Mercedes Cclass 2018 Owner's Manual
The personal rewards of striving to be the best are even more meaningful in the development of young people than they are for automobiles. Instilling the
the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation, with an ongoing commitment to train and place hundreds of coaches for after- school and in-school sports programs
in communities around the country. Spor ts offer kids more than the chance to be physically active and have fun. It’s also an opport unity to have a mentor who
can guid e them, help them lear n how to dea l with major li fe is sue s, and help them gr ow stronger not just physically but in their char acter. As a Merc ede s-Benz
driver, you become a part of this effort to give hundreds of thousands of kids a better life today, and all of us a brighter tomorrow.
Learn more about how Mercedes -Benz USA believes in giving back at
©2017 Mercede s-B enz USA , LLC • 303 Per imeter Ce nter Nor th, Atlanta, G A 30346 • 1-80 0-F OR-M ERCEDES • M BUSA.c om Marketing Communications. All illustrations and spe cifications contained in this brochure are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication. Mercedes-Benz USA reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, to colors, materials, equipment, specifications and models. Any variations in colors shown are due to reproduction variations of the printing process. Illustrations may include test situations. Some vehicles may be shown with non-U.S. equipment. Some vehicles are shown w ith optio nal equip ment. App le CarPl ay, iPad, iP hone and Sir i are trad emarks , registe red trad emarks or se rvic e marks of App le Inc. Blu etooth is a reg istered t radema rk of B luetooth SIG, In c. Bur mester is a registe red tr ademark o f Bur mester Audiosyst eme Gm bH, B erlin, G ermany. iHear tRadio is a register ed tr ademar k and service mark of Clear Cha nnel Broa dcasti ng, Inc. Gar min is a regist ered trad emark of Gar min Ltd Corp , George Town, Cay man Islands. And roid and And roid Auto are tr ademar ks of Google Inc . GoPr o is a register ed trade mark of GoP ro Inc. HD Rad io is a propr ietar y tradem ark of iBiq uity Dig ital Cor porati on. Siriu s, XM and all re lated mar ks and logos ar e tradem arks of Siriu s XM Radio I nc. TuneIn i s a registe red ser vice mark of Tune In, Inc. Twi tter is a re gister ed trade mark of Twi tter, Inc.
175 MC -17 -10 98
Standard and available equipment may vary by model. Please see back of brochure.
Introduction 6
Specifications and equipment 54
You could have flown in, gone to the event,
and flown home. But reunions have a way
of making you do some accounting of your
life — the plans you’ve accomplished, the
dreams fulfilled, and the wishes still held.
You’ll no doubt be comparing notes during
the event and after it, but as you do, one
thing will become clear in your head: It’s
nearly impossible to imagine where you’re
going without appreciating where you came
from. Right now, one realization rings true
above all : No matter how impressive life’s
milestones are, they didn’t make you who
you are. The miles in between did.
Athletic, elegant and intelligent:
The family traits that the six
sedans, five coupes, and five
cabriolets of the C‑Class have in
common set them apart from
every other car on the road.
Windshield to your future.
Instead of sitting in airport parking, your
new C ‑Class is enjoying a multi‑state run
this weekend. And instead of sitting in
4A and 4B, the two of you have a front‑
row view of a world that feels bigger than
usual today, but more inviting, too. Under
the wide sky, the road is a ribbon, contin‑
uously unwrapping the gift of scenery. The
enjoyable act of driving draws you closer
to your destination. The art of conversa‑
tion draws you closer to each other. Your
content ment in the present lets you laugh
about the past, and smile about the future.
In a quiet moment, your hand moves from
the wheel to adjust an air vent. Leather,
wood and aluminum return your caress —
as if your C‑Class knows you, and under‑
stands why you chose it to join you on
this journey. Like you, its inner strength
com es from its family. Its world view looks
far ahead, yet it cherishes certain tradi‑
tions. It even matches your mix of playful
and practical. Your conver sa tion resumes.
And you find yourself relish ing not just the
moment you’re in, but all the moments.
And the miles in between.
2018 C-Class
Turbo- fed power — or a plug -in hybrid sedan —
collaborates with a range of road -taming
chassis setups. Five drive modes, from
Comfort to Sport+, team up with you.
Muscle-toned, wind-carved and undeniably
sporty lines make every sedan, coupe and
cabriolet a visual knockout. Styling and
wheel options let you make yours a standout.
Groundbreaking safety advancements
watch the road and the driver. Active and
semi- autonomous systems add to your
comfort, confidence and driving enjoyment.
