8.9.1 Remote Calibration Kit for Internal Transducers. 64
8.9.2 Barometric Reference Calibration Sled 64
8.9.3 External Calibration Procedures 65 Transducer Removal 65 Barometric Reference Removal 65
Operating Instructions - CPG2500 5
Precision Pressure Indicator
9. Maintenance 67
9.1 Beyond the Warranty 67
9.2 Spare Parts 67
10. Calibration 69
10.1 Environment 69
10.2 Pressure Standards 69
10.3 Media 69
10.4 Setup 70
10.5 Service Application 71
10.5.1 Service Application (unlocked) 72
10.6 Calibration Data 73
10.7 One Point Cal Application 73
10.8 Two Point Cal Application 74
10.9 Linearization 75
10.10 Head Pressure 77
11. Appendix 79
11.1 Conversion Factors, PSI 80
11.2 Conversion Factors, Millitorr 81
11.3 Conversion Factors, Pascal 82
6 Operating Instructions - CPG2500
Precision Pressure Indicator
1 General Information
1.1 Warranty
All products manufactured by Mensor are warranted to be free of defects in workmanship and materials for
a period of one year from the date of shipment. No other express warranty is given, and no armation of
Seller, by words or actions, shall constitute a warranty. SELLER DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES
in workmanship or material should develop under conditions of normal use and service within the warranty
period, repairs will be made at no charge to the original purchaser, upon delivery of the product(s) to the
factory, shipping charges prepaid. If inspection by Mensor or its authorized representative reveals that the
product was damaged by accident, alteration, misuse, abuse, faulty installation or other causes beyond the
control of Mensor, this warranty does not apply. The judgment of Mensor will be nal as to all matters concerning condition of the product, the cause and nature of a defect, and the necessity or manner of repair.
Service, repairs or disassembly of the product in any manner, performed without specic factory permission, voids this warranty.
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Mensor shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
1.2 Important Notice
The product specications and other information contained in this manual are subject to change without
Mensor has made a concerted eort to provide complete and current information for the proper use of
the equipment. If there are questions regarding this manual or the proper use of the equipment, contact
Mensor at:
Mensor WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG
201 Barnes Drive Alexander-Wiegand-Straße 30
San Marcos, Tx 78666 D-63911 Klingenberg / Germany
Tel: 1.512.396.4200 Tel: (+49) 93 72/132-9986
1.800.984.4200 (USA only) web site: www.wika.de
web site: www.mensor.com fax: (+49) 93 72/132-8767
fax: 512.396.1820 e-mail: testequip@wika.de
e-mail: sales@mensor.com
1.3 FCC Radio Frequency Emission Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant
to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment
in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his or her own expense.
quality and performance of the software program is with the end user.
1.6 Mensor Service Plus
If you have problems and you don’t nd the answer in this manual, contact Mensor at 1.800.984.4200
(USA only) or 1.512.396.4200 for personal assistance, or at any of the contact addresses listed on the
rear cover of this manual. We are ready to help.
1.6.1 After the Warranty
Mensor’s concern with the performance of this instrument is not limited to the warranty period. We pro-
vide complete repair, calibration and certication services after the warranty for a nominal fee.
1.6.2 Calibration Services
In addition to servicing our own products Mensor can perform a complete pressure calibration service,
up to 20,000 psi, for all of your pressure instruments. This service includes an accredited calibration.
1.6.3 CerticationsandAccreditations
Mensor is registered to ISO 9001:2008. The calibration program at Mensor is accredited by A2LA, as
complying with both the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and the ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 standards.
1.7 Packaging for Shipment
If the product must be shipped to a dierent location or returned to Mensor for any reason through a common carrier it must be packaged properly to minimize the risk of damage.
The recommended method of packing is to place the instrument in a container, surrounded on all sides
with at least four inches of shock attenuation material such as styrofoam peanuts.
8 Operating Instructions - CPG2500
Precision Pressure Indicator
2 Safety Notices
2.1 User Responsibilities
To ensure safety, the user must make sure that:
• The system is used properly, no dangerous media are used and that all technical specications are
• The system is operated in perfect operating condition.
• This operation manual is legible and accessible to the user at the system’s location.
• The system is operated, serviced and repaired only by authorized and qualied personnel.
