Mercedes-Benz Unimog 416 1976 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
Edition June 1976
Printed in Germany Technical details of UNIMOG in relation to
data and illustrations of the present manual subject to change.
Reprints and translations, including extracts, subject to our written permission.
Daimler-Benz Aktiengesellschaft Stuttg art-UntertUrkhei m Plant Gaggenau, Department UKD 7560 Gaggenau
P. O. Box 1220 Federal Republic of Germany
1 General Hints. . . .
Explanation of Contents. . . .. 8
Type Plate and Numbers. . . .. 8
Keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Doors, Seats and Tools. . . . . . 10
2 Operating Instructions
. . . . 11
Instruments and Controls. . . . . 11
Instrument Panel. . . . . . . . 11
Shifting Levers. . . . . . . . . 12
Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Putting Vehicle into Operation. . 14 Preparations Before Starting. . . 14
Starting the Engine. . . . . . . 14
Running-in. . . . . . . . . . . 15
Stationary Operation. . . . . . . 15
Stopping the Engine. . . . . . . 15
Transmission Shifting. . . . . . 15
Special Drive for pto Shift. . . . 16
Four-Wheel Drive, Differential Locks 16 Instruments, Warning Lights. . . 16
Brake System. . . . . . . . . . 16
3 Maintenance Instructions. . . 17
Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . 17
General. . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Maintenance Schedule. . . . . . 17
Maintenance Jobs Survey. . . . . 18
Lubrication Points Survey. . . . . 19
Engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Filling-up Engine Oil. . . . . . . 20
Oil Level and Oil Change - . . . . 20
Cleaning Oil Filter -
. . . . . . . 21
Oil Overpressure. . . . . . . . 21
Retightening Cylinder Head Bolts. 21 Replacing Cylinder Head Gasket. 22 Adjusting Valve Clearances. . - . 22 Checking Compression Over-
pressures. . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Air Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Fuel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Filling-up Fuel. . . . . . . . . . 24
Cleaning Fuel Tank. . . . . . . 24
Cleaning Fuel Prefilter. . . . . . 24
Cleaning Fuel Filter. . . . . . . 25
Priming and
Feed Pump. . . . . 26
Bleeding Fuel Filter. . . . . . . 26
Bleeding Fuel System. . . . . . 26
Checking and Cleaning Injectors. . 26
Cooling System. . . . . . . . . 27
Filling-up Coolant. . . . . . . . 27
Coolant Pump. . . . . . . . . . 28
. . . . 28
. .. . 28
System - . . . 29
. . . . . . . . . 29
Thermostat. . . . . . .
Draining Coolant Cleaning Cooling
Coolant Hoses
Clutch, Transmission, Axles. . . . 29
Clutch - . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Transmission. . . . . . . . . . 30
Axle Drive. . . . . . . . . . . 31
Hub Reduction. . . . . . . . . 31
Steering Knuckle Bearings. . . . 31
Steering. . - . . . . . . . . . 32
Checking Steering. . . . . . . . 32
Oil Level, Oil Change, Oil Filter. . 32
Bleeding Power Steering. . . . . 32
Power Steering Pump V-Belt. . . 32
Wheels, Tyres . . . . . . . . . .
Wheels. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Check toe-in . . . . . . . . . . 33
Checking Tre Overpressure. . . .
Grip and Traction. . . . . . . .
Care of Wheels and Tyres . . . .
Install Spare Tyre . . . . . . . .
