The trade names Metrel, Smartec, Eurotest, Autosequence are trademarks registered or
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No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means without
permission in writing from METREL.
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Table of contents
1 General description ........................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Warnings and notes ........................................................................................................ 7
In order to reach high level of operator safety while carrying out various measurements using
the OmegaPAT XA instrument, as well as to keep the test equipment undamaged, it is
necessary to consider the following general warnings:
Read this user manual carefully, otherwise use of the instrument may be
dangerous for the operator, for the instrument or for the equipment under test!
Consider warning markings on the instrument!
If the test equipment is used in manner not specified in this user manual the
protection provided by the equipment may be impaired!
Do not use the instrument and accessories if any damage is noticed!
Regularly check the instrument and accessories for correct functioning to avoid
hazard that could occur from misleading results.
Consider all generally known precautions in order to avoid risk of electric shock
while dealing with hazardous voltages!
Use only standard or optional test accessories supplied by your distributor!
Only test equipment provided or approved by Metrel should be connected to 3-
PHASE ADAPTER connector.
Do not connect external voltage to CLAMP inputs. It is intended only for
connection of Clamps approved by Metrel.
Use only earthed mains outlets to supply the instrument!
If working on other than 230 V TN/TT voltage systems refer to chapter 1.2.1230 V /
110 V operation.
In case a fuse has blown refer to chapter 8.2 Fuses to replace it!
Instrument servicing and calibration is allowed to be carried out only by a
competent authorized person!
LCD screenshots in this document are informative only. Screens on the
instrument may be slightly different.
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA General description
1.1.2 Warnings related to safety of measurement functions Flash HV
A voltage of up to 3 kV
between main socket’s LN and PE socket terminals / 1.5 kVAC between FLASH and
mains socket PE terminal is applied to the instrument’s outputs during the test.
Although the current of the HV source is limited to safe level special safety
consideration must be taken when performing this test!
between FLASH and mains socket LN terminals / 1.5 kVAC
Load currents higher than 10 A can result in high temperatures of fuse holders! It is
advisable not to run tested devices with load currents above 10 A for more than 15
minutes. Recovery period for cooling is required before proceeding with tests!
Maximum intermittent duty cycle for measurements with load currents higher than 10
A is 50 %. Insulation resistance
Do not touch the test object during the measurement or before it is fully discharged!
Risk of electric shock!
1.1.3 Markings on the instrument
Read the Instruction manual with special care to safety operation«. The
symbol requires an action!
Dangerous high voltage is present on terminals during the test.
Consider all precautions in order to avoid risk of electric shock.
Mark on your equipment certifies that it meets European Union
requirements for EMC, LVD, and ROHS regulations.
This equipment should be recycled as electronic waste.
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA General description
1.2 Power management
1.2.1 230 V / 110 V operation
The instrument works on 110 V and 230 V mains. 110 V and 230 V appliances can be fully
In UK and Aus/Nz models only 110 V mains voltage will be applied to the mains test socket if
the 110 V test adapter (A 1474) is connected to the instrument.
1.2.2 Battery and charging, auto power off
The instrument has an in-built rechargeable battery pack. The battery is charged whenever the
instrument is connected to the mains. When the instrument is disconnected from mains, the
battery provides power to the instrument to stay energized for 1 minute. This is indicated by the
battery symbol in the upper right corner of the LCD. Operation with the instrument is not
possible except the mains was disconnected during the RCD test. As long as the instrument is
energized it will be ready to use immediately after connected to mains voltage again. This
enables faster testing of appliances.
If the instrument is not reconnected to mains within 1 minute it will completely switch off. When
connected to mains again, a normal power up procedure will be taken.
Figure 1.1: Indication of battery status
A flat or faulty battery will result in an immediate power off after the instrument is
disconnected from the mains.
Charging time of the battery is about 14 h.
