Information in this document is provided in connection with Meru
property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Meru’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Meru assumes no liability
whatsoever, and Meru disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Meru products including liability or warranties relating
to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Meru products are not
intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications.
Meru may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked “reserved” or “undefined.” Meru reserves these for
future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.
The product may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current
characterized errata are available on request.
Meru Networks, Inc. might have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does
not give any license to these patents.
This document as well as the described in it are furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license.
The information in this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a
commitment by Meru Networks, Inc.. Meru Networks, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this
document or any software that may be provided in association with this document. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this document may
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Meru Networks, Inc..
Contact your local Meru sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order.
Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Meru literature may be obtained by calling
or by visiting Meru’s website at
This document describes the command-line interface (CLI) commands for the Meru
Wireless Networking Product.
It briefly explains some of the concepts that you need to know before using the
This guide is intended for network administrators who will install, configure, and
maintain a Meru wireless network. It assumes that you are familiar with the
Wireless networking
Basic IP routing concepts
In This Guide
This guide includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “Key Concepts,” which provides useful information about Meru wire-
less networking
Chapter 2, “CLI Command Reference,” which lists alphabetically all of the
commands in the Meru command-line interface
Revision 0.1, July 2003
“Glossary” which defines some terms used in this document
About This Document vii
Other Sources of Information
Other Sources of Information
This guide is part of the Meru wireless network documentation set, which also
Meru wireless network for the controller board Installation and Quick Start Guide
(Installation Guide), which describes how to install the Meru wireless network and
set up the networking environment
In addition, the Meru Web site provides valuable information on products, support,
and the company. See “Contacting Meru” on page ix.
Typographic Conventions
This document uses the following typographic conventions to help you locate and
identify information:
Italic textUsed for new terms, emphasis, and book titles; also identifies arguments
in syntax descriptions.
Bold textIdentifies keywords and punctuation in syntax descriptions.
Courier fontIdentifies file names, folder names, and text that either appears on the
screen or that you are required to type.
Provides extra information, tips, and hints regarding the topic.
Identifies important information about actions that could result in damage
to or loss of data or could cause the application to behave in unexpected
Identifies critical information about actions that could result in
equipment failure or bodily injury.
viii About This Document
Revision 0.1, July 2003
Contacting Meru
Courier font is used for code. In syntax descriptions, bold indicates required
keywords and a punctuation. In examples, bold highlights interesting parts. Italics
indicate values that are to be replaced, such as arguments or file names.
bold Required keywords and a punctuation.
[ ]Optional elements are enclosed by square brackets.
|Chocies among elements are separated by vertical bars.
{ }Required choice: Braces indicates that one of the enclosed elements must be
…One or more of the preceding element is allowed.
The following figure shows a sample of syntax notation.
{ history | h}
Choose one of enclosed elements
[ number_lines ]
Enclosed elements are optional
Separates choices
Keywords, required punctuation
Contacting Meru
You can reach Meru’s automated support services 24 hours a day, every day at no
charge. The services contain the most up-to-date information about Meru products.
You can access installation instructions, troubleshooting information, and general
product information.
Web and
Internet Sites
You can use the Internet to download software updates, troubleshooting tips, installation notes, and more.
For specific types of information and services, go to the following Web and Internet
United States and Canada: (7:00 - 17:00 M-F Pacific Time)
xAbout This Document
Revision 0.1, July 2003
Chapter 1
Key Concepts
Network Layout
Corporate network
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Controller (WNC)
Access Point (ATS )
Subcontroller (ASC)
Ethernet Switch
Access Point
Access Point
Access Point
Access Point
Key Concepts1
Node Identification
Node Identification
A node is a piece of equipment in a Meru wireless network. Each node is uniquely
identified by two pieces of information:
The node type: One of WNC (a controller), ASC (a subcontroller; contained
within the controller), or ATS (an access point).
The node number: An integer; unique within the node type.
Many commands require only a node number because the command is specific to a
node type. Other commands require both the node type and the node number.
For example, if a network contains one controller (which always contains a subcontroller) and three access points, they are identified as follows:
DescriptionNode TypeNode Number
First installed access pointATS1
Second installed access pointATS2
Third installed access pointATS3
If the first access point is removed from the network and a new one is installed, the
new one becomes ATS 4, not ATS 1.
