mensor 73 Operation Manual

Operation Manual - PN 0017946001 A
Mensor Model 73
(750 psi Version)
April 23, 2012
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Operation Manual
Mensor Model 73
Shop Air Booster System
The Mensor Model 73 Shop Air P r essur e Booster generates 325 psi to 750 psi using a 70 psi to 150 psi clean dry shop air source. The Model 73 co nsist s of a single 5 t o 1 pressur e boost stage with limits for speed control and maximum output pressure control. To achieve the 325 psi output, a minimum supp ly of approximately 70 psi is required. To achieve 750 psi, a 150 psi supply is required. 150 psi is the maximum input pressure the unit shou ld be subjected to. The unit is purely a mechanical de vice and has no electrical requirements.
Caution: High Pressure Gas can be extremely dangerous if improperly
Caution: Unit should be operated, adjusted and maintained by qualified
personnel trained in high pressure pneumatics.
Caution: All Tubing, Fittings and connected devices must have a working
pressure rating equal to or greater than the maximum required pressure.
Caution: All connections should be in good mechanical condition, i.e. good
threads on fittings, tubing free of kinks or nicks, etc.
Caution: All connections should be properly installed and tightened.
Caution: Small articles exposed to the escaping gas can be propelled at
ballistic speeds to the endangerment of nearby personnel and equipment.
Caution: Under certain conditions the noise level created by gas exiting
equipment under high pressure can become dangerously high.
Caution: The maximum input pressure to the unit is 150 psi gauge pressure.
The input regulator and the input filter are rated for 150 psi maximum.
On initia l s etup, user should check to insure no shipp ing damage has occurred to the unit o r the container it was shipped in. Prior to co nnect ing pr essur e, check a ll hoses for k inks and nicks and insure fittings are snug. Verify that the regulato r filters are not cont aminated with
liquid or particulates. User should verify input pressure (shop air) is within the operating rang e of the boos ter and w ithin the r a nge of any test device connected prior to applying the input pressure. Althoug h t he regulator pressure sett ings have been set at t he factory, the user should on initial applic a tion verify the incoming shop air is 150 psi or less and the input pressure gauge on the rear of the unit is approximately 50 psi or less. The black regulator knob should be used to adjust the input pressure either increasing o r decr eas ing the o ut put pressure as appro pr iate. The front panel gauge shows the actual output pressur e valu e. Once the system is operational, t he black regulator knob should be used to set the final output pressure t o mat ch t he app lication and the controller full scale. S ome f i n al a dju s tmen ts may b e required to co mpensate for differences in actual sup ply pressure.
There are two pressure ports on the rear of the Model 73 chassis. The input pressure port is designed for a shop air supp ly which functions as the drive pressure as w ell as the output media. It should be clean dry co mpressed air (or Nitrogen) at a pressure of 70 to 150 ps i. (Abso lut e Max i mum Input Pressure is 150 psi to the rear mounted pressur e filter.) This pressure is regulated dow n to a typical working pressure of 50 to 150 psi. The second pressure port is the HIGH PRESSURE OUTPUT port. It is desig ned for a typical output pressure of 325 to 750 psi. The mechanical ad vantage is derived by using differing piston area sizes to generate high pressures. T he output eq uation is :
Output Pressure = I nput Pressure + ( Regulated Pressure * 4)
The i nput port is a 3/8” Swagelok male type tube fitting mounted on the external pressure filter. T he Output port is a ¼” Swagelok male type tube fitting.
Input Pressur e Port
The input pressure port labeled “INPUT PRESSURE” is used to supply and drive the boo s ter a nd is intended to be connected to a shop air supply of 70 to 150 psi (150 psi m ax ). The port is a 3/8” male Swagelok type tube fitting mou nted on t he end of a pressure filter. A 200 psi rear mounted panel gauge provides an indication of the regulated shop air pressure input. If shop air is not present on the gauge the user should check to see if the shop air is present on the input port and the r e gulator knob is no t fully countercloc kwise. The input regulator filter provides basic filt ering of la rge p a rt ic le s and liquids. It shou ld periodical ly be checked for excessive co ntamin ation a nd e mptied of liquids . Note: The input pressure supply should have
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