METREL Eurotest 61557 User Manual

Eurotest 61557
MI 2086
User Manual
Version 4.2, Code no. 20 750 719
METREL d.d. Ljubljanska cesta 77 1354 Horjul Slovenia
web site:
© 2004..2008 METREL
Mark on your equipment certifies that this equipment meets the requirements of the EU (European Union) concerning safety and interference causing equipment re gulations.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means without permission in writing from METREL.
MI 2086 Eurotest Table of contents
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................5
1.1. General description............................................................................................5
1.2. Warnings............................................................................................................5
1.3. List of parameters measurable by the Eurotest 61557.......................................6
1.4. Standards applied..............................................................................................7
2. Instrument description...........................................................................................8
2.1. Front panel.........................................................................................................8
2.2 Connector panel................................................................................................10
2.3. Bottom side......................................................................................................11
2.4. Standard accessories....................................................................................... 12
2.5. Optional accessories........................................................................................12
2.6. Ways of carrying the instrument.......................................................................12
2.7. Accessories required for specific measurement...............................................13
3. Measurement instructions...................................................................................14
3.1. Insulation resistance ........................................................................................14
3.2. Varistor Over-voltage Protection Devices ........................................................17
3.3. Continuity of Protective Conductors.................................................................20
3.4. Continuity.........................................................................................................24
3.5. Earth Resistance (internal generator) ..............................................................27
3.6. Specific Earth Resistance ................................................................................34
3.7. PE terminal test................................................................................................37
3.8. RCD - Contact Voltage and Earth / Fault Loop Resistance..............................39
3.9. RCD – Trip-Out Time .......................................................................................43
3.10. RCD – Trip-Out Current .................................................................................46
3.11. RCD – Automatic Test ...................................................................................48
3.12 Fault Loop Impedance and Prospective Short-circuit Current.........................52
3.13. Contact Voltage at Prospective Short-circuit Current.....................................55
3.14. Line Impedance and Prospective Short-circuit Current..................................57
3.15. N-PE Loop Resistance and Prospective Short-circuit Current .......................59
3.16. Phase rotation................................................................................................61
3.17. Current...........................................................................................................63
3.18. Illumination.....................................................................................................66
3.19. Tracing of electric installation.........................................................................68
3.20. Power.............................................................................................................71
3.21. Energy............................................................................................................73
3.22. Harmonics......................................................................................................75
4. Other operations ...................................................................................................78
4.1. Set-up functions............................................................................................... 78
4.2. Creating Installation structure on PC................................................................79
4.3. Storing test results ...........................................................................................81
4.4. Recalling stored test results.............................................................................83
4.5. Erasing stored test results................................................................................84
4.6. Reset of the instrument....................................................................................86
MI 2086 Eurotest Table of contents
5. Maintenance..........................................................................................................87
5.1. Batteries...........................................................................................................87
5.2. Fuses...............................................................................................................88
5.3. Cleaning...........................................................................................................89
5.4. Periodic calibration...........................................................................................89
5.5. Service.............................................................................................................89
6. Technical specification........................................................................................90
6.1. Functions..........................................................................................................90
6.2. General characteristics ....................................................................................95
MI 2086 Eurotest Introduction
1. Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the Eurotest 61557 test instrument and it's accessories, produced by METREL d.d. We are glad, to be able to offer high professional test equipment, for carrying out absolute inspection of electric installations in buildings as well as Earth Resistances. The equipment was designed and produced on basis of rich experiences, acquired through more-years long period of dealing with electric installation test equipment.
1.1. General description
The Eurotest 61557 is high professional, multifunctional, portable test instrument, intended for carrying out all measurements, according to European standard EN 61557, as well as various other tests and measurements.
The instrument is equipped with all accessories, necessary for comfortable carrying out the tests. It is kept in a soft carrying bag, together with all the enclosed accessories.
