Mercedes-Benz E-Coupe 2010 COMAND Manual

Operator's Manual
Welcome to COMAND!
Please make yourself familiar with your COMAND control unit and read the instructions in this manual before operating the COMAND system. This will help you derive a greater benefit from the system. Please also follow the instructions and warnings contained in this manual. Ignoring them could result in damage to the vehicle or personal injury to you or others.
Depending on model, version and configuration, your COMAND system equipment may differ. Therefore, you may find explanations for optional equipment not installed in your vehicle. If you have any questions about the operation of any equipment, your authorized Mercedes-Benz Center will be glad to demonstrate the proper procedures.
We continuously strive to improve our product and ask for your understanding that we reserve the right to make changes in design and equipment. Therefore, information, illustrations and descriptions in this manual might differ from the equipment installed in your vehicle. As such, the information, illustrations and descriptions contained in this manual may not be reasonably relied upon in making any claims with respect to the actual performance of the product.
These operating instructions form an integral part of the vehicle and should therefore always be kept inside the vehicle and passed on to the new owner if the vehicle is sold.
We extend our best wishes for many miles of safe, pleasurable driving.
Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC
A Daimler Company
Index ....................................................... 4
Introduction ......................................... 14
At a Glance .......................................... 17
System Settings .................................. 39
Navigation ........................................... 47
Telephone ............................................ 97
Audio .................................................. 121
Video .................................................. 155
Rear Seat Entertainment .................. 165
Voice Control ..................................... 185
Tele Aid .............................................. 215
1, 2, 3 ...
911 emergency call .......................... 102
911 emergency call system ..... 102, 216
Accepting incoming calls ........... 29, 109
Active partitions in USB devices ..... 152
Address book
adding destinations to ..................... 94
creating new entries ...................... 112
deleting entries from ............. 105, 114
details ............................................ 115
dialing numbers from ..................... 116
downloading contents ................... 117
editing entries ................................ 115
Home address ................................. 91
menu overview .............................. 112
navigating to destinations in .......... 116
opening .......................................... 112
saving call list entries in ................ 107
searching ....................................... 113
selecting an entry .......................... 112
voice control
with ....................... 116, 197, 207, 211
see My address (destination)
Address of destination (See also Destinations)
entering with voice commands ...... 192
home address .................................. 71
stopover destinations ...................... 73
Alphabetical track selection ............ 152
Alternative Route function ................. 86
Announcement phase (driving
maneuvers) .......................................... 81
Announcements, navigation
see Navigation announcements
Announcements, traffic (real-time) ... 90
Answering incoming calls .......... 29, 109
Audio .......................................... 122, 174
announcements ............................... 85
CD, DVD, and MP3 ........................ 131
loudness .......................................... 34
phone volume ................................ 101
read-out ........................................... 34
rear seat entertainment system ..... 170
sound settings ................................. 35
steering wheel operation ................. 28
surround sound ................................ 36
turning off ........................................ 34
voice control .................................. 186
wireless headsets .......................... 168
see Muting audio see Navigation announcements see Read-aloud announcements see Volume
Audio Aux (auxiliary)
main system .................................. 153
switching to ................................... 153
voice commands for ...................... 205
Audio format
audio playback ............................... 143
DVD Video ..................................... 162
rear seat entertainment system ..... 176
Audio menu ........................................ 122
Authorizing Bluetooth devices ........... 99
Automatic (display)
main display ..................................... 42
rear seat entertainment system ..... 172
Automatic picture switch-off ........... 156
Auxiliary (Aux) operation
main audio ..................................... 153
main video ..................................... 163
rear seat entertainment
system ........................... 168, 170, 181
voice commands for ...................... 205
voice control with .......................... 211
Avoid settings for route guidance ..... 55
Back button ......................................... 24
Backward track skip ......................... 141
Balance (sound), setting ..................... 35
Bass setting
main system .................................... 35
rear seat entertainment system ..... 171
Batteries for rear seat
entertainment .................................... 169
Bit rates for digital audio .................. 133
Blocked areas for route guidance ...... 60
Blocking routes ................................... 85
Bluetooth® ........................................... 44
activating phone .............................. 99
downloading address book
content .......................................... 117
external authorization .................... 100
making calls ..................................... 98
switching on/off .............................. 45
Brightness setting
main function display ....................... 41
main video ..................................... 160
rear seat entertainment
system ........................... 173, 179, 183
Browsing lists
see Predictive speller see Searching
Calculating routes
see Route guidance
Calling (See also Telephone)
dialing with keypad ........................ 109
emergency calls ..................... 102, 216
history of calls ............................... 106
redialing ................................... 30, 110
using address book entries ............ 116
using phone book
entries ............................. 29, 103, 110
voice control with .......................... 199
see Call lists
Call lists ............................................. 106
calling number in ........................... 110
deleting .......................................... 109
displaying details ........................... 107
saving entries in address
book .............................................. 107
selecting ........................................ 106
Call waiting function ......................... 111
Camera, rear view ............................... 44
Camera angle, DVD video ................. 181
Camera angle, DVD Video ................. 162
Canceling entry into COMAND ........... 32
points of interest (POIs) ................... 76
satellite radio ......................... 129, 201
stopover destinations ...................... 73
CD/DVD discs
Loading .......................................... 134
CD/DVD drive, rear seat
entertainment .................................... 168
multiuser operation ....................... 171
CD Audio
rear seat entertainment system ..... 171
CD Audio, main vehicle ..................... 131
ejecting discs ................................. 136
fast forward and reverse ................ 142