• The operator receives instruction on industrial safety and environmental protection, and is knowledgeable of the operating instructions and the safety notices contained therein.
2.2 General Safety Notices
The system should only be operated by trained personnel who are familiar with
this manual and the operation of the instrument.
WARNING: A condition for trouble-free and safe operation of this system is proper
transport, proper storage, installation, assembly and proper use as well as careful
operation and maintenance.
Any operation not described in the following instructions should be prohibited.
The system must be handled with care required for an electronic precision instru-
extreme temperatures). Do not insert any objects into the instrument.
The system is powered via the power cable with a voltage that can cause physical injury. Even after disconnecting the system from the power supply, dangerous
voltages can temporarily occur due to capacitance.
Extreme care must be taken with pressure connections when using hazardous or
toxic media.
Repairs must only be performed by authorized service personnel.
Operating Instructions - CPG2500 9
Additional safety notices are found throughout this manual.
Precision Pressure Indicator
2.3 Warnings and Caution Notices
WARNING: HIGH PRESSURE! High pressure gases are potentially hazardous.
Energy stored in these gases and liquids can be released suddenly and with
extreme force. High pressure systems should be assembled and operated only by
personnel who have been trained in proper safety practices.
WARNING: NOT EXPLOSION PROOF! Installation of this instrument in an area
requiring devices rated as intrinsically safe is not recommended.
WARNING: POSSIBLE INJURY! The tubing, valves, and other apparatus attached
to the gauge must be adequate for the maximum pressure which will be applied,
otherwise physical injury to the operator or bystanders is possible.
CAUTION: USE THE PROPER PRESSURE MEDIUM! Use only clean, dry, non-corro-
CAUTION: ESD PROTECTION REQUIRED. The proper use of grounded work
surfaces and personal wrist straps are required when coming into contact with
exposed circuits (printed circuit boards) to prevent static discharge to sensitive
electronic components.
10 Operating Instructions - CPG2500
Precision Pressure Indicator
3 General Description
The CPG2500 Precision Pressure Indicator is a multi-channel pressure indicator designed to test and
calibrate a variety of pressure devices in either absolute or gauge pressure modes. The CPG2500 can
have two independent internal transducers, an optional barometric reference and an external remote
pressure transducer.
Figure 3.1 - Desk top version
3.1 Features
Here is a short list of signicant features designed into the CPG2500:
• Up to two removable / interchangeable, highly stable, temperature compensated, internal pressure
transducers. (Option to connect two external transducers via a rear mounted RS-232 port in place of
the two internal transducers)
• An optional remote transducer in addition to the two internal transducers.
• An optional removable / interchangeable internal high accuracy barometric reference transducer
providing gauge pressure emulation for absolute ranges and absolute pressure emulation for gauge
• Optional Analog output for each internal sensor.
• 7” Color LCD display with touch screen
• Delta function when two or more transducers are installed
• Multiple languages; change the language for on-screen text and number/date formats by simply
touching one of the “national ag” icons available in the setup screen.
• Desk top or rack mount
• Local Operation, or command and read remotely.
Operating Instructions - CPG2500 11
Precision Pressure Indicator
3.2 Turning On
You can conrm that your CPG2500 is operational right now. Apply power to the power connector on
the rear of the instrument with the included power adapter, remove any plastic plugs from the rear panel
pressure ports, and press the power switch to ON. The system will go through an initialization process,
which takes about 45 seconds, and then a display will appear similar to the screen shown below.
Power Switch
To see information about the conguration of your new CPG2500, touch the Information Application
(App) icon on the menu and a window will appear listing the Mensor customer service contact, model
number and the sensors that are installed. Press the Measure App [
] to return to the main screen.
Information Application
3.3 Front Panel
The CPG2500 front panel includes a 7” color LCD display with touch screen. Operator input is accom-
plished by pressing the words or App icons presented on the display. There is a single discrete on/o
button and a USB on the right hand side. The front panel also shows the model number designation and
brand logos.
12 Operating Instructions - CPG2500
Precision Pressure Indicator
3.4 Display
The display is made up of two sections. In the main screen (“Measure Application”), the left two thirds
shows the transducer channels that are congured for display, along with the pressure reading, units,
mode (absolute or gauge), channel label, an auto zero or tare button (if enabled) and any auxiliary indications that have been chosen. The right one third of the screen has Application Icons (“Apps”) for setting
viewing options, sensor settings, communication settings plus a “Page Down” button [
pressed, shows a second and third page of icons for calibration, remote communication error checking
and a leak test application.