Electronic part of the Eurotest 61557 is produced in SMD technology, which demands practically no service interventions. Wide matrix display with backlight offers easy to read main results as well as wide range of subresults, parameters and messages. Operation is simple and clear; operator does not need any special training (except to read this Instruction Manual) to operate the instrument.
In order, the operator to be familiar enough with measurements in general, it is advisable to read the enclosed handbook Measurements on electric installations in theory and practice.
Built in a unique system for storing test results is important feature of the Eurotest
61557. Professional PC SW enables simple transfer of test results and other parameters in both directions between the test instrument and PC, as well as automatic forming of final protocols. That way, complete measurement procedure can be reasonably quick and thus, the operator competitive to other operators, who need to create the protocols manually.
1.2. Warnings
In order to reach high operator’s safety, while carrying out various measurements and tests using the Eurotest 61557, as well as to keep the test equipment undamaged, it is necessary to consider the following general warnings:
If the test equipment is used in manner not specified in this
InstructionManual, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired!
MI 2086 Eurotest Introduction
Do not use the instrument and accessories, if any damage is noticed! In case of blown any fuse, follow the instructions in this Instruction
Manual, to replace it!
Service intervention or calibration procedure is allowed to be carried out
only by a competent, authorised person!
Consider all generally known precautions, in order to avoid risk of electric
shock, while dealing with electric installations!
Use only standard or optional test cables, supplied by your distributor!
1.3. List of parameters measurable by the Eurotest 61557
Parameter Function
switch position
Earth Resistance RE
(classic four-lead method)
- Four test terminals
- Two test rods
Earth Resistance RE
(classic four-lead method + one test clamp)
- Four test terminals
- Two test rods
- One test clamp
Earth Resistance RE
(two test clamps)
- Two test clamps
Earth Resistivity ρ
- Four test terminals
- Four test rods Continuity R of protective conductors
R ±200 mA
- Test current > 200 mAd.c.
- Single measurement
- Auto polarity reverse
Continuity Rx
R ±200 mA
- Test current < 7 mA
- Continuous measurement
Insulation Resistance Ri
- Test voltages:
50,100,250,500,1000 V
Varistor Breakdown Voltage Ub
- Test voltage 0 ÷ 1000 V
- Threshold current 1 mA
Leakage Current IL
- Test clamp
Load Current I
- Test clamp
Voltage and Current Harmonics up to 21-th
- One phase system
- Test clamp (current har.)
- Test tips (voltage har.)
Power P, Q, PA, cosϕ
- One-phase system
- Current clamp
Energy W
- One-phase system
- Current clamp
Installation tracing
phase rotation
- In combination with hand-held
- Line voltage loading or
imposing of test signal
MI 2086 Eurotest Introduction
Phase rotation
phase rotation
RCD - Contact Voltage Uc
- With or without test rod
RCD - Trip out Time t
RCD - Tripping Current
RCD - Earth Resistance RE
(external source)
- Test rod
- No trip out RCD
RCD - Fault Loop Res. RL
- No trip out RCD
Line Impedance ZL-N, ZL-L
- Between L and N or L and L
Line Prospective Short-circuit Current Ipsc
- Between L and N or L and L
Fault Loop Impedance ZL-PE
- Between L and PE
Fault Loop Prospective Short-circuit Current Ipsc
- Between L and PE
Contact Voltage at Prospective Short-circuit Current Uc/Ipsc
- Test probe
- With aux. test probe
N-PE Loop Resistance RN-PE
- No trip out RCD
- Internal source
Fault Loop Prospective Short-circuit Current Ipsc
(without tripping out RCD)
- Between L and PE
- No trip out RCD
1.4. Standards applied
The Eurotest 61557 is designed according to European safety standard EN 61010 - 1
EMC (noise and immunity) according to European standards
EN 50081 – 1 ♦ EN 50082 – 1
Measurements according to European standard EN 61557:
Insulation Resistance...................................................................... Part 2
Loop Impedance ............................................................................. Part 3
Resistance of earth connection and equipotential bonding............. Part 4
Earth Resistance............................................................................. Part 5
Residual Current Devices (RCD) in TT and TN systems................. Part 6
Phase Sequence............................................................................. Part 7
Illumination measurement accroding to standard DIN 5032 ...........……..Part 7
MI 2086 Eurotest Instrument description
2. Instrument description
2.1. Front panel
Fig. 1. Front panel
MI 2086 Eurotest Instrument description
1 ON/OFF key, to switch ON or OFF the instrument. Auto OFF will occur
automatically 10 minutes after last strike to any key or function switch rotation. 2 HELP key, to display help menu (connection of test leads and other data). 3 Light key, to turn ON or OFF display backlight. Auto OFF will occur
automatically 20 seconds after last strike to any key or function switch rotation. 4 RCL key, to recall stored results. 5 SAVE key, to store test results. 6 PE touching electrode, to test PE terminal (presence of phase voltage by
mistake). 7 START key, to start any measurement. 8 SETUP key to:
Set display contrast. ♦ Set Time and Date. ♦ Set communication parameters. ♦ Erase all memory locations.
