Bid S peci fica tion s:
The Fried Food Hold ing Sta tion shall be
Merco mod el ____ __ r ated at _ ____ watt s,
_____ __ volts sing le phase AC.
Fried Food Holding Station
Countertop Models
Drop-In Models
Fried Food Holding Station
27007 27008 27012
27000 27002
Standard Features
• Heavy-duty stainless steel
• Removable product dividers, product
tray and grease tray.
• Available in 10”, 16” or 27” models.
• Therma-Lock™ Technology insures
constant circulation of hot air over
and through food to control moisture
and maintain crispness.
• Longer hold times result in less waste,
equaling increased profits.
• Internally controlled temperature
and air flow are pre-set at optimum
settings allowing simple on/off
switch control.
• Unique ergonomic design allows the
unit to be placed on any countertop
or dropped-in to any work station as
overhead heating elements are not
Options & Accessories
Additional Dividers
Fry Scoop Holder
Countertop Models
General : Re duce wast e and imp rove
pro fits by e xten ding the life of y our fried
foo ds. With its versa tile divider system, t he
Me rco Fri ed Food Hold ing Station can k eep
a var iety of fried pro duct s at th eir peak
serv ing tem perature. In ternall y co ntrol led
air t emperatur e of 230° F is directed over
and t hrough fr ied foods usi ng Therma-Lo ck
tec hnol ogy to main tain op timu m pro duct
tem pera ture and crispness , ex tending
pro duct rete ntio n up to three ti mes!
Con stru ctio n: Th e Me rco Fri ed Fo od
Holdi ng S tation feature s solid sta inle ss stee l
const ruct ion for exceptio nal durabil ity,
aesth etic s and c lean ability. The p roduct
tray, gr ease tr ay, a nd prod uct dividers are
easil y remov able for fast clean up. Unit s
1111 N. Hadley Rd.
P.O. Box 1 229
Ft. Wayne, IN 468 01-1229
Tel: 260.459.8200
Fax: 260.459.8 240
Toll Free: 888.417. 5462
E mail:
fea ture he avy- duty com ponents and fron t
cente red on/ off switch to prov ide durabil ity
to meet the dema nds of the commercia l
ki tchen. Availa ble in thre e sizes , in both
count erto p and dro p-in models, the Me rco
Fri ed Fo od Hold ing Station i s sure to meet
any cap acity req uiremen ts f rom e arly
morning breakfas t to midn ight buffet s.
Simpl e Op erat ion: The air flow an d
inter nall y contr olled tem perature of the
Me rco Fri ed Food Hold ing Station is factor y
pre -set f or opti mum holding tim e for all
fried f oods. No adjust ment of air flo w or
tem pera ture is requir ed; count erto p un its
are con troll ed by sim ple lighted on/ off
switc h, drop -in unit s contr olled by remote
light ed on/off swi tch.
Me rco G uarante e: M erco equip ment is
guara nteed to be f ree f rom quali ty p roblems
in ma teri als and wor kman ship fo r a period
of on e(1) year par ts a nd labor from date
of pu rchase, or eightee n (18) mont hs from
date of shipme nt f rom fac tory, which ever
comes fir st.
27007 27008 27012
27000 27002
Drop-In Models
(625 mm)
Countertop Model
Fried Food Holding Station (FFHS-10)
(330 mm)
(216 mm)
Drop-In Model
(559 mm)
(221 mm)
Counter Cutout Dimensions Should Be 8.875” (225 mm) x 21.06” (535 mm)
Fried Food Holding Station (FFHS-10) - Countertop Model
Part # Model Voltage Amps Watts Hz Phase
27019 FFHS-10 120 8.3 1000 60 1 5’ NEMA 5-15P 10.4” (264 mm) 24.6” (625 mm) 13” (330 mm)
Fried Food Holding Station (FFHS-10) - Drop-In Model
Part # Model Voltage Amps Watts Hz Phase
27018 FFHS-10 120 8.3 1000 60 1 5’ NEMA 5-15P 10.4” (264 mm) 24.6” (625 mm) 13” (330 mm)
(246 mm)
(531 mm)
Plug Type Width Depth Height
Plug Type Width Depth Height
Designs an d specications su bject to change w ithout notice.