1.2.3 Power Off, Restart
Instrument is powered by battery:
when pressing the ESC key for ca 5 s the instrument will switch off.
Instrument is connected to mains:
when pressing the ESC key for ca 5 s the instrument will restart.
1.3 Standards applied
The OmegaPAT XA instrument is manufactured and tested according to the following
regulations, listed below.
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA General description
EN 61326-1
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC
requirements – Part 1: General requirements
Class B (Portable equipment used in controlled EM environments)
EN 61010-1
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and
laboratory use – Part 1: General requirements
EN 61010-2-030
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and
laboratory use – Part 2-030: Particular requirements for testing and
measuring circuits
EN 61010-031
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and
laboratory use – Part 031: Safety requirements for hand-held probe
assemblies for electrical measurement and test
EN 61010-2-032
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and
laboratory use – Part 2-032: Particular requirements for hand-held and
hand-manipulated current sensors for electrical test and measurement
EN 61557
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1
500 V d.c. – Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective
Instrument complies with all relevant parts of EN 61557 standards.
Code of Practice
Household and similar electrical appliances
VDE 0701-702
Inspection after repair, modification of electrical appliances – Periodic
inspection on electrical appliances
General requirements for electrical safety
IEC/EN 60974-4
Arc welding equipment – Part 4: Periodic inspection and testing
IEC/EN 62353
Medical electrical equipment - Recurrent test and test after repair of
medical electrical equipment
AS/NZS 3760
In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Safety (LVD)
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument set and accessories
2 Instrument set and accessories
2.1 Standard set of the instrument
Instrument MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA
Bag for accessories
Flash test probe (MI 3360 F only)
IEC test cable 3 x 1.5 mm2, 2 m
Test lead (black)
Test tip (black)
Alligator clip (black)
Mains cable, 3 x 1.5 mm2, 2 m
USB cable
Calibration Certificate
Short form instruction manual
CD with instruction manual (full version) and PC SW Metrel ES Manager
2.2 Optional accessories
See the attached sheet for a list of optional accessories that are available on request from your
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument description
3 Instrument description
3.1 Front panel
Figure 3.1: Left side panel
Figure 3.2: Front panel
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument description
Mains supply connector
F1, F2 fuses (T 16 A / 250 V)
Clamp inputs
Barcode scanner and RFID / NFC reader / writer device serial port
- switch OFF instrument from standby mode (long press >5 sec)
Option key is used to:
- expand column in control panel
- show detailed view of options
Shortcut keys for immediate access to the Memory Organizer, Auto
Sequences® menu and Single Tests menu.
Tap (briefly touch surface with fingertip) is used to:
- select appropriate option
- confirm selected option
- start and stop measurements
Swipe (press, move, lift) up/ down is used to:
- scroll content in same level
- navigate between views in same level
Long press (touch surface with fingertip for at least 1 s) is used to:
- select additional keys (virtual keyboard)
- enter cross selector from single test screens
Tap Escape icon is used to:
- return to previous menu without changes;
- abort / stop measurements
4 Instrument operation
The instrument can be manipulated via a keypad or touch screen.
4.1 General meaning of keys
4.2 General meaning of touch gestures
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
Figure 4.1: Virtual keyboard
Toggle case between lowercase and uppercase.
Active only when alphabetic characters’ keyboard layout selected.
Clears last character or all characters if selected.
(If held for 2 s, all characters are selected).
Enter confirms new text.
Activates numeric / symbols layout.
Activates alphabetic characters.
English keyboard layout.
Greek keyboard layout.
Russian keyboard layout.
Returns to the previous menu without changes.
4.3 Virtual keyboard
4.4 Safety checks
At start up and during operation the instrument performs various safety checks to ensure
safety and to prevent any damage. These safety pre-tests are checking for:
Correct input mains voltage
Presence of input PE connection,
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
Supply voltage warning
Possible causes:
No earth connection.
