Menvier Security TS2000 User Manual

TS2000 (V2+) User Manual
COPYRIGHT Allrightsreserved.Nopartoftheinformationcontainedinthispublicationmaybereproducedorcopiedby
ISSUE DATE PAGE DETAILS 01 Oct 91 All First Issue for S/W V2.0
02 Feb 92 2-6; 3-4/5; Minor typographical corrections
02 JUL 93 New Company Name
This document is for use with the TS2000 Intruder Alarm Control system fitted with software versions 2.0 and above (V2+) issued after October 1991. It should not be used with earlier versions of the TS2000 system. It provides information on the Operation of the system.
Reference should also be made to the User Guide supplied with the system.
Menvier Security Ltd Hither Green Clevedon Avon BS21 6XU Tel: 0275 870 078 Fax: 0275 343 453 Tlx: 44782
Pt No: B.18006 Drg No:33:0059:01:ISS.02:DOC.02
Feb 92
TS2000 (V2+) User Manual
1.1 Introduction Page 1-1
1.2 Equipment Page 1-1
1.3 Control Panel Options Page 1-1
1.4 Additional Equipments Page 1-2
1.5 Remote Data Transfer Page 1-2 Fig 1-1 Schematic Block Diagram Page 1-3
2.1 Introduction Page 2-1
2.2 Control Page 2-1
2.3 Passcodes Page 2-1/2
2.4 Circuit Types Page 2-2
2.5 Attributes Page 2-3
2.6 Programmable Outputs Page 2-4
2.7 Wards Page 2-5
2.8 Timers Page 2-5
2.9 Modes Page 2-6
2.10 Omitting Circuits Page 2-7
2.11 PSU Monitoring Page 2-7
2.12 Other Facilities Page 2-7
3.1 Introduction Page 3-1
3.2 Setting the System Page 3-1
3.3 Setting Wards Page 3-1
3.4 Unsetting the System Page 3-2
3.5 Unsetting Wards Page 3-2
3.6 View Circuits Page 3-2
3.7 View Event Log Page 3-2
3.8 Select Walk Test Page 3-2
3.9 Select Bell Test Page 3-2
3.10 Omit/Enable Circuits Page 3-2
3.11 Use Chime Facility Page 3-3
3.12 Use the Printer Page 3-3
3.13 Alter Clock Page 3-3
3.14 Alter Passcode Page 3-3
3.15 Define Users Page 3-3
3.16 Alter Time Switch Page 3-3
3.17 Alter Time Lock Page 3-4
3.18 Define Circuits Page 3-4
3.19 Define Outputs Menu Page 3-4
3.20 Review Wards Page 3-4
3.21 Define Wards Alarms Page 3-4
3.22 Define System Timers Page 3-4
3.23 Define Panel Modes Page 3-5
3.24 Use Test Options Page 3-5
3.25 Use Network Options Page 3-5
3.26 Define Circuit Text Page 3-6
3.27 Install DC3 Page 3-6
3.27 Reset by Remote Page 3-6 Fig 3-1 Menus Listing in sequence Page 3-7
TS2000 (V2+) User Manual
4.1 Introduction Page 4-1
4.2 Set System & all AvailableWards (w/o WCU)Page 4-2
4.3 Set System without Wards Page 4-2
4.4 Set System/Wards (w/o WCU) Cts Omitted Page 4-3
4.5 Set Wards Circuits Omitted Page 4-3
4.6 Set System/Wards (Wards set) Page 4-4
4.7 Set System/Wrds (Wards set) Cct Omitted Page 4-4
4.8 Set more Wards (Wards set) Page 4-4
4.9 Set more Wards (Wards set) Cct Omitted Page 4-5
4.10 Unset Wards Ccts not Omitted Page 4-5
4.11 Unset Wards Ccts Omitted Page 4-6
4.12 Omit Circuits Page 4-6
4.13 Clearing Circuits Omitted Page 4-7
4.14 Set/Unset Wards with Keys Page 4-7
4.15 Unsetting the system Page 4-7
4.16 Unsetting the System (Alarm present) Page 4-7
5.1 Introduction Page 5-1
5.2 View Circuits Page 5-2
5.3 View Event Log Page 5-2
5.4 Select Walk Test Page 5-2
5.5 Select Bell Test Page 5-3
5.6 Omit /Enable Circuits Page 5-3
5.7 Chime Facility Page 5-4
5.8 Use the Printer Page 5-5
5.9 Alter Clock Page 5-6
5.10 Alter Passcode Page 5-6
5.11 Define Users Page 5-7/8
5.12 Alter Time Switch Page 5-9
5.13 Alter Time Lock Page 5-10 *5.14 Define Circuits Page 5-11 *5.15 Define Outputs Page 5-12 *5.16 Review Wards Page 5-12 *5.17 Define Ward Alarms Page 5-13 *5.18 Define Timers Page 5-13 *5.19 Define Panel Modes Page 5-14 *5.20 Use Test Options Page 5-15/16 *5.21 Use Network Options Page 5-16/17
5.23 Define Circuit Text Page 5-17 *5.24 Install Digicom (and Modem) Page 5-18/19
5.25 Reset by Remote Page 5-19 * These menus are for the Engineer only (see Fig 3-1) but are included for reference 6 DICTIONARY Page D1/3 7 FORMS
System Options Records of Circuits Records of Outputs
1.1 Introduction The Intruder Alarm Control System TS2000 is provided for large domestic and general
commercialintruder systems conforming to BS 4737 part1 1986. It is an extremely versatile system with the following facilties:
(1) Will monitor up to 128 zones using various types of detector device; (2) Will provide up to 136 output signals whose response may be programmed; (3) Maybe programmedto providealarge numberofoperationaloptionsand facilties;
As the system is microprocessor controlled it must be programmed initially to select the required user options such as number of zones, type of alarm and time of operation.The general principle of operation is to monitor protected zones, each having a detection circuit, todetectthe circuit status, then to respond accordingly. As each zone has a circuit theterms Zone and Circuit may be considered as being synonomous but the term circuit is generally used. Circuits may also be grouped into Wards (para 2.6).
1.2 Equipment The system consists of a number of units that are interconnected by a Control Network:
(1) Control Panel (CP): This is the controlling panel for the system which:
(a) provides power to the system; (b) communicates with and monitors the state of the units connected to the
Control Network and responds to alarm conditions according to the pre-programmed instructions.
(c) provides special outputs to a printer, a Digital Communicator a Modem and
other devices if required;
It has no front panel controls and may be sited at any convenient internal location.
(2) NodeUnit (NU):aunit thatis remotefromthe CPandis connectedto itviathe Control
Network.It will monitor the status of up tofour circuits and will also provide up to four programmable outputs which are controlled by the CP;
(3) RemoteKeypadNodeUnit(REM):hasthesame functions as the NU and in addition
hasa Keyboardand a40character Displaytoallowoperatorsto controlthesystem;
The system will consist of a CP connected, via the Control Network, to up to 32 NU and or REMso providingupto 128circuitsand alarmoutputs eachofwhose functioninganduse are pre-programmed. At least one REM is required to control the system.
1.3 CP Options
1.3.1 Additional boards may be fitted to the CP as follows:
(1) Serial Interface Board (SIB): Provides a serial output :
(a) RS232 format for a serial printer; (b) RS232 format to any suitable equipment;
(2) Parallel Interface Board (PIB): Provides up to eight output ports which may be
programmed to respond to system activity and which can also be used to provide outputsto aseparateDigital Communicator. Italso has a(telephone)Line Faultinput port.
(3) Digital Communicator type DC3 (Digicom): Will transfer status information from the
CPtoadedicated Central Station via PSTN lines. When activated via any of its eight logic input channels it will:
(a) Dial one or two telephone numbers; (b) Transfer an account (identity) number to the dialled station; (c) Transfer status information.
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(4) ModemtypeDC3M (Digimodem): Will transfer data over PSTN linestoandfromany
suitableequipmentsuchas a computer terminal. When activated the system will dial one or two telephone numbers and will be capable of transferring all commissioning information, Event Log data etc to and from a remote maintenance centre.
1.4 Additional Equipments
1.4.1 WardControlUnit(WCU):Whenfitted it will allow a group of circuits, which are designated a Ward,to beSetand UnsetusingExit andEntry routesseparatefrom thesystem.The WCUis connectedto theoutputs andcircuitsof aNUorREMand willrequireaseparate12V supply.
1.4.2 Printer: An Epson printer P40-S may be connected temporarily to the CP or to the SIB to provide printout records. Other printers that accept RS232 serial data may be permanently connected to the SIB if permanent records are required.
1.4.3 Power Supply Unit: All power can be supplied from the TS2000 CP internal Power Supply Unit but in large systems it may be necessary to fit additional power supply units. The PSU 150 has been designed for use with the TS2000 system and consists of a PSU and battery (suppliedseparately) and it may also have a Node Unit and a RelayUnit(para 1.4.6) fitted in its enclosure.
