A - Throttle/Shift Linkage
B - Tiller Handle
C - Side Shift
Section 8 - Manual Starter
Important Information
Fuel System
Lower Unit
Attachment/Control Linkage
Manual Starter
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page iii
Throughout this publication, “Dangers”, “Warnings” and “Cautions” (accompanied by the International HAZARD Symbol
cerning a particular service or operation that may be hazardous if performed incorrectly or
These “Safety Alerts” alone cannot eliminate the hazards that they signal. Strict compliance
to these special instructions when performing the service, plus “Common Sense” operation,
are major accident prevention measures.
) are used to alert the mechanic to special instructions con-
DANGER - Immediate hazards which WILL result in severe personal injury or death.
WARNING - Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in severe personal injury or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices which could result in minor personal injury or product
or property damage.
Notice to Users of This Manual
This service manual has been written and published by the Service Department of Mercury
Marine to aid our dealers’ mechanics and company service personnel when servicing the
products described herein.
It is assumed that these personnel are familiar with the servicing procedures of these products, or like or similar products manufactured and marketed by Mercury Marine, that they
have been trained in the recommended servicing procedures of these products which includes the use of mechanics’ common hand tools and the special Mercury Marine or recommended tools from other suppliers.
We could not possibly know of and advise the service trade of all conceivable procedures
by which a service might be performed and of the possible hazards and/or results of each
method. We have not undertaken any such wide evaluation. Therefore, anyone who uses
a service procedure and/or tool, which is not recommended by the manufacturer, first must
completely satisfy himself that neither his nor the products safety will be endangered by the
service procedure selected.
All information, illustrations and specifications contained in this manual are based on the
latest product information available at the time of publication. As required, revisions to this
manual will be sent to all dealers contracted by us to sell and/or service these products.
It should be kept in mind, while working on the product, that the electrical system and ignition
system are capable of violent and damaging short circuits or severe electrical shocks. When
performing any work where electrical terminals could possibly be grounded or touched by
the mechanic, the battery cables should be disconnected at the battery.
Any time the intake or exhaust openings are exposed during service they should be covered
to protect against accidental entrance of foreign material which could enter the cylinders and
cause extensive internal damage when the engine is started.
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page i
It is important to note, during any maintenance procedure replacement fasteners must have
the same measurements and strength as those removed. Numbers on the heads of the metric bolts and on the surfaces of metric nuts indicate their strength. American bolts use radial
lines for this purpose, while most American nuts do not have strength markings. Mismatched or incorrect fasteners can result in damage or malfunction, or possibly personal
injury . Therefore, fasteners removed should be saved for reuse in the same locations whenever possible. Where the fasteners are not satisfactory for re-use, care should be taken to
select a replacement that matches the original.
Cleanliness and Care of Outboard Motor
A marine power product is a combination of many machined, honed, polished and lapped
surfaces with tolerances that are measured in the ten thousands of an inch/mm. When any
product component is serviced, care and cleanliness are important. Throughout this manual, it should be understood that proper cleaning, and protection of machined surfaces and
friction areas is a part of the repair procedure. This is considered standard shop practice
even if not specifically stated.
Whenever components are removed for service, they should be retained in order. At the
time of installation, they should be installed in the same locations and with the same mating
surfaces as when removed.
Personnel should not work on or under an outboard which is suspended. Outboards should
be attached to work stands, or lowered to ground as soon as possible.
We reserve the right to make changes to this manual without prior notification.
Refer to dealer service bulletins for other pertinent information concerning the products de-
scribed in this manual.
Page Numbering
Two number groups appear at the bottom of each page. The example below is self-explanatory .
2. 2-4-C Marine Lubricant with Teflon P/N 92-825407A12
3. SAE 30W Motor Oil P/N 92-97959
4. Quicksilver Gear Lubricant P/N 92-19007A24
Page 1B-290-826883R2 JUNE 1998
Inspection and Maintenance Schedule
Before Each Use
1. Check that lanyard stop switch stops the engine.
2. Visually inspect the fuel system for deterioration or leaks.
3. Check outboard for tightness on transom.
4. Check steering system for binding or loose components.
5. Visually check steering link rod fasteners for proper tightness.
6. Check propeller blades for damage.
After Each Use
1. Flush out the outboard cooling system if operating in salt or polluted water.
2. Wash off all salt deposits and flush out the exhaust outlet of the propeller and gear
case with fresh water if operating in salt water.