Gracenote® Media Database ......... 143
handling and care of discs ............. 134
loading discs .................................. 134
selecting a track ............................ 141
starting playback ........................... 139
stopping or pausing playback ........ 140
voice control with .................. 203, 209
Channel selection (satellite radio) ..... 28
voice commands for ...................... 202
Chapter selection (DVD)
main video ..................................... 160
rear seat entertainment system ..... 179
Character entry ................................... 31
City center, selecting as
destination ................................... 67, 194
City of destination, selecting ............. 64
Clear button ......................................... 25
Color video settings
main video ..................................... 160
rear seat entertainment
system ................................... 179, 183
control unit ...................................... 20
COMAND, about
basic functions ................................ 34
operation of ..................................... 30
resetting to factory settings ............. 45
switching on/off .............................. 34
COMAND components ........................ 18
COMAND controller ............................. 23
COMAND Control System ................... 18
Commands for voice control ............ 205
for address book ................... 198, 207
for CD, DVD, MP3 .................. 203, 209
for navigation ........................ 192, 206
for phone operation ....................... 206
for radio and satellite radio .... 201, 208
general commands ........................ 205
Compass .............................................. 62
see Address book
Contrast setting
main video ..................................... 160
rear seat entertainment
system ................................... 179, 183
Copyright, audio ................................ 133
Crosshair position in map .................. 54
saving in Last Destinations .............. 95
Current location of vehicle
see Vehicle location (current)
Current street, displaying ................... 58
Customer Assistance Center,
calling ................................................. 217
Data for navigation
see Updating map software
Daylight Savings Time ........................ 41
Day mode (display)
main display ..................................... 42
rear seat entertainment system ..... 172
Deregistering Bluetooth devices ..... 101
Destination input ................................. 62
entering a city .................................. 64
Entering a house number ................. 68
from destination memory ................. 71
from Last Destinations ..................... 72
from map ......................................... 72
Selecting a state/province .............. 63
speed restriction on ................... 50, 72
Stopover .......................................... 73
via address ...................................... 63
Destination memory (See also Last
Destinations) ................................. 71, 91
adding stopover destination ............ 73
choosing destination from ............... 71
home address in .............................. 91
saving destinations to .............. 93, 196
voice control for ............................ 196
Destination reached message ............ 83
adding to address book ................... 94
displaying information about ........... 86
distance to, displaying ..................... 58
guidance to ...................................... 80
moving map to ................................. 55
saving to destination
memory ................................... 93, 196
Search & Send service ................... 217
selecting point of interest ................ 74
stopover destinations ...................... 73
voice control with .......................... 192
see Route guidance
Detour function ................................... 85
Dialed calls, list of ............................. 106
Dialing telephone
see Calling
see Voice control
Disc handling ....................... 48, 134, 156
Disk drive, rear seat entertainment
multiuser operation ....................... 171
Disk drive for rear seat
entertainment system ...................... 168
Display, main ....................................... 18
automatic DVD picture switch-off .. 156
brightness setting ............................ 41
menus ........................................ 25, 30
rear view camera ............................. 44
settings for ...................................... 41
switching on/off .............................. 40
with voice command ...................... 188
Display, map
see Map display
Display screens, rear seat
entertainment .................................... 167
hiding or showing menus ............... 178
multiuser operation ....................... 171
selecting for headset ..................... 169
selecting for remote ...................... 167
Distance to destination, displaying ... 58
District, selecting as destination ....... 67
with voice commands .................... 194
Downloading address book
content ............................................... 117
Driving maneuvers .............................. 81
DRM (Digital Rights Management) ... 148
DTMF tone transmission .................. 111
DVD Audio, main vehicle .................. 131
ejecting discs ................................. 136
fast forward and reverse ................ 142
handling and care of discs ....... 48, 134
loading discs .................................. 134
Notes about ................................... 133
pause function ............................... 140
selecting a track ............................ 141
setting audio format ...................... 143
starting playback ........................... 139
stopping or pausing playback ........ 140
voice control with .................. 203, 210
DVD Audio, rear seat
entertainment .................................... 170
DVD changer
loading ............................................. 49
DVD menu operation ................ 160, 180
DVD playback conditions ................. 157
DVD Video .......................................... 156
automatic picture switch off .......... 156
control menu, displaying/hiding .... 158
DVD menu ..................................... 160
fast forward/rewind ...................... 159
functional restrictions .................... 157
handling and care of discs ............. 156
interactive content ........................ 162
menu system ................................. 158
notes on ........................................ 156
operating DVD menu ............. 160, 180
picture settings .............................. 160
rear seat entertainment system ..... 177
safety notes ................................... 156
selecting film/track ....................... 160
stop function ................................. 159
submenu overview ......................... 157
switching to ................................... 158
voice control with .................. 204, 211
Dynamic routing ............................ 55, 91
Ejecting discs, rear seat
entertainment system ...................... 174
Ejecting discs and memory cards
main audio system ......................... 136
Emergency phone calls ............ 102, 216
Ending active phone calls ................. 111
Ending calls .......................................... 29
External audio or video devices
main system .......................... 153, 163
rear seat entertainment system ..... 181
voice control with .......................... 205
Fader (sound), setting ......................... 35
Fast forward
audio playback ............................... 142
rear seat entertainment
system ................................... 175, 178
video playback ............................... 159
Film selection, DVD ................... 160, 179
MP3 mode, selecting ..................... 142
rear seat MP3 operation ................ 175
Formats, audio .................................. 132