BrakeSystem. . . . . . . . . . 35
General. . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Filling-upBrakeFluid. . . . . . . 35
BleedingHydraulic BrakeSystem. 35 Checkingand CleaningBrakes. . 36
ReadjustingBrakeShoes. . . . . 36
Adjusting Brake Pedal. . . . . . 37
Readjusting Parking Brake System 37
Leversand Pedals. . . . . . . . 37
Brake Hoses,Brake Lines. . . . 37
CompressedAirSystem. . . . . 38
General. . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Air Compressor. . . . . . . . . 39
Pressure Regulator, Inflating Tyres 39
Compressed Air Tank. . . . . . 39
Compressed Air Brake Assistance 39 Compressed Air Operated Differen-
tial Locks. . . . . . . . . . 40/41
Chassis,Body. . . . . . . . . 48
BoltedConnections. . . . . . . 48
ShockAbsorber,Trailer Coupling. 48
Tilting Driver'sCab. . . . . . 48/49
Folding Top. . . . . . . . . . 50
Windscreen. . . . . . . . . . . 50
Canvas. . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Tow-Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Benches. . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . 53
CleaningCanvas. . . . . . . . 53
CleaningUNIMOG. . . . . . . . 53
Laying-upUNIMOG. . . . . . . 53
Putting into Operation after Laying-
upPeriod. . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Winch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
WinchMounting. . . . . . . . . 54
PtoShaft. . . . . . . . . . . . 54
BrakeFluid. . . . . . . . . . . 56
TransmissionOil. . . . . . . . . 56
Grease. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Anti-corrosiveOil. . . . . . . . 56
5 TroubleShooting. . . . . . . 57
General . . . . . . . . 57
Towing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
EngineGroup. . . . . . . . . . 57
EngineFailsto Start. . . . . . . 57
Engine Difficult to Start. . . . . 58
EngineBeginsto KnockHeavily. . 58
Engine Emits Black Smoke. . . . 58
Poor Engine Performance. . . . 59
ExcessiveCoolantTemperature. . 59
Oil Overpressure Drops Suddenly 60
Clutch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
ClutchDisengagesInsufficiently. . 60
ClutchSlips. . . . . . . . . . 60
SteeringSystem. . . . . . . . . 61
Intermittent Stiffness of Power
Steering. . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Power Steering Stiff. . . . . . . 61
Directional Stability of UNIMOGin Straightahead Position Unsatis-
factory. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Electrical System
. . . . . . . .
General .........,..
Operative Materials. . . . . .
Three-PhaseAlternator. . . . . .
Filling Capacities
. . . . . . . . 55
. . . . . . . . . . .
Starter. . . . . . . . . . . . .
ConsumptionValues. . . . . . .
Wiring Diagram
. . . . . . . 43/44/45
Checking Battery
. . . . . . . . 46
Coolant for Operation
. . . . . .
. . . . . . .
HeadlightAlignment. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 56
Replacing Headlight Bulb
. . . .
Running-in Oil
.. . . . . ..
AlternatorV-Belt. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
Brake System. . . . . . . . . . 62
WheelBrakes. . . . . . . . . . 62
HydraulicBrake System. . . . . 62
CompressedAir Brake Assistance
System. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
CompressedAir System. . . . . 63
Warning Light Lights up While
Driving. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Insufficient or too Slow Over-
pressure Build-up. . . . . . . . 63
Dual Overpressure Gauge Indicates
Incorrectly. . . . . . . . . . . 64
Air Compressor. . . . . . . . . 64
PressureRegulator. . . . . . . 64
ElectricalSystem. . . . . . . . 64
ChargingCurrent Warning Light
Doesnot Light up . . . . . . . . 64
Charging Current Warning Light
LightsupwhileDriving. . . . . . 64
StarterMotor Doesnot Operate. . 65 Current ConsumerInoperative. . 65
lnefficient Headlights. . . . . . 66
Direction Indicator System. . . . 66
6 Technical Data
. . . . 67
TypesandModels. . . . . . . . 67
Engine. . . . . .
. . . 67
Clutch,Transmission,Axles. . . . 68
Clutch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Transmission. . . . . . . . . . 69
Front Axle. . . . . . . . . . . 69
RearAxle. . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Steering. . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Powersteering. . . . . . . . . 69
Tyre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
TyreTreads. . . . . . . . . . . 70
Tyre Overpressures. . . . . . . 70
Toe-in. . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
BrakeSystem. . . . . . .
Hydraulic Brake System. .
Parking BrakeSystem. . . .