1.4.4 Output Modules: If remote indicators or mimic Panels containing LEDs are required then Output Modules (OM) type CPA6.OM may be connected to the CP. Each OM unit will drive uptoeightLEDsandthe units may be interconnected for large displays. The system may be programmed so that the LEDs indicate circuit condition or alarms and ward status if wards are programmed. A separate 12V supply will be required.
1.4.5 ExtensionLoudspeakers: The REM contains a small sounder unit to provide an indicationof the system status. If the volume of the sounder is insufficient (eg a louder exit sound is required) then an extension speaker may be fitted to the NU and this will require a LoudspeakerDriveUnittypeLSD1tobeconnectedbetweentheNUandtheloudspeaker.A separate 12V power supply will also be required.
1.4.6 Relay Unit: The NU and REM programmable outputs will provide current limited drive for variousfacilities but inmanycasesit will benecessaryto isolate thesystemfrom the external equipment by driving via relays. Relay Units type RM3A provide two relays, which may be energised by NU or REM outputs, and which provide two sets of 'clean' change over contacts. The unit may be fitted separately or in a PSU150 case (para 1.4.2).
1.5 Remote Data Transfer When fitted with a Digimodem type DC3M the system may be programmed and log data
transferredtoaremotelocationusing a dedicated program installed in a Personal Computer at that location. The use of this faciltity is protected by a series of passscodes and user menus.
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* = Option
Remote Keypad
No 1
Remote Keypad
No X
Remote Power Supply Unit*
Other Option Outputs
C001 - C004
S001 - S004
S005 - S008
4 Output
for WCU
C125 - C128
S125 - S128
Mains input 240V 50Hz
Control Network Cable
Control Network Cable
Mains input
12V i/p
Control Network Cable Cable: 6 or 8 core 7/0.2mm
Max length 100m between units.
Programmable Option Outputs
Distance between Nodes/Keypads must be less than 100m. Distance between Control Panel and last Node/Keypad must be less than 1km
Remote Keypad
No 32 (max)
PSTN Lines*
Remote Keypad
No 2
Exit/Entry Circuits
3 Detection
for WCU
C005 - C008
12V o/p
Control Network Cable
Fig 1 - 1 TS2000 Schematic Block Diagram
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 The system operates in two states which may be considered as 'Monitoring', when the systemresponds tocircuitactivations, and'OperatorControlling' whichrequiresthe operator to enter a passcode and to operate a REM keypad.
2.1.2 Monitoring: The system may be 'Unset' when it monitors the circuits designated 24 Hour, Personal Attack, Auxiliary, Fire, Medical and Exit Terminator circuits or any Tamper activation, or it may be 'Set'when it monitors all the circuits connected to it and provides full alarms if a circuit is activated.
2.1.3 OperatorControlling:Thesystemcontinuesto monitor but may be operated by the Engineer orbya User after entering the appropriate Passcode. Normally the main User actions will be to Set or Unset the system but other controlling actions using the Menus of operations are also available depending upon the level of passcode used. The Engineer is required to programme the System, using the Menus, and may also set the system for test purposes.
2.2 Control
2.2.1 Onceapasscodehasbeenenteredallkeypadentries,oftenconsistingofasinglekeyentry, or other actions, such as leaving the premises after setting the panel, are made in response to questions or comments shown on the display. Following the displayed comments will provide full operating instructions and this is supplemented by a series of Help messages which provide further operating instructions.
2.2.2 The REM displays will normally show the system status followed by the present date and time, or date and time that the displayed event occurred as follows:
(1) Date: Day Month Year (abbreviated) (2) Time: Hours Minutes seconds (in 24 hour clock format).
When the time is being updated (seconds changing) the next keyboard entry should be a passcode.
2.2.3 When controlling the system, the display prompts asking for <YES> must be followed by pressingthe Yesor NOkey.If acursor(<or>) isdisplayedthenthefollowing rulesapply:
(1) Press YES to accept the information indicated; (2) Press NO to change the information indicated; (3) Press the up arrow ( ) to increase the value indicated or go to the next step; (4) Press the down arrow ( ) to decrease the value indicated or to go back a step; (5) Press0(zero)toenter 0 when pointing at a number or to end the sequence when not
pointing at a number; (6) Press numerals to change the number indicated or to select Menus 1 to 9; (7) PressHELPto obtain displayed information onwhatactionto take next. Press HELP
again to restore the display.
