Mercury Innovations Science and Technology A20 User Manual

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Cop yrigh t©MIFA. A ll righ ts rese rved. MIFA, t he MIFA l ogo and o ther MI FA mark s are all o wned an d regis tered b y MIFA IN NOVAT IONS LL C. All o ther tr adema rks are t he prop erty of t heir re spect ive own ers. Th e infor matio n conta ined he re is sub ject to c hange w ithou t prior n otice .
Blue tooth S peake r
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
War ni ng s
For t he firs t use, a fu ll char ge is reco mmend ed.
Ple ase use a nd stor e the prod uct at ro om temp eratu re.
Do no t throw a nd drop th e produ ct to avo id dama ges.
Do no t expos e the pro duct to f ire, hig h tempe ratur e, direc t sunli ght, et c.
Do no t use org anic so lvent s or othe r chemi cals to cl ean the p roduc t.
Do no t allow s mall pa rtic les to ge t into th e produc t.
Ple ase con tact th e selle r if the ca ble is no t match ed.
Ple ase kee p volum es of the sp eaker m odera te to avo id temp orar y or perm anent h earin g impai rment .
Do no t disse mble th e produ ct, or ma ke any mod ifica tions t o the str uctur e or any pa rts of it .
Kee p the prod uct out o f child ren’s reac h.
If th e batte ry is no t prope rly repl aced, t here wi ll be an ex plosi on acci dent, w hich ca n only be re place d with th e same ty pe of bat tery.
Bat terie s (batt ery pa cks) ca n not be ex posed t o such co nditi ons as su nshin e, fire or s imila r overh eatin g condi tions .
Eng lish
the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF Exposure guidelines, This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance between 20cm the radiator your body: Use only the supplied antenna. FCC ID: 2AF7A-A20
Pro du ct Fea tu re s
Wire less Bl uetoo th musi c playi ngAuto matic ally co nnect s to the la st-c onnec ted dev iceBui lt-in M ic for han ds-fr ee call sTW S techn ology s uppor ted to ma ke the s ound st ereo15W o utput p ower43m m dual fu ll rang e louds peake r, 45mm Du al Supe r-Bas s, 50*9 0mm Rea r Super -BassSup ports u p to 32 GB Mi cro- SD cardSup ports M P3, WMA, WAV, F LAC, AP ESD ca rd reade r funct ionAux- in jack a nd 3.5m m audio c able fo r non-B lueto oth dev icesBui lt-in 40 00mAh l ithiu m batte ryAuto matic ally tu rns off a fter 1 0 minute s if ther e is no man ual ope ratio n and no de vice co nnec tedSup port IO S syste m ringt one pla ying, o thers a re defa ult ton e
Eng lish
What ’s in the box
Spe aker 1p c
Por ts o f Functions
Aux- in jack
In th e power ed-on s tate, i nsert a n audio c able. I t will b eep to in dicat e a succe ssful c onnec tion.
To rese t the spe aker, p ress the r eset bu tton in t he jack w ith a nee dle.
3.5 mm audi o cable 1 pc
US B cable 1 pc
Use r Manua l
Use r Manua l 1pc
Micr o SD Card S lot
In th e power ed-on s tate, i nsert a M icro -SD car d into the s lot. I t will play t he musi c store d in the ca rd auto matic ally af ter two b eeps.
Data t ransm issio n: in the p owere d-off s tate, i nsert a Mic ro-SD c ard and c onnec t it to a com puter. P ress and hold t he powe r butto n for 2 sec onds to t urn it on . Then you ca n manag e music f iles in t he card o n the comp uter.
Char ging: u se a DC 5V / 1A a dapto r or conn ect it to a comp uter to c harge t he spea ker
Warra nty Car d
War ranty C ard 1pc
Eng lish
Eng lish
Key s Functi on
Blue tooth b utton :
Pres s and hol d disco nnect ing with t he cur rent de vice, an d wait ing for a n new dev ice to pair ; shor t press a gain to reco nnec t the dev ice tha t pair ed last t ime.
Buil t-in M ic
Pres s and hol d to play p revio us song Shor t pres s to turn d own the v olume
Charging LED Indicator
Note s:
When l ow batt ery , po wer on th e red LED fa st flick erin g , and the n power o ff 15 seco nds lat er
LED In dicat or
Shor t pres s to paus e or play Shor t pres s to answ er or han g up the ca ll, pres s and hol d to reje ct
TWS c onnec tion
Pres s and hol d to ente r to TWS pair ing mo de whil e in Blue tooth ­disc onnec ting m ode.