9 ESC key, to escape any started procedure (storing/recalling test results, erasing
memory locations etc.). 10 Matrix LCD with backlight. 11 Function switch, to select appropriate parameter to be tested. Even two or
more parameters can be tested at the same position. 12 Belt slot, to fix carrying belt. 13 Function keys, to set/select various parameters in each function. Function of a
certain key in each function is marked on display.
MI 2086 Eurotest Instrument description
2.2 Connector panel
Fig. 2. Connector panel
1 Main test connector 2 Protective connector cover (protects simultaneous connection of test and RS232 cable) 3 Clamp/Probe (C2/P) test terminal 4 Clamp (C1) test terminal 5 RS 232 connector (to connect Eurotest 61557 to PC)
MI 2086 Eurotest Instrument description
2.3. Bottom side
Fig. 3. Bottom side
1 Nylon strip (it serves the operator to carry the instrument hung on his neck). 2 Auxiliary nylon strip (it serves the operator to fix the instrument along his body). 3 Plastic cover (it fixes nylon strip to the instrument). There is a screw under the
cover, which is to be unscrewed, when opening the instrument for service or
calibration purpose. 4 Screw (unscrew it, to remove carrying strip or to open the instrument). 5 Label with measurement ranges. 6 Battery/fuse compartment cover. 7 Screw (unscrew it to replace batteries or blown fuse. 8 Rubber foot.
MI 2086 Eurotest Instrument description
2.4. Standard accessories
See attached sheet, to compare received set of accessories with listed one.
2.5. Optional accessories
See attached sheet, to check the list of possible optional accessories, which may be supplied upon request.
2.6. Ways of carrying the instrument
The instrument is hung around operator's neck only - quick placing and displacing.
The instrument is hung around operator's neck and fixed to his body with back belt - stable position.
The instrument can be used even placed in soft carrying bag - test cable connected to the instrument throught the side aperture.
is fixed to
body with
back bel
only - it can
be simpl
moved from side to fron
osition fo
urpose an
back again.
MI 2086 Eurotest Instrument description
2.7. Accessories required for specific measurement
The table below presents accessories (standard or optional) required for specific measurement. The accessories marked as optional may also be standard ones in some set configurations; Please see attached list of standard accessories for your set configuration or contact your dealer for further information.
