).
4 Insert the syringe holder(4) in the opening for the
syringe holder(3).
5 Insert the two screws(5) in the two openings in the
syringe holder and the mounting holes.
6 Screw in the screws and tighten them. Connect the syringe holder
The syringe holder is installed.
1 Screw one of the M8 connectors(2) of the syringe-
holder tube from below about halfway into the opening(1).
2 Screw the other M8 connector(4) of the syringe holder
tube into the front cell adapter(3) and tighten it.
3 Screw the syringe adapter(1) from above into the
opening(2) and tighten it.

4.10.2 Set up the drying pump Install the DryPro
The DryPro is assembled as described in its User Manual.
The density meter is shut down.
1 Align the hooks(2) of the DryPro with the openings of
the mounting plate(1).
2 Insert the hooks into the openings.
Installation and commissioning 19Density Meter Excellence
3 Move the DryPro downward until it clicks in place.
Log out User data Barcode start Start
Methods /
d [g/cm3] Connect the DryPro
The DryPro is installed.
The density meter is running.
The home screen is open.
1 Insert the plug(2) of the DryPro in the DryPro
socket(1) on the rear panel. ð The density meter detects and configures the
2 Go to Setup(1) > Hardware > Automation.
3 Check that the DryPro has the Status Installed.
See also
2 Start up the density meter}Page72

4.11 Setup

This section tells you how to set up the density meter in accordance with your requirements so that you can carry out the measurements.
The following summary shows the buttons available in Setup for the various setting options:
Adjustments & Tests
Adjustment sets
Test sets
External instruments
Auxiliary instruments
Installation and commissioning20 Density Meter Excellence
User settings
Global settings
Tables & Values
Maintenance & Service
User management
Analysis and resources behavior
Physical Properties
Auxiliary values
MT service
Import / Export
Add external cell
Reset to factory settings
Hardware / Firmware summary
Touch screen adjustment
Export of adjustments / Tests / Measurements
The "Expired Resources" button
The Expired Resources button is located on the setup overview screen. It provides you with a summary of all expired resources, stating the: type, name and expiration date of the respective resource.
Expired resources are entered if the setting "Monitoring adjustment set/test set/auxiliary value" is activated during setup.
Below you will find a detailed description of the setting options available in setup:

4.11.1 Adjustments & Tests

Navigation: Home > Setup > Adjustments & Tests
Adjustment and test sets can be administered as described below. You can create new sets and delete existing ones (when deleting you receive a prompt with the option to cancel). Before an adjustment or test can be performed, an adjustment or test set must be defined.
A maximum of six different adjustment sets or test sets respectively can be entered in the set list. Before an adjustment or test can be performed, an adjustment or test set must be defined. Adjustment Sets
Via the button Adjustment sets you will obtain a list of the defined sets. The default set "Air&Water20.00C" is always available and cannot be deleted. When you click the sets, you obtain more detailed information about the individual sets. The parameters "Adjustment mode", "Temperature" and "Set name" are displayed.
Creating adjustment sets
You can create your own adjustment sets via the button New. The Adjustment set parameters dialog opens.
Installation and commissioning 21Density Meter Excellence
Parameter Description Values
Adjustment mode Defines the standard that is used for the adjustment procedure.
Temperature Defines the temperature at which the procedure is performed. 0.00…100.00°C |
Set name Specify a descriptive name of your choice. 1…30 characters
Delete adjustment sets
1 To delete a created set, click the desired entry in the Adjustment sets dialog.
2 In the Adjustment set parameters dialog, click the button Delete.
ð When a set is deleted, the set history will also be deleted. Methods that refer to the deleted set are no
longer executable. Test Sets
Via the button Test sets you receive a list of the defined sets. The default set "Water20.00C" is always available and cannot be deleted. When you click the test sets, you obtain more detailed information about the individual sets. The parameters "Test mode", "Temperature", "Set name" and depending on the mode "Standard name" are displayed.
Creating test sets
You can create your own test sets via the button New. The Test set parameters dialog is opened.
Standards requires a valid adjustment with Air&Water at this
temperature. (Air&Standard and Water&Standard are not available for refractometers).
Air&Water | Air&Standard | Water&Standard | Standards
Parameter Description Values
Test mode Defines the standard that is used for the test procedure. Air | Standard | Brix
Temperature Defines at which temperature the test will be performed. -
Standard name Specify a descriptive name of your choice. 1…30 characters
Set name Specify a descriptive name of your choice. 1…30 characters
Delete test sets
1 To delete a created set, click the desired entry in the Test sets dialog.
2 In the Test set parameters dialog click the button Delete.
ð When a set is deleted, the set history will also be deleted. Methods that relate to the deleted set are no
longer executable.

4.11.2 Hardware

Navigation: Setup>Hardware
In this dialog window you can configure all the hardware components connected to the meter. These include:
External instruments
Auxiliary instruments
standard Cell
Navigation: Home > Setup > Hardware > Cell
Installation and commissioning22 Density Meter Excellence
The measuring cell is connected via an internal interface in the compact device. The instrument can be extended to create a 2–cell instrument (see also "Setup: Maintenance & Service > [Add external cell}Page40]").
− Touch the button Cell in the Hardware dialog.
ð With single cell instruments you go directly to the list with the cell parameters ð In the case of two cell instruments the connected cells are listed. You have to touch one of the displayed
cells so that the Cell parameters dialog opens.
ð The Cell parameters dialog is opened.
Parameter Description Values
Cell Name of the measuring cell -
Type Measuring cell type -
Status Shows whether the cell is connected. -
Serial number Serial number of the cell -
If an adjustment has been performed, an entry in the adjustment set appears in the setup of the corresponding cell. If you touch the entry, the data of the most recent adjustment that was executed with the set will be displayed.
Parameter Description Values
Adjustment set By touching the set entry, you obtain the values for the most
recent adjustment of this set.
Monitoring adjustment set
Monitoring of the service life of the adjustment can be activated. The process, if the service life of a set has expired, is defined in
the method function "Measure".
Adjustment interval
Reminder Before the set expires, a message appears indicating that the
Days before
Validity of adjustment "Monitoring adjustment
set" activated
"Monitoring adjustment
adjustment or test has expired.
set / test set" activated
Specifies the number of days after which a warning is triggered. "Reminder" activated
If a test has been performed, an entry in the test set appears in the setup of the corresponding cell. If you touch the entry, the data of the most recent adjustment that were executed with the set will be displayed.
Parameter Description Values
Test set By touching the set you go to the values for the most recent test
for this set.
Monitoring test set
Monitoring of the service life of the test can be activated. The process, if the service life of a set has expired, is defined in the
method function "Measure".
Test interval Service life of test "Monitoring test set"
Parameter Description Values
Reminder Before the set expires, a message appears indicating that the
adjustment or test has expired.
Days before
Specifies the number of days after which a warning is triggered. "Reminder" activated
"Monitoring adjustment set / test set" activated
Via the button History you go to a list that contains a maximum of ten adjustment or test entries for the selected set.
For the adjustment, the oscillation values OSC1 and OSC2 (for both adjustment standards) are displayed, while for the cell test the deviation of the measured density (d
) from the nominal value
) is shown.
Installation and commissioning 23Density Meter Excellence
The history can be displayed in graphic form via the button Graph. You can view the history data by touching an entry.
See also
2 Add External Cell}Page40 Automation
Navigation: Home > Setup > Hardware > Automation
The automation units that can be installed are listed below:
DryPro (drying pump)
SPR200 (sample pump)
SC1 (automation unit for a sample)
SC30 (automation unit for 30 samples)
InMotion (automation unit for up to 303 samples)
The peripheral devices have an automatic PnP (Plug and Play) – identification. They can also be manually created in the setup.
Via the button Automation in the Hardware dialog, you access a list with defined automation units. By touching a list entry, you obtain more detailed information about the corresponding automation unit.
Parameter Description Values
Type Instrument Type -
Power purge unit The external diaphragm (Optional) has a much higher output
Heating option This is where the heating option is activated. The temperature is
Limit sensor Optical sensor that detects the sample and prevents it leaving the
External drain valve
Solvent 1 Specifies the solvent at the connection Rinse 1 "Type" = "SC1"/ "SC30"
Solvent 2 Specifies the solvent at the connection Rinse 2 "Type" = "SC1"/ "SC30"
Speed "Low" Value for speed level "Low" of the SPR200 or InMotion
Speed "Medium" Value for speed level "Medium" of the SPR200 or InMotion
Speed "High" Value for speed level "High" of the SPR200 or InMotion
than the diaphragm pump integrated in the SC1/SC30. The pump is actually adjusted at the SC1/SC30.
directly set on the heating unit.
heated area of the heating option (info field).
Located in the heating unit. Prevents the samples flowing back after filling process (info field).
autosampler (in % of the maximum speed).
autosampler (in % of the maximum speed).
autosampler (in % of the maximum speed).
"Type" = "SC1"/ "SC30"
"Type" = "SC1"/ "SC30"
"Type" = "SC1"/ "SC30"
"Type" = "SC1"/"SC30"
"Type" = "SPR200" / "InMotion"
"Type" = "SPR200" / "InMotion"
"Type" = "SPR200" / "InMotion"
Rate at 100% Value for max. possible pump output (depending on the installed
"Type" = "InMotion"
pump which is defined as sampling pump).
Stirrer output Specifies the pump/stirrer port on the InMotion where your stirrer
"Type" = "InMotion"
is connected.
Sampling pump output
PowerShower output
Specifies the pump/stirrer port on the InMotion where your sampling pump is connected.