Forward track skip ............................ 141
Full-screen map ................................... 54
Geo-coordinates, displaying ............... 58
Global voice control commands ...... 187
Google Maps® .................................... 217
GPS reception ...................................... 51
displaying geo-coordinates .............. 58
Media database ............................. 143
GSM network coverage ....................... 98
Hands-free microphone, switching
on/off ................................................. 111
Hanging up (phone calls) .................. 111
Hard disk drive
voice control with .................. 204, 210
HD Radio™ ......................................... 123
Headsets, rear seat
entertainment ........................... 168, 170
Help with voice control, general ...... 213
Highway information, displaying ....... 59
Highway junctions, selecting as
destination ........................................... 69
Home address in destination
memory .......................................... 71, 91
deleting ............................................ 94
setting or changing .......................... 91
House numbers, entering for
destination ................................... 68, 195
Incident (traffic notification) .............. 87
Incoming calls
answering ................................ 29, 109
rejecting .................................. 29, 109
Individualization of voice control ...... 42
Information calls ............................... 217
Initiating phone calls
see Calling
Input of navigation destination .......... 62
speed restriction on ................... 50, 72
Input speller
settings for address book .............. 108
Inserting disk, rear seat
entertainment .................................... 173
Installing map data ............................. 49
Interactive content on DVDs .... 162, 181
Interrupting audio playback ............. 140
Interrupting video playback ............. 159
Intersection (selecting) .................... 194
iPod® devices ..................................... 147
connecting to ................................. 147
playback options ............................ 152
playlists and folders ....................... 150
selecting tracks ............................. 150
Keypad, entering characters with ..... 32
Lane recommendations ...................... 83
Language settings ............................... 44
DVD Video ............................. 162, 181
rear seat entertainment system ..... 172
Last Destinations ............................... 95
adding stopover destination ............ 73
adding to memory ............................ 93
choosing destination from ............... 72
deleting destination from ................. 95
saving current vehicle
position ...................................... 54, 95
voice control for ............................ 196
Listing address book contents ........ 200
Loading CDs and DVDs
main system .................................. 134
rear seat entertainment system ..... 173
Local voice control commands ........ 187
Location of vehicle, current
see Vehicle location (current)
LOGIC7® Surround Sound system ..... 36
see Volume
Magazine compartments, DVD
changer .............................................. 134
Main function display
see Display, main
Main function menus
list of ................................................ 19
navigation mode, switching to ......... 53
opening ............................................ 30
Main menu, overview of ..................... 19
Maneuver phase (driving
maneuvers) .......................................... 82
Map display (See also Navigation) ..... 56
blocked area for route ..................... 60
destination information .................... 86
driving maneuver preparation .......... 81
entering destination on .................... 72
entering POI from ............................ 80
general information, at bottom ........ 58
hiding crosshairs .............................. 55
setting scale .................................... 54
topographic map .............................. 59
traffic information ............................ 58
traffic lane recommendations .......... 83
traffic notifications in ....................... 87
updating map software .................... 48
Measurement units, navigation ......... 52
Media interface ................................. 147
data formats .................................. 148
voice control with .................. 204, 211
Media Interface
connecting devices ........................ 148
selecting category/playlist/folder . 150
selecting files ................................. 150
switching to ................................... 149
Memory cards
starting playback ........................... 139
voice control with .................. 204, 210
how to operate ................................ 31
list of ................................................ 19
Menus, steering wheel ........................ 25
during voice command .................. 188
for driving maneuvers ...................... 81
for traffic lane recommendations ..... 83
real-time traffic reports .................... 90
Missed calls, list of ........................... 106
Missed navigation
announcements, requesting .............. 85
Mobile telephone
see Telephone
MP3 mode, main vehicle .................. 132
fast forward and reverse ................ 142
selecting a track ............................ 141
selecting folders ............................ 142
starting playback ........................... 139
stopping or pausing playback ........ 140
voice control with .................. 203, 210
MP3 operation, rear seat
entertainment .................................... 174
MP3 players ....................................... 147
playback options ............................ 152
playlists and folders ....................... 150
selecting active partition ............... 152
selecting tracks ............................. 150
MP3 storage medium ........................ 132
Multifunction display .......................... 26
Audio menu ..................................... 28
Menus and submenus ...................... 26
Multifunction steering wheel ............. 25
voice control button ....................... 187
Multisession CDs ............................... 132
Music register ................................... 144
Deleting ......................................... 146
Folder functions ............................. 146
Memory space info ........................ 146
Playback options ........................... 147
recording ....................................... 145
switching on .................................. 144
voice control with .................. 204, 210
Muting audio
main system .................................... 34
navigation announcements ........ 34, 85
rear seat entertainment system ..... 168
My address (destination) .............. 71, 91
deleting from destination memory ... 94
setting or changing .......................... 91
for MP3 files and folders ................ 132
for saved destinations ...................... 93
searching for POIs by ....................... 75
Navigation (See also Route
guidance) ............................................. 48
audio fadeout ...................... 35, 60, 85
basic settings ................................... 55
destination input .............................. 62
destination memory ......................... 91
displaying/hiding menu system ....... 54
general information .......................... 51
last destinations .............................. 95
map display ..................................... 56
menu overview ................................. 52
operational readiness ...................... 51
POI input .......................................... 74
scrolling the map ............................. 54
setting map scale ............................. 54
steering wheel operation ................. 26
switching to navigation mode .......... 53
to address book destinations ........ 116
traffic messages .............................. 87