2.2.4 When using a keypad at a REM the display and the keypad are automatically illuminated. When a REM is being used the displays at any other REMs connected to the system will show 'System in Use' and all other keypads will be inhibited.
2.2.5 If at any time there is doubt about the action to be taken use the HELP facility or press 0, which may be considered as an end key, until the display asks for YES and provides an escape from the menu.
2.3 Passcodes
2.3.1 There are seven types of passcode each consisting of a four or six digit number and 52 passcodesmaybeallocated, one each for the Engineer and Master User and the remainder shared between passcode levels 3 to 6. The passcodes allow differentlevels of operation to be carried out and are defined as:
(1) Engineer;
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(2) Master; (3) Manager; (4) Standard S (system); (5) Standard W (ward); (6) Restricted; (7) Not Used;
The highest level is (1) and the lowest is (6) so that the Engineer can carry out nearly all operations but the Manager can only carry out the operations allocated to passcode levels Manager, Standard and Restricted (Fig 3-1). The last passcode (7) will not allow access to the system.
2.3.2 Passcodes are used as follows:
(1) Passcode Engineer: This unique code is used by a person nominated as the
Engineerwho is normally thepersonwhocommissions the system. Itpermitscertain special functions and operations to be carried out, which are not available to the other passcode users, but the Engineer's passcode will only be accepted when the SystemandWards are unset. When usedandoperatingin certain menus the alarms are inhibited. The default value of this passcode is 1234.
(2) Passcodes Master; Manager; Standard and Restricted: These are initially allocated
totheusers of the system by the Master User.Defaultvalueforthe Master passcode is 5678; the others are undefined.
2.3.3 When entering a passcode each keystroke is acknowledged by a 'beep' and an arrow is displayed.If a mistake ismadewhen entering a passcodeitis only necessary towaituntil the display returns to its original state and then to start again.
CAUTION: If an incorrect passcode is entered more than six times the system will recognise this as a
Keypad Tamper alarm and will respond by displaying KEY PAD TAMPER and the sounder willoperate until the correctpasscodeis entered. Enteringapasscodewith the firsttwodigits reversed will be recognised as a Duress Alarm (DA) hence these two digits must always be different unless the DA facility is to be disabled.
2.4 Circuit Types
2.4.1 Each circuit is configured and programmed as a certain Type and this determines how the system will respond to the circuit activation. A system response will always occur, irrespective of the circuit type, if a circuit Tamper (open circuit or short circuit) condition is present. The types are:
(1) Night: monitored when the system or ward is Set and if activated will generate a full
alarm but which is not monitored when the system or ward is Unset;
(2) 24Hour:continuouslymonitoredandifactivatedwillgenerateafullalarm during Set
and a local alarm only during Unset;
(3) Personal Attack (PA): two circuits which are continuously monitored and are
designated Silent PA and Audible PA respectively. When activated they will always
generate a full alarm;
(4) FireSensor(FS): continuously monitored and will normallybeconnectedto a smoke
or heat detector. When activated it initiates the local sounder fire tone;
(5) Medical Input (MED): continuously monitored and if activated will enable
programmed Medical Outputs;
(6) Auxiliary Input (Aux): continuously monitored and if activated will enable the
programmed Auxiliary Outputs;
(7) Last Exit (Lt-Ex): a circuit which is monitored during the Setting process and when
activated by the User leaving the protected premises completes the Setting or activates the Exit Terminator. It is also monitored when the system is Set and when activated, normally by the User re-entering the premises, it initiates the entry sequence (paras 3.2, 3.4);
(8) Exit Terminator (Ex-Tr): continuously monitored and which:
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(a) When momentarily activated during Setting, after use of the Last Exit, will
completethe Settingprocess ifithas beenprogrammedtodoso (para3.2);
(b) If activated momentarily during Timed Setting it will truncate the time and
immediately complete the Setting process (para 3.2);
(c) When activated at any other time it will generate a chime like a door bell;
(9) Moment Ward Key (WD KY): continuously monitored and when momentarily
activatedwill instantlySet adesignatedWard orUnsetitifit isalreadySet(para3.3);
(10) Box Tamper (TA): continuously monitored and if activated will indicate a Tamper
Alarm as follows;
(a) Tamper Alarm displayed; (b) If the system is Unset it will sound local sounders; (c) If the system is Set it will sound alarms after any Bell Delay;
(d) Will activate any programmed Tamper Outputs; (11) Spare Circuit: the circuit is not recognised as existing; (12) Security Key: continuously monitored and if momentarily activated will disable all
REMon theNetwork iftheyare enabledorwillenableall REMiftheyaredisabled
(13) Latch Ward Key (WD KY): continuously monitored and while activated (circuit
closed)willinstantly Set a designated Wardandwhilenot activated (circuit open) will unset the Ward (para 3.3);
(14) PSU Mains: continuously monitored and when connected to a remote PSU Supply
Fault line (para 2.11) the circuit will monitor for a loss of mains exceeding the mains off delay period (para 2.8.1);
(15) PSUFuse: continuously monitored and when connected to a remote PSU 12V Fail
line will monitor for a loss of the 12V supply (para 2.11);
(16) PSUBatt: continuouslymonitoredandwhenconnected to a remote PSU Batt Lo line
wiil monitor that the battery voltage exceeds about 10.5V (para 2.11);
(17) Ward Control: continuously monitored and is required when a Ward Control Unit
(WCU) is fitted to provide WCU status to the CP.