Instrument is connected to an IT earthing
system. Press YES to continue normally or NO
to continue in a limited mode (measurements are
The instrument must be earthed properly to work
Resistance L-N > 30 kΩ
In pre-test a high input resistance was measured.
Possible causes:
Device under test is not connected or switched
Input fuse of device under test is blown.
Select YES to proceed with or NO to cancel
Resistance L-N < 10 Ω
In pre-test a very low resistance of the device under test
supply input was measured. This can result in a high
current after applying power to the device under test. If
the too high current is only of short duration (caused by
a short inrush current) the test can be performed
otherwise not.
Select YES to proceed with or NO to cancel
Resistance L-N < 30 Ω
In pre-test a low input resistance of the device under
test was measured. This can result in a high current
after applying power to the device. If the high current is
only of short duration (caused by a short inrush current)
the test can be performed, otherwise not.
Any external voltage against earth on mains test socket
Excessive leakage currents through measuring I/O’s,
Too low resistance between L and N of tested device,
Proper operation of safety relevant internal electronic circuits
If a safety check fails, an appropriate warning message will be displayed and safety
measures will be taken. The warnings and safety measures are described in chapter 4.5
Symbols and messages.
4.5 Symbols and messages
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
Select YES to proceed with or NO to cancel
Warning for proper connection in some PRCD
measurements. Connection of PRCD’s plug must be
changed in order to proceed.
Select YES to retry after reconnection with or NO to
cancel measurement.
Warning for improper supply voltage condition. If
pressing OK instrument will continue to work in a limited
mode (measurements are disabled).
In pre-test a too high external voltage was detected
between P and PE terminals. The measurement was
cancelled. Press OK to continue.
In pre-test a too high external voltage was detected
between LN and PE terminals. The measurement was
cancelled. Press OK to continue.
The set Unom differs too much from the measured
mains voltage. Parameter or mains voltage must be
In pre-test a possible high leakage current was
detected. It is likely that a dangerous leakage current
(higher than 3.5 mA) will flow after applying power to the
device under test.
Select YES to proceed with or NO to cancel
The measured leakage (Idiff, Ipe, Itouch) current was
higher than 20 mA. Measurement was aborted. Press
OK to continue.
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
The load current higher than 16 A is detected.
Measurement is aborted. Press OK to continue.
The average load current higher than 10 A over the last
5 min test interval is detected. Measurement is stopped.
Recovery period for cooling is required before
proceeding with tests! Press OK to continue.
The polarity pre-test of the cable / PRCD has failed.
Press OK to continue.
Instrument prohibits the test because 115 V adapter is
connected to the instrument and the instrument is
powered with 230 V.
The instrument is overheated. The measurement can’t
be carried out until the icon disappears. Press OK to
The device under test should be switched on (to ensure
that the complete circuit is tested).
In case of simultaneously measuring of Riso, Riso-S or
Isub, Isub-S. If the voltage has dropped because of one
measurement the other measurement is also
Red dot indicates phase of measurement where higher
leakage was measured. Applicable only if phase
reversal is enabled during the measurement.
A high voltage is / will be present on the instrument
output! (Withstanding test voltage, Insulation test
voltage, or mains voltage).
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
A very high voltage is / will be present on the instrument
output! (Flash test voltage).
Test leads resistance in Continuity / Protective Earth
measurement is not compensated.
Test leads resistance in Continuity / Protective Earth
measurement is compensated.
Measurement can’t be started. 3 phase adapter should
be disconnected from the instrument.
Measurement in combination with appropriate 3 phase
adapter can be carried out.
The measurement can be carried out only in
combination with appropriate 3 phase adapter.
Test passed.
Test failed.
Conditions on the input terminals allow starting the
measurement; consider other displayed warnings and
Conditions on the input terminals do not allow starting
the measurement, consider displayed warnings and
Stop the measurement.