> Inline ‑4 turbo, AMG V6 biturbo, AMG V8 biturbo,
or gasoline/electric plug‑ in hybrid power
> 7‑speed, 9‑ speed, AMG‑enhanced 9‑speed or
MCT 7‑speed transmission
> DYNAMIC SELECT drive modes
> Confident 4
> 17" to 20" alloy wheels*
permanent all‑wheel drive*
> A variety of grille designs, all integrating the iconic Star
> LED headlamps* and taillamps
> AMG Line and Night Package* (C 300 models)
> AMG Carbon Fiber and Night Packages (AMG models)
> 3‑layer power soft top (Cabriolets )
> Rearview camera, or Surround View System*
> Intelligent Drive suite of active safety systems*
> Front seat‑belt presenters (Coupes, Cabriolets)
> Pop‑up roll bars
Spacious 5-passenger sedans, stylish 4-seat
coupes, and cabriolets tailored for four are
all rich in innovation, generous with comfort,
and invigorating to all of your senses.
User-friendly innovations help keep you
connected, engaged and entertained.
Intuitive controls help you stay in command
of your car and in touch with your world.
*Optional or not available on some models. Please see back of brochure.
> Power driver seat with memory, split‑folding rear seats
> Digital dual ‑zone climate control
> Power glass sunroof (Sedans) or Panorama roof*
> Heated and ventilated front seats*
> 13‑ speaker Burmester
neck‑level heating* (Cabriolets)
Surround Sound System*
> 7" or 8.4"* color screen and central controller
> mbrace
Remote Start, in‑ car Internet, and 4G LTE WiFi*
> Apple CarPlay
featuring Mercedes me smartphone app with
navigation* or Garmin MAP PILOT®*
and Android Auto*
with HANDS ‑FREE ACCESS trunklid*
You kn ow th is roa d. You’ ve tra vel e d it mor e
times for more reasons than you can count.
It’s been a workaround for weekday traffic,
your Saturday shortcut to the mall, and a
scenic escape when you just feel like going
for a drive. Every curve is etched in your
muscle memory. There’s one stretch where
the engine’s revs reverberate off the hill‑
side. At one corner, where the motorcycle
officer sits, you pass by — going exactly 45 —
and lift four fingertips from the wheel to
give a friendly wave. You know this road in
the rain. And by dark of night. Still, today it
feels like you’re going somewhere new.
Shifting moods.
It’s just you and your C‑ Class on this ride.
You let your hand fall toward the console,
and your finger goes right to an aluminum‑
clad switch — more of a paddle, really — that
bears the label DYNAMIC. With a few taps,
you exit the “ECO” mode you use whenever
your carpool buddy is onboard, and watch
the dash until “Sport” shows up. Instantly,
you feel the steering flex its muscle. With
a turbo ‑ infused growl, th e 9 ‑ sp eed* grabs
a lower gear, and the throttle feels directly
connected to your foot, and to your pulse.
You start to think about everything that
must be going on under the hood, and how
quickly it all syncs with your chosen mode.
But a C‑Class continually fine‑tunes itself
anyway, even before you invoke a change of
mood. Its Direct Injection and multi spark
ignition can adjust the fuel spray and fire it
four times in a row — all in the milliseconds
of a combustion cycle. The transmission
adapts to your driving style, and the sus ‑
pension can firm up instantly in corners.
The mo des of DYN AMIC SELECT put a fine r
point on some already ultrafine points — a
focus on eco‑friendliness, a little extra fun,
or the comfort and composure that'll keep
your family calm — even while you’re quietly
relishing a tight corner and getting ready
for that friendly, exactly ‑45‑mph wave.
Seven or nine speeds, one or a pair of turbos, and a choice of five driving modes all add up to a feeling of oneness with your C‑Class and the road.
*Optional or not available on some models. Please see back of brochure.
You ’r e sure yo u wer e paying at tenti on. And
maybe the merge was messy this morning,
wi th all th e const ruction and tr affic. Bu t by
the time your brain started processing the
red lights growing large in your windshield,
your C‑Class was already on the brakes —
hard. And while there certainly was drama,
there wasn’t tragedy. Your car didn’t blink.
Decades of prep, moments of proof.
Safety engineers at Mercedes‑Benz have
spent nearly 80 years preparing for these
life‑ changing milliseconds. They don’t just
dream of an accident ‑free future. They’ve
been bringing us closer to it with ongoing
innovation. They crash ‑test thousands of
real and virtual vehicles. They build robots
and algorithms to simulate human nature.
They learn from dummies. And they help
make every car safer, since what starts in
a Mercedes‑Benz often becomes the stan‑
dard for all cars — if you wait a few years.
This morning, you’re glad you didn’t wait.
faster. Its standard systems watch traffic
ahead and help you see out back.
can look out for pedestrians, look into your
blind spots, and look at where you’re going
relative to the lanes of the road. If they see
danger coming, they can help prepare the
car to better see you through it — cinching
seat belts, closing windows, or holding the
brakes if you’re about to get rear‑ended.
So much can change in the blink of an eye.
That’s why Mercedes‑Benz engineers keep
innovating: to preserve your status quo.