Every 100 Hours of Use or Once Yearly, Whichever Occurs First
1. Lubricate all lubrication points. Lubricate more frequently when used in salt water.
2. Inspect and clean spark plugs.
3. Check fuel line filter for contaminants.
4. Check carburetor adjustments, if required.
5. Check corrosion control anodes. Check more frequently when used in salt water.
6. Drain and replace gear case lubricant.
7. Lubricate splines on the drive shaft.*
8. Electric start models -- Inspect battery.
9. Remote control models -- Check control cable adjustments. *
10. Remove engine deposits with Quicksilver Power Tune Engine Cleaner.
11. Check tightness of bolts, nuts, and other fasteners.
12. Clean fuel tank pick up filter.
Every 300 Hours of Use or Three Years
1. Replace water pump impeller (more often if overheating occurs or reduced water
pressure is noted).*
*These items should be serviced by an authorized dealer.
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page 1B-3
Flushing The Cooling System
Flush theinternal waterpassages of theoutboard with freshwater after eachuse in salt,
polluted, or muddy water. This will help prevent a buildup of deposits from clogging the
internal water passages.
Use a Quicksilver accessory (or equivalent) flushing attachment.
To avoid possible injury when flushing, remove the propeller.Refer to Propeller
1. Removepropeller(referto PropellerReplacement).Installtheflushing attachmentso
the rubber cups fit tightly over the cooling water intake holes.
Never start or run your outboard (even momentarily) without water circulating
through the cooling water intake inthe gearcase toprevent damage to the water
pump (running dry) or overheating of the engine.
2. Attacha waterhose to theflushing attachment.Turnon the waterand adjustthe flow
sowaterisleaking aroundtherubbercupstoensurethe enginereceivesanadequate
supply of cooling water.
3. Start the engine and run it at idle speed in neutral shift position.
Page 1B-490-826883R2 JUNE 1998
4. Adjust water flow (if necessary) so excess water continues leaking out from around
tinue flushingthe outboard for 3 to 5 minutes,carefully monitoring watersupply at all
Avoidserious injury or death fromgasoline fire or explosion. Carefullyfollow all
fuel system service instructions. Always stop the engine and DO NOT smoke or
allow open flames or sparks in the area while servicing any part of the fuel system.
Beforeservicinganypartofthefuelsystem,stop engine anddisconnectthebattery.Drain
the fuelsystem completely. Use an approved containerto collect andstore fuel.Wipe up
any spillageimmediately.Material usedto containspillage must bedisposed of inan approved receptacle. Anyfuel system service must be performed in a well ventilated area.
Inspect any completed service work for sign of fuel leakage.
Fuel Line Inspection
Visuallyinspectthe fuellineandprimer bulbforcracks, swelling,leaks,hardness orother
signsof deterioration ordamage.If anyoftheseconditions isfound,the fuellineorprimer
bulb must be replaced.
1. Hold onto the cover to prevent it from turning.
2. Turn off the sight bowl.
3. Pull out the filter element and wash it with cleaning solvent.
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page 1B-5
1. Push the filter element (with open end toward cover) into cover.
2. Place the O-ring seal into the sight bowl and screw the sight bowl hand tight intothe
3. Visually inspect for fuel leakage around the sight bowl by squeezing the primer bulb
until firm, forcing fuel into the sight bowl.
Corrosion Control Anode
Your outboard has a corrosion control anode installed to the gear case. An anode helps
instead of the outboard metals.
The anode requires periodic inspection especially in salt water which will accelerate the
erosion.Tomaintainthis corrosionprotection, alwaysreplace theanode beforeit iscompletely eroded.Never paint or apply a protective coatingon the anode as this will reduce
effectiveness of the anode.
a - Anode
Page 1B-690-826883R2 JUNE 1998
Spark Plug Inspection
Inspect spark plugs at the recommended intervals.
1. Remove the spark plug leads by twisting the rubber boots slightly and pull off.
2. Removethe sparkplugs to inspectand clean.Replace sparkplug ifelectrode isworn
or the insulator is rough, cracked, broken, blistered or fouled.
3. Set the spark plug gap. See Specification Chart in General Information Section.
4. Before reinstalling sparkplugs, clean away dirt on the spark plug seats. Install plugs
finger tight, and tighten 1/4 turn or torque to 20 lb. ft. (27.1 N·m).
IMPORTANT: Read the safety and maintenance instructions which accompany
your battery.
1. Turn off the engine before servicing the battery.
2. Add water as necessary to keep the battery full.
3. Make sure the battery is secure against movement.
4. Batterycable terminals shouldbeclean,tight, andcorrectlyinstalled.Positive topositive and negative to negative.
5. Make sure thebattery is equipped with anonconductive shield to prevent accidental
shorting of battery terminals.
