must be worn. Synthetic clothing are excluded. Shoes must be closed, not opened (due
to spatters). If necessary, protective headwear must be worn (e.g. for overhead
welding). If cover glasses are used, these must be in accordance with the norms
specified above. As additional protection for the eyes against UV radiation, safety
goggles with side shields and corresponding face protection in accordance with
BGR 192 and BGI 553 must be worn.
Accident prevention regulation BGV D1 § 27 stipulates that it is the responsibility of
the employer to provide suitable personal protective equipment, while § 28 stipulates
that it is the responsibility of the insured to wear suitable clothing.
7) Protection when welding under increased electrical risks
Welding rectifiers and welding power sources which can optionally be used for either
direct or alternating current must be marked "S" in accordance with EN 60974-1 and
BGI 534.
Use insulating materials to protect you against contact with electrically conductive
parts and damp floors. Wear dry, undamaged work clothing, long gloves and footwear
with rubber soles. Ventilate rooms, install extraction systems if required, and wear
respiratory protective equipment if necessary (see Procedural instructions BGV D1
§ 27 and BGI 533, Section 5).
8) In order to prevent stray currents and the effects thereof (e.g. destruction of electrical
protective ground conductors), the welding return cable (workpiece cable) must be
connected directly to the workpiece to be welded or to the table (e.g. welding table,
grid-type welding table, workbench) supporting the workpiece (see BGV D1 § 20).
When installing the ground connection, assure that there is a good electrical contact
(remove rust, paint, etc.).
9) During welding pauses, the welding torch is to be laid down on an insulated surface or
hung up in such a way that it is not in contact with the workpiece and its support
connected to the welding power source (see § 20 BGV D1).
In the case of longer work pauses, the welding unit must be switched off and the gas
cylinder valve must be closed.
10) The shielding gas cylinder must always be protected against tumbling downing using a
safety chain.
11) Under no circumstances the unit may be put into operation while it is opened
(e.g. for repair work). Apart from the safety regulations, sufficient cooling of the
electrical components provided by the fan cannot be guaranteed.
12) In accordance with BGV D1 § 5, people in the vicinity of the arc must also be
informed of the hazards and protected against them. Safety partitions (“welding safety
curtains”) must be erected in accordance with DIN EN 1598.
13) No welding work may be carried out on containers in which gases, fuels, mineral oils
or similar substances have been stored even if they have been empty for a long
time (risk of explosion). See § 31 of accident prevention regulation BGV D1.
14) Welds which will be subjected to high loads and which need to meet specific safety
requirements may only be carried out by specially trained and qualified welders.