Away Set
Theawaysetoptionisused to arm allzoneswhenyouleavethe premises. Before attemptingtoset
the system, ensure that all doors and windows are securely closed. If pets are to be left inside the
protected premises they must not have access to areas protected by movement detectors.
1 Enter the first 2 digits of your passcode followed by
[AWAY] . The internal sounder will sound, the unset
indicatorwillgoout andthefinalexitindicatorwillflash.
2 Leave the premises via the designated exit route.
3 The internal sounder will change to a high pitched
tone, after 5 seconds a multi-tone sound will be heard
and the system fully sets.
If the internal sounder changes to analarm tone, you
must re-enter the premises and enter your passcode.
Theindicators that are lit are the zones that prevented
thesystemfrom setting. Checkthe relevant zonesand
repeat above procedure.
Home Set
Thehome setoption is used when staying inside the premises and only armingsome ofthe zones.
To program the zones that will be omitted see "Home Set Configuration" on page 7. Before
attempting to set the system, ensure that all doors and windows are securely closed. If petsare to
be left inside the protected premises they must not have access to areas protected by
movement detectors.
1 Enter the first 2 digits of your passcode followed by
[HOME]. The internal sounder will emit a multi-tone
sound, the unset indicator will go out and the final exit
indicator will flash. The indicators for the zones that will
be omitted will also flash.
2 Leave the area to be protected via the designated
exit route.
3 Whenthesecondmulti-tonesoundisheardthesystem
is part set.
If the internal sounder changes to analarm tone, you
must proceed to the keypad and enter your
passcode.The indicatorsthat arelit arethe zones that
preventedthesystemfromsetting. Check the relevant
zones and repeat above procedure.
The exit sounder will start, the unset
indicator will go out and final exit
indicator flashes.
All indicators are off when the
system is set.
Leave the building via the exit route. The
exit sounder will eventually change to a
high pitched tone. When the tone stops
the system is fully set.
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A multi-tone beep will be heard, the unset
indicator will go out and the final exit
indicator flashes. The zones that will be
omitted will also flash (e.g. zones 4 and 5).
All indicators are off when the
system is set.
Leave the protected area via the exit
route. When the multi-tone beep is
heard the system is part set.
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