updating map software .................... 48
voice control with .................. 191, 206
announcements .................... 81, 85, 186
during active phone calls ................. 85
switching on/off ........................ 34, 85
volume of ......................................... 35
NAVI menu ..................................... 26, 52
Near destination, entering POI .......... 74
Network coverage for phone calls ..... 98
Night mode (display)
main display ..................................... 42
Normal track sequence .................... 144
rear seat entertainment system ..... 176
Number keypad
entering characters with .................. 32
Numbers, entering with voice
command ........................................... 188
Off-map routes .................................... 83
Off-road routes .................................... 83
Operating example .............................. 33
Orientation of map .............................. 56
Outgoing calls
see Calling
Partitions in USB devices ................. 152
Passcodes for Bluetooth phones ..... 100
Pausing playback
main audio ..................................... 140
main video ..................................... 160
rear seat entertainment
system ................................... 176, 178
PCMCIA memory card
ejecting .......................................... 137
loading ........................................... 136
submenu ........................................ 102
switching to phone mode .............. 102
see Telephone
Phone book ........................................ 103
adding entries ................................ 104
deleting from ................................. 105
dialing from ..................... 29, 104, 110
editing entries ................................ 105
selecting entry ............................... 103
voice control with .......................... 190
Phone calls
emergency ............................. 102, 216
lists of ............................................ 106
making ........................................... 109
see Calling
Phone menu ....................................... 102
Phone number search for POIs .......... 75
Picture format
main video ..................................... 160
rear seat entertainment
system ................................... 179, 183
Picture settings for video
main system .................................. 160
rear seat entertainment
system ................................... 179, 183
Playback options
iPods, MP3 players, and USB
devices .......................................... 152
Music Register ............................... 147
rear seat entertainment system ..... 176
track sequence .............................. 144
Playing audio
fast forward and reverse ................ 142
for rear seat entertainment ... 170, 173
headsets ........................................ 168
muting ............................................. 34
options for playback ...................... 144
selecting track ............................... 141
see Muting audio see Selecting audio track
POI input
choosing a category ......................... 75
local area of destination .................. 74
vicinity of location ............................ 75
vicinity of specific location ............... 75
Points of interest (POIs)
adding stopover destination ............ 73
selecting as destination ................... 74
stopover destinations ...................... 73
voice control for ............................ 195
ZAGAT® Rating Service .................... 79
Possible lane, defined ......................... 83
Predictive speller ................................ 31
destination memory list ................... 71
for points of interest (POIs) ........ 76, 78
house number list ............................ 68
street junction list ............................ 69
street list ......................................... 67
zip code list ...................................... 66
Preparation phase (driving
maneuvers) .......................................... 81
Province of destination,
selecting ...................................... 63, 192
HD Radio™ .................................... 123
satellite radio ................................. 123
selecting stations .......................... 202
switching to ................................... 123
voice control with .................. 201, 209
Random track playback .................... 144
rear seat entertainment system ..... 176
Read-aloud announcements ............... 87
navigation ........................................ 85
settings for ...................................... 42
see Navigation announcements see Traffic messages
Read CD Database function .............. 143
Reading out address book ................ 200
Real-time traffic notifications ............ 87
Rear audio option .............................. 122
Rear compartment socket ................ 169
Rear seat entertainment
active source from COMAND ......... 182
Rear seat entertainment
system ................................................ 166
audio operation .............................. 173
Aux operation ................................ 181
basic functions .............................. 170
system settings ............................. 172
video operation .............................. 177
Rear view camera, switching on/
off ......................................................... 44
Received calls, list of ........................ 106
Receive volume (phone) ................... 101
Recommended lane, defined .............. 83
Redialing telephone ............................ 30
voice control for ............................ 191
Registering mobile phones ................. 99
Rejecting incoming calls ............ 29, 109
Remote control, rear seat
entertainment .................................... 167
batteries for ................................... 170
Removing discs and memory
cards ................................................... 136
Rewind (reverse)
main audio playback ...................... 142
rear seat entertainment system ..... 175
video playback ....................... 159, 178
Roadside assistance ......................... 216
Route calculation ................................ 70
history of, saving .............................. 95
points of interest (POIs) ............. 79, 80
with home address .......................... 92
see Last Destinations
Route guidance .............................. 60, 80
after vehicle transport ..................... 51
blocked areas .................................. 60
canceling or resuming ...................... 85
detours and alternative routes ......... 85
driving maneuvers ........................... 80
lane recommendations .................... 83
announcements ........... 34, 81, 85, 186
off-map routes ................................. 83
off-road routes ................................. 83
Route browser ................................. 86
saving calculations for ..................... 95
stopover destinations ...................... 73
traffic lane recommendations .......... 83
traffic messages .............................. 87
voice control for ............................ 196
with home address .......................... 92
see Last Destinations
Route mode .......................................... 55
Satellite radio .................................... 127
category selection ................. 129, 202
Displaying information ................... 131
Memory functions .......................... 130
Selecting a channel ....................... 129
selecting channels ......................... 202
Switching on .................................. 128
Updating channels ......................... 131
voice control with .................. 201, 209
Saving route calculations
see Last Destinations
Scale of navigation map, setting ....... 54
Scene selection
main system .................................. 160
rear seat entertainment system ..... 179
Scrolling navigation map .................... 54
Search & Send ................................... 217