Specifies the pump/stirrer port on the InMotion where your pump for PowerShower is connected.
"Type" = "InMotion"
"Type" = "InMotion"
Rate Value for required pump output for PowerShower. "Type" = "InMotion"
Beaker height Specifies the height of the used beakers. "Type" = "InMotion"
Installation and commissioning24 Density Meter Excellence
A distinction should be made between the following two cases in the installation of instruments:
1. There is still no setup entry available in the unit (delivery state).
A new entry has been generated and the parameters automatically generated.
2. A setup entry was previously manually created in the instrument:
The PnP parameters are automatically entered, the remaining parameters, previously edited by the user,
remain unchanged. When a PnP instrument is unplugged, the status changes to "not installed". Below is described how you can administer the various devices in setup. This includes the creation of devices
or changing the parameters in the setup.
Create automation units
So that methods for the application of automation units can be created and configured without the automation unit being connected, these units must be created in the setup via the button New.
Delete automation unit
It is not possible to delete the entry of a connected device.
If you want to delete an entry for a unit that is not connected from the list, a message with the termination option appears indicating that after deletion the methods that use the external instruments will no longer be executable. External Instruments
Navigation: Home > Setup > Hardware > External instruments
The external instruments that can be installed are listed below. They all have automatic PnP – identification:
METTLER TOLEDO S20 – SevenEasy™ pH
METTLER TOLEDO S30 – SevenEasy™ Conductivity
METTLER TOLEDO S220 - SevenCompact™ pH/Ion
METTLER TOLEDO S220 - SevenCompact™ Conductivity
Lovibond colorimeters PFX880/ PFXi880, PFX950/ PFXi950 and PFX995/ PFXi995 series, Tintometer
Minolta colorimeters CM-5/ CR-5
The Lovibond colorimeters can be connected to the USB interfaces. For this purpose the USB – RS232
adapter is required (contained in the connection kit).
For each device type only one entry is possible.
Install devices
A distinction should be made between the following two cases in the installation of instruments:
1. There is still no setup entry available in the unit (delivery state).
A new entry has been generated and the parameters automatically generated.
2. A setup entry was previously manually created in the instrument:
The PnP parameters are automatically entered, the remaining parameters, previously edited by the user,
remain unchanged. When a PnP instrument is unplugged, the status changes to "not installed".
Via the button External instruments in the Hardware dialog, you can obtain the list of instruments. By
touching a list entry, you obtain more detailed information about the corresponding instrument.
Create device
So that methods can be created and configured with external instruments, without having to connect the instrument, the setup entries of the external instruments can be manually created via the button New.
The pH and conductivity meters can be assigned names individually using the "Instrument" parameter.
Installation and commissioning 25Density Meter Excellence
Delete devices
It is not possible to delete the entry of a connected device.
If you want to delete an entry for a unit that is not connected from the list, a message with the termination option appears indicating that after deletion the methods that use the external instruments will no longer be executable.
SevenEasy™ / SevenCompact™ pH/ion and conductivity meters
1 Select the following for the SevenEasy™ and SevenCompact™ measuring instruments (also refer to the
operating instructions for the measuring instrument concerned):
Manual end point measured value acquisition, set the unit [pH]" ([mV] not supported).
2 For the SevenCompact pH and conductivity meters, the following must also be selected (also refer to the
relevant operating instructions):
an interval time of 1s (in menu>Interval measurements), interface=printer (in menu>Data transmission), "Send data to interface" (in "Type of data transmission").
3 For temperature compensation, set the unit [°C] at the measuring instruments. Two types of temperature
compensation exist:
- ATC (automatic temperature compensation) with a temperature sensor connected.
- MTC (manual temperature compensation) with no temperature sensor connected. Note: The pH or conductivity meters switch automatically, depending on the arrangement. If the temperature unit at the pH meter or conductivity meter is set to [°C], the results "TpH" and "TCond" will be converted to the temperature unit set in the instrument, i.e. either [°C] or [°F] . By contrast, if [°F] is set at the pH or conductivity meter, no result will be calculated. "--" will be output in the results field.
The conductivity units are [mS/cm]/ [μS/cm] (depending on the range) or [mS/m][μS/m] (depending on the range). However, the results are expressed in [μS/cm]. If you wish to have the result displayed in [mS/cm] or [mS/m][μS/m], it will be necessary to recalculate the result using the "Calculation" method function.
- Lovibond
The Lovibond colorimeter can be used for extinction or transmission measurements. The wavelengths are output in 5nm (in the range 420 – 710nm).
A color measurement may take longer than 25s.
- Minolta colorimeters CM-5 / CR-5
