Bid Specificati ons:
The Built-i n The rm al Shelf shall be Me rco
model ______ rate d at _____ watts,
120 vol ts, single phase AC, and shall be
_____ ove rall w id th . I t sh al l co ns is t of a
thermostatically controlled heate d ba se a nd
a cored wit h pl ug a tt ac he d.
Built-in Thermal Shelves
Built-In Thermal Shelves
TS 2- 24 B TS 2- 42 B TS 2- 60 B
TS 2- 30 B TS 2- 48 B TS 2- 66 B *
TS 2- 36 B TS 2- 54 B * TS 2- 72 B
Mod els avail able in eithe r In sert or Flush top. *N ot av aila ble with Flus h Top.
Standard Features
• All models feature a thermostaticallycontrolled heated base to extend the holding
times of most food
• Flush mount electronic control box with
lighted power switch
• Flush mount control box with lighted power
• Stainless steel surface available only on flush
mount models
The Me rco Bu il t- in Ther ma l Shelf ha s a
hardcoated alu mi nu m or s ta inless s te el
surf ace an d blanke t ty pe foil elemen t fo r
uniform he at . Fibe rglass i ns ul ation ke eps
heat at th e holdin g su rface while a builtin adjus ta bl e ther mo stat c on tr ol s surface
temperature. Re co mmende d for us e in
metallic c ou nters. For other s ur faces
verify t ha t the ma te ri al is su it able for
temperature up t o 180°F (8 2° C). Merco
is not respo ns ib le for cou nt er d amage
cause by h ea t from the w ar mer.
Fle xibi lity
Ideal for pa ss -t hrough areas, bu ffet l in es
or as a he at ed work sh el f.
Ava ilable a s flush to p or 1/2 ” (1 3 mm)
recessed mod el s.
A 3’ (914 mm ) flexib le c onduit c hannel s
the power li ne s from the s he lf to a
remote control e nc lo sure. The con tr ol
1111 N. Hadley Rd.
P.O. Box 1229
Ft. Wayne, IN 468 01-1229
Tel: 888-417-5462
Fax: 800.285.9 511
enclosure co me s with a c on trol
thermo st at with a ra nge of 8 0° to 181° F
(27° to 83 °C ), a n illu mi na ted on/o ff
switch and m ou nting br ac kets. Th e
attached c on trol enclo su re c an be
mounted remotely u p to 3’ (9 14 m m)
from the uni t. A 6’ ( 18 29 mm) c ord an d
plug is at ta ched to ea si ly reach t he
power source.
The Built-in Th erma l Sh elf ha s a 3/4” (19
mm) flan ge d edge t ha t allows t he unit
to fit into a co untertop openin g. T he
Thermal Sh el f is e as y to cle an w ith a so ft
damp clo th o r non- ab ra sive cle an er.
Volta ge
All mode ls a re 120, si ng le pha se o nly, an d
fea ture a N EMA 5- 15 P plug.
www.mercoproduc ts.com
Me rc o Guarantee:
Me rco equi pm en t is g ua ranteed to b e
free from qual it y proble ms i n materi al s
and work mans hi p for a peri od of on e
(1) year f rom th e date of pu rchase, or
eighteen ( 18 ) months f ro m the da te o f
shipment f ro m fa ctor y, whichever c om es
Blanke t heatin g el ements w ar ranted
against bu rnout for one yea r.
TS2 -24B TS2 -42B TS2 -60B
TS2 -30B TS2 -48B TS2 -66B *
TS2 -36B TS2 -54B * TS2 -72B
21” [533]
Built-In Thermal Shelves
Model Watts Width
TS2-24B 550 25½” (648 mm) 24” (610 mm) 22 lbs. (10 kg)
TS2-30B 665 31½” (800 mm) 30” (762 mm) 25 lbs. (11 kg)
TS2-36B 780 37½” (953 mm) 36” (914 mm) 29 lbs. (13 kg)
TS2-42B 885 43½” (1105 mm) 42” (1067 mm) 32 lbs. (15 kg)
TS2-48B 1000 49½” (1257 mm) 48” (1219 mm) 36 lbs. (16 kg)
TS2-54B * 1110 55½” (1410 mm) 54” (1372 mm) 43 lbs. (20 kg)
TS2-60B 1220 61½” (1562 mm) 60” (1524 mm) 50 lbs. (23 kg)
TS2-66B * 1330 67½” (1715 mm) 66” (1676 mm) 54 lbs. (25 kg)
TS2-72B 1440 73½” (1867 mm) 72” (1829 mm) 58 lbs. (26 kg)
Mod els avail able in eithe r In sert or Flush top. *N ot av aila ble with Flus h Top.
Countertop Cut-Out Dimensions
Model Min Width Max Width
Depth Max Depth
TS2-24B 24½”( 622mm) 24¾”(629mm) 20”(508mm) 20¼”(514mm)
TS2-30B 30½”( 775mm) 30¾”(781 mm) 20”(508mm) 20¼”(51 4mm)
TS2-36B 36½”( 927mm) 36¾”(933 mm) 20”(508mm) 20¼”(51 4mm)
TS2-42B 42½”(1080mm) 42¾”(1086mm) 20”(508mm) 20¼”(514mm)
TS2-48B 48½”(1232mm) 48¾”(1238mm) 20”(508mm) 20¼”(514mm)
TS2-54B 54½”(1384mm) 54¾”(1391mm) 20”(508mm) 20¼”(514mm)
TS2-60B 60½”(1537mm) 60¾”(1543mm) 20”(508mm) 20¼”(514mm)
TS2-66B 66½”(1689mm) 66¾”(1695mm) 20”(508mm) 20¼”(514mm)
TS2-72B 72½”(1842mm) 72¾
”(1848mm) 20”(508mm) 20¼”(514mm)
TS2 -24B TS2 -42B TS2 -60B
TS2 -30B TS2 -48B TS2 -66B *
TS2 -36B TS2 -54B * TS2 -72B
Cord Locatio n: End of R em ote Enc losure.
Designs an d specifications subject to change without notice.
1111 N. Hadley Rd.
P.O. Box 1229
Ft. Wayne, IN 468 01-1229
Tel: 888-417-5462
Fax: 800.285.9 511
www.mercoproduc ts.com
©2010 Merc o, LLC / Printed in the U.S.A. / XXXX-1/10