Search & Send service ...................... 217
Searching (See also Predictive speller)
address book ......................... 199, 200
audio tracks ................................... 141
for mobile phones ............................ 99
phone book ...................................... 29
points of interest (POIs) ................... 76
see Track selection (audio)
Selecting audio track
CD, DVD, or MP3 ........................... 141
normal and random options ........... 144
rear seat entertainment system ..... 175
steering wheel operation ................. 28
voice commands for ...................... 204
Selecting from lists ............................. 33
Settings for COMAND system ............ 40
resetting to factory settings ............. 45
Skipping to tracks
see Track selection (audio)
see Audio
Speed restriction on destination
input ............................................... 50, 72
Speed restriction on video display .. 156
Speller .................................................. 31
destination memory list ................... 71
for points of interest (POIs) ........ 76, 78
house number list ............................ 68
street junction list ............................ 69
street list ......................................... 67
zip code list ...................................... 66
Spelling with voice command .......... 188
Standard Time ..................................... 41
State of destination,
selecting ...................................... 63, 192
Station selection (radio)
voice commands for ...................... 202
Steering wheel ............................ 25, 187
Stopover destinations ......................... 73
deleting ............................................ 74
Stopping playback
main audio ..................................... 140
main video ..................................... 159
rear seat entertainment
system ................................... 176, 178
Storage media handling ..... 48, 134, 156
Street junctions, selecting as
destination ........................................... 69
Street of destination,
selecting ...................................... 67, 194
Subtitles for DVD Video ............ 162, 181
Surround sound ................................... 36
Symbols in this book .......................... 14
System language
for input speller ............................. 108
System Settings menu ........................ 40
reset to factory settings ................... 45
Tele Aid ............................................... 216
Telephone (See also Calling)
activating ......................................... 99
address book ................................. 111
Bluetooth interface .......................... 99
call lists ......................................... 106
call waiting function ....................... 111
functional restrictions ...................... 99
general information .......................... 98
incoming calls .......................... 29, 109
loudness of calls .............................. 35
making calls ................................... 109
navigation announcements during
calls ................................................. 85
operating options ............................. 98
phone book .................................... 103
prerequisites .................................... 99
setting transmit and receive
volume ........................................... 101
steering wheel operation ................. 29
Tele Aid .......................................... 216
voice control with .......................... 206
Telephone book
see Phone book
Telephone calls
emergency ............................. 102, 216
lists of ............................................ 106
making ........................................... 109
see Calling
Tel menu ............................................... 29
Terminating phone calls ................... 111
Time format ......................................... 41
Time of arrival, displaying .................. 58
Time settings ....................................... 41
Time zone
setting ............................................. 41
Town, selecting as destination ........ 193
Track information
rear seat entertainment ................. 177
Track names ...................................... 132
Track selection (audio)
CD, DVD, or MP3 ........................... 141
iPods and MP3 players .................. 152
normal and random options ........... 144
rear seat entertainment system ..... 175
steering wheel operation ................. 28
voice commands for ...................... 204
Track selection (video) ..... 160, 161, 179
voice commands for ...................... 204
Traffic lane recommendations ........... 83
Traffic messages ................................. 87
Traffic symbol information ................. 90
Training for voice control ................... 42
Transmit volume (phone) ................. 101
Treble setting
main system .................................... 35
rear seat entertainment system ..... 171
voice control .................................. 211
Units of measurement, navigation .... 52
Updating Gracenote® Media
Database ............................................ 143
Updating map software ...................... 48
USB devices
connecting to ................................. 147
playback options ............................ 152
playlists and folders ....................... 150
selecting active partition ............... 152
selecting tracks ..................... 150, 152
Vehicle location (current)
displaying ......................................... 58
GPS reception .................................. 51
moving map to ................................. 55
saving in Last Destinations ........ 54, 95
Video .................................................. 156
control menu, displaying/hiding .... 158
handling and care of discs ............. 156
interactive content ........................ 162
operating DVD menu ............. 160, 180
picture settings .............................. 160
rear seat entertainment system ..... 177
voice control with .......................... 211
Video Aux (auxiliary)
main system .................................. 163
rear seat entertainment system ..... 168
Voice control ..................................... 186
canceling the dialog ....................... 188
command list ................................. 205
creating voice names ..................... 198
general operation .......................... 186
help function .................................. 213
interrupting the dialog ................... 187
operating safety ............................. 186
settings ............................................ 42
starting the dialog .......................... 187
switching help screen on or off ........ 42
training for voice recognition ........... 42
troubleshooting ............................. 211
with address book ......... 116, 197, 211
with DVD changer .......................... 203
with external equipment (Aux) ....... 205
with navigation .............................. 191
with phone ..................................... 188
with radio and satellite radio ......... 201
Voice mail, voice control for ............ 191
Voice names, creating ...................... 198
Volume (loudness)
COMAND ......................................... 34
external audio sources .......... 153, 163
mobile phones ............................... 101
muting COMAND ............................. 34
navigation announcements ........ 35, 85
phone calls ...................................... 35
voice command ............................. 188
wireless headsets .......................... 169
Wireless headsets, rear seat
entertainment .................................... 168
basic operation .............................. 171
batteries for ................................... 170
muting audio playback ................... 168
Yahoo Local Maps® ........................... 217
ZAGAT® Rating Service ....................... 79
Zip code of destination, selecting ...... 65



