Latham Road, Huntingdon PE29 6YE, United Kingdom • T +44 (0)1480 445678 F +44 (0)1480 445686 •
8055 Troon Circle Suite C, Austell, Atlanta GA 30168-7849, USA • T +1 404 344 7111 F +1 404 346 7111
For over 20 years, Meridian has created
superior optical disc players that have
delivered better and better sound quality
with each successive generation, keeping
step with continually improving digital
recording and disc mastering techniques.
Important milestones were the identifi cation
and near-eradication of player design
problems including jitter, mechanical
feedback, servo instability, playability,
converter linearity and interface design,
along with support for DVD-Audio.
Bob Stuart, Meridian’s chief designer, was
heavily involved in the evolution of audio
formats for DVD – resulting in MLP (Meridian
Lossless Packing) being selected as the
defi nitive coding system for the DVD-Audio
format. It should therefore be no surprise
that Meridian’s design team has brought the
full benefi t of their experience to the 800
Meridian also brought important
psychoacoustic and psychovisual insights to
the design of the 800. As a result the 800
Version 4 Reference Optical Disc Player is
able to offer sound and picture quality that is
World-beating performance
with all PCM-based optical disc
Superb image and sound quality
that places the 800 in a class of
praise for the unparalleled quality of
step confi guration and graphic system
sleek new silver fi nish, with the latest
– although it can also be confi gured as