] that, when
Channel label
Page Down
and range
Auto Zero
Units and Mode
Auxiliary Indications
Transducer ChannelsSettings Apps
Buttons, Labels and Windows: The CPG2500 touch screen has many buttons with relevant graphic
icons or text which, when pressed, will open a related window where changes can be made or information viewed. Some of these buttons will toggle from one state to another, others present choices or display a numerical data entry screen. Text or icons that are displayed, but do not respond to being touched,
are called labels or windows. Operators will quickly become accustomed to the particular characteristics
of the frequently used buttons.
Main Screen: The main screen or “Measure Application”, appears after power-up. This screen contains
the channel frames and settings button. It will remain as congured after a power cycle.
Transducer Channel Frame(s): The transducer channel frames (left 2/3 of the screen) contain informa-
tion specic to a channel. Up to three channels can be displayed at once, two are shown in the picture
above. The channel frames are color coded with channel A - green, channel B - blue and the remote
channel - red. The optional barometer channel is sky-blue and the delta channel is yellow. If only one
channel is installed, a full frame will be displayed in the color of the channel connected. The channel
frame contains the pressure reading, units, and mode(absolute or gauge) plus any auxiliary displays that
have been chosen.
3.5 Chassis Assembly
The chassis assembly is the housing for the system and the removable transducers. The system has no
user-serviceable parts, and therefore the chassis should not be opened except by qualied repair personnel at Mensor or certied service locations for any reason except to change the removable transduc-
Operating Instructions - CPG2500 13
Precision Pressure Indicator
14 Operating Instructions - CPG2500
Precision Pressure Indicator
4 Specications
Accuracy specications presented herein are obtained by comparison with primary standards traceable
to a national metrology institute or recognized international standard organization. These specications
are obtained in accordance with the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM).
The calibration program at Mensor is accredited by the American Association of Laboratory Accreditation
(A2LA) as complying with both the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and the ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 standards. If
there is an exception to the requirements and recommendations of Z540 during a calibration the excep-
tion is noted on the individual calibration certicate.
Mensor reserves the right to change specications without notice.
4.1 TransducerSpecication
Standard Reference Transducers, Model CPR2550
Gauge Pressure0 ... .36 to 0 ... <1 psi0... 1 to 0 ... 10,000 psi0 ...14.5 to 0 ... 6000 psi
Bi-Directional Pressure-0.18 to 0.18 to >-0.5 ... <0.5-0.5 ... 0.5 to -15.5 ... 10,000 psi-14.5 ... 145 to -14.5 ... 6000 psi
Absolute Pressure—0 ... 7.5 to 0 ... 10,000 psia0 ... 14.5 to 0 ...6015 psia
Calibration Interval180 days365 days
Media Compatibility
Metals in contact with media6000/7000 series Aluminum, 316 SS, brass
Non-metals in contact with mediaPTFE (Teon®), Urethane, Silicone, RTV, Silicone grease, PVC, Epoxy, Buna-N, uoroelastomers
Reading rate33 readings/second
Calibration adjustmentsInternal zero adder and span multiplier, up to 11 point linearization for each sensor
0.03%Full Span0.01%Full Span0.01%IS-50
365 days
Premium Reference Transducers, Model CPR2580
0.008% IS-33
0 ... 12 to 0 ...16.5 psig
0 ... 17.5 to 0 ... 33 psig
0 ... 80 to 0 ... 110 psig
0 ... 120 to 0 ... 220 psig
0 ... 12 to 0 ...16.5 psia
0 ... 18.4 to 0 ... 33 psia
0 ... 36 to 0 ... 50 psia
0 ... 80 to 0 ... 110 psia
0 ... 160 to 0 ... 220 psia
0 ... 240 to 0 ... 500 psia
365 days365 days365 days365 days
Media Compatibility
Metals in contact with media6000/7000 series aluminum, 316 SS, brass, inconel
Non-metals in contact with mediaPTFE (Teon®), Urethane, Silicone, RTV, Silicone grease, PVC, Epoxy, Buna-N, uoro-
Reading rate10 readings/second
Calibration adjustmentInternal Zero adder and Span multiplier, up to 11 point linearization for each sensor
Accuracy is dened by total measurement uncertainty with the coverage factor (k=2) and includes the intrinsic performance of the instrument (linearity, hysteresis, repeatability), the measure-
ment uncertainty of the reference instrument, long term stability, inuences of ambient conditions, drift and temperature eects over the calibrated range, with periodic zero point adjustment.
