Mesh Networks provide long range connectivity by relaying packets from one mesh node to another,
like a bucket brigade. The end of the bucket brigade terminates at the root – which connects to the
Ethernet. (above) Relays connect to the root or other relay nodes to form a wirelessly linked chain.
Upstream & Downstream
Upstream implies closer to the Ethernet. The root is upstream of relay 1.
Wireless Uplinks and Downlinks. The Ethernet link is the uplink
(upstream link) connection for the root. The root has is a wired uplink.
Its “backhaul” is the wired network.
Relays have wireless uplinks through a upstream downlink radio.
Downlink radios act like Access Points (AP) : they send out a beacon.
Uplink radios act like clients – they do not send out a beacon.
A wireless radio card in the laptop can inform you of the presence of
downlinks but not of uplinks. Downlinks beacon, Uplinks do not.
The uplink and downlink radios form a wireless backhaul path.
AP radios operate in the 2.4GHZ band to service 11b/g clients.
802.11a wireless devices may be serviced by the 5.8G downlink.
Thus, both 802.11a and 802.11b/g client access is supported.
Backhaul radios operate in 5.8GHZ band to avoid interference with
the 11b/g 2.4GHZ AP radio (shown pink, right). Note: Do not use
any other modules not approved with this device other
then the ones that were tested which are MD2 FCC ID:
To summarize, there are 4 types of “links” to Structured Mesh
A wired uplink to provide Ethernet connectivity. This connects the Root node to the wired network.
A wireless downlink to provide wireless connectivity. Acts like an AP for the uplink. Typically 5.8G.
A wireless uplink to connect to upstream mesh nodes. This is a “client” to the downlink. Typically 5.8G.
A AP radio for clients. Typically 2.4G with support for both b and g clients.
In our standard offering, the 11a uplink, the 11a downlink and 11b/g service are 3 separate radios (Fig 2.2).
The MD4000 Modular MeshTM products support up to 4 radios in a single enclosure.
Slots 0, 1 house one uplink and one downlink radio operating on non-interfering
channels but in the same frequency band. They are both 2.4G or both 5.8G. radios.
Note: Do not use any other modules not approved with this device other then the ones
that were tested which are MD2 FCC ID: UZU-MD2 and MD5 FCC ID: UZU-MD5
Note: This two radio backhaul differs from competing mesh products. The differences are explained
Slot 2 houses a 2.4G AP radio for client connectivity. 2.4G radios can be set to b. b and g or g only
modes. Slot 3 can house a 2nd downlink, 2nd AP or a scanning radio for mobile mesh module - that
form part of the meshed backhaul in dynamic infrastructure mesh networks.
The 2 Ethernet ports on each module may be used to interface to cameras for high resolution video
over mesh. A 2nd (slave) module attaches via Ethernet to provide a total of 8 radios. Operating
temperature range is -40 to +85 Celsius. The die cast weather proof enclosure is NEMA 67 rated.
For a “good signal”, the fraction of the energy from the transmitter that reaches the receiver should exceed the
receiver radio’s receive sensitivity. If not, the ACK will not be sent and re-transmission occurs. Throughput then
declines. The rate control software on the mesh module is sampling the link quality between its uplink and the
parent downlink. If the throughput declines, it lowers the transmit rate, since transmit power and receive
sensitivity improve at lower transmit rates. The throughput is thus adjusted based on signal quality.
Degradation of signal quality over distance is expressed by the free space path loss relationship:
Path_Loss = 20*log(Freq) + Decay_* 10*log(Dist) – K where
Path_loss: Path Loss in dBm
Freq: Frequency in MHZ
Decay : Varies based on RF environment, line of sight etc.
Dist: Distance between the two mesh nodes (in meters)
K: Constant.
Transmit power from the radio and antenna gains offsets this path loss. The adjusted value must then exceed the
receiving radio receive sensitivity for transmissions to be “heard”. Table A1 shows backhaul distances for a 5.8G
radio transmitting with 20 dBm transmit power radio and over two 8 db omni-directional antennas. Acceptable
receive sensitivity is set at – 65 dBm. Decay is varied from 2.0 (rural, open space) to 2.4 (more urban settings,
non line of sight, occlusions, interference). Notice how range is dramatically affected by changes in Decay.
Increasing antenna gain from 8 dBm to a 14 dBm panel on the downlink reduces this path loss (Table A2).
Table A2
Panels have a less dispersed beam pattern than omni-directional antennas. Their restricted field of view also
makes them less sensitive to noise in the vicinity. In very noisy settings, more radio transmit power may be
needed. Two downlinks doubles transmit radio power from 20 dBm to 23 dBm. (Table A3).
Table A3
Range is also effectively doubled by changing from 5.8G to a 2.4G backhaul. Compare Table A4 with Table A1.
Table A4
Unfortunately, the 2.4G RF space is “polluted” with multiple AP and client devices. 2.4G Backhauls are best limited
to rural areas with low subscriber density and low 2.4G RF interference. If 2.4G Backhauls are critical, reduce 2.4G
RF interference on the backhaul with a panel antenna and its more focused beam. The 4320 3-radio 2.4G
backhaul product is intended to be used with panels on the backhaul and an omni for the 3rd 2.4G AP radio .
In rural areas or low client density situations, use 2.4G backhauls preferably with panels to reduce RF interference
from other 2.4G devices. In all other scenarios use 5.8G Backhauls. Start with two 8 dBm 5.8G omni-directional
250m apart, with clear line of sight and no metal obstructions with 1.5m of the antennas. Increase node spacing
till throughput begins to decline – look at the heart beats shown on the NMS. For noisy 5.8G environments, reduce
path loss with panels and/or double the transmit power with dual downlinks (4452).
Table B1 and B2 indicate that the range of the 2.4G radios backhaul will always exceed that of the 5.8G backhaul.
The theory does not take into consideration two salient real-world differences between backhauls and AP radios:
1. Antennas are generally mounted on roof tops. The backhaul antennas generally have free space line of sight
connectivity. However the antennas of the AP, also mounted on roof tops, must connect with clients on the ground.
The path from AP antennas to the 2.4G client radios is often not clear line of sight. Additionally, there is significant
2.4G RF interference in urban areas. With higher decay the range is significantly reduced (Table B3).
Table B3
2. Clients on the same AP also can also create RF interference due to Hidden-Node effects. The AP has big ears
(high receive sensitivity). Even though clients radios are much lower power, the AP can hear them. It also has a loud
voice (high transmit power) so clients can hear it. But clients may not be able to hear each other such as when
clients are on opposite ends from each other. The clients are thus “hidden”.
AP hears both Clients.
But clients do not hear each other.
Radio is a shared medium: only one device should be active at any time. If clients are “hidden” from each other,
then they could be talking at the same time, causing RF interference and loss of signal quality. Table B4 indicates
that clients hear each other only within 100 meters .In noisy or occluded settings it could be as low as 50 meters.
If omni-directional antennas are being used, select ones with down tilt. This focuses the beam downwards – where
the clients. This also reduces the AP range so clients are less spread apart. The hidden node effect is thus curtailed.
For noisy /occluded environments, reduce path loss with panels and/or double transmit power with dual AP radios.
Note: Range Calculation Sheet location: