Metra Electronics ALOC60 User Manual

22 CChhaannnneell,, AAddjjuussttaabbllee,,
LLiinnee OOuuttppuutt CCoonnvveerrt
LOC60is designed to convert speaker level audio to line level audio.This allows for the instal-
ation of line level products such as amplifiers, EQs and crossovers on systems that do not have
l RCA line level outputs.
eatures:30 Watts Maximum Input, Input Circuit Corrects Crossover Distortion Commonly
Found On Other Brands of LOCs, 6:1 Step Down with Variable Output, Gold Flashed RCAs,
ttractive & Durable Enclosure
Installation: The ALOC60 should be installed on a stereo’s speaker output wires or the output
ires on an OEM amplifier of up to 30 watts per channel. These wires can be found behind the
w stereo in the dash, on the outside of an OEM amplifier, or on the input terminals on the OEM speak-
rs. This device is most commonly installed in the trunk when a subwoofer system is being added
o the OEM stereo system.
ire Color & Function:The audio input wire colors are an EIA standard for car stereo applications
s follows:
OTE:Be sure that all audio input connections are polarized or in phase with each other. That is,
he positive output wires from the audio source need to be connected to the corresponding posi-
t tive input wires of the ALOC60 The same goes for the negative audio wires. Failure to do this will
esult in poor bass response and low quality audio.
djusting the ALOC60 for maximum performance:After completing all of the necessary connec-
tions, turn the ALOC60 adjustment pots all of the way down by rotating them completely counter-
lockwise. Now, turn the stereo system on and adjust the main volume control on the stereo to
pproximately 3/4 maximum volume. Select one of the adjustment pots on the
a it slowly clockwise until you notice audio distortion and then stop. Turn the remaining pot to the same position as the previously adjusted pot. The audio set-up of the and ready to be enjoyed.
HITE/BLACK =LEFT Front (-) Input
W GRAY = RIGHT Front + Input
RAY/BLACK = RIGHT Front (-) Input
Reference Ground (-)
ALOC60 is now complete
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LOC60and turn
22 CChhaannnneell,, AAddjjuussttaabbllee,,
LLiinnee OOuuttppuutt CCoonnvveerrt
LOC60is designed to convert speaker level audio to line level audio.This allows for the instal-
ation of line level products such as amplifiers, EQs and crossovers on systems that do not have
l RCA line level outputs.
eatures:30 Watts Maximum Input, Input Circuit Corrects Crossover Distortion Commonly
Found On Other Brands of LOCs, 6:1 Step Down with Variable Output, Gold Flashed RCAs,
ttractive & Durable Enclosure
nstallation:The ALOC60should be installed on a stereo’s speaker output wires or the output
ires on an OEM amplifier of up to 30 watts per channel. These wires can be found behind the
w stereo in the dash, on the outside of an OEM amplifier, or on the input terminals on the OEM speak-
rs. This device is most commonly installed in the trunk when a subwoofer system is being added
e to the OEM stereo system.
ire Color & Function:The audio input wire colors are an EIA standard for car stereo applications
as follows:
OTE:Be sure that all audio input connections are polarized or in phase with each other. That is,
the positive output wires from the audio source need to be connected to the corresponding posi­tive input wires of the
esult in poor bass response and low quality audio.
Adjusting the ALOC60 for maximum performance: After completing all of the necessary connec-
ions, turn the ALOC60adjustment pots all of the way down by rotating them completely counter-
t clockwise. Now, turn the stereo system on and adjust the main volume control on the stereo to approximately 3/4 maximum volume. Select one of the adjustment pots on the it slowly clockwise until you notice audio distortion and then stop. Turn the remaining pot to the same position as the previously adjusted pot. The audio set-up of the and ready to be enjoyed.
HITE/BLACK= LEFT Front (-) Input
W GRAY = RIGHT Front + Input
ALOC60 The same goes for the negative audio wires. Failure to do this will
11--880000--222211--00993322 RREEVV.. 0022//2200//0088 wwwwww..mmeettrraaoonnlliinnee..ccoomm
LEFT Front (+) Input
RIGHT Front (-) Input
Reference Ground (-)
ALOC60 is now complete
ALOC60 and turn
22 CChhaannnneell,, AAddjjuussttaabbllee,,
LLiinnee OOuuttppuutt CCoonnvveerrt
The ALOC60 is designed to convert speaker level audio to line level audio.This allows for the instal­lation of line level products such as amplifiers, EQs and crossovers on systems that do not have RCA line level outputs.
Features: 30 Watts Maximum Input, Input Circuit Corrects Crossover Distortion Commonly Found On Other Brands of LOCs, 6:1 Step Down with Variable Output, Gold Flashed RCAs, Attractive & Durable Enclosure
Installation: The ALOC60 should be installed on a stereo’ wires on an OEM amplifier of up to 30 watts per channel. These wires can be found behind the stereo in the dash, on the outside of an OEM amplifier, or on the input terminals on the OEM speak­ers. This device is most commonly installed in the trunk when a subwoofer system is being added to the OEM stereo system.
Wire Color & Function: The audio input wire colors are an EIA standard for car stereo applications as follows: INPUT HARNESS: WHITE = LEFT Front (+) Input
NOTE: Be sure that all audio input connections are polarized or in phase with each other. That is, the positive output wires from the audio source need to be connected to the corresponding posi­tive input wires of the ALOC60 The same goes for the negative audio wires. Failure to do this will result in poor bass response and low quality audio.
Adjusting the ALOC60 for maximum performance: After completing all of the necessar tions, turn the clockwise. Now, turn the stereo system on and adjust the main volume control on the stereo to approximately 3/4 maximum volume. Select one of the adjustment pots on the ALOC60 and turn it slowly clockwise until you notice audio distortion and then stop. Turn the remaining pot to the same position as the previously adjusted pot. The audio set-up of the and ready to be enjoyed.
WHITE/BLACK = LEFT Front (-) Input
GRA GRAY/BLACK = RIGHT Front (-) Input BLACK = Reference Ground (-)
ALOC60 adjustment pots all of the way down by rotating them completely counter-
= RIGHT Front + Input
11--880000--222211--00993322 RREEVV.. 0022//2200//0088 wwwwww..mmeettrraaoonnlliinnee..ccoomm
s speaker output wires or the output
ALOC60 is now complete
y connec
22 CChhaannnneell,, AAddjjuussttaabbllee,,
LLiinnee OOuuttppuutt CCoonnvveerrt
The ALOC60 is designed to convert speaker level audio to line level audio.This allows for the instal­lation of line level products such as amplifiers, EQs and crossovers on systems that do not have RCA line level outputs.
Features: 30 Watts Maximum Input, Input Circuit Corrects Crossover Distortion Commonly Found On Other Brands of LOCs, 6:1 Step Down with Variable Output, Gold Flashed RCAs, Attractive & Durable Enclosure
Installation: The ALOC60 should be installed on a stereo’s speaker output wires or the output wires on an OEM amplifier of up to 30 watts per channel. These wires can be found behind the stereo in the dash, on the outside of an OEM amplifier, or on the input terminals on the OEM speak­ers. This device is most commonly installed in the trunk when a subwoofer system is being added to the OEM stereo system.
Wire Color & Function: The audio input wire colors are an EIA standard for car stereo applications as follows: INPUT HARNESS: WHITE = LEFT Front (+) Input
NOTE: Be sure that all audio input connections are polarized or in phase with each other. That is, the positive output wires from the audio source need to be connected to the corresponding posi­tive input wires of the result in poor bass response and low quality audio.
Adjusting the ALOC60 for maximum performance: After completing all of the necessary connec­tions, turn the clockwise. Now, turn the stereo system on and adjust the main volume control on the stereo to approximately 3/4 maximum volume. Select one of the adjustment pots on the it slowly clockwise until you notice audio distortion and then stop. T same position as the previously adjusted pot. The audio set-up of the and ready to be enjoyed.
WHITE/BLACK = LEFT Front (-) Input
GRA GRAY/BLACK = RIGHT Front (-) Input BLACK = Reference Ground (-)
ALOC60 The same goes for the negative audio wires. Failure to do this will
ALOC60 adjustment pots all of the way down by rotating them completely counter
= RIGHT Front + Input
urn the remaining pot to the
ALOC60 is now complete
11--880000--222211--00993322 RREEVV.. 0022//2200//0088 wwwwww..mmeettrraaoonnlliinnee..ccoomm
ALOC60 and turn