Batt ery In dicato r
Cont inuou s white
Cont inuou s white
Cont inuou s white
Turn to b e red
Flas hing red
100 % full ch arge
75% o f full ch arge
30% o f full ch arge
low b atter y , cha rge nee ded
Powe r off soon
Eng lish
Pres s and hol d to play t he nex t song Shor t pres s to turn u p the volu me
Power b utton : Press a nd hold t he butt on for 2 sec onds to t urn on or tur n off Shor t pres s to swit ch the mo de in the p owered -on st atus in o rder Blue tooth m ode- > Micro S D card mo de, a Mic ro SD car d must be inse rted -> Aux-i n mode (c onnec t to the a udio ca ble)
Char ging In dicat or
Cha rging to 1 00%
Cont inuou s white
Cha rging to 7 5%
Cont inuou s white Flas hing
Cha rging to 3 0%
Cont inuou s white Flas hing in t urn
In ch argin g
Flas hing in t urn
Eng lish
Bluetooth Connection
1. Turn on t he spea ker
Pres s and hol d the pow er butt on for mor e than 2 sec onds un til it is sues a so und of Di ngDon g and the n a sou nd of Din g with a fl ashin g light . It ente rs the pai ring mo de.
2. Con nect it t o your de vice
Turn o n the Blu etoot h of your d evice a nd sele ct MiFa _A20. O nce the c onnec tion is c omple ted, it w ill bee p and the L ED ligh t will st ay on.
The s peake r will co nnect t o the las t-con nect ed dev ice aut omati cally o nce the d evice 's Blu etoot h is turn ed on.
Loud speak er
Outp ut powe r
Freq uency R espon se
Blue tooth S tanda rd
USB S tand ard
Sup porte d Stora ge Sys tem
Bat tery
Cha rging Ti me
Sup porte d Medi a Type
43mm d ual ful l range l oudsp eake r, 45mm Du al Supe r-Bas s, 50*9 0mm Rea r Super -Bass
50H z~20K Hz
Blue tooth 4 .2
USB 2 .0 (com patib le with U SB 1. 1)
Up to 3 2 GB Mic ro SD ca rd (FAT32)
Bui lt-in 18 650 400 0 mAh 3C p ower ba tter y DC5 V-100 0Ma U SB adap ter
Abo ut 4.5 ho urs wit h 1A outp ut adap ter
Eng lish
Oth er Ins truct ions: To conn ect to an other d evic e, press a nd hold t he Blue tooth b utton f or 2 seco nds. The p aired o ne will b e disco nnect ed and th e speak er will e nter th e pairi ng mode . To reco nnect i t to the la st used d evice , shor t press t he Blue tooth bu tton.
190 mm
Siz e:190 × 4 8 × 66 mm Weig ht: 516 g (incl uding t he buil t-in Li thium b atter y)
Eng lish
48m m
66m m
Tru e Wi re le ss S te re o Fu nc ti on
Spe aker 1
Spe aker 2
Tro ub le S ho ot in g
FAQ Sol ution s
Not ab le to con nect to you r devic e
Keep s cutti ng out wh en play ing
Not ab le to pla y the mus ic in Micr o SD card
No sou nd when p layin g
No sou nd in AUX- in mode Plea se ensu re the au dio cab le is con necte d well
Not ab le to tur n on Plea se try to c harge t he spea ker for a bout 3 ho urs
No res pond to a ny oper ation
1. Res tart t he spea ker and t ry aga in
2. If yo ur devi ce requ ires a Pi n Code, pl ease en ter 000 0
Plea se ensu re the sp eaker i s withi n the ope ratin g range a nd ther e are no o bstac les bet ween th e speak er and th e devic e
1. Ple ase ens ure the fo rmat of t he Mic ro SD car d is FAT32. It o nly sup ports FAT3 2 Micro S D card
2. Ple ase ens ure the fo rmats o f the mus ic file s are APE , FLAC, WAV, WM A or MP3
1. Ple ase adj ust the v olume o f the spe aker
2. Ple ase adj ust the v olume o f your de vice
3. Ple ase che ck if the s peake r is paus ed
Plea se try to r eset th e speak er by pre ssing t he rese t butt on in the AU X-in ja ck
1, TWS c onnec tion
Turn o n 2 Bluet ooth sp eake r which i s in Blue tooth m ode and d o not con nect any d evice s, choos e any one o f them an d press , y ou will h ear “Dong ” sou nd whil e pairi ng. Thos e 2 speak ers pai red suc cessf ully af ter “Dong D ong” sou nd.
2, How t o pair 2 TW S speak ers wit h smart d evice
Cli ck “S ettin g” of yo ur dev ice to fin d MIFA-A 20 to conn ect. I t comes w ith voi ce whe n conne cted su ccess fully a nd the bl ue ligh t keeps o n.
3, TWS d iscon necti on
Cho ose any o ne of the t wo spea ker and p ress to d iscon nect TW S , shor t pre ss agai n to recon nect . (T WS and mo bile Bl uetoo th will d iscon nect at t he sam e time)
Tips :
1,Tr ue wire less st ereo fu nctio n only su pport s 2 speak ers. 2,W hen TWS p aired s ucces sfull y ,you ju st need t o contr ol one sp eaker, the oth er will h ave the s ame ope ratio n simul taneo usly.
Eng lish
Eng lish