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page 1B-7
Fuse Replacement -- Electric Start Remote Control Models
The electric startingcircuit is protected from overload by a SFE 20 AMP fuse.If the fuse
is blown,the electric starter motor will not operate.Try to locate and correctthe cause of
the overload. If the cause is not found, the fuse may blow again. Replace the fuse with
a fuse of the same rating.
Replace with a new SFE 20 AMP fuse.
Lubrication Points
Lubricate Points 1 thru 6 with Quicksilver 2-4-C Marine Lubricant with Teflon or
Special Lubricant 101.
5. Lubricate the throttle and shaft cables, moving components and pivot locations.
The end of the steering cable must be fully retracted into the outboard tilt tube
before adding lubricant. Adding lubricant to steering cable when fully extended
could cause steering cable to become hydraulically locked. An hydraulically
lockedsteering cable willcauseloss ofsteeringcontrol, possibly resultinginserious injury or death.
6. SteeringCableGreaseFitting (IfEquipped)--Rotatesteering wheeltofullyretractthe
steering cable end (a) into the outboard tilt tube. Lubricate through fitting (b).
Lubricate points 7 With Light Weight Oil
7. Steering Link Rod Pivot Points -- Lubricate points.
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page 1B-9
Lubricate Point 8 with Quicksilver Anti-Corrosion Grease or 2-4-C Marine Lubricant with Teflon.
8. Propeller Shaft -- Refer to Propeller Replacement for removal and installation of the
propeller. Coat the entire propeller shaft with lubricant to prevent the propeller hub
from corroding to the shaft.
Gear Case Lubrication
Gear Case Lubricant Capacity
Draining Gear Case
When adding or changing gear case lubricant, visually check for the presence of water
inthelubricant.If waterispresent,itmay have settledtothebottomand willdrainoutprior
tothelubricant,or itmaybemixed withthelubricant,givingit amilkycoloredappearance.
Ifwater isnoticed, have thegear casecheckedby yourdealer.Waterinthe lubricant may
resultinprematurebearingfailureor,in freezingtemperatures, will turn toice anddamage
the gear case.
Whenever you remove the fill/drain plug, examine the magnetic end for metal particles.
A smallamount of metalfilings or finemetal particles indicatesnormal gear wear. An excessive amount of metal filings or larger particles (chips) may indicate abnormal gear
wear and should be checked by an authorized dealer.
Gear Case RatioCapacity
2.25:18.8 fl. oz. (260.0ml)
Page 1B-1090-826883R2 JUNE 1998
Draining Gear Case
1. Place outboard in a vertical operating position.
2. Place drain pan below outboard.
3. Remove fill/drain plug (a) and vent plug (b) and drain lubricant.
Checking Lubricant Level and Refilling Gear Case
1. Place outboard in a vertical operating position.
2. Remove vent plug from vent hole (a).
3. Place lubricant tube into the fill hole (b) and add lubricant until it appears at the vent
hole (a).
4. Stop adding lubricant. Install the vent plug and sealing washer before removing the
lubricant tube.
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page 1B-11
5. Remove lubricant tube and reinstall cleaned fill/drain plug and sealing washer.
Storage Preparations
Fuel System
IMPORTANT: Gasoline containing alcohol (ethanol or methanol) can cause a formation of acid during storage and can damage the fuel system. If the gasoline being used contains alcohol, It is advisable to drain as much of the remaining gasoline as possible from the fuel tank, remote fuel line, and engine fuel system.
1. PortableFuel Tank--Pourthe requiredamountof Quicksilver GasolineStabilizer(followinstructionsoncontainer) intofueltank.Tipfueltankback and forthtomixstabilizer with the fuel.
2. Permanently InstalledFuel Tank -- Pour the required amountof Quicksilver Gasoline
Stabilizer(follow instructionson container) intoa separatecontainerand mixwith approximately one quart (one liter) of gasoline. Pour this mixture into fuel tank.
3. Placethe outboard inwater orconnectflushing attachment forcirculating coolingwater. Run the engine for ten minutes to allow treated fuel to fill the fuel system.
Protecting External Engine Components
1. Lubricate all outboard componentslisted in the Inspection and Maintenance Schedule.
2. Touch up any paint nicks.
3. SprayQuicksilverCorrosionGuard on externalmetalsurfaces(exceptcorrosioncontrol anodes).
Protecting Internal Engine Components
NOTE: Before performingSteps 1 and 2, make surethe fuel system hasbeen prepared
for storage.
