ThemanufacturerisMET Ltd. The CentreForPhysicalAndMechanicalMeasurements.
The License#000087-IRforproductionandmaintenanceofmeasuringequipmentwasissued
by the FederalAgencyforTechnicalRegulationandMetrologyofRF.Themailingaddressis:
POB 117,Moscow,124460, Russia.
The present Technical Reference and Operation Manual (hereinafter referred to as “TR”) is a
document which certifies the guaranteed by the manufacturer main parameters and technical
characteristicsofportablehardnesstesters in plastic / aluminum body of electronic module :
MET-U1 Ultrasonic portable hardness tester is manufactured in compliance with TU 4271 –
001 – 18606393-01).
Certificate of Approval of this type measuring equipment #7951 is registered in SI State Register
under the number of 19623-00 and the equipment is recommended for application in the Russian
Registration Certificate #MT 093 2004 is registered in the Industry Register of Measuring
Equipment Recommended to be used in Railroad Transport, Chapter “Measuring Equipment
Used in Locomotive Service”, in the Russian Federation.
Certificate of Approval of this type of measuring equipment #2567is registered in SI State
Register under the number of РБ 03 03 2047 03 and the equipment is recommended for
application in the republic of Byelorussia
Certificate of Recognition of Approval of this type of measuring equipment - Series E # 000980
– is registered in the State Register of measuring facilities under the number of # UA-MI/3p-6562004 and the equipment is recommended for application in Ukraine
under the number of 19623-
Certificate of Recognition of Approval of measuring equipment # 2871 is registered in the
Register of the State System for Ensuring Uniform Measurement of the republic of Kazakhstan
under the number of KZ.02.03.01465-2006/19623-00, and the equipment is recommended to be
used and imported into the republic of Kazakhstan
MET-D1 Dynamic portable hardness tester is manufactured in compliance with TU 4271 –
003 – 18606393-03).
Certificate of Approval of measuring equipment, type #11910 is registered in SI State Register
under the number of 22736-02 and the equipment is recommended for application in the Russian
Certificate of Approval of measuring equipment, type #2566 is registered in SI State Register
under the number of РБ 03 03 2046 03 and the equipment is recommended for application in the
republic of Byelorussia
Certificate of Recognition of Approval of this type of measuring equipment -- Series E #000982
- is registered in the State Register of measuring facilities under the number of #UA-MI/3p-6572004 and the equipment recommended for application in Ukraine
under the number of 22736-04.
Certificate of Recognition of Approval of measuring equipment #2872 is registered in the
Register of the State System for Ensuring Uniform Measurement of the republic of Kazakhstan
under the number of KZ.02.03.01466-2006/22736-02, and the equipment is recommended to be
used and imported into the republic of Kazakhstan
MET-UD Combined portable hardness tester is manufactured in compliance with TU 4271 –
004 – 18606393-04).
Certificate of Approval of measuring equipment, type #11911 is registered in SI State Register
under the number of 22737-02 and the equipment recommended for application in the Russian
Certificate of Approval of measuring equipment, type #2568 is registered in SI State Register
under the number of РБ 03 03 2048 03 and the equipment is recommended for application in the
republic of Byelorussia
Certificate of recognition of approval of measuring equipment, - Series E #000984 – is registered
in the State Register of measuring facilities under the number of #UA-MI/3p-658-2004 and the
equipment is recommended for application in Ukraine
Certificate of Recognition of Approval of measuring equipment #11469 is registered in the
Register of the State System for Ensuring Uniform Measurement of the republic of Kazakhstan
under the number of KZ.02.03.00433-2004/22737-02, and the equipment is recommended to be
used and imported into the republic of Kazakhstan
Hardness tester physical form may be slightly different from the models given in the pictures of
the present Technical Reference and Operation Manual. The manufacturer has the right to make
some changes in the tester design, which would not give any impact on the metrological
characteristics without any prior notification.
under the number of 22737-02.
1.1 Portable hardness tester (hereinafter referred to as the “hardness tester”) is designed to
measure hardness of metals and alloys. There are 8 independent hardness scales in the
hardness tester. Prior to the delivery, the manufacturer carries out the preliminary calibration
of hardness tester on 4 scales, Rockwell (HRC), Brinell (HB), Vickers (HV) and Shore
(HSD). Every scale in the hardness tester is calibrated on reference test blocks (i.e.
conversion tables are not used) graduated on the National Hardness Standards (Scientific
Research Institute for Physical-Technical and Radio-Technical Measurements (VNIIFTRI)
which is the main metrological institute of Russia in the field of hardness measurements, and
which keeps and maintains the state hardness primary standard machines on Rockwell and
Super-Rockwell (GET 30-94), Brinell (GET 33-85), Vickers (GET 31-06) and Shore D
(GET 161-04) scales.), which provides for the highest calibration level. Verification
Certificate of the approved by the state form is attached to every hardness tester.
