Meridian Audio G-55 Brochure

Although Meridian is today best-known for its
digital circuitry, it is a company built on ana-
logue roots, and indeed, superb analogue circuit
design and implementation are important parts
The G Series power ampli ers offer the ideal
way to interface G Series components to third-
party passive loudspeakers. They include the
latest power amp developments from Merid-
ian, utilised in their  agship DSP8000 digital
loudspeaker systems, and share many common
design parameters.
In all cases, pairs of channels can be bridged for
additional output and  exibility, and the ampli -
ers in the range are gain-matched to further add
to the possibilities when building a system.
The Meridian G55 is a  ve-channel unit, and
delivers a solid 100W continuous mean power
per channel into 8
with detail as well as punch where it’s required
– at any volume level from a string quartet at
The ampli er modules feature a symmetrical
line of high performance
predecessors, the multi-award-winning 500 and
positive-action front-panel keys are software-
setup program on a Windows computer,
plus Meridian communications ports. A compre-
The discrete active input components are ther-
The ampli ers are of a unique low-feedback
with an output impedance that is close to zero
A trigger input allows the ampli er to be activat-
Two sets of outputs are provided per chan-
The outer pairs of channels can be operated in
The ampli ers have electronic protection, reset
A front-panel indicator shows when the ampli-
(bridge mode)
with no capacitors in the signal path. Soft start and
thermal management in main assembly. Optimised
Width: 440mm (17.32in); Depth: 350mm (13.78in)
Wide voltage-range (5–30V, AC/DC) trigger input for
Versions: 100, 110, 115, 220, 230, 240 Vac, 50/60Hz.
Tel +44 (0) 1480 445678
Atlanta GA 30331 USA
Tel +1 (404) 344 7111
accepts no liability for errors or omissions.
amend product speci cations at any time.