The Intelliscale (IS) specication is a percent of reading specication combined with a percent of full scale specication. For example the designation “0.01% IS-50”, simply means that the
uncertainty of the sensor is 0.01% of reading above 50% of Full Scale, and 0.01% of 50% of Full Scale below 50% of the Full Scale. The 0.008% IS-33 specication is the same except the
uncertainty is 0.008% and the break over from percent of reading to percent of Full Scale is at 33% of Full Scale. Same rules apply for bidirectional ranges.
Gauge and Bidirectional ranges with full scale or full span range less than 14.5 psi have a calibration interval of 180 days, otherwise the calibration interval is 365 days.
0.008% IS-50
0 ... 700 to 0 ... 1100 psia
0 ... 1400 to 0 ... 3300 psia
0 ... 4200 to 0 ... 6015 psia
0.01% FS0.014% FS
0 ... 8000 to 0 ... 11,000 psia0 ... 12,000 to 0 ... 22,000 psia
0 ... 24,000 to 0 ... 31,500 psia
0 ... 32,000 to 0 ... 42,000 psia
elastomers (Viton®)
Operating Instructions - CPG2500 15
Precision Pressure Indicator
4.2 Measurement&GeneralSpecications
Basic Instrument
Instrument versionStandard: Table top with tilt feet
-19” rack-mounting for single instrument mount.
-19” rack-mounting for dual instrument mount.
DimensionsSee technical drawing
Weight12.5 lbs./ 5.7 kg (with all internal options)
Warm-up timeApproximately 15 minutes
Screen7” color LCD display
ResolutionSelectable from 4 to 6 digits, depending on range and units
Optional: 1/4 inch tube, 6 mm tube, 1/4 in FNPT, 1/8 in. FBSP.
, kg/cm2, kg/m2, % of
CE conformity and certicates
CE complianceEN61326-1:2013 electromagnetic compliance
EN61010-1:2010 safety/CB scheme
CalibrationCalibration certicate per ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Accreditation is by the American
Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA).
16 Operating Instructions - CPG2500
Precision Pressure Indicator
5 Installation
5.1 Unpacking the Instrument
In addition to functional testing, each unit is inspected for appearance prior to leaving the factory. Upon
receipt, please examine the instrument for shipping damage. Report any apparent damage to the carrier
In addition to this manual you should have:
• CPG2500 Precision Pressure Indicator;
• Power Supply;
• Fitting adapters ordered;
• Any accessories ordered;
• An envelope containing the calibration certicate.
Operating Instructions - CPG2500 17
Precision Pressure Indicator
5.2 Dimensions (inches)
Desk top case
Front view
Single mount - Front view
Side view
19” rack mount
Dual mount - Front view
Rear Panel
Remote Transducer
USB (device)
USB (host)
Ethernet port
Measure port
Channel B
(7/16-20 UNF)
Baro ref port
(baro ref option)
Measure port
Channel A
(7/16-20 UNF)
18 Operating Instructions - CPG2500
Precision Pressure Indicator
5.3 Mounting
The instrument can be set up on a desk top or it can be rack-mounted. Rack mount hardware is optional
on the CPG2500 (see Section 5.2 Dimensions and Section 8, Options).
The special sensors used in the CPG2500 are relatively insensitive to tilt and vibration. However to further assure stability and accuracy, avoid mounting the instrument on surfaces subject to excessive motor
or machinery vibration.
5.4 Rear Panel
Two slots are available on the rear of the CPG2500. These slots can be lled with a removable transducer
or a remote transducer interface connection. Gauge Transducers will have a reference and a pressure
port. Absolute transducers will have a plug in the reference port. If a barometer is installed a hose barb
tting will be installed in the upper right. Transducers with analog output will have an electrical connection. Positioned on the left side is a remote transducer connection, the RS-232, Ethernet, IEEE-488, USB
device connections for communication, the USB host connection and the 12 VDC power input.