1.2 In the hardness tester, there is also an tensile strength (R
) scale which, in compliance with
GOST 22791-77, enables to define tensile strength of carbon steel of pearlitic class by
automatic recalculation from Brinell hardness (HB) scale.
1.3 In the hardness tester, three additional scales (H1, H2, H3) are provided which make it
?toconduct hardnesstest on Leeb (HL) scale instead H1 scale during the measurement
by D1 dynamicprobe (rebound method);
? to conduct hardness test of metals which are significantly different by their properties
from steel (iron, aluminum and copper alloys etc.*).
To calibrate hardness tester, the user should dive not less than 3 samples of the tested article
material with different hardness (minimum, maximum and average).
Hardness tester calibration on the additional (H1, H2, H3) hardness scales can be made by
the manufacturer (according to the order, the service is free of charge) and the information
about it will be in the Technical Reference and Operational Manual (Attachment 2). The user
can make the calibration on additional hardness scales independently by himself following
the instruction of the present Technical Reference.
1.4 Hardness tester is equipped with microprocessor which enables to:
? Delete the measured hardness number in case of doubt in the correctness of the
? Compute the average value of a series of the conducted measurements;
? Save the data in the non-volatile memory when hardness tester is switched off;
? Compute the average value from the data saved in the non-volatile memory;
? Transfer data from hardness tester non-volatile memory to the computer for further
printing out and diagramming;
1.5 The hardness tester enables to conduct hardness testing of a metal surface layer which was
fused, sprayed, mechanically or thermally or otherwise treated . Such hardness control is
impossible in case of fixed hardness testers which force through a superficial layer under big
loads. When hardness tester is used, the thickness of metal tested surface shall, at least, be
ten times more than the depth of the probe penetration (p.3). Hardness tester is designed for
non-destructive hardness control of large-sized equipment and the difficult for access places.
Such hardness control is not accessible for fixed hardness testers due to their technical and
design limitations.
Portable hardness testers in comparison with fixed hardness testers are characterized by a
higher productivity, the time of one measurement is 5 to 10 times less.
The hardness tester enables to conduct a quick test of a metal product hardness on site in the
process of operation or manufacturing, under the field or laboratory conditions in the sphere
1.1 of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, power generation, ship building and railroad
transport, in aviation and space industry, in oil and gas sector, in maintenance and service
companies etc.
Pressure vessels of various purpose (reactors, steam generators, collectors, boiler drums, gas
holders etc.), turbine and generator rotors, pipelines, rolls, crankshafts, gears, parts of various
vehicles, industrial prefabricates articles (castings, forgings, sheets and plates) etc. (MI 2565-
99. Recommendations. “State System for Ensuring Uniform Measurement. Field of
application of hardness testing devices which are subject to verification”).
1.2 The hardness tester can be applied for
? assessment of technological processes stability (equipment treatment, welding etc.);
? diagnostics of equipment with the purpose of assessment of its remaining safe life
(hardness control of pipelines, boilers etc.).
2.1The thorough study of the present Technical Reference and Operation Manual is a
mandatory condition for the hardness tester application! Only in this case you can use all
hardness tester possibilities and avoid such actions and errors which are likely to result in the
wrong test results. Read the present Technical Reference and Operation Manual attentively and
only after it start examining the hardness tester.
2.2 Operator’s training requires sufficient knowledge in the field of metal hardness measurement
and metrology on the whole.
2.2.1 In the process of the hardness tester operation, there is always a set of external factors
influencing the test accuracy:
? the condition of the tested article surface (surface stress, contamination, various coatings;
? ambient parameters (humidity, temperature, pollution etc.);
? homogeneity of the tested article material (p. 2.2.4).
2.2.2 The tested surface and the tested article as such shall correspond to the parameters given
in the hardness tester specifications (paragraph 3) and be prepared in the due form
(p.6.1.2). Otherwise, the correct results obtaining is not guaranteed.
2.2.3 The highest accuracy of the results is obtained in the process of testing conducted under
the conditions listed below:
? relative humidity is 30 …80%;
2.3In the process of hardness tester operation, no impact or vibration on it is allowed.
? atmospheric pressure is 84 … 106 kPa.