2.5 Attributes
2.5.1 Circuits irrespective of type may be allocated certain Attributes as follows: (1) PowerReset(Rst): may be allocatedtoallcircuits. This attribute will causethecircuit
to be momentarily isolated during the setting process so that devices that may have
latched when activated will be reset to the inactive state before being monitored;
(2) Omit (Omit): may be allocated to all circuits and will allow the User to omit the
particular circuit when Setting (para 3.10);
(3) Invert (Inv): may be allocated to all circuits and will change the method of activation
from normally closed contacts to normally open;
(4) DoubleKnock (D-K):Maybe allocatedtoNight and24 hourcircuitsand isintendedto
prevent false alarms. Circuits with this attribute must be activated, or have two
alarms present, during a period which is preset by the Engineer. If more than five circuitswiththisattribute are activated at the same time the Double Knockperiodwill be truncated and this will cause an immediate alarm;
(5) Access(Acc):maybe allocated to night circuits that are on the entry access route so
that accidental activation during the Entry procedure will have no effect.
2.6 Programmable Outputs
2.6.1 The programmable outputs from the NU and the REM, are referred to as the Node outputs and are activated to respond to various conditions or events. They are programmed to respond to System, Ward or Circuit activation.
2.6.2 Paneloutputsare from the CPandareprogrammed to respond in thesameway as the Node Outputs. Outputs 1 to 8 are from the Parallel Interface Board, if fitted, and 9 to 16 are for the DC3 or DC3M Digicom if fitted.
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The System Activated Outputs may be allocated to any Node (NU or REM) output or the Panel (CP) outputs. They are designated by their function and may be programmed to be active if required. The following are available:
(1) Alarm: A system alarm is present (para 2.1); (2) P.A.: A Personal Attack circuit or a Duress Alarm has been activated (para 2.4); (3) Set: The system is set (para 3.1.2); (4) Fire: A Fire circuit has been activated (para 2.4.1); (5) Medical: A Medical circuit has been activated (para 2.4.1); (6) Tamper: A Tamper alarm is present (para 2.4.1); (7) Aux: An Auxiliary circuit has been activated (para 2.4.1); (8) Set Fail: An attempt to set the system has failred (para 3.2); (9) SiteEngr:TheEngineer'spasscodehasbeenentered.Theoutputwillremain active
until a User passcode is entered (para 2.3.1);
(10) Lock-Alarm: The system has not been set before the start of the Time Lock period
Para 3.17); (11) Test-Fail: A test failure has occurred (para 3.24); (12) ACAlarm: The mains supply to the PSU has not been present for the mains fail time
period Para 2.11);
(13) ACOff: The mains supply to the PSU is not present or there is no 12V output (para
(14) BattFault:During the PSUtestor whilethemains is offthePSU batteryvoltageis low
(para 3.11);
(15) Bell: The CP bell output (Relay) is activated (bells ringing); (16) Strobe: The CP Strobe output is activated (strobes on); (17) Switch+12: The system is Set and is not in alarm; (18) Walk Test +: A Walk Test is in progress (para 3.8); (19) Walk Test -: A Walk Test is in progress (para 3.8); (20) Line Fault: A Digicom telephone line fault is present (para 1.3.1); (21) Time Switch: The programmed Time Switch (para 3.16) is active; (22) TimeLocked:The systemhas beenTimedLocked (para3.17)andcannotbe unset; (23) Entry Mode: Entry mode has been initiated (para 3.4); (24) 2nd Entry: The first Entry Time has timed out before a passcode entry (para 3.4); (25) Exit Mode: System exit procedure has been initiated (para 3.2); (26) Exit Setting; Final Exit setting is in progress (para 3.2) ; (27) Exit Error: An error occurred during the exit procedure and the system cannot set
(para 3.2);
(28) Lock Alert: The programmed Time Lock period is about to start (para 3.17); (29) Fire/Viper: Used to supply devices which latch when activated and which are
unlatched when power is removed. The output is removed for about three seconds
when unsetting the system after an alarm at the second passcode entry;
(30) PSU Test: Connected to remote PSU to initiate a battery test (para 2.11).