Figure 5.4 A - Two removable gauge transducers installed
Figure 5.4 B - Two remote transducer interface connections installed
wrench to prevent over-stressing the threads in the manifold block.
For pressure range less than 6015 psi, the pressure ports on the rear are female 7/16 - 20 SAE/MS
straight threads per MS16142 and SAE J514 table 14. Connected adaptors require a tube tting boss
seal with an o-ring per MS33656. Mensor can provide a variety of adapter ttings (see Section 8 Options) with the instrument. Do not use sealant on ttings sealed with an o-ring. The integrity of each seal
is particularly important since even microscopic leaks can cause errors in pressure measurements. For a
pressure range greater than 6015 psi, a xed Autoclave F250C/HIP HF4 tting is attached
5.4.2 Pressure Port
The CPG2500 will precisely measure the pressure connected to the pressure port up to the full scale
range of the transducer installed.
5.4.3 Reference Port
The reference port is available on gauge units that have sensors that are not sealed gauge units. For
these units this port is available to connect to the reference side of the sensor. This port is normally left
open to atmosphere but may be connected to a stable reference pressure. In an absolute pressure transducer this port is plugged.
5.5 Remote Communication Connections
See Section 7, Remote Operation, for connections and commands for operation over IEEE-488, Ethernet, USB or RS-232 ports.
5.6 Power Up
Apply power to the power connector on the rear of the instrument using the power adaptor included, and
switch the power switch on the front of the unit ON. The instrument will go through an initialization process and system check. As soon as the system check is completed the system will default to a screen
similar to the one shown in Section 6.1.2 - Display Screen Features. The main measurement screen may
be congured in many dierent ways but initially it will be in a default conguration. Subsequently, the unit
will power up in the conguration that it was in when last powered o. Allow at least 15 minutes of warm
up before performing critical pressure measurements.
20 Operating Instructions - CPG2500
Precision Pressure Indicator
6 Local Operation and Setup
6.1 General Operation
This section describes the procedures for operating the CPG2500 from the front panel. Instructions for
operating the device remotely from an external computer are covered in Section 7, Remote Operation. By
following the procedures provided in these two sections and Section 10, Calibration, you can expect your
CPG2500 to deliver maximum accuracy and dependability for many years of useful service.
6.1.1 Setup Applications
Conguration of the CPG2500 is achieved by changing settings accessed through the Application (“App”)
buttons. Local operation is accomplished by observing the data presented in the display. The appearance
and functionality of the display can be changed by pressing the App button for the related function. After
an app has been chosen, a set of related parameters will appear on the left. After choosing one of these
parameters, a set of selections related to that parameter will appear on the right or a data entry keypad.
The desired selection or data can be entered here.
6.1.2 Display Screen Features
The screen shown below provides a brief description of the features shown on a 2 channel display after
initialization. The left two thirds of the display contains the area where information is displayed (in this
case the Measure Application) and the right one third contains the selection icons for each application.
Channels are color coded: Channel A is green, B is blue, C (remote) is red and the barometer is sky-blue.
Color coding persists throughout all channel-specic screens. A zero or tare button and auxiliary displays
(auxiliary units, rate and peak) will appear in the Measure App if activated. All of the CPG2500 screen
features are described in more detail throughout this manual.
Pressure Units
and Mode
App Display / Parameter Selection
Figure 6.1.2 - Display Screen Features
App Selection /
Data Entry
Operating Instructions - CPG2500 21
Precision Pressure Indicator
6.2 Initial Setup
Section 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 are provided rst so that the operator can initially check the information screen to
verify the installed components and to change the language if needed.
6.2.1 Contact and Version Information Application
Press this application button to display Mensor contact, installed sensor, instrument and
software version information.