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
Figure 4.2: Main menu
Single Tests
Menu with single tests, see chapter 0 Error! Not a valid result for
Auto Sequences®
Menu with customized test sequences, see chapter 7 Auto Sequences®.
Memory Organizer
Menu for working with and documentation of test data, see chapter 5
Memory Organizer.
General Settings
Menu for setup of the instrument, see chapter 4.7 General settings.
4.6 Instrument main menu
From the instrument Main Menu different main operation menus can be selected.
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
Figure 4.3: Setup menu
Instrument language selection.
Date / Time
Instruments Date and time.
Workspace Manager
Manipulation with project files. Refer to chapter 4.10 Workspace Manager for
more information.
Auto Sequence® groups
Manipulation with lists of Auto Sequences®. Refer to chapter 4.11 Auto
Sequence®groups for more information.
User accounts
User account settings.
Selection of available instrument profiles.
Setting of different system / measuring parameters.
Setting of external devices.
Initial Settings
Factory settings.
Basic instrument data.
4.7 General settings
In the General Settings menu general parameters and settings of the instrument can be viewed
or set.
Options in General Settings menu
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
4.7.1 Language
In this menu the language of the instrument can be set.
Figure 4.4: Select language menu
4.7.2 Date and time
In this menu date and time of the instrument can be set.
Figure 4.5: Setting data and time menu
4.7.3 Profiles
Refer to Chapter 4.9 Instrument profiles for more information.
4.7.4 Workspace Manager
Refer to Chapter 4.10 WorkspaceManager for more information.
4.7.5 Auto Sequence® groups
Refer to Chapter 4.11 Auto Sequence®groups for more information.
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
Touch screen
ON – touch screen is active.
OFF – touch screen is deactivated.
Keys & touch sound
ON – sound is active.
OFF – sound is deactivated.
Equipment ID
Increment – offered ID will be incremented +1.
Replicate – offered ID will be the same as last used.
Blank – equipment ID will not be offered.
Equipment name
Replicate – offered name will be the same as last used.
Blank – equipment name will not be offered.
Retest period
Replicate – offered retest period will be the same as last used.
Blank– retest period will not be offered.
Nominal Line to earth voltage [100 V, 110 V, 120 V, 220 V, 230 V or 240
V] (is used for normalization of leakage current results if testing medical
RCD Standard
Selection of appropriate standard for RCD tests.
PRCD Standard
Selection of appropriate standard for PRCD tests.
Ch_1 clamp type
Setting of current clamp type.
In case the measurement consists of multiple measurements taken
successively, the worst or the last result can be displayed at the end.
Worst – the worst result will be displayed at the end of test.
Last – last result will be displayed at the end of test.
In general the worst result(s) of the main result is considered.
Sub-result(s) taken at the same time as the worst case of the
main result are displayed.
In the function Leak's & Power the worst case of Idiff and I touch
4.7.6 Settings
Figure 4.6: Settings menu
Setting options:
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
are considered. The Power result measured at the time of worst
Idiff is displayed.
In the function Riso, Riso-S the worst case of Riso and Riso-S
are considered. The Um result measured at the time of worst
Riso is displayed.
For the Power measurement the last result is considered
regardless of the Result setting.
Limit Uc
Conventional touch voltage limit [25 V, 50 V]
Figure 4.7: Initial settings menu
4.7.7 Initial Settings
In this menu internal Bluetooth module can be initialized and the instrument settings,
measurement parameters and limits can be set to initial (factory) values.
Following customized settings will be lost when setting the instruments to initial settings:
Measurement limits and parameters
Global parameters, System settings and Devices in General settings menu
Opened Workspace and Auto Sequence® group will be deselected.
User will be signed out.
Following customized settings will stay:
Profile settings
Data in memory (Data in Memory organizer, Workspaces, Auto Sequence® groups
and Auto Sequences®)
User accounts
4.7.8 About
In this menu instrument data (name, serial number, FW and HW version and date of calibration)
can be viewed.