The inventors of the crumple zone, seat‑belt pretensioners, and electronic stability control have spent their
Please see endnotes at back of brochure.
The network of sensors in a C ‑Class, from
radar to cameras, is designed to see more
than a human, and process what it sees
lifetimes looking out for yours.
You’ve probably listened to this album a
hundred times. It’s been years, however,
since you’ve played it start ‑to‑finish, in the
original order of the songs. And you have
to admit, nine channels of digital surround
sound* pays a worthy tribute to the original
studio production. As the last track fades
out, you decide the muffled growl of the
engine can be your soundtrack for a bit.
Everything else in the cabin, you leave
exactly the way you’d set it up when you
started your impromptu concert: The Sport
mode feels tight in your hands. The ambi‑
ent lighting* is set to Solar, its warm red
glow underlining the natural grain of the
wood. The starry sky flickers through the
trees. And every so often, a hint of jas‑
mine and sage infuses the crisp cabin air.*
As you channel your senses into the curve
ahead, all you can think is “what a perfect
evening for a drive.” By instinct, you reach
for the button on the mirror, and that’s
when you remember: The garage door you
just opened — this is point B. Point A was
your office. You’ve driven this route more
times than you’ve listened to that album.
Neither one ever felt like this before.
A sensation for every sense.
Even the most sensible C‑Class is a treat
for the senses, offering rewarding perfor‑
mance, digital dual‑zone climate control, a
power sunroof or soft top,* hand‑finished
wood trim, and enough audio features to
make every ride a rock concert. But with
so many ways* to make yours sensational,
how can you resist Burmester
sound, an Air Balance fragrance atomizer,
and multicolor ambient lighting? After all,
what turns something from nice‑to ‑have
to a must‑have is simple: Having it.
A C‑Class does more than offer a sense of luxury. From audio gear that can also entice the eye, to the spa‑like comfort of
cabin aromatherapy, you deserve luxury for all of your senses.
*Optional or not available on some models. Please see back of brochure.
Nothing says driving refinement quite like
leather and wood. But when Daimler and
Benz started making cars, such finery was
more likely to be found in drive belts, sus‑
pen sio n dam p ers an d whee l spokes . It was
a time long before plastics, and handcraft‑
ing was simply the way things were made.
A tradition of tomorrows.
Over the next century, both materials and
manufacturing kept leaping ahead — as did
luxury. Around the centennial of the auto‑
mobile, Mercedes‑Benz engineers initiated
a massive effort that would embrace both
its rich past and our planet’s future. By
the early 1990s, long before “eco‑friendly”
was an industr y buzzword, it had become
a new way of life for Mercedes‑Benz. As
a major first step, chlorofluorocarbons, or
CFCs, were banished from the vehicles as
well as their entire manufacturing process.
Sustainability is now a key focus from the
start of a car’s production to the finishes
you see and touch. The wood for the cabin
trim is sensitively forested, for example.
Beneath its beauty are components made
from coconut fiber, flax and olives. Foam
for padding is expanded using steam. And
most of the plastic parts are code‑marked
to facilitate future recyclability.
Let your hand roam over the impeccably
stitched seat of your C ‑Class, or its flow‑
ing console, and you’re touching traditions
that have advanced for decades by keep‑
ing both past and future in sight — and in
balance. Its upholstery is still hand‑fitted,
its wood trim hand‑finished. But behind it
all is a quest that’ll never finish: Indulging
you like there’s no tomorrow. And investing
in ways to help make sure there is.
In its segment, only the C‑Class is certified both for ultralow‑emission performance and an allergen‑ friendly cabin.
The conguration of satellite switches is based on the
specic equipment on your CClass. For example, you
can manually extend the seatbelt presenters on coupes
and cabriolets, adjust the C 350e Sedans AIRMATIC® air
suspension, or dial in the performance of AMG models.
You can even customize a menu of favoritefeatures.
A touch more thoughtful
Technolog y
Ergonomic switches encircle an intuitive turn-and -click knob
in the console. Teaming with the large central screen and a
touchpad controller,* you can operate and adjust numerous
features and settings while your hand rests comfortably.
The DYNAMIC SELECT paddle lets you set up
the car’s driving systems to suit the situation
and your desires. Modes from green-minded
ECO to red -blooded Sport vary the feel of the
throttle, shifting, handling and more. You can
even set up your own Individual mode.
Illustrated and animated menus match their
appearance to the way you move the rotary
controller, making it easy to adjust audio or
navigation,* personalize features, and more.
The touchpad lets you use fingertip gestures
like swiping, or pinching to zoom on a map.
The standard ECO Start/Stop system can
automatically switch off the engine while
you’re waiting at a red light, saving fuel
and emissions. When the light turns green,
the engine instantly fires back to life as
you lift your foot from the brake pedal.
*Optional or not available on some models. Please see back of brochure.
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