The Minolta colorimeters can be used for transmission measurements (liquids). Transmission data are supplied in 10nm increments within the spectral range 360 – 740nm. A color measurement takes approximately 1s. The measurements involve high-energy light flashes. For this reason, color scales are not offered for reflection measurements in the crude oil industry.
The CR-5 colorimeter does not supply any spectral data.
Calibration is possible directly at the colorimeter only. The USB link must be disconnected.
"Illuminant" and "Observer" can be set in the "Configuration" method function. For more information, see
"[Methods and products: Method functions> Configuration}Page50]".
- Color scales
Navigation: Home > Setup > Hardware > External instruments > Parameters
Installation and commissioning26 Density Meter Excellence
− Click on "Colorimeter".
ð The "External instrument parameters" dialog appears.
If a device has been connected, a list of color scales is displayed via the Color scales button, that were available in the most recently connected device. If the device has been manually configured and no device has yet been connected, then the list is empty. Peripherals
Navigation: Home > Setup > Hardware > Peripherals
In the dialog Peripherals, the following devices and settings can be configured:
Barcode reader
USB stick
Fingerprint reader
Personal Computer (PC) – settings
Network settings
Network storage
Below is described how you can administer the various devices in setup. This includes the creation of devices or changing the parameters in the setup.
Barcode reader
Barcode readers have Plug&Play (PnP) recognition and can be installed via the USB interface. The following barcode readers can be installed:
Handheld readers
Built-in readers
You can create the barcode readers via New. A maximum of one entry can be created for both types.
Parameter Description Values
Type Instrument Type -
Serial number Serial number of the corresponding device -
Barcode Infor­mation
Sample ID: on the barcode there is only the sample ID. Method ID: on the barcode there is the method ID (with this a
saved method can be selected during scanning). Product ID: on the barcode there is the product ID (with this a saved product can be selected during scanning). Sample ID/Method ID: on the barcode there are the sample ID and method ID (with this a saved method can be selected during scanning). Sample ID/Product ID: on the barcode there are the sample ID and product ID (with this a saved product can be selected during scanning).
Start pos. sampleIDStart position of the sample ID on the barcode "Barcode information"
with sample ID
Number of characters
Length of the sample ID on the barcode "Barcode information"
with sample ID
Start pos. methodIDStart position of the method ID on the barcode "Barcode information"
with method ID
Number of characters
Length of the method ID on the barcode "Barcode information"
with method ID
Start pos. productIDStart position of the product ID on the barcode "Barcode information"
with product ID
Installation and commissioning 27Density Meter Excellence
Number of characters
Immediate start If this parameter has been activated, when a task is started with
Length of the product ID on the barcode "Barcode information"
with product ID
"Type" = "Handheld the barcode reader, the Start analysis dialog is skipped and the task is started immediately.
"Barcode information"
with method ID, product
ID or sample ID
Example of barcode with sample ID and method ID (161218522). (Sample ID=1612 and method ID 18522).
Start pos. sample ID 1
Number of characters 4
Start pos. method ID 5
Number of characters 5
USB stick
Commercially available USB sticks from USB Version 1.1 are supported.
Fingerprint reader
You can use a fingerprint reader to authenticate users on the titrator. In order to do this, the fingerprint reader must be activated on the titrator. The following parameters are available for this:
Parameter Description Values
Activates the connected fingerprint reader. -
fingerprint reader
Printer (and USB-RS232 data export)
Date can be printed with the USB-P25 (strip printer) or with a network printer.
Data can be exported using the USB data export box. The data are exported in the XML (UTF-8) formats.
For data export to an RS interface, you need the USB RS232 adapter (USB data export box).
As desired, data can be printed either as a summary or in a user defined format (via "Print Mode" parameter
"Report" method function; also see "Methods and products: Methods> Method functions> Report")
For printing/USB data export, the following should be taken into consideration:
In the "Report" method function, the "Print / USB-RS232 data export" parameter must be selected.
You can define the following parameters via the Printer button (Home>Setup>Hardware>Peripherals):
Parameter Description Values
Printer type
USB compact printer
­The USB compact printer does not support all languages. This printer can only print out a limited quantity of analysis data and results.
USB-RS232 data export
For the RS-232 data export, the data is transmitted regardless of the selected language. Only a limited quantity of data and results can be exported.
Network printer
Every connected printer in your local network that supports HP PLC 3 or Epson ESC/P 2 can be used.
Status Indicates whether the selected printer type is installed (info field). Only for printer type
"USB compact printer" and "USB-RS232 data export"
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