. . . 71
. . 71 . . 71
. 71
Electrical System. . . . . . . . 71
PtoShaft. . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . 73
Max.Speed. . . . . . . . . . . 73
Tightening Torque
. . . . . . . 74
V-Belts. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
1 General Hints
Explanation ofContents
In addition to general explanations, this section 1 General Hints also contains
important details with regard to per- tinent numbers, keys and equipment of
A careful study of section 2 Operating Instructions in particular prior to initial operation, is one of the prerequisites for troublefree operation of the UNIMOG.
In addition, relevant instructions in sec- tion 3 Maintenance Instructions are
intended to guarantee that the UNIMOG remains efficient and constantly avail-
able for use.
Use only the types of fuels, lubricants,
coolants, etc. described in section 4 Operative Materials in the quantities specified.
In the following section 5 Trouble Shoot-
ing we are providing remedies and refer-
ences as to their possible cause, as well as recommendations for their
For fast information, all the significant
dimensional data concerning the eng;ne, the chassis and the body are listed in
section 6 Technical Data.
Type Plate and Numbers
In all inquiries concerning the UNIMOG, and when ordering spare parts and special equipment, be sure to name the type and model designation, chassis and engjne number, as well as any other
unit number.
The type plate is located above the
right-hand foot compartment underneath
the outside hood.
The chassis number is on the type plate and on the frame at the right front in front of the spring bracket.
The engine number plate is located on the right rear next to the oil filter and on the cylinder head cover.
The designations "right-hand" and "Ieft- hand" apply as seen in driving direction. The statements 1st, 2nd cylinder, etc. are always as seen from the direction
of the radiator.
1 Chassis number 2 Type plate
3 Transmission number 4 Cab number
5 Engine number
6 Axle Number
Fig.1 Arrangement of type plate and numbers
Fig. 2 Door locks 1 Driving position (latched)
2 Garage position 3 Open
Fig. 3 Vehicle tool box under
co-driver's seat
Fig. 4 Seat adjustment 1 Longitudinal adjustment
2 Tilt of seat cushion 3 Tilt of backrest
The switch box key serves for switching the switch box in the instrument panel. The square drive bonnet key is in the left-hand door box. It is used for opening
the bonnet.
Doors, Seats and Tools
The door locks of the folding top cab must be latched from inside while driv-
ing. In latched condition the inside door
latch is positioned at an upward angle. The door can be locked only when in this position.
For seat adjustment refer to Fig. 4.
For tools refer to Fig. 3.
2 Operating Instructions
Arrangement of instruments
and controls
8 Hand throttle 9 Accelerator pedal
10 Brake pedal 11 Clutch pedal 12 Parking brake lever 13 Socket for emergency light
1 Starter switch 2 Windshield wiper switch
3 Switch box 4 Blinker - Horn - Dimmer switch lever
5 Spedometer 6 Cut-out switch for blinker
7 Instrument cluster
Instrument cluster
1 Brake overpressure warning light (red) 2 Blinker control light UNIMOG (green) 3 Oil overpressure indicator
4 High beam control light (blue)
5 Fuel gauge 6 Charging current control light (red)
7 Dual brake overpressure gauge
White needle ~ tank overpressure
Red needle ~ brake overpressure 8 Coolant temperature gauge 9 Blinker control light for 2nd trailer (green)
Fig.7 Shifting levers
1 Main shifl lever
2 Forward-reverse levar
3 High-low range lever 4 Four wheel drive/differential lock lever
5 Plo-shifl lever
Transmission with 2 x 4 gear shifting
Shifting position 2 x 4
I .v
2 4
I 00
3 2
Shifting I
Shifting position
Main shifting lever
1s1 10 41h gear
Forward-reverse shifting lever
Forward gears
Neulral position
Reverse gears
High-low range shifting lever
Low range forward and reverse
High range forward
4 Four-wheel drive-ditto lock
Rear axle drive
shifting lever
VA Four-wheel drive VA+AS Four-wheel drive and difl. lock
Plo shifling lever
Switch, Explanation
Switch _
Off Socket, interior light
Parking position Parking, Clearance light Instrument cluster light
Drive position Charging current control light
Starter switch Horn, socket, interior light
Blinker-tail-stop light Windshield wiper
Instrument indicator
to 1, additional Parking, Clearance light Instrument cluster light
to 1 and 2, additional Headlight low beam
Headlight high beam High beam control light
* To switchinq from "0" to "P"
and from "3" to "2" push ignition key down.
Fig. 8 Switch box
Fig. 9 Blinker-Horn-dimmer switch 1 High beam
2 Low beam 3 Blinker light right
4 Blinker light left 5 Horn
Putting UNIMOG into Operation
before Starting
Check coolant level in compensation tank. Actuate push button of safety valve prior to opening closing cap to relieve
any excess pressure. The coolant of the cold engine should
be up to 30 mm below the upper edge of the filler hole of the compensation
tank. Add coolant, if required. Be sure to add 10 cc of inti-corrosive
agent for each liter of coolant.
Fig.10 Coolant compensation tank
1 Closing cover with safety valve 2 Overflow line
Run engine for 5 minutes at increased idling speed. If required, add coolant with the engine running, until cooling liquid level is reached.
Check oil level in oil pan with wiped- off oil dipstick with the UNIMOG on
level ground. The oil level should be on
the maximum level mark. When checking the oil level of the engine be sure to
consider that the oil cooler and various oil passages can be completely drain-
ed when the engine has been inopera- tive for some time. To determine the
exact oil level in the oil pan it is neces- sary that the check is conducted imme-
diately after shutting off the warm engine
or after a short running period of the
previously cold engine.
Do not fill up beyond the maximum level mark!
Check contents of fuel tank.
Check tyre pressure. Check lights.
Test brakes after moving off. Important
Move vehicle only after red light on instrument cluster is gone off.
Starting the Engine
Move main shift lever and hand throttle into center position (idling speed).
Insert switch box key into switch box and turn to position 1:
Red charging current control lamp lights up and fuel gauge responds.
Declutch and step on accelerator pedal.
Push starter switch and hold for some
seconds. Engine will fire. Release star~
switch immediately after engine fires since this can otherwise cause damage to the starter.
If the engine does not fire immediately,
repeat starting attempt only when the
engine and the starter have come to
a stop. During repeated starting attempts
short recovery periods for cooling the
starter and conserving the battery
should be imposed.
Watch oil pressure gauge after engine
If no oil pressure is indicated with the engine running, stop engine immedia- tely and look for the cause.
Adjust idling position with hand throttle
until the engine runs "smoothly" at
slightly increased idling speed.
It is of decisive importance for the life
and the operational safety that the engine and drive train of a new UNI-
MOG, an exchange engine or recon-
ditioned engine are not fully exploited
during the first 1500 km.
Complete the specified service jobs according to schedule once during the
running-in time up to 500 km. The regu- lar service jobs according to schedules
will then begin. Page 17.
Stationary Operation For stationary operation of the pto shaft
and low-speed operation the desired engine speed can be fixed by means of
the hand throttle control. Tighten round
locking disc in clockwise direction.
While operating the pto drive stationary make sure that the low range/high
range lever is in "high range" to
guarantee the oil supply to all rotating parts inside the transmission.
Stopping the Engine Pull hand throttle control toward the
rear and turn completely to the right. Engine will stop. Immediately turn hand throttle control back to idle position. At a coolant temperature of 90 to 95° C do
I \
( I
UZ 30-0001
Fig. 11 Hand throttle control
1 Full throttle position
2 Idle position 3 Stop position 4 Locking plate
not stop the engine immediately but
keep it running at increased idling speed for 1 or 2 minutes, so that the coolant remains in circulation and is
not thrown out by the reheating effect of the engine.
Transmission Shifting
2 x 4 Shifting
The manual synchromesh transmission has 4 forward low range gears, 4 forward high range gears and 4 reverse gears.
The 4 forward low range gears have been provided for increased traction.
They are shifted with the low range/hi!;lh range lever (3) after disengaging the
clutch. Page 12.