1. Placethe outboard inwater orconnectflushing attachment forcirculating coolingwater. Start the engine and let it run in neutral to warm up.
2. With engine running at fast idle, stop the fuel flow by disconnecting the remote fuel
line.Whenenginebegins tostall,quicklysprayQuicksilver Storage Sealintocarburetor until engine stops from lack of fuel.
3. Remove the spark plugs and inject a five second spray of Quicksilver Storage Seal
around the inside of each cylinder.
Page 1B-1290-826883R2 JUNE 1998
4. Rotate the flywheelmanually several times to distribute the storage seal inthe cylinders. Reinstall spark plugs.
Gear Case
Drain and refill the gear case lubricant (refer to maintenance procedure).
Positioning Outboard for Storage
Store outboard in an upright position to allow water to drain out of outboard.
If outboard is stored tilted up in freezing temperature, trapped cooling water or
rain water that may have entered the propeller exhaust outlet in the gear case
could freeze and cause damage to the outboard.
Battery Storage
1. Follow the battery manufacturers instructions for storage and recharging.
2. Remove the battery from the boat and check water level. Recharge if necessary.
3. Store the battery in a cool, dry place.
4. Periodically check the water level and recharge the battery during storage.
The Outboard serial number is located on the lower starboard side of the engine block.
A serial number is also located on the starboard side of the swivel bracket.
Fresh Water Submersion (Special Instructions) 1C-5
a - Serial Number
b - Model Year
c - Model Description
d - Year Manufactured
e - Certified Europe Insignia
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page 1C-1
Conditions Affecting Performance
It is a known fact that weather conditions exert a profound effect on power output of internal combustion engines. Therefore, established horsepower ratings refer to the power
that the engine will produce at its rated RPM under a specific combination of weather conditions.
Corporations internationally have settled on adoption of I.S.O. (International Standards
Organization) engine test standards, as set forth in I.S.O. 3046 standardizing the computation of horsepower from data obtained on the dynamometer, correcting all values to the
power that the engine will produce at sea level, at 30% relative humidity at 77° F (25°C)
temperature and a barometric pressure of 29.61 inches of mercury.
Summer Conditions of high temperature, low barometric pressure and high humidity all
combine to reduce the engine power. This, in turn, is reflected in decreased boat speeds-as much as 2 or 3 miles-per-hour (3 or 5 Km per-hour) in some cases. (Refer to previous
chart.) Nothing will regain this speed for the boater, but the coming of cool, dry weather.
In pointing out the practical consequences of weather effects, an engine--running on a
hot, humid summer day--may encounter a loss of as much as 14% of the horsepower it
would produce on a dry , brisk spring or fall day. The horsepower , that any internal combustion engine produces, depends upon the density of the air that it consumes and, in turn,
this density is dependent upon the temperature of the air, its barometric pressure and water vapor (or humidity) content.
Accompanying this weather-inspired loss of power is a second but more subtle loss. At
rigging time in early spring, the engine was equipped with a propeller that allowed the engine to turn within its recommended RPM range at full throttle. With the coming of the summer weather and the consequent drop in available horsepower, this propeller will, in effect, become too large. Consequently , the engine operates at less than its recommended
Page 1C-290-826883R2 JUNE 1998
Due to the horsepower/RPM characteristics of an engine, this will result in further loss of
horsepower at the propeller with another decrease in boat speed. This secondary loss,
however, can be regained by switching to a smaller pitch propeller that allows the engine
to again run at recommended RPM.
For boaters to realize optimum engine performance under changing weather conditions,
it is essential that the engine have the proper propeller to allow it to operate at or near the
top end of the recommended maximum RPM range at wide-open-throttle with a normal
boat load.
Not only does this allow the engine to develop full power, but equally important is the fact
that the engine also will be operating in an RPM range that discourages damaging detonation. This, of course, enhances overall reliability and durability of the engine.
1. Proper positioning of the weight inside the boat (persons and gear) has a significant
effect on the boat’s performance, for example:
a. Shifting weight to the rear (stern)
(1.)Generally increases top speed.
(2.)If in excess, can cause the boat to porpoise.
For maximum speed, a boat bottom should be nearly a flat plane where it contacts the
water and particularly straight and smooth in fore-and-aft direction.