Insulation Resistance
- Universal Test Cable or Tip Commander (Option – Order No. A 1002)
Continuity of Protective Conductor
- Universal Test Cable or Tip Commander (Option – Order No. A 1002)
- Universal Test Cable or Tip Commander (Option – Order No. A 1002)
Earth Resistance (Four-terminal method)
- Earth Test Set – 20 m (Option – Order No. S 2001) or Earth Test Set – 50 m (Option – Order No. S 2002)
Earth Resistance (Four-terminal method + clamp)
- Earth Test Set – 20 m (Option – Order No. S 2001) or Earth Test Set – 50 m (Option – Order No. S 2002)
- Low-range Current Clamp (Option – Order No. A 1018)
Earth Resistance (Two-clamp method)
- Universal Test Cable
- Low-range Current Clamp (Option – Order No. A 1018)
- Standard-range Current Clamp (Option – Order No. A 1019)
Specific Earth Resistance
- Earth Test Set – 20 m (Option – Order No. S 2001) or Earth Test Set – 50 m (Option – Order No. S 2002)
Fault Loop Impedance, Ipsc
- Universal Test Cable or Plug Commander (Option – Order No. A 1001)
Line Impedance, Ipsc
- Universal Test Cable or Plug Commander (Option – Order No. A 1001)
Contact Voltage at Ipsc (SEV 3569) - Universal Test Cable
- Probe Test Lead 4m (Option – Order No. A 1012)
RCD – Contact Voltage at IΔN RCD – Trip-out Time RCD – Trip-out Current RCD – Fault Loop Resistance RCD – Earth Resistance RCD – Automatic Test
- Universal Test Cable or Plug Commander (Option – Order No. A 1001)
Phase Rotation
- Universal Test Cable or
Three-phase Cable (Option – Order No. A 1110) or
Three-phase Adapter (Option – Order No. A 1111)
Fuse, Fault, Conductor Tracing
- Universal Test Cable
- Fuse / Fault / Conductor Locator (Optio n – Order No. A 1005)
Power, Cosϕ, Energy Harmonics True RMS Current
- Universal Test Cable
- Low-range Current Clamp (Option – Order No. A 1018) or Standard-range Current Clamp (Option – Order No. A 1019)
Varistor Overvoltage Device – Breakdown Voltage
- Universal Test Cable
- LUXmeter probe type B (Option – Order No. A 1102)
- LUXmeter probe type C (Option – Order No. A 111 9)
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
3. Measurement instructions
3.1. Insulation resistance
There are different objects, where insulation resistance is to be measured, in order to assure safety against electric shock. Let’s list a few examples:
Insulation resistance between installation conductors (all combinations).
Insulation resistance of non-conductive rooms (walls and floors).
Insulation resistance of ground cables.
Resistance of semiconductive (antistatic) floors.
For additional general information concerning Insulation resistance measurement, refer to enclosed handbook Measurements on electric installations in practice and
theory. Warnings!
Make sure, tested object to be deenergised (mains voltage disconnected) before starting the measurement!
When measuring Insulation Resistance between conductors, all loads must be disconnected and all switches closed!
Do not touch tested object while testing it, risk of electric shock!
Do not connect test terminals to external voltage higher than 600 V a.c. or d.c.,
in order not to damage the test instrument!
In case of capacitive test object (capacitive compensation of reactive power, long tested cable etc.), automatic discharge of the object may not be done immediately after finishing the measurement. Falling voltage will be displayed in that case – do not disconnect test leads until the voltage drops below 50 V or discharge the tested object manually!
How to carry out the measurement?
Step 1
Connect test cable (Universal test cable or Tip commander) to Eurotest 61557. ♦ Set function switch to RISO position, the following menu will be displayed:
18 : 35 : 27
Fig. 4. Insulation resistance initial menu
50 V.............Latest set nominal test
1 MΩ............Latest set low limit
insulation resistance value.
Um...............Actual test voltage.
18 : 35 : 27...Real time clock.
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
Step 2
Select Test voltage by using the Uiso (F2) key. The voltage can be set to 50,
100, 250, 500 or 1000 V and it is currently displayed on top display line.
Step 3
Set Low limit insulation resistance value. Later will test results be compared
with the set limit value and, if lower, they will be equipped with “!” mark and
Result under limit message.
How to set the Low limit value?