Where to find it

This operator's manual has been designed to help you use your COMAND control unit in all situations. Since not all models have the same standard equipment, your COMAND system equipment may deviate from some descriptions and illustrations.


Content and keyword indexes are intended to help you find information quickly.

At a Glance

Here you will find an overview of the components of COMAND. Then you will find examples illustrating how to operate COMAND and information on the basic functions. If you are operating a COMAND for the first time or have rented the vehicle, you should first read this chapter.

System Settings

Here you will find all the important information regarding the system settings of the COMAND.


Here you will find detailed information regarding the following topics:
Setting options for the map display and the route calculation
Destination input
POI input
Route guidance
Traffic information
Destination memory


The telephone functions are described here. You will also find information on the address book.


Here you will find all information regarding the audio function and its Radio, SatRadio, CD-audio/DVD audio/MP3, Music Register, Media Interface and Audio Aux modes.


Here you will find all information regarding the video system.

Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE)

In this chapter the Rear Seat Entertainment is explained.

Voice Control

Here you will find information about operating several COMAND functions via Voice Control.

Tele Aid

Here you will find information on how to use Tele Aid and the Search & Send function.


Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG Inc.
Logic 7® is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated
Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries
SIRIUS and related marks are trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc.
Windows media® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries
You will find the following symbols in these operating instructions:
Warning notices draw your attention to hazards that may endanger your health or life, or the health or life of others.
Highlights hazards that may result in
damage to your COMAND.
Helpful hints or further information you
may find useful.
This symbol points to instructions for you to follow. A number of these symbols appearing in succession indicates a multiple-step procedure.
The continuation symbol marks an interrupted procedure which will be continued on the next page.
(Y page 11)
This symbol tells you where to look for further information on this subject.
Messages, menu items or soft key names appearing in the COMAND color display are printed in the style shown here.

Operating Safety

Any alterations of electronic components or software can cause malfunctions.
Radio, satellite radio, amplifier, DVD changer, navigation module, telephone and Voice Control systems are interconnected. Therefore, if one of the components is not operational, or has not been removed/ replaced properly, the function of other components could be impaired.
Such conditions might seriously impair the operating safety of your vehicle.
We recommend to have any service work on electronic components carried out by an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
In order to avoid distraction which could lead to an accident, the driver should enter system settings while the vehicle is at a standstill, and operate the system only when permitted by road, weather and traffic conditions.
Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph (approximately 50 km/h), your car covers a distance of 44 feet (approximately 14 m) every second.
COMAND supplies you with information to help you select your route more easily and guide you conveniently and safely to your destination. For safety reasons, we encourage the driver to stop the vehicle in a safe place before answering or placing a call, or consulting the COMAND screen to read navigational maps, instructions, or downloaded information.
While the navigation system provides directional assistance, the driver must remain focused on safe driving behavior, especially attention to traffic and street signs, and should utilize the system’s audio cues while driving.
The navigation system does not supply any information on stop signs, yield signs, traffic regulations or traffic safety rules. Their observance always remains in the driver’s personal responsibility. DVD maps do not cover all areas nor all routes within an area.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Change or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
Note: This equipment has been tested
and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for uncontrolled equipment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in Supplement C to OET65.
This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that is deemed to comply without maximum permissive exposure evaluation (MPE). But it is desirable that it should be installed and operated with at least 8 inches (20 cm) and more between the radiator and a
person's body (excluding extremities: hands, wrists, feet and legs.)
COMAND Control System ................... 18
Multifunction Steering Wheel ............ 25
Operating COMAND ............................ 30
Basic Functions of COMAND .............. 34
At a Glance

COMAND Control System

COMAND Control System

At a Glance

Components of COMAND

COMAND comprises:
the COMAND display
the COMAND control unit with DVD changer
the COMAND controller with the Back and Clear button
You can use COMAND to operate the following main functions:
the navigation system
the audio function with the radio, SatRadio, disc (CD audio, DVD audio or MP3 mode), PCMCIA memory card (MP3 mode), Music Register and Audio Aux modes
the telephone and the address book function
DVD Video
systems settings
You can call up the main functions:
using the corresponding function buttons
using the main function line in the COMAND display
E-Class illustrated
Function Page
COMAND display 18
COMAND control unit with DVD changer 20
COMAND controller 23

Vehicle Equipment

This Operator’s Manual describes all
features, standard or optional, potentially available for your vehicle at the time of purchase. Please be aware that your vehicle might not be equipped with all features described in this manual.