CAUTION: It is essential to ensure that the correct outputs that will source (supply) or sink (accept)
current are selected to match the function required.
2.6.4 TheWard activatedoutputs maybeprogrammed tobeactiveifrequired andthefollowingare available:
(1) Set: The relevant ward has been set (para 3.3); (2) Set Fail: An attempt to set the relevant ward failed (para 3.3); (3) Alarm: The relevant ward is active or in alarm; (4) Walk Test +ve: The relevant ward is in Walk Test (para 3.8); (5) Walk Test -ve: The relevant ward is in Walk Test (para 3.8);
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(6) Exit: The relevant Ward (with WCU) exit procedure has been initiated (para 3.3); (7) Entry:The relevantWard (withWCU)entry procedurehasbeeninitiated(para 3.4);
Ward outputs (1), (2), (3) and (6) above must be programmed and connected to the WCU if one is fitted.
2.6.5 Thecircuit activatedoutputs maybeprogrammed ifrequiredandthefollowing areavailable:
(1) Alarm: The relevant circuit is active; (2) Tampered: The relevant circuit is open or short circuited; (3) Test Fail: The relevant circuit is on test and is active (para 3.24); (4) Chimed: The relevant circuit is required to chime (para 3.11); (5) Omitted: The relevant circuit has been omitted (para 3.10); (6) On Test: The relevant circuit is on test (para 3.24); (7) Mimic: The relevant circuit is not healthy; (8) Error: The relevant circuit was not healthy when attempting to Set or was activated
during a Walk Test.
2.7 Wards
2.7.1 Wardsare groupsofcircuits and upto eight Wardsmaybe definedbycircuits beingallocated tothem. TheWardsmay beinsidethe systemand controlledfromany REMorWard Keyor,if fittedwitha WCU, they may beseparatewiththeir own REM and Exit/Entrydevices.Exitand Securitycircuitscannot be in a Ward (theexitisarranged by the WCU). Night circuitsmaybe inmore than one Ward butallother circuits may be inoneWard only. Circuits not allocatedto a Ward remain in the System. Wards may only be Set or Unset by the Users programmed to do so (menu 12) or by Ward Key holders.
2.7.2 Once Wards are defined they may be controlled to Set and Unset separately by:
(1) Using a passcode and commanding them to Set or Unset at a REM; (2) Using a passcode and the Ward exit or entry procedures if a Ward Control Unit
(WCU) is fitted;
(3) If a circuit type Ward Key (para 2.4) is allocated then activation of this circuit will Set
or Unset the Ward allocated;
(4) Whenthe systemis Unsetbya userthenanyWardsthat aresetwillalsobe unset.
2.7.3 If both the Wards and the System are required to be set then this may be done at a REM by selectingWards andsetting themandthen settingthesystembythe programmedmethods.
2.8 Timers
2.8.1 Anumber of timers adjustable from 01 seconds to 999minutesand with an accuracy of +/- 1 second, which are set by the Engineer, are available to control certain functions. The timers are designated by the times they control as follows:
(1) BellDelay Time: This is the delay time before ouputs designated as Belloutputsand
the panel sounder are activated when an alarm occurs. If the CP has a Digital Communicator fitted and it detects a line fault then the Bell Delay is cancelled. Default value is 5 minutes;
(2) Bell Duration Time: This is the duration of time of the Bell and Sounder activation
when an alarm is present. Default value is 20 minutes;
(3) System Exit Time: Is a period of time allowed for leaving protected premises when
systemsetting is initiated by timing and during this period the night circuitalarmsare inhibited. An alarm will occur if the system is not Set within this period. Default value is 25 seconds;
(4) ExitSettlingTime:Is a period of time allowed for the system tosettleattheendof the
Exit time, or operation of the Last Exit or Exit Terminator, so as to prevent false alarms at Setting. Default value is 05 seconds;
(5) FirstEntryTime:Istheperiodoftime allowed for entering protected premises via the
entryroute when thesystemis SetorPart Set andduringthis periodtheLast Exit and Night circuits with Attribute Acc (para 2.5 (5)) are inhibited. Default value is 30 seconds;
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Second Entry Time: Is an additional period of time allowed for entering protected premises that is activated after the First Entry Time has expired during which limited alarms will be activated. Default value is 30 seconds;
(7) CommunicatorDelay Time: This isthedelaytime before the DigitalCommunicatoris
activated when a Ward Alarm occurs which is not required to be communicated immediately. Default value is 1 minute 30 seconds;
(8) LightsOff Delay: This is thedelayperiod before the REM keyboardanddisplay lights
are de-activated when leaving the Menu. Default value is 05 Seconds.