Press the Llim (F3) key, to enter “Limit value adjustment menu”; see the figure
Fig. 5. Limit value adjustment menu and table of settable limit values
Value between 0,00 MΩ and 200 MΩ, according to above table, may be set by
using the (F2) and (F3) keys. If test result is not to be compared with set limit value at all, then press the Off (F4) key. Set limit value (displayed on top display line) will be substituted with MΩ mark. The Off key will alter to On, enabling the operator to turn the limit value ON again and vice versa.
Press the Back (F1) key, after setting limit value, to return to “Insulation
Resistance initial menu” (see the figure 4.).
Step 4
Connect test cable to tested object, according to the figure below (press the
HELP key for basic connection information).
Range (MΩ) Step (MΩ) 0,01 – 0,25 0,01 0,25 – 1 0,05 1 – 10 1 10 – 200 10
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
Fig. 6. Connection of Universal Test Cable and optional Tip Commander
(Order No. A 1002)
Step 5
Press the START key and keep it pressed, until result is stabilised, then release
the key. Test result is displayed; see an example of the result on figure below.
Um V
Fig. 7. Example of Insulation resistance test result
Store displayed result for documentation purpose; see instructions how to store
it in chapter 4.3. Storing test results.
In case of present voltage higher than 30 V a.c./d.c. between test terminals, the
insulation resistance measurement will not be carried out after pressing START key, but the voltage will be displayed, equipped with “!” mark and Input voltage > 30 V message! Beep warning sound will be affected too.
Tested object is discharged automatically after finishing the measurement,
actual voltage is displayed during discharging, until the voltage drops below 30 V!
If test result is out of measurement range (open test leads or good isolation),
>1000 MΩ message will be displayed (test voltage is set to 250,500 or 1000 V) or >200 MΩ message (test voltage is set to 50 or 100 V)!
Positive pole of test voltage is attached to L/L1 test terminal (Universal test
cable) or to commander test tip (Tip commander)!
L1 L2
switched off mains voltage
closed switches
ted loads
A 1002
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
3.2. Varistor Over-voltage Protection Devices
For general information concerning the measurement, refer to enclosed handbook
Measurements on electric installations in practice and theory.
How to carry out the Breakdown voltage test?
Step 1
Connect Universal test cable to Eurotest 61557. Note!
Set function switch to Riso position and press the FUNC (F1), the following menu will be displayed.
Uac V
18 : 35 : 27
It 1.00 mA
Fig. 8. Varistor test initial menu
Meaning of the Uac voltage:
Protection devices intended for a.c. network are usually dimensioned approx. 20% of nominal mains voltage above peak value of the nominal mains voltage.
Example: Nominal mains voltage Un = 230V Upeak = 230V1,41 = 324V Ubreakdown = (Upeak + 0,2⋅Un) ≅ Un1,6 = 368V
Uac voltage may be directly compared with the voltage declared on tested protection device.
Step 2
Set Low limit Breakdown voltage. Later will test results be compared with the
set limit value and, if lower, they will be equipped with “!” mark and Result out of limits message.
Uac = Ubreakdown / 1,6
It......... Varistor's treshold current.
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
How to set the Low limit value?
Press the Llim (F2) key, to enter Limit value adjustment mode, the following
menu will be displayed:
Fig. 9. Limit adjustment menu
Value between 0 and 1000 V in steps of 5 V may be selected by using the (F2)
and (F3) keys. If test result is not to be compared with set limit value at all, then press the Off (F4) key. Set limit value (displayed on top display line) will be substituted with V mark. The Off key will alter to On, enabling the operator to turn the limit value ON again and vice versa.
Press the Back (F1) key after setting the limit value, to return to Varistor test
initial menu.
Step 3
Set High limit Breakdown voltage. Later will test results be compared with the
set limit value and, if higher, they will be equipped with “!” mark and Result out
of limits message.
How to set the High limit value?
Press the Hlim (F3) key, to enter Limit value adjustment mode. Value between 0 and 1000 V in steps of 5 V may be selected by using the ↑ (F2)
and (F3) keys. If test result is not to be compared with set limit value at all, then press the Off (F4) key. Set limit value (displayed on top display line) will be substituted with V mark. The Off key will alter to On, enabling the operator to turn the limit value ON again and vice versa.