1. Hook: Exists when bottom is concave in fore-and-aft direction when viewed from the
2. Rocker: The reverse of hook and much less common. “Rocker” exists if bottom is con-
3. Surface Roughness: Moss, barnacles, etc., on boat or corrosion of outboard’s gear
It is imperative that all through hull fasteners be coated with a quality marine sealer at time
of installation. Water intrusion into the transom core and/or inner hull will result in additional boat weight (reduced boat performance), hull decay and eventual structural failure.
(3.)Can make the bow bounce excessively in choppy water.
(4.)Will increase the danger of the following - wave splashing into the boat when
coming off plane.
b. Shifting weight to the front (bow)
(1.)Improves ease of planing off.
(2.)Generally improves rough water ride.
(3.)If excessive, can make the boat veer left and right (bow steer).
side. When boat is planing, “hook” causes more lift on bottom near transom and allows
bow to drop, thus greatly increasing wetted surface and reducing boat speed. “Hook”
frequently is caused by supporting boat too far ahead of transom while hauling on a
trailer or during storage.
vex in fore-and-aft direction when viewed from the side, and boat has strong tendency
to porpoise.
housing increase skin friction and cause speed loss. Clean surfaces when necessary .
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page 1C-3
Cavitation is caused by water vapor bubbles forming either from a sharp edge or angle
on the gear case or from an irregularity in the propeller blade itself. These vapor bubbles
flow back and collapse when striking the surface of the propeller blade resulting in the erosion of the propeller blade surface. If allowed to continue, eventual blade failure (breakage) will occur.
Detonation in a 2-cycle engine resembles the “pinging” heard in an automobile engine.
It can be otherwise described as a tin-like “rattling” or “plinking” sound.
Detonation is an explosion of an unburned portion of the fuel/air charge after the spark
plug has fired. Detonation creates severe shock waves in the engine, and these shock
waves often find or create a weakness: The dome of a piston, cylinder head/gasket, piston
rings or piston ring lands, piston pin and roller bearings.
A few of the most common causes of detonation in a marine 2-cycle application are as
•Over-advanced ignition timing.
•Use of low octane gasoline.
•Propeller pitch too high (engine RPM below recommended maximum range).
•Lean fuel mixture at or near wide-open-throttle.
•Spark plugs (heat range too hot - incorrect reach - cross-firing).
•Combustion chamber/piston deposits (result in higher compression ratio).
Detonation usually can be prevented if:
1. The engine is correctly set up.
2. Diligent maintenance is applied to combat the detonation causes.
Damaged Piston Resulting from Detonation
Page 1C-490-826883R2 JUNE 1998
Following Complete Submersion
Submerged While Running (Special Instructions)
When an engine is submerged while running, the possibility of internal engine damage
is greatly increased. If, after engine is recovered and with spark plugs removed, engine
fails to turn over freely when turning flywheel, the possibility of internal damage (bent connecting rod and/or bent crankshaft) exists. If this is the case, the powerhead must be disassembled.
Salt Water Submersion (Special Instructions)
Due to the corrosive effect of salt water on internal engine components, complete disassembly is necessary before any attempt is made to start the engine.
Fresh Water Submersion (Special Instructions)
1. Recover engine as quickly as possible.
2. Remove cowling.
3. Flush exterior of outboard with fresh water to remove mud, weeds, etc. DO NOT attempt to start engine if sand has entered powerhead, as powerhead will be severely
damaged. Disassemble powerhead if necessary to clean components.
4. Remove spark plugs and get as much water as possible out of powerhead. Most water
can be eliminated by placing engine in a horizontal position (with spark plug holes
down) and rotating flywheel.
5. Pour alcohol into carburetor throats (alcohol will absorbed water). Again rotate flywheel.
6. Turn engine over and pour alcohol into spark plug openings and rotate flywheel.
7. Turn engine over (place spark plug openings down) and pour engine oil into throat of
carburetors while rotating flywheel to distribute oil throughout crankcase.
8. Again turn engine over and pour approximately one teaspoon of engine oil into each
spark plug opening. Again rotate flywheel to distribute oil in cylinders.
9. Remove and clean carburetors and fuel pump assembly.
10. Dry all wiring and electrical components using compressed air.
1 1. Disassemble the engine starter motor and dry the brush contacts, armature and other
corrodible parts.
12. Reinstall spark plugs, carburetors and fuel pump.
13. Attempt to start engine, using a fresh fuel source. If engine starts, it should be run for
at least one hour to eliminate any water in engine.
14. If engine fails to start, determine cause (fuel, electrical or mechanical). Engine should
be run within 2 hours after recovery of outboard from water, or serious internal damage may occur. If unable to start engine in this period, disassemble engine and clean
all parts. Apply oil as soon as possible.