(9) Mains Off Time: This is the time delay period before an alarm is generated when the
mains supply fails. Default value is 10 Seconds;
(10) Menu Time Out Time: This is the period of time allowed before the system reverts
from Menu to Unset if a Keyboard entry is not made. Default value is 1 minute 30 seconds;
(11) Double Knock Time: This is the length of time during which two activations of the
circuitmust occur, or for which the activationmust remain, to initiate an alarm froma circuit with Attribute D - K (para 2.5.1). Default value is 10 seconds;
(12) Line Fault Time: This is the time delay period before an alarm is generated if a
Digicom Line fault occurs. Default value is 20 seconds.
2.9 Modes
2.9.1 The system Modes of operation determine how the system will operate under various conditions and these are programmed by the Engineer. For Wards with a WCU the Exit options are set at the WCU. The following Modes may be defined:
(1) Exit
(a) Timed Exit: When setting an exit sequence is started at a REM and the
system will set after a fixed period, determined by the Exit Timer (para 3.8), by the end of which all monitored circuits must be healthy to ensure that the system will set. The User may leave the premises during this period without causingan alarm.When appliedtoa WardwithaWCUit issetattheWCU;
(b) LastExit:Whensetting an exit sequence is started at a REM but the system
will only set when the circuit designated Last Exit, which is normally a door, has been momentarily active;
(c) Exit Terminator: When setting the sequence in (b) above is followed but a
circuit designated Exit Terminator, which is normally a push button switch, must also be momentarily active after the Last Exit activation;
(2) Remote Service: The Remote Data Transfer facilty (para 1.5) may be used at any
time without User control or it may require a User passcode before being allowed to take place;
(3) Output Modules: If Output Modules, which are used to drive remote Mimic Panels
withLEDsor other devices, are connected they may be set to mimic the circuits orto show ward and circuit alarms (para 1.4.4);
(4) Personal Attack: During a Walk Test the PA circuits may be set to cause a test
activation or an alarm;
(5) User Setting System:The system may be allowed, or not allowed (barred), to set
when the following conditions are present:
(a) Digital Communicator line fault; (b) Mains supply (AC) off.
(6) Time Lock: The Time Lock (para 3.17) is to be applied to the System or to Ward 1
(7) Part Set: When the system is Set but Wards are not set (the premises are still
occupied) then if an alarm occurs the alarm condition may be sent sent via the Digicom immediately or it may be delayed for the Communicator Delay period (para
2.8 (7)) to allow it to be investigated first;
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TS2000 (V2+) User Manual
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(8) Re-arm:This may be set to Auto or to Manual. Auto Re-arm meansthatat the end of
the Bell Duration period the circuit will repeat the alarm, if the alarm condition is still present, or if it re-occurs. Manual re-arming will inhibit the circuit, once it has generated an alarm, until the panel is reset.
(9) Reset:Ifanalarmoccursthesystemalarmconditionmaybereset by the User, or by
theEngineer,orremotelyvia a telephone line and the DC3M. If an Engineer Reset is required and the Engineer is not immediately available then the User may utilise the Reset by Remote facility to phone for a special code number which will reset the system (para 5.25);
(10) Codes:The passcodes may be set to require four or six digits. If set to six digits and
only four have been allocated then the last two digits are assumed to be zeros.
2.10 Omitting Circuits
2.10.1 Circuits may be omitted so that they have no effect when activated, unless a tamper is detected, and this requires two actions:
(1) The circuit to be omitted must have the Attribute Omit (para 2.5.1) which is allocated
by the Engineer when commissioning the system;
(2) TheOmit/Enablecircuits menu (7) must be used to ArmorEnablethecircuit and this
may be done by suitable Users.