Press the Back (F1) key after setting the limit value, to return to Varistor test
initial menu.
Step 4
Connect test leads to tested varistor over-voltage protection device, according
to the figure below (press the HELP key for basic connection information).
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
Fig. 10. Connection of tested device
Step 5
Press the START key and release it. Test voltage starts to rise (500 V/s) and as
soon as varistor’s forward current reaches the value of 1 mA (breakdown voltage is defined at that current), test voltage will be displayed. Generator will stop to generate test voltage. See an example of test result on the figure below.
Uac 258V It 1.00 mA
Fig. 11. Breakdown voltage displayed
Store displayed result for documentation purpose; see instructions how to store
it in chapter 4.3. Storing test results.
In order test result not to be influenced by connected loads, tested Over-voltage
Device must be removed from installation, before testing it.
If the Over-voltage Protection Device to be tested cannot be removed from installation (permanent connection), make sure to disconnect all other elements connected to installation, which may influence the test result.
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
3.3. Continuity of Protective Conductors
Continuity of protective conductors is to be measured, before mains voltage is connected to tested installation (new or adapted installations). Max. allowed resistance value depends on power of connected loads, used installation system (TN, TT) etc. For additional general information concerning Continuity measurement, refer to enclosed handbook Measurements on electric installations in practice and
theory. Warning!
Make sure, tested object to be deenergised (mains voltage disconnected)
before starting the measurement!
How to carry out the measurement?
Step 1
Connect test cable (Universal test cable or Tip commander) to Eurotest 61557. ♦ Set function switch to R±200mA / CONTINUITY position, “Continuity of protective
conductors” or “Continuity” menu will be displayed.
Select Continuity of protective conductors function by using the FUNC (F1) key. The function is selected, when R ± 200 mA is displayed; see the figure below.
Fig. 12. Continuity initial menu
Step 2
Set buzzer mode by using the buzzer (F3) key. The buzzer can be set to active mode (buzzer sign present on top display line) or passive mode (buzzer sign not present on top display line). In case of active buzzer, each displayed result, lower than set High limit value (good result), will be accompanied with approx. 2s long sound signal.
10.0 Ω....Latest set high resistance
R+..........Partial result (blue test lead
connected to positive terminal of test voltage).
R- ..........Partial result (blue test lead
connected to negative terminal of test voltage).
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
Step 3
Set High limit resistance value. Later will test results be compared with the set
limit value and, if higher, they will be equipped with “!” mark and Result over limit message, while, if lower, they will be accompanied with sound signal (in case of active buzzer only).
How to set the High limit value?
Press the Hlim (F2) key, to enter “Limit value adjustment menu”; see the figure
Fig. 13. Limit value adjustment menu
Value between 0,1 Ω and 20,0 Ω in steps of 0,1 Ω may be selected by using the
(F2) and (F3) keys. If test result is not to be compared with set limit value at
all, then press the Off (F4) key. Set limit value (displayed on top display line) will be substituted with ∗ Ω mark. The Off key will alter to On, enabling the operator to turn the limit value ON again and vice versa.
Press the Back (F1) key, after setting limit value, to return to “Continuity of
protective conductors initial menu” (see the figure 8.).
Step 4
Compensate test leads (if they have not been compensated yet or, if already compensated test leads have been exchanged).
How to carry out the compensation?
Short test leads; see the figure below.
Fig. 14. Shorted test leads
Press the START key and release it, in order to carry out regular measurement.
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
Press the Comp (F4) key and release it, Compensating t. leads message will
appear for a while, then displayed result will alter to 0,00 Ω and Co mark will appear on top display line, indicating the compensation was successfully accomplished. Test instrument is thus ready to be used.