6.2.2 Language Selection
Pressing the settings application button will open a screen where the language, display
brightness, volume, user base units/multiplier and conguration loading/saving, can be
changed. The current language selections available are shown in the table below. Additional
language choices will appear on the screen after pushing the Page Down button [
EnglishGreat Britain
Figure 6.2.1 - Information
22 Operating Instructions - CPG2500
Precision Pressure Indicator
6.3 Application Selection and parameter inputs
The application selection area on the right one third of the screen (see Figure 6.1.2 - Display Screen Features) is the area where setup, information and calibration Apps can be chosen. A second and third page
of application selections can be accessed by pressing the page down button [ ]. A series of vertically
placed circles on the center right indicates the active page by a larger circle. As each App is chosen,
related application parameters will appear on the left two thirds of the screen along with the name of the
application, and a reduced size icon in the top title section . When a parameter is chosen, related selections, sliding scales or a data entry key pad will appear in the input area on the right where the application
selection buttons were previously displayed. An example of each type of input is shown below. To return
to the App selection menu, simply press the menu button [
use of each selection and menu is intuitively apparent and will become second nature with minimal exposure to the menu structure.
] above the input area. The purpose and
App Title
Page Down
Menu Button
Input Title
Operating Instructions - CPG2500 23
Precision Pressure Indicator
6.4 Applications:
6.4.1 Measure Application
The Measure App is the normal operation screen referred to in previous instruments as the
‘main screen’. This application is dierent from the others in that it is not use to setup the conguration but is used to monitor the pressure applied to the installed transducers.
The screen in gure 6.4.1-A shows the basic Measure App in a three channel instrument. The units but-
ton is always present in each channel. When the units button is pressed a selection of imperial and metric
units will be displayed on the right (gure 6.4.1-B); notice that the Units button has a lighter background
when the selection menu is active. Any unit of measure can be selected for any channel. If a barometric
reference is installed, the Mode button, described below, will toggle from Gauge to Absolute mode when
Units Button
Mode Button
Figure 6.4.1-A Basic Measure App
Figure 6.4.1-B - Units Change
24 Operating Instructions - CPG2500
Precision Pressure Indicator
CPG2500 Pressure Mode / Emulation Mode
The Mode button is only active if there is an optional Barometric reference installed. Otherwise, the mode
button becomes a label (gure indicating the native mode of the transducer (absolute or gauge).
When an optional barometric reference is installed, a native gauge transducer can emulate absolute
pressure using the barometric reference. Alternatively, a native absolute transducer can emulate gauge
pressure. Emulation can be activated simply by pressing the Mode button.
Without a
Barometer the
Mode button
becomes a label
Figure - Mode Label Auxiliary Displays
The screen in gure shows all of the possible auxiliary display items that can be included in the
Measure App, in addition, each channel can contain one of two possible calibration functions. The auxiliary display item includes “Alternate Units”, “Peak” and “Rate”. Calibration functions are either a “Zero”
button or a “Tare” button. These auxiliary features will appear in the Measure App when selected from the
Transducer App (section
Figure - Three channel Measure App with auxiliary displays
Operating Instructions - CPG2500 25
Precision Pressure Indicator
Auxiliary buttons can be placed in three dierent parts of the screen depending on how they are set in the
Transducer Application. Each auxiliary display can be modied by pressing the displayed button.
Peak: Pressing the Peak button will reset the upper and lower peak value to the current reading, subsequent negative or positive divergence from that reading will be recorded in the button.
Rate: Pressing the Rate button will display a choice of time rate units for the rate denominator.
Units: Pressingthe Auxiliary Units button will display the same set of units available for the primary units.
Pressing any of these units will change the auxiliary units to that chosen unit. Zero Button
If the Zero Calibration function has been chosen in the Transducer App (section 6.4.4), then the Zero Cal
Button [
Cal Button is pressed, a keyboard will appear to allow a single point calibration. If the channel is measuring gauge pressure, pressing the button will set the current reading to zero. If the channel is in emulation
mode (absolute or gauge) then the value will not be saved to the sensor but only as a temporary adjustment while in emulation mode. After exiting the emulation mode or after a power cycle, the temporary
adjustment will be cleared. The zero adjustment for a channel not in emulation mode will be saved to the
sensor as if single point calibration had been performed.
] will appear in the Measure App. If the channel is measuring absolute pressure, and the Zero
Figure shows two channels displayed, the zero cal function has been enabled for both channels.
The screen on the left shows both channels with zero buttons. The screen on the right shows the same
two channels, but the zero button on the absolute channel has been pressed, showing the keypad enabled to accept a new single point calibration value.
Figure - Zero Button, Gauge - Absolute
The background color of the zero button will momentarily change to a lighter color as the zero calibration
is performed then will revert back to a darker color when complete.
26 Operating Instructions - CPG2500
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