(a) When momentarily activated during Setting, after use of the Last Exit, will
completethe Settingprocess ifithas beenprogrammedtodoso (para3.2);
(b) If activated momentarily during Timed Setting it will truncate the time and
immediately complete the Setting process (para 3.2);
(c) When activated at any other time it will generate a chime like a door bell;
(9) Moment Ward Key (WD KY): continuously monitored and when momentarily
activatedwill instantlySet adesignatedWard orUnsetitifit isalreadySet(para3.3);
(10) Box Tamper (TA): continuously monitored and if activated will indicate a Tamper
Alarm as follows;
(a) Tamper Alarm displayed;
(b) If the system is Unset it will sound local sounders;
(c) If the system is Set it will sound alarms after any Bell Delay;
(d) Will activate any programmed Tamper Outputs;
(11) Spare Circuit: the circuit is not recognised as existing;
(12) Security Key: continuously monitored and if momentarily activated will disable all
REMon theNetwork iftheyare enabledorwillenableall REMiftheyaredisabled
(13) Latch Ward Key (WD KY): continuously monitored and while activated (circuit
closed)willinstantly Set a designated Wardandwhilenot activated (circuit open) will
unset the Ward (para 3.3);
(14) PSU Mains: continuously monitored and when connected to a remote PSU Supply
Fault line (para 2.11) the circuit will monitor for a loss of mains exceeding the mains
off delay period (para 2.8.1);
(15) PSUFuse: continuously monitored and when connected to a remote PSU 12V Fail
line will monitor for a loss of the 12V supply (para 2.11);
(16) PSUBatt: continuouslymonitoredandwhenconnected to a remote PSU Batt Lo line
wiil monitor that the battery voltage exceeds about 10.5V (para 2.11);
(17) Ward Control: continuously monitored and is required when a Ward Control Unit
(WCU) is fitted to provide WCU status to the CP.
2.5 Attributes
2.5.1 Circuits irrespective of type may be allocated certain Attributes as follows:
(1) PowerReset(Rst): may be allocatedtoallcircuits. This attribute will causethecircuit
to be momentarily isolated during the setting process so that devices that may have
latched when activated will be reset to the inactive state before being monitored;
(2) Omit (Omit): may be allocated to all circuits and will allow the User to omit the
particular circuit when Setting (para 3.10);
(3) Invert (Inv): may be allocated to all circuits and will change the method of activation
from normally closed contacts to normally open;
(4) DoubleKnock (D-K):Maybe allocatedtoNight and24 hourcircuitsand isintendedto
prevent false alarms. Circuits with this attribute must be activated, or have two
alarms present, during a period which is preset by the Engineer. If more than five
circuitswiththisattribute are activated at the same time the Double Knockperiodwill
be truncated and this will cause an immediate alarm;
(5) Access(Acc):maybe allocated to night circuits that are on the entry access route so
that accidental activation during the Entry procedure will have no effect.
2.6 Programmable Outputs
2.6.1 The programmable outputs from the NU and the REM, are referred to as the Node outputs
and are activated to respond to various conditions or events. They are programmed to
respond to System, Ward or Circuit activation.
2.6.2 Paneloutputsare from the CPandareprogrammed to respond in thesameway as the Node
Outputs. Outputs 1 to 8 are from the Parallel Interface Board, if fitted, and 9 to 16 are for the
DC3 or DC3M Digicom if fitted.
Issue 02 Feb 92
TS2000 (V2+) User Manual
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