In order to annul potential compensation, follow the procedure, described in this step at open test leads. Co mark will disappear after finishing the procedure, indicating the compensation has been annulled. Compensation, effected in this function, will be considered in CONTINUITY function too.
Step 5
Connect test cable to tested object according to the figures below (press the
HELP key for basic connection information).
Fig. 15. Connection of Universal Test Cable and optional Probe Test Lead
(Order No. A 1012)
Fig. 16. Connection of optional Tip Commander (Order No. A 1002) and optional
Probe Test Lead (Order No. A 1012)
Option A 1012
MPEC..........Main Potential
Equilizing Collector
PCC.............Protection Conductor
Option A 1012
Option A 1002
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
Step 6
Press the START key and release it. Measurement will be carried out and result
displayed afterwards. Each measurement is accomplished in two steps (polarity is reversed between the two steps automatically). See an example of displayed test result on figure below.
Fig. 17. Example of Continuity test result
Store displayed result for documentation purpose; see instructions how to store
it in chapter 4.3. Storing test results.
In case of present external voltage higher than 10 V a.c./d.c. between test
terminals, the continuity measurement will not be carried out after pressing
START key, but the voltage will be displayed, equipped with !” mark and Input voltage > 10 V message! Beep warning sound will be affected too.
If resistance value higher than 5 Ω (measured with not compensated instrument)
is displayed, compensation will not be carried out after pressing Comp key, but potential, already effected compensation will be neglected and
Wire resistance > 5 Ω message will be displayed!
If test result is out of measurement range (open test leads), >2000 Ω message
will be displayed!
Co....... Resistance of test leads
has already been compensated.
Main result is equal to the average value between the highest and lowest partial ones!
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
3.4. Continuity
The function is intended to be used especially when arranging terminal-to-terminal connections, maintaining and repairing electric equipment, carrying out auxiliary measurements etc. In general the function serves as ordinary Ω-meter.
For additional information concerning general Continuity measurement, refer to enclosed handbook Measurements on electric installations in practice and
theory. Warning!
Make sure, tested object to be deenergised (mains voltage disconnected)
before starting the measurement! If test tips are connected to mains voltage during the measurement is running, fuse M 0,315A/250V (placed in vertical plastic cylinder under battery cover) will blow (see the chapter 5.2. Fuses).
How to carry out the measurement?
Step 1
Connect test cable (Universal test cable or Tip commander) to Eurotest 61557. ♦ Set function switch to R±200mA / CONTINUITY position, “Continuity of protective
conductors” or “Resistance” menu will be displayed.
Select Resistance function by using the FUNC (F1) key. General Continuity
function is selected, when CONTINUITY is displayed; see the figure below.
Fig. 18. Continuity initial menu
Step 2
Set High limit resistance value. Later will test results be compared with the set
limit value and, if lower, they will be equipped with bip sound signal while if higher, sound signal will not be present.
10.0 Ω....Latest set high limit value.
Co..........Resistance of test leads
has already been compensated in R
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
How to set the high limit value?
Press the Hlim (F2) key, to enter “Limit value adjustment menu”; see the figure
Fig. 19. Limit adjustment menu
Value between 0,1 Ω and 20,0 Ω in steps of 0,1Ω may be set by using the
(F2) and (F3) keys. If test result is not to be compared with set limit value at all, then press the Off (F4) key. Set limit value (displayed on top display line) will be substituted with ∗Ω mark. The Off key will alter to On, enabling the operator to turn the limit value ON again and vice versa.
Press the Back (F1) key after setting limit value, to return to “Continuity initial
menu” (see the figure 14.).
Step 3
Press the START key and release it. Measurement starts to run (continuous
measurement), results are currently displayed.
Step 4
Connect test cable to tested object according to the figures below and follow
displayed result or sound information (press the HELP key for basic connection information).
Fig. 20. Connection of Universal Test Cable
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
Fig. 21. Connection of optional Tip Commander (Order No. A 1002)
Press the START key again, to stop the measurement. Last current result will be
displayed; see an example of displayed test result on figure below.