Numbers and
When you connect an access point to your Meru wireless network, the controller
automatically reads its serial number and assigns it a permanent node number. This
node number acts as an alias for the serial number, so if an access point is unplugged
and placed elsewhere in the network, the controller recognizes the access point as the
same node number.
When you configure an access point, the configuration in the controller belongs to the
node number, so the configuration can follow the access point.
Using the Controller Console and the CLI
You can connect to the controller using one of three methods:
Serial port
Your connection serves as the console for the controller. Logging in to the controller
places you into the Meru command-line interface (CLI), which is similar to a
command shell. The prompt for the CLI is
2Key Concepts
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Using the Controller Console and the CLI
Use the console command to adjust the appearance of the console display.
The CLI keeps a history of the commands typed during your current session. Use the
history command to list these commands . For example:
wnc> history
1 help
2 console set columns=80 rows=60
3 history
Each history line is displayed with a number. You can redisplay any previous
command for editing by typing an exclamation point (!) followed by the line number.
For example:
wnc> !2
wnc> console set columns=80 rows=60
The cursor remains at the end of the redisplayed line so that you can edit the
command. The CLI supports the following keystrokes to position the cursor for
Keyboard key
HomePosition cursor at the beginning of the command line.
EndPosition cursor at the end of the command line.
Right arrow ( ---> )Move the cursor to the right.
Left arrow (<---)Move the cursor to the left.
Backspace, Delete, DelRemove the characterto the left of the cursor position.
Up arrow, down arrowScroll through the command history and allow editing on
whichever line the cursor is positioned. This command
becomes your current command.
ESCClears the command line.
For example:
wnc> history
1 help
2 console set columns=80 rows=60
3 history
4 console set columns=80 rows=20
Pressing the up arrow redisplays the preceding commands one at a time, in reverse
order, on the command line. For example, if you scroll through the commands to the
first command executed and then press return, it executes that command line, so your
next command history is:
Revision 0.1, month 2003
Key Concepts3
Using the Controller Console and the CLI
1 help
2 console set columns=80 rows=60
3 history
4 console set columns=80 rows=20
5 help
4Key Concepts
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Chapter 2
CLI Command Reference
This chapter describes the syntax and operation of all CLI commands.
Commands are organized alphabetically within categories. The categories are
“Alarms Commands” on page 3
“asc: Subcontroller Commands” on page 5
“ats: Access Point Commands” on page 8
“auth: RADIUS Authentication Commands” on page 12
“Channel BSSID Commands” on page 15
“connect or remote: Remote Connection Commands” on page 17
“Console Commands” on page 18
Revision 0.1, July 2003
“db: Configuration Backup Commands” on page 20
“Help Commands” on page 22
“History Commands” on page 23
“if...stats: Interface Statistics Commands” on page 24
“if: Interface Commands” on page 29
“qoS or codec: Quality of Service Commands” on page 32
“qosrule or ruleQoS: Rule Commands” on page 36
“Quit Commands” on page 42
“Reboot (or restart) Commands” on page 43
“security: RADIUS Security Commands” on page 45
CLI Command Reference1
“SNMP Commands” on page 47
“Station Commands” on page 50
“topo: Network Topology Commands” on page 53
“Watchdog Commands” on page 57
“wirelessif or wif: Wireless Interface Commands” on page 59
“wnc: Controller Commands” on page 63
The CLI recognizes three classes of user. The ability to use commands in this chapter
depends on the user’s class. Users can be:
User ClassDescription
guestCan use only those commands that display information.
adminCan use most commands, including all the commands that guest can use.
supportCan use all commands.
2CLI Command Reference
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Alarms Commands
These commands provide information about alarm or error status in the Meru wireless network.
Displays the controller’s alarm log.
Alarms Commands
DescriptionDisplays the controller’s alarm log file, showing the date and time of each event along
with the originating node and the severity of the alarm. The log lists all alarms for all
nodes in the Meru wireless network that have occurred since the controller’s most
recent reboot.
If there have been no alarms, the command displays
No entries.
Otherwise, the command lists the following information for each alarm:
TimeDate and time of the alarm in UTC (MM/DD hh:mm:ss), where:
MM = Month number (01 - 12).
DD = Day number.
hh = Hour (00 - 23).
mm = Minute.
ss = Second.
