Release: Fade out time after you lift your hands from the keybaord.
You can make the graphic envelopes visible with this button:
And it looks like this:
You can select the curve for each stage. The upper is filter envelope, the lower is
amp envelope. You have to play to see the changes for amp envelope.
The envelopes has 2 options:
Keyb. follow: Shorter sounds in the highest ranges. (Like a piano).
Release: Release stage off/on
Rate: Speed from 0.04 to 20 Hz.
Sync: Sync to host clock. Overrides rate knob when on.
Level is also available in control section: "Wheel LFO"
The lower row:
Source mix: Balance of LFO or noise.
FRQ A: OscillatorA pitch
PW A: Oscillator A pulse wave modulation. (Pulse length).
FILTER: Filter cutoff frequency.
If you go to page 2 there are 3 more LFOs.
LFO2 is hardwired to oscillator 1 pulse-width.
LFO3 is hardwired to oscillator2 pulse width.
LFO4 is hardwired to pitch modulation from modulation wheel.
RATE = speed SYNC = If LFO is set to sync, this will also affect LFO 2, 3 and 4.
The purpose of LFO 2, 3 and 4 is to do the basic modulation, so LFO1 can be used
for more creative things.
Note that pulse witdth modulation is sent to flexi-oscillator only. And it can perform
a lot more than pulse-width modulation depending on the oscillator mode.
POLY-MOD: Osc B and filter envelope used as modulation signal.
The levels of filter envelope and osc B is mixed and used as modulation signal.
Filt env = filter envelope level
Osc B = oscillator B level
FREQ A: Oscillator A pitch
PW A: Oscillator A pulse width length.
Note that the foot-pedal can also be used as modulation signal in polymod. It is
selected in the control section "foot polymod".
Page 1 Edit (All controls in one view).
Page 2 Keyboard
Page 3 LFO/monitor.
Page4 Osc= Oscillator settings
Hold: The synth will continue to play when you lift your hands from the keyboard.
Wheel LFO rate: Modwheel increases LFO rate.
Wheel morph: You can morph from wave 1 to wave 4 with the mod wheel when
morph oscillator is set to manual morph mode.
Octave shift: At strong velocity the osc pitch is one octave higher.
Wheel oscB: This is a weird control intended for distortion. OscB is 5 semitones
lower when mod wheel is at zero position (for power chords). 'When modwheel is
at max oscB pitch is normal.
Panic: Send "all notes off" midi messages to all parts of the synth.
Wheel LFO: LFO level controlled from modwheel.
Foot polymod: Polymod voltage is controlled from foot pedal. With this control you
can use polymod even when oscB and envelope is turned down in the polymod
section. The foot pedal will provide the control voltage.
After filter: Aftertouch increases filter cutoff frequency.
AMP velocity: Velocity controls output level and envelope speed.
FILTER velocity: Velocity controls filter cotoff frequency.