Fig. 22. Example of Resistance test result
The result cannot be stored (it is just auxiliary test result).
In case of present voltage higher than 10 V a.c./d.c. between test terminals, the
continuity measurement will not start after pressing START key, but the voltage will be displayed, equipped with “!” mark and Input voltage > 10 V message! Beep warning sound will be affected too.
If test result is out of measurement range (open test leads), >2000 Ω message
will be displayed!
Positive pole of test voltage is attached to L/L1 test terminal (Universal test
cable) or to commander test tip (Tip commander)!
Compensation of test leads, affected in Continuity of Protective Conductors
function, will be considered in this function too.
3 ph. M
Option A 1002
......Displayed result is equiped
with buzzer sign in case, if it is lower than set high limit value.
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
3.5. Earth Resistance (internal generator)
The Eurotest 61557 test instrument is able to carry out Earth Resistance measurement using tree different methods. The appropriate one is to be selected by the operator on basis of concrete earthing system to be tested.
For additional general information concerning Earth Resistance measurement, refer to enclosed handbook Measurements on electric installations in practice and
How to carry out Earth Resistance measurement using standard four-lead test method?
Step 1
Set function switch to ρ RE position, “Earth Resistance” or “Earth Resistivity”
menu will be displayed.
Select Earth Resistance function (standard four-lead method) by using the
FUNC (F1) key. Earth Resistance function (standard four-lead method) is selected, when R EARTH is displayed; see the figure below.
Fig. 23. Earth Resistance initial menu
Step 2
Set High limit Earth Resistance value. Later will test results be compared with
the set limit value and, if higher, they will be equipped with “!” mark and Result
over limit message.
How to set the high limit value?
Press the Hlim (F2) key, to enter “Limit value adjustment mode”, the following
menu will be displayed:
Rc... Resistance of current probe. Rp... Resistance of potential probe.
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
Fig. 24. Limit adjustment menu and table of presettable limit values
Value between 1 Ω and 5000 Ω, according to the table above may be selected
by using the (F2) and (F3) keys. If test result is not to be compared with set limit value at all, then press the Off (F4) key. Set limit value (displayed on top display line) will be substituted with ∗Ω mark. The Off key will alter to On, enabling the operator to turn the limit value ON again and vice versa.
Press the Back (F1) key after setting limit value, to return to “Earth Resistance
initial menu” (see the figure 19.).
Step 3
Connect test leads to the instrument and to tested object according to the
figures below (press the HELP key for basic connection information).
Fig. 25. Connection of optional Earth Test Set – 20 m (Order No. S 2001)
Range / discrete value (Ω)
Step (Ω)
1 – 100 1 166, 250, 500, 833, 1666, 2500, 5000
Rc Rp R
Option S 2001
MI 2086 Eurotest Measurement instructions
Fig. 26. Connection of optional Earth Test Set – 50 m (Order No. S 2002)
Step 4
Press the START key and keep it pressed, until result is stabilised, then release
the key. Test result is displayed; see an example of the result on figure below.
Rc Rp
k k
Fig. 27. Example of Earth Resistance test result
Store displayed result for documentation purpose; see instructions how to store it
in chapter 4.3. Storing test results.
In case of present external voltage higher than 20 V a.c./d.c. between H and E
or ES and S test terminals, the Earth Resistance measurement will not be carried out after pressing START key, but the voltage will be displayed, equipped with “!” mark and Input voltage > 20 V message! Beep warning sound will be affected too!
If resistance of current or potential probe is too high (>(4 k Ω + 100 RE) or >50
kΩ, whichever is lower), test result will be equipped with “!” mark and Pote. spike Rp > xxx Ω / Curr. spike Rc > xxx Ω message. The value xxx is currently calculated (for each displayed result) on basis of displayed result!
If test result is out of measurement range (open test leads), >20 k Ω message
will be displayed!
Both resistances, Rc and Rp are measured and displayed continuously.
Option S 2002
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