2.10.2 Assuming that the Engineer has previously allocated the Omit Attribute to selected circuits then there two ways of activating the Omitted state:
(1) Directly access the Omit/Enable Circuits menu (7) and use it to select the required
omittedcircuits. This condition will be indicated by 'Circuits Omitted'beingdisplayed at the REM when the system is unset;
(2) Duringthe setting sequence the User may go tothe Omit/Enable Circuits option and
select circuits with Attribute Omit which are to be omitted.
The circuits that have been selected to be omitted will be re-instated when the system is unset and circuits omitted when the system is unset will be re-instated when the system is set.
2.11 PSU Monitoring
2.11.1 The main CP internal PSU is continuously monitored for loss of power and this facility may alsobeextended to remote PSUs,iffitted,by using circuits to monitorthePSU and an output tocontrol the monitoring. A loss of power will beindicatedat the REM as AC Fail or Batt fault and will also be logged.
2.11.2 ThePSUbatteryorbatteriesaretestedby isolating power for about a minute every hour and measuring the battery voltage whilst it is on load. If the voltage is below a certain value then an alarm is indicated.
2.11.3 RemotePSU will requireuptothree circuits tobedesignated as PSUmonitorlines (para 2.4) andto beconnectedto thePSUmonitor connections.Anoutput (para2.6.3)designated PSU Test will also be required and connected to the PSU to initiate the test.
2.11.4 The PSU monitoring facility is inhibitedduring a timed test (para2.12) to allow new batteries to be charged wihout generating an fault.
2.12 Other Facilities
2.12.1 TimeSwitch: May be used to providea pre-selected timed output with two Ontimes and two Off times and each may be allocated to operate on any number of days of the week.
2.12.2 Time Lock: May be used to restrict Setting and Unsetting the System or Ward 1 to certain times.
2.12.3 Event Log: An electronic log which will retain up to 285 events and which can be viewed or printed.
2.12.4 Walk Test: Allows the system and or individual wards to be tested by recording circuit activation without annunciating the alarms.
2.12.5 Circuit Text: Each circuit may be allocated a line of text, pre-selected from a dictionary of about 500 words or characters, so that the alarms will be indicated by the circuit name instead of the circuit type.
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TS2000 (V2+) User Manual
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3.1 Introduction A series of Menus are provided which determine all the actions that may be taken to
programmeor control the system. There are twoentry points to the Menus, depending upon whetheran Engineer or aUserpasscodeis entered, and theMenusmaybe stepped through sequentiallyusing thekeyboardup and downarrowkeys oraccesseddirectly byenteringthe Menu number for Menu items 1 to 9 (Fig 3 - 1).
3.2 Setting the System
3.2.1 The System may be Set after entering a passcode and the process is a two stage sequence as follows:
(1) Select the type of operation - what is to be set or omitted ; (2) Activate the Exit procedure.
3.2.2 The setting sequence at a REM is:
(1) Omit circuits: Circuits that have been allocated the attribute Omit may be omitted by
passcodes Master and Manager and will not be set. They will be enabled when they are unset unless unset by a key;
(2) Set Wards: Wards may be selected and set by the designated passcode users as
well as or instead of the system - see below;
(3) Set System: The system is Set using the programmed exit procedure;
3.2.3 Therearethreetypesof Exit procedure used when setting the System or a Ward that is fitted with a WCU:
(1) Timed Exit: the sequence is started and the System or Ward will set after a fixed
period, determined by the Exit Timer (para 3.8), by the end of which all monitored circuits MUST be healthy to ensure Setting. The User may leave the protected premises during this period without causing an alarm then after a further period, determined by the Exit Settling Timer, the System or Ward will set ;
(2) Exit by Circuit: The Exit sequence is started but the System or Ward (with WCU) will
only set by the momentary activation of a circuit which may be:
(a) The circuit designated Last Exit which starts the Exit Settling Timer; OR (b) TheLastExit followed by activation of the circuit designated Exit Terminator
which starts the Exit Settling Timer;
Ineach casefinal systemsettingis confirmedbytheREMor WCUsounderbeingsilenced.
3.3 Setting Wards Wards may be selectively Set using a number of methods:
(1) At a REM enter a passcode, designate the Wards to be set then command them to
set and they will set immediately with no further action required. This will be the procedure where the REM is inside the area protected by the System and not the Ward and no WCU is fitted;
(2) Wherethe Wardhasa REM insideit,its ownexitand entryroute,and a WCUisfitted,
thenafter enteringapasscode attheREM theExit procedureisactivated inthesame way as for the System (para 4.2.3). The WCU sounder will indicate Ward setting is complete;
(3) Operation of a Ward Key, if one is fitted, will set the relevant Ward
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