For road operation, the 4 forward high range gears are sufficient, i. e. start the
vehicle, depending on trailer weight,
with the 1st high range gear engaged. For reverse operation, declutch and
move the short forward/reverse lever to the" reverse" position, the UNIMOG being stationary.
For repeated forward and reverse ope- ration, keep main shift lever in its posi-
tion and shift to forward and reverse only with the short forward/reverse lever.
See page 12.
Special Drive for pto Shaft
A special drive for pto shaft of 1/min, 540 can be installed.
The rotation of pto shaft will stop dur- ing declutching.
Four-Wheel Drive, Differential
If under difficult ground conditions or
with a high total train weight the ground adhesion of the rear wheels is inade-
quate, engage the four-wheel drive or the four-wheel drive with differential
locks. This will provide high tractive power for the UNIMOG in sprre. ot.-its low dead weight. Putting an additional load on the platform may improve ground adhesion still further.
The four-wheel drive and the differential
locks can be engaged while driving
without declutching, but only when the
wheels are not spinning, that is, as long
as the wheels are rotating in contact
with the ground.
If a wheel slips when the four-wheel
drive or the differential locks are
engaged, declutching is required so that all the wheels are turning at uniform speed or that the UNIMOG comes to a
The differential locks and the four-wheel drive can also be disengaged while
driving without declutching. Briefly
release accelerator pedal when disen- gaging the four-wheel drive.
Try not to engage the differential locks when driving around a road bend to
eliminate additional stresses.
With the differential locks engaged the turning circle increases as a result of the automatically resulting wheel slip.
Instruments, Warning Lights
Check instruments" warning and control lights occasionally while driving. The most favorable operating temperature of the coolant is at approximately 80° C
and is indicated on the coolant tempera- ture gauge. At this temperature the engine wear and the fuel consumption
are the lowest. If possible, the operating temperature should not exceed 95° C.
Brake System
Test brakes immediately after moving
off. Establish braking action on a dry
road affording good grip.
The hand brake system serves as an
auxiliary and a parking brake system
acting on the rear wheels only.
3 Maintenance Instructions
The maintenance jobs specified for the
UNIMOG are specified in the Service Booklet.
When driven on roads the maintenance intervals are subdivided according to
If, for organizational reasons, the main-
tenance jobs have to be accomplished
by your own personnel we urgenlly recommend adherence to the required
maintenance procedures.
Thoroughly clean grease nipples, oil filler and drain plugs prior to lubrication jobs.
Maintenance Schedule
Job schedule
Job accomplishment
* Only once during running-in period of vehicle
operating conditions
1000 2000
3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
* Lubrication jobs:
Change engine oil Replace bypass oil filter element Change transmission oil Change oil in differential (2)
Change oil in wheel hub drive (4) Check oil level in steering Check brake fiuid level
Lubricate thrust ball (2)
Lubricate steering knuckle bearings (4)
Lubricate clutch release. shaft
Lubricate pto shaft universais (2)
Lubricatetrailer coupling (2)
Lubricate intermediate hand brake lever
* Inspection and cleaning jobs: Clean dry air filter element
Retighten cylinder head nuts
Check valve clearance, adjust Retighten air intake-manifold and oil pan mounting screws
Check V-belt Check clutch play Retighten stabilizer bar/drive units mounting-
and connecting
screws Check pHman arm for tight seat, steering for correct functioning
Check wheel nuts Check brake system
2nd T.M.
Referto Maintenance
Lubrication Points
2nd T.M. etc.
Maintenance Job Survey
Inspection and cleaning jobs
Pos. Nr.
1st TM 2nd TM
Engine Check engine oil
Clean air filter element Check valve clearance, adjust Clean fuel pre-filter Retighten suction-Iexhaust- and
oilpan mounting screws
Cooling water Check V-belt, retighten Clean fuel fiIter felt element, paper
filter element must be changed, bleed
Chassis Check clutch adjustment
Check differential locks for
Retighten stabilizer, drive train
fastening and connecting bolts
Check shock absorbers for leaks
Check brake- and clutch fluid
Check pitman arm for tight seat
steering for free travel, correct
Check toe-in
Interchange wheels
Retighten wheel nuts
Check brakes, adjust
Check compressed air system for
functioning and leaks, drain conden- sation from compressed air tank and differential lock
Electrical system
Check all current consumers, fuses
and line connections Check battery Check head light alignement, correct
Check all electrical instruments
Body Check bolts of cab and body attach-
ment for tight seat, retighten
14 15
2 5
- = work to be performed
Lubrication jobs
Lub. Grease daily Points Qly.
1st TM 2nd TM
x = Check xx = Lubricate
v ~ Change oil
Engine 011:SAE 20 or SAE 30 Change oil in engine,
change oil filter
x v
Change oil in air filter
1.0 x
v v
Lubricate starter pinion
5 gr
Transmission 011:SAE 90
9 1 6.0 x
Front axle differential 6 1 2.5 x v Rear axle differential
6 1 2.5
K v
Wheel hub drive front 7 2 0.3 x
Wheel hub drive rear
2 0.3 x
Grease: Calcium No.3 Thrust ball front and
rear axle 4
10 gr
xx xx
- Grease clutch shaft 8 1
5 gr
I G"", """"""";00 '"
10 gr
xx xx
Grease front winch 1
10 gr
xx xx
Grease pto shaft universal 13 2
10 gr
xx xx
Grease joints and nipples
on manual and pedal lever assy. door hinges
5 gr
Grease hand brake
intermediate lever
10 1
10 gr
Greease steering knuckles
10 gr
xx xx
Hydraulic 011 Steering *
5 1
x x
Brake fluid
Check brake- and clutch
fluid level
2 1 1.0
x x x
* Change oil and replace paper oil filter element after the first 52000 km
or once a year.
a Fill-in engine oil
b Fill-in transmission oil
c Check oil level
d Drain oil
e Lubricate with grease
f Replace oil filter element
CDFill-in and check brake fluid
Fig.13 Engine lubrication 1 Oil filter
2 Oil dipstick 3 Oil filler neck 4 Crankcase breather
5 Oil filter filler plug 6 Mounting bolt 7 Oil filter drain plug
Fig.14 Oil drain plug
Filling-up Engine Oil The oil filler neck is located at the rear
in the cylinder head cover, accessible from the cab after removal of the inside
engine hood. Filling-up may also be ac- complished at the breather neck on the
timing gear case.
Engines of the new UNIMOG, exchange engines and fully reconditioned engines are filled with running-in oil for the first
500 km. After this, only HD (heavy-duty) engine
oil grades of the specified viscosity class are permitted. Refer to page 56.
Change HD engine oil brand if at all
possible only during an oil change.
Oil Level and Oil Change Check oil level regularly depending on
the UNIMOG operating conditions and make adjustments, if required.
Check oil level in oil pan with the UNI- MOG on level ground and with the oil dipstick wiped off.
The oil level should be between the minimum and maximum mark.
When checking the oil level of the engine, it must be considered that the 011cooler and various oil passages will drain after not being run for some time.
In order to exactly determine the. oil level in the oil pan, it is necessary that the check be made either immediately after turning off the warm engine, or after briefly running the previously cold engine.
If oil must be added already prior to the first oil change and if no running-in oil is available, an HD engine oil of the same viscosity class may be used as an ex- ception.
Do not add 011beyond the max. level mark!
Complete oil change according to the
maintenance schedule.
Complete oil change only following ex- tended operation of the engine, as long
as the engine oil is still warm and thin.
Change the bypass oil filter element
during every oil change. HD engine oil will become dark sooner than unblended
engine oil, because the combustion
residue entering the oil will not settle in the crankcase and on crank assembly
components, but will be kept suspended
in the oil. Do not change the HD engine
oil too early because of its dark color.
Cleaning Oil Filter
Clean the combination oil filter with
main flow and bypass oil filter element
according to maintenance schedule. Attach approximately 0.6 m of hose to
the drain connection of oil filter. Place a collecting vessel underneath, loosen
drain plug, unscrew filler plug and drain engine oil.
Loosen mounting bolt of oil filter bowl. Remove filter bowl with filter elements. Close center hole of main flow oil filter
element on both sides, rinse with gaso- line and then clean with a soft and not
too large a brush, so that the filter fabric
is not damaged. Change bypass oil filter element. When
assembling, place the main flow oil
filter element, the bypass oil filter ele-
mentand the resilient sealing washer on
the oil filter housing.
Replacesealing rings.
To get oil pressure at once during start-
ing procedure, fill-up oil filter bowl half
way. Watch out for correct position of drain
plug screw on oil filter bowl.
Oil Overpressure Under normal operating conditions and
when using engine oil of viscosity class
SAE 30 at nominal speed the oil over- pressure is at least 2.5 bar (kp/cm2). At idling speed it may drop to 0.6 bar (kp/cm2) without in any way endangering the operational safety of the engine.
Fig.15 Oil filter of engine,
1 Oil filter bracket 2 Oil filler plug
3 Seal ring 4 Oil filler housing 5 Drain plug 6 Seal ring 7 Mounting bolt 8 Bypass oil filter element
9 Main flow oil filter element
10 Spring plate
Retightening Cylinder Head Nuts This maintenance job is done only once.
Clean area around cylinder head cover thoroughly. Remove cylinder head cover and rocker arm shafts. Should it occa-
sionally happen that the cylinder head
cover removal is impeded by the lower edge of the instrument panel, loosen the front portion of the cab mounting and
liftthe cab approximately 20 mm.
First loosen each individual nut slightly prior to retightening.
Injection pump side
@@ 00 @@
Fig.16 Tightening pattern of cylinder
head nuts
Uniformly retighten cylinder head nuts
with the engine cold according to
tightening pattern with torque wrench
to specified torque of 110 NM (11 kpm).
Adjust valve clearance Refer to page 67.
Fig.17 Retightening cylinder head nuts
1 Torquewrench
Replacing Cylinder Head Gasket If a cylinder head gasket leaks combu-
stion gases, replace immediately with a new original gasket.
Indications for a damaged gasket may be among others:
Missing of one or several cylinders, tra- ces of water on oil dipstick, traces of oil in coolant or coolant in compression
chamber. Boiling coolant.
To check the cylinder head gasket for leaks, run engine warm and watch in the coolant filler neck whether gas bubbles are rising in the coolant.
Fig.18 Valve adjustment
1 Feeler gauge between rocker arm and valve
2 Adiustment bolt 3 Counter nut
1st cylinder at TDC
,1., ,2. ,3. ,4. ,5. 6.
UZ 05-0002
6th cylinder at TDC
Fig.19 Valve arrangement 0 Exhaust valves
0 Intake valves
Drain coolant if cylinder head gasket is
damaged, Remove cylinder head cover
and gasket. Unscrew rocker arm bearing brackets. Loosen cylinder head nuts with
the engine cold in reverse to tightening
sequence. Unscrew stud bolts and remove cylinder head, Clean contact surfaces of cylinder head gasket. Posi-
tion new cylinder head gasket and cy-
linder head, Screw in stud bolts with screwdriver; apply graphite oil to threads
of nuts and bolts. Uniformly tighten cy- linder head nuts with engine cold ac- cording to tightening pattern (Fig. 16) with torque wrench in three steps from 60 Nm (6 kpm) via 90 Nm (9 kpm) to the specified torque of 110 (11 kpm). Adjust valve clearance. Complete all other jobs
in reverse sequence.
Adjusting Valve Clearances
Check valve clearance according to maintenance schedule each time upon removal of cylinder head or when retightening the cylinder head nuts. Measure valve clearance at pressure point between rocker arm and valve stem of intake and exhaust valves with
engine cooled down to below 25° C. Rotate crankshaft until the piston of the
1st cylinder is at TDC. Adjust the intake
valves 2, 3, 7 and the exhaust valves 1,
5, 9 in the
sequence mentioned.
Thereafter position the piston of the 6th cylinder at the TDC and adjust the intake valves 6, 10, 11 and the exhaust
valves 4, 8, 12 in the sequence men- tioned. Fig. 19.
Adjust valve clearance by turning adjustment bolts after lossening their counter nuts with afeeler gauge. Fig. 18.
After adjustment tighten the counter nutsagain. Check valve clearance again.
When the valve clearance is properly adjusted the feeler gauge should pass tightly.
Renew cylinder head cover gasket.
Checking Compression Overpressures
Whenthe engine output drops, measure compression pressure in each cylinder by means of compression pressure gauge. Measure at starter speed of approximately 150 to 200/min and warmed up engine. Crank engine with starter for at least eight rotations.
If the minimum value is not attained,
check valve clearance. If required,
remove cylinder head and check valve for leaks, condition of cylinder head gasket, cylinder wear and piston ring
contact pattern in cylinder.
Refinish valve seats, if required. Engine
must be reconditioned in the event of cylinder or piston ring damage.
Air Filter
A carefully cleaned air filter is absolutely necessary to protect the pistons and cy-
linder contact surfaces and in order to avoid damage.
Oil bath air filter Change oil according to UNIMOG con-
ditions of operation.
Loosen quick-release lock for removing
filter bowl on front folding part of fender.
Force filter element and filter bowl from
filter housing with screwdriver. Lift filter element out of filter bowl.
The oil level must be at the appropriate mark.
Complete oil change according to main- tenance schedule, performing all the specified jobs. Remove oil, clean filter
element and filter bowl with benzene and fill up with fresh engine oil.
Dust deposits on the clean air en9 and in the intake manifold are a sure sign that the oil bath air filter must be
cleaned more often than stated in the maintenance schedule.
Cyclone prefilter
Under extremely dusty operating con- ditions, we recommend using a cyclone prefilter in addition to the oil bath air filter in order to triple the service life of
the oil bath air filter. The cyclone normally requires no main-
tenance. Remove the cyclone and thoroughly clean according to type of
dust accumulation.
Fig.20 Oil bath air filter, disassembled 1 Filter bowl
2 Gasket 3 FiIter element 4 Filter housing w. oil level mark (arrow)
Fig. 21 Fuel system of engine
Fig. 22 Injection pump 1 Fuel feed pump
2 Sugtion- and pressure valve 3 Fuel primer pump 4 Bleeding screw
5 Pressure valve
To Fig. 21
1 Injection pump
2 Fuel priming pump
' 3 Fuel feed pump
4 Fuel return line 5 Fuel suction line 6 Fuel filter
i 7 Fuel injection line
Fuel System
Filling-up Fuel
When filling fuel into the fuel tank make
sure to avoid impurities, that the cap gasket is not damaged and seals tightly. Clean cap regularly.
Dirty fuel will result in early wear of the high-grade and very expensive injection pump elements.
When filling up from barrels or call's the following points should be observed:
Always suck fuel from closely under
the fuel level of the barrel, that is, do
not simply set suction pump into barrel. Maintain minimum distance between
bottom of barrel and end of intake pipe, so that deposits such as dirt, sludge and water will not be sucked in.
Cleaning Fuel Tank Clean the fuel strainer in the fuel tank
regularly. If installed, remove filler strainer after
unscrewing the cap and wash with
brush in diesel fuel. Drain fuel tank completely to clean the
fuel tank and intake strainer. Have collecting vessel ready for use, unsc"rew drain plug and drain remainder of fuel.
Pull intake strainer from intake pipe and
clean. Fig. 23 and 24.
Cleaning Fuel Prefilter Clean prefilter according to main-
tenance schedule. Loosen wing nut, push clip aside and remove bowl. Unscrew strainer body. Carefully wash bowl and strainer in clean gasoline or diesel fuel.
During reinstallation replace worn or hardened gaskets since otherwise air will enter the fuel system. Fig. 25.
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