NodeConsists of two parts:
Node Type, one of ATS (an access point), ASC (a subcontroller), or WNC
(a controller)
Revision 0.1, July 2003
Node number within that type: An integer
CLI Command Reference3
Alarms Commands
TypeAlarm type. One of the following:
SeverityThe severity of the alarm, either CRITICAL or CLEAR (alarm state has
been cleared
ExampleTo view the alarm log:
wnc> alarms
This produces output similar to the following:
Time (UTC) Node Type Severity
-------------- -------- ------------------------- ------------07/17 17:25:55 ATS 0001 LINK UP CLEAR
4CLI Command Reference
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asc: Subcontroller Commands
asc: Subcontroller Commands
These commands manage aspects of subcontrollers.
asc all
Displays configuration information for all subcontrollers recognized by the
controller. See asc get for details.
Syntaxasc all
asc get
Displays configuration information for one or more subcontrollers.
Syntaxasc get node_id [...]
node_idOne or more node numbers identifying subcontrollers that are associated with
this controller. Information is displayed for all the listed subcontrollers.
DescriptionDisplays the following configuration information for each of the specified subcon-
Node IDThe unique numeric ID of the subcontroller.
Serial NumberSerial number of the subcontroller.
DescriptionA text description of this subcontroller.
To list information for all subcontrollers, use asc all.
Revision 0.1, July 2003
CLI Command Reference5
asc: Subcontroller Commands
UptimeThe uptime of the subcontroller, in hours, minutes, and seconds
LocationA text description of the location of this subcontroller.
ContactPerson or organization responsible for this subcontroller.
Availability Status
Alarm StateThe severity of the current alarm on the subcontroller. If more than one
Virtual MAC
Software Version
The operational state of the subcontroller:
ENABLED: The subcontroller is operating correctly.
DISABLED: The subcontrollers is found by the controller but it is not
operating correctly.
The availability of the subcontroller:
OFFLINE: The controller cannot find the subcontroller.
ONLINE: The controller can find the subcontroller.
alarm is current, the highest severity is displayed. In order of increasing
severity, the states are
NO ALARM: The subcontroller is not in an alarm state.
The virtual MAC address of the wireless network to which this subcontroller belongs. This value is set with the wnc set command.
The version of the software running on the subcontroller.
asc ids
Displays the node numbers for all known subcontrollers.
Syntaxasc ids
DescriptionDisplays a list of node numbers of type ASC that are associated with this controller.
6CLI Command Reference
Numbers are displayed one on each output line.
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asc set
Sets one or more of the configuration values for the specified subcontroller.
locationText description of the location of this access point.
contactPerson or organization responsible for this access point.
bootscriptThe name of the script to run when the access point boots. Use ats
ats upgrade
Installs upgraded software onto the ATS.
ats: Access Point Commands
scripts to display the names of valid scripts. See wnc set for additional
Syntaxats upgrade {<node-id> | all}
[noreboot | <delay>]
To upgrade the software on an ATS, enter its node id and the version that was previously downloaded onto the WNC. Available images may be listed using the 'ats
images' command. After the upgrade the ATS will reboot immediately when the
upgrade is complete, unless the 'noreboot' option or a delay (in seconds) is given as
the last argument.
Revision 0.1, July 2003
CLI Command Reference11
auth: RADIUS Authentication Commands
auth: RADIUS Authentication
These commands allow a user to manage RADIUS authentication information
(authentication secret and RADIUS IP address).
auth all
Displays configuration information for all RADIUS authentications. See auth get for
Syntaxauth all
auth del
Deletes the authentications specified by the authentication IDs.
Syntaxauth del <auth_id> [...]
auth get
Displays configuration information for one or more authentications.
Syntaxauth get <auth_id> [...]
12CLI Command Reference
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auth: RADIUS Authentication Commands
auth_idOne or more numbers identifying authentications that are associated with this
controller. Information is displayed for all the listed items.
DescriptionDisplays the following fields for each of the authentications requested:
Authentication IDA unique alphanumeric ID of the RADIUS server information.
RADIUS Server SecretThe string to hold the RADIUS secret key.
To list information for all subcontrollers, use auth all.
IP address of the RADIUS server in nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format.
auth new
Create a new authentication.
Syntaxauth new <auth_id>
[ {radiusip=<val> | ip=<val>} ]
{radiussecret=<val> | secret=<val>} ]
auth set
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{radiussecret=<val> |
{radiusip=<val> | ip=<val>} IP address of the RADIUS server in nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format.
Sets one or more of the configuration values for the specified authentication.
The string to hold the RADIUS secret key.
CLI Command Reference13
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