Careful operation and observation of all technical instructions hereof is the condition for
its reliable operation without maintenance for quite a long period of time.
printingthedataout, data base
Measurements results processing, their averaging, recording and
archival data processing in the hardness tester memory
Non-volatile memory – data saving in archive when hardnessAvailable
ScaleMeasurement rangeError, not more than
Non-volatile memory – data saving in archive when hardness
tester is switched off
Character LCD display: simultaneously displays a hardness
scale, operating mode, archive number and discharge level
LCD display lightingAvailable
The function of conversion from one hardness scale into another Available
Protective code excluding the possibility of an accidental
hardness tester calibration reset
Hardness tester spatial position during measurements, no angle
correction is needed,
Number of current measurements for average value
0 … 360
Battery (NiMH, C size) charging full time, hours
? Through AC line adapter
? Through USB port from a switched on computer
Time of uninterrupted operation with fully charged battery, not
- less than, hours:
- without lighting
- with lighting
- from AC mains
Hardness tester power supply:
- AC mains, V/Hz
- battery, V
consumed power, not more than, V-A
90-240 V, 50-60 Hz
Automatic power supply switch off, time, sec150
Temperature range, ºC:
- during operation
- during storage and transportation
Relative humidity, %30 … 80
Precious metals and stones
?electronicmodule in plastic body [in alum. body]
? carry case
Overall dimensions (length/width/height), mm
? ultrasonic probe
? ultrasonic short probe
? dynamic probe
? short dynamic probe
Mass (electronic module in plastic body [in alum. body]), kg:
- module + ultrasonic probe
- module + dynamic probe
- as a complete set (gross)
The number of testing result in the memory (archive) of the
module for every hardness tester probe100
Time for one hardness testing, sec.
- ultrasonic probe
- dynamic probe
-5 … +45
- 15 … +65
145/80/40 [180/80/42]
0,36 [0,65]
0,31 [0.61]
1,0 [1.3]
Tested surface roughness, R
- ultrasonic probe,
- dynamic probe
Tested surface radius of curvature, mm
- ultrasonic probe
- dynamic probe
Tested article mass, not less than, kg
- ultrasonic probe
- dynamic probe
Tested article thickness, not less than, mm
- ultrasonic probe
- dynamic probe
Size of indentation on the tested article surface with 45 HRC
hardness, mm
- ultrasonic probe
- dynamic probe
Depth of indentation into a tested article with 45 HRC hardness,
NamePiece, number
Electronicmodule in plastic or aluminum body 1
Case for hardness tester fixing on the forearm, belt, neck1
Connecting cable for power supply and data transfer to the computer via
USBport 1
U1ultrasonicprobe(forMET-U1/U1A;MET-UD/UDAhardnesstesters) 1
Connectivecableforultrasonicprobe(forMET-U1/U1A;MET-UD/UDAhardness testers) 1
D1dynamicprobe(forMET-D1/D1A;MET-UD/UDAhardnesstesters) 1
Connectivecablefordynamicprobe(forMET-D1/D1A;MET-UD/UDAhardness testers) 1
NiMhbatteryCsize (plastic body) / AA size (aluminum body) 1 /4
USB Cableforcomputerconnection 1
CD with a software and technical support materials1
(shall be additionally paid)
Reference hardness blocks
(GOST 9031-75; 8.426-81) verified at FGUP “VNIIFTRI” for
hardness tester readings verification and calibration by user
MTR type (Rockwell): HRC, HRA, HRB
MTSR type (Super-Rockwell): HRN, HRT
MTB type (Brinell): HB
MTV type (Vickers): HV
MTSh type (Shore): HSD
Lapping fluid Dynamic probe: for setting test blocks and small-mass articles which were
preliminary fixed on to the testing plate. Ultrasonic probe
: for fixing articles thinner than 1 mm
to the supporting plate of the holder.
Stand for U1 ultrasonic probe is used for testing of small-sized items under the condition of
reliable fixin.
1) To fix the probe in the tube of the stand. 2) To install the spring on top of the probe.
3) To close the upper part of the tube by the iron cup, pressing the spring by the
cup when closing. 4) To install the stand with the probe and the electronic
modulus on the desk in the position convenient for the operator. 5) With the help
of the eccentric handle, to open the probe in the maximum upward position.
6) To put the tested item on the stand base. 7) With the help of collet fixture, by
moving the arm, to fix the distance between the probe tip and the test block
surface of not more than 1 mm. 8) To switch the instrument on and to measure
hardness by lowering the eccentric handle down.
Battery operated grinder for preparation of testing area on the tested article, lessens surface
roughness, removes rust, wear hardening, scaling and joint weld processing.
Set of replaceable attachments for probes – for hardness testing of cylindrical and spherical
U1/2 short ultrasonic probe is a short model of U1 ultrasonic probe for testing within a limited
space (inner pipe diameter, sleeves etc.)
D1/2 dynamic probe is a short model of D1 dynamic probe for testing under the condition of
limited space.
Hardness tester complete set (fig.1):
1 – carry case
2 – probes
Technical Reference and
Operation Manual
electronic module
battery charger
USB cable for computer
+ 16 hidden pages
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