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
Figure 4.8: Instrument info screen
Adapter info is also displayed if connected.
4.7.9 User Accounts
The demand to sign in can prevent from unauthorized persons to work with the instrument.
In this menu user accounts can be managed:
Setting if signing in to work with the instrument is required or not.
Adding and deleting new users, setting their user names and passwords.
The user accounts can be managed by the administrator.
Factory set administrator password: ADMIN
It is recommended to change factory set administrator password afer first use. If the custom
password is forgotten the second administrator password can be used. This password always
unlock the Account manager and is delivered with the instrument.
If an user account is set and the user is signed in the user's name will be stored in memory for
each measurement.
Individual users can change their passwords. Signing in
If signing in is demanded the user must enter the password in order to work with the instrument.
Figure 4.9: Sign in menu
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
The user should be selected first. The last used user is
displayed in the first row.
Goes to Password entry menu.
To sign in, the selected user password must be entered and
The user password consist of a up to 4 digit number.
Enters Account manager menu.
The administrator password must be entered and confirmed
Administrator password consists of letters and/or numbers.
Letters are case sensitive.
Signs out the set user.
User signing in
Administrator signing in Changing user password, signing out
Figure 4.10: User profile menu
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
Enters procedure for changing the user’s password.
The actual password must be entered first followed by the
new password.
Enters the Account manager menu.
The Account manager menu is accessed by selecting
Account Manager in Sign in menu or User profile menu. The
administrator password must be entered and confirmed first.
The factory set default administrator password is: ADMIN
Field for setting if signing in is required to work with the
Field for setting if signing is required once or at each power
on of the instrument.
Enters procedure for changing the administrator password. Managing accounts
Figure 4.11: Account manager menu
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
The actual password must be entered first followed by the
new password.
Enters menu for editing user accounts.
Opens the window for adding a new user account.
In the Add New window the name and initial password of
the new user account are to be set. ‘Add’ confirms the new
user account.
Changes password of the selected user account.
Deletes all user accounts.
Deletes the selected user account.
Figure 4.12: Edit accounts menu
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
Writing devices
Sets appropriate writing device (Serial printer, Bluetooth printer), RFID
Sets/views communication port of selected writing device.
Bluetooth device
Goes to menu for pairing with selected Bluetooth device.
Bluetooth dongle
Initializes Bluetooth Dongle.
Print labels
Selects label form size. See for details.
Printed date
Selects date printed on label text area, Options: [Test date, Retest
date]. See Appendix C Print labels and write / read RFID / NFC tags for
Auto save
Sets simultaneous saving of finished Auto Sequence when label is
printed or RFID / NFC tag is written. Options: [On print, On write, OFF]
See chapter 7.2.3 Auto Sequence® result screen for details.
Tag format
Sets PAT tag / label format or generic tag /label format. See Appendix C Print labels and write / read RFID / NFC tags for details.
Reading devices
Sets appropriate reading device (QR or barcode scanner, RFID reader,
android device via aMESM application).
Sets/views communication port of selected reading device.
Bluetooth device
Goes to menu for pairing with selected Bluetooth device.
4.8 Devices
In this menu operation with external devices is configured.
Figure 4.13: Devices settings menu
MI 3360 OmegaPAT XA Instrument operation
Loads the selected profile. The instrument will restart
automatically with new profile loaded.
Enters option for deleting a profile.
Before deleting the selected profile user is asked for
4.9 Instrument profiles
In this menu the instrument profile can be selected from the available ones.
Figure 4.14: Instrument profile menu
The instrument uses different specific system and measuring settings in regard to the scope of
work or country it is used. These specific settings are stored in instrument profiles.
By default each instrument has at least one profile activated. Proper licence keys must be
obtained to add more profiles to the instrument.
If different profiles are available they can be selected in this menu.
Refer to Appendix B Profile Notes for more information about functions specified by profiles.
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