Propeller Selection
For in-depth information on marine propellers and boat performance - written by marine
engineers - see your Authorized Dealer for the illustrated “What You Should KnowAbout Quicksilver Propellers... and Boat Performance Information” (Part No.
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page 1C-5
For best all around performance from your outboard/boat combination, select a propeller
that allows the engine to operate in the upper half of the recommended full throttle RPM
range with the boat normally loaded (refer to Specifications). This RPM range allows for
better acceleration while maintaining maximum boat speed.
If changing conditions cause the RPM to drop below the recommended range (such as
warmer, more humid weather, operation at higher elevations, increased boat load or a
dirty boat bottom/gear case) a propeller change or cleaning may be required to maintain
performance and ensure the outboard’s durability.
Check full-throttle RPM using an accurate tachometer with the engine trimmed out to a
balanced-steering condition (steering effort equal in both directions) without causing the
propeller to “break loose”.
Refer to “Quicksilver Accessory Guide” for a complete list of available propellers.
1. Select a propeller that will allow the engine to operate at or near the top of the recommended full throttle RPM range (listed in “Specifications,” preceding) with a normal
load. Maximum engine speed (RPM) for propeller selection exists when boat speed
is maximum and trim is minimum for that speed. (High RPM, caused by an excessive
trim angle, should not be used in determining correct propeller.) Normally, there is a
150-350 RPM change between propeller pitches.
2. If full throttle operation is below the recommended range, the propeller MUST BE
changed to one with a lower pitch to prevent loss of performance and possible engine
3. After initial propeller installation, the following common conditions may require that
the propeller be changed to a lower pitch:
a. Warmer weather and great humidity will cause an RPM loss.
b. Operating in a higher elevation causes an RPM loss.
c. Operating with a damaged propeller or a dirty boat bottom or gear housing will
cause an RPM loss.
d. Operation with an increased load (additional passengers, equipment, pulling ski-
ers, etc.).
Page 1C-690-826883R2 JUNE 1998
Propeller Removal/Installation
If the propeller shaft is rotated while the engine is in gear, there is the possibility
that the engine will crank over and start. T o prevent this type of accidental engine
starting and possible serious injury caused from being struck by a rotating propeller, always shift outboard to neutral position and remove spark plug leads
when you are servicing the propeller
1. Shift outboard to neutral position.
2. Remove the spark plug leads to prevent engine from starting.
3. Place a block of wood between gear case and propeller to hold propeller and remove
propeller nut.
4. Pull propeller straight off shaft. If propeller is seized to the shaft and cannot be removed, have the propeller removed by an authorized dealer.
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page 1C-7
5. Coat the propeller shaft with Quicksilver Anti-Corrosion Grease or 2-4-C Marine Lubricant with Teflon.
IMPORTANT: To prevent the propeller hub from corroding and seizing to the propeller shaft, especially in salt water, always apply a coat of the recommended lubricant to the entire propeller shaft at the recommended maintenance intervals and
also each time the propeller is removed.
a - Forward Thrust Hub
b - Propeller
c - Rear Thrust Hub
d - Propeller Nut
7. Flo-Torque II Drive Hub Propellers – Install forward thrust hub, replaceable drive
sleeve propeller, rear thrust hub and propeller nut onto the shaft.
a - Forward Thrust Hub
b - Replaceable Drive Sleeve
c - Propeller
d - Rear Thrust Hub
e - Propeller Nut
Page 1C-890-826883R2 JUNE 1998
8. Place a block of wood between gear case and propeller and tighten propeller nut.
Compression Check
1. Remove spark plugs.
2. Install compression gauge in spark plug hole.
3. Hold throttle plate at W.O.T.
4. Crank the engine over until the compression reading peaks on the gauge. Record the
5. Check and record compression of each cylinder. The highest and lowest reading
recorded should not differ by more than 15% (see example chart below). A reading
below 120 psi might indicate a total engine wear problem.
Example of compression test differences
Maximum (psi)
Minimum (psi)
6. Compression check is important because an engine with low or uneven compression
cannot be tuned successfully to give peak performance. It is essential, therefore, that
improper compression be corrected before proceeding with an engine tuneup.
7. Cylinder scoring: If powerhead shows any indication of overheating, such as discolored or scorched paint, visually inspect cylinders for scoring or other damage as outlined in Section 4 “Powerhead.”
90-826883R2 JUNE 1998Page 1C-9
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