COMAND Display

Do not touch the COMAND display. The display has a very sensitive high-gloss surface; there is a risk of scratching. Should the display need cleaning, use a mild cleaning agent and a soft, antistatic, lint­free cloth. Commercially available alcohol and ammonia-free TFT or LCD cleaners are recommended.
The COMAND display shows the function currently selected and its associated menus. The COMAND display is divided into several areas.
The radio display is shown in the example.
Example: Audio main function display
Status line
Main function line
Main area
Submenu line
Status line 1 displays the time and the current telephone status.
With the main function line 2 you can select the main function.
Select the function with the COMAND controller (Y page 23).
In the example, the audio main function is set to radio mode and the main area 3 is active.
The arrangement of the menus can vary,
depending on the equipment. Normally, the
COMAND Control System
menus for the full equipment version are shown in this manual.
Menu Overview
Having selected a main function, you will find the submenu line at the bottom edge of the COMAND display.
If one of the main functions such as Navigation, Audio, Video or Phone is currently selected, additional menus are available from the main function line (Y page 19).
This is indicated by a small triangle behind the main function label.
Triangle indicating an additional menu
At a Glance
Navi Audio Phone Video
Mode FM/AM Radio Phone DVD Video
Map Orientation SatRadio Address book Video Aux
POI Symbols On Map
Disc (CD audio, DVD audio, MP3 mode)
Traffic Information On Map
Text Information
Memory card (MP3 mode)
Music Register
On Map
Ç Topographic
Media Interface
COMAND Control System
Navi Audio Phone Video
Ç Highway
Ç Read Traffic
AUX Messages Automatically
At a Glance
Ç Audio Fadeout
Block Area
SIRIUS Service
You can determine basic settings for the map display, route calculation and route guidance functions in Navigation.
You can call up functions such as destination entry and the destination memory at the bottom of the COMAND display in the Navigation Submenu line.
In the Audio main function, you can switch modes in the audio menu.
In the Phone main function, you can choose between the telephone mode and the address book.
In the Video main function, you can choose between the DVD mode and the Video Aux mode.

COMAND Control Unit

The COMAND control unit allows you to:
switch COMAND on/off
adjust the volume
select the main function/mode directly
enter telephone numbers and accept, reject, initiate and end calls
load and eject CDs/DVDs or a PCMCIA memory card
COMAND Control System
At a Glance
Function Page
Switch to radio mode 123
Switch wavebands
Switch to
Last selected medium in DVD changer
Memory Card 139
Music Register 144
Media Interface 147
Load/eject button 134,
Disc slot
CD/DVD loading 134
CD/DVD ejection 136
Update the map software 48
Select stations using the station search function 125
Fast reverse 142
Select the previous track 141
Function Page
Switch COMAND on/off 34
Adjust the volume 34
Select stations using the station search function 125
Fast forward 142
Select the next track 141
Clear button for functions
Telephone number entry 109
Delete a digit or entire entry
Number keypad
Select stations via station presets 125
Store stations manually 125
Telephone number entry 109
DTMF tone transmission 111
PCMCIA memory card slot 136
Eject button for the PCMCIA memory card 137
COMAND Control System
Function Page
Accept a call 109
Dial a call 109
Redial 110
At a Glance
Reject a call 109
End an active call 111
Reject a waiting call 111
Open the system menu
Function Page
Switch the sound on/off 34
Mute navigation announcements 34
Switch to telephone mode 102
Switch to navigation mode 53

COMAND Controller

COMAND controller
You can use the COMAND controller to select the menu items in the COMAND display. Move a selection bar to do so.
You can call up menus and lists in this way, move within menus or lists and exit menus and lists in this way.
COMAND Control System
Select Station list.
which is a short form for
Turn ymz or slide qmr the COMAND controller. This moves the selection bar to the Station list menu item.
Press the n COMAND controller. This confirms your selection. The station list appears.
At a Glance
COMAND controller operation
You can operate the COMAND controller in the following ways:
press briefly or press and hold n
rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise
slide to the left or right omp
slide up or down qmr
slide diagonally wmx
In the instructions, operating directions are described as follows:
COMAND Control System
SymbolCOMAND controller operation Function (example)
At a Glance
Press briefly
Press and hold until the selected action has been carried out
Slide and hold
Slide and hold
Slide and hold
Select menu item or list entry
Show/hide the menu system (e.g. when using navigation or video functions)
Accept destination for navigation
Move through vertical or horizontal menus or lists
Move through text
Program settings
Move through vertical menus
Exit horizontal menus
Move through a navigation map
Move through horizontal menus
Exit vertical menus
Switch to the next/previous track
Fast-forward or reverse for CD Audio or DVD Audio playback
Move through a navigation map
Move through a navigation map

Back Button

Back button k
To exit the menu: Briefly press the k button 1. COMAND changes to the next higher menu level in the current operating mode.
You can also exit a menu by sliding the
COMAND controller omp or qmr (Y page 30).
To switch to the main display from submenu displays: Press and hold the
k button 1. COMAND changes to the main display of the current operating mode.

Multifunction Steering Wheel


Clear Button

Clear button 2
To delete an individual character: Briefly press the 2 button 1.
To delete an entire entry: Press and hold the 2 button 1.
Multifunction Steering Wheel
Multifunction display
Volume up
Volume down
End and reject calls
Accept and iniate calls
Activate Voice Control
Press briefly:
Navigate one level up in the menu structure of the multifunction display cancel Voice Control confirm messages
Press and hold:
Multifunction display changes to the standard display (trip odometer and odometer) COMAND changes to the main display of the current operating mode
Select submenu or scroll through lists
Selecting a menu
Confirm selection
At a Glance
E-Class illustrated

Operating the Multifunction Display

A driver’s attention to the road and traffic conditions must always be his/her primary focus when driving.
For your safety and the safety of others, selecting features through the multifunction steering wheel should only be done by the
Multifunction Steering Wheel
driver when traffic and road conditions permit it to be done safely.
Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph (approximately 50 km/h), your vehicle is covering a distance of 44 feet (approximately 14 m) every second.
To select a menu: Press the =
At a Glance
or ; button.
To select a submenu or scroll in a list:
Press the 9 or : button.
To select the next menu level up: Press the % button.
To select the standard display: Press the
% button repeatedly until the standard display with the odometer and trip odometer appears again in the display.
Press and hold the % button until the standard display with the odometer and trip odometer appears.
To confirm the selection: Press the
a button.
To confirm a display message: Press the
a or % button.

Multifunction Display

The description field on the multifunction display shows you values and settings as well as any display messages that may have been generated.
To show the line for menus 2: Press the
= or ; button.

Menus and Submenus

Multifunction Display Menus
The following table only lists the functions and submenus that are needed in connection with COMAND. For information on the vehicle-related submenus please refer to the vehicle operator's manual.
Menus Functions and Submenus
Navi Navigation messages
Audio Selecting radio stations
Operating the DVD changer/ Music register/Memory card
Tel Accepting a call
Initiating a call
Rejecting a call
Ending a call
Selecting a phone book entry
Calls dialed

Navi Menu

The multifunction display shows navigation instructions in the Navi menu.
Description field
Line for menus
Text field 1 shows settings, functions, submenus and any malfunctions that occur.
Route Guidance Inactive
Direction of travel
Current road
The road you are currently driving on only appears if it is in the map software.
Route Guidance Active
No Maneuver Announced
Distance to destination
Distance to next maneuver
Current road
Symbol for “follow the road's course”
Maneuver Announced Without Change of Lane
Multifunction Steering Wheel
Road into which the maneuver leads
Distance to maneuver and graphic distance display
Lane recommendation
Symbol for maneuver
On multiple-lane roads, a lane recommendation 3 may be shown for the next maneuver. There may be additional lanes during a maneuver.
Lane Recommendation Display
At a Glance
Road into which the maneuver leads
Distance to maneuver and graphic distance display
Symbol for maneuver
When a maneuver is announced, you will see the symbol for the maneuver and beside it a graphic distance display 2. This decreases as you approach the announced maneuver.
Maneuver Announced With Change of Lane
Lane recommendations are only displayed if the relevant data is available on the digital map.
Lane without lower
Uninterrupted lane
Lane with lower limit New lane during a
Lane with arrow Lane recommended
for the maneuver
Navigation Status Indicators in the Multifunction Display
When route guidance is activated, the following messages may appear:
<: you have reached the destination.
Within Destination Area: you are approaching the destination. This message appears, for example, with relatively large special destinations.
New Route...: the system is calculating a new route, for example because you have deviated from the previous route. Route guidance is subsequently resumed.
Calculating Route: a route is being calculated, after which route guidance will start.
Multifunction Steering Wheel
Off Map: the vehicle is outside the range of the digital map. The vehicle is in an off­map position.
Off Mapped Road: the vehicle is on a road which is not in the digital map, or is away from the road, for example in a car park.
No Route: no route to the selected
At a Glance
destination could be calculated.

Audio Menu

Use the functions in the Audio menu to operate the audio equipment. If no audio equipment is switched on, the multifunction display shows the message Audio Off.
To adjust the volume: Press the W or X button.
Selecting a Radio Station/Channel
Switch on COMAND and select FM/ AM Radio (Y page 123) or SatRadio
(Y page 127).
Select the Audio menu.
Operating the DVD Changer/Music Register/ Memory Card/Media Interface
Switch on COMAND and select Disc, Memory Card (Y page 139), Music Register (Y page 144) or Media Interface
(Y page 149).
Select the Audio menu.
Example: View of the CD player
Current disc
Current track
To select the next or previous track:
Briefly press 9 or :.
To scroll through the track list in upward or downward direction: Press
and hold 9 or :.
Wave band
Preset number with channel number, channel name or frequency
To select the next or previous preset channel: Briefly press 9 or :.
To select the next or previous channel:
Press and hold 9 or :.
You can only change the wave band and save new stations/channels using COMAND.
If you are playing a CD or DVD with track information, the multifunction display shows the name and number of the track. The track is displayed on MP3s.
Operating the DVD Video
Switch on COMAND and select DVD Video (Y page 158).
Select the Audio menu.
Current scene
+ 194 hidden pages