Mellanox ConnectX-5 EN operation manual

Exported onDec/16/2020 07:33 PM
NVIDIA Mellanox ConnectX-5 Ethernet Adapter Cards for OCP Spec 2.0 User Manual
25 and 100 Gb/s Ethernet Adapter Cards; Intelligent RDMA (RoCE) enabled NICs. Supporting OCP Specification 2.0 type 1 and type 2.
Table of Contents
OCP Spec 2.0 Stacking Heights .............................................................................................. 9
OCP Spec 2.0 Type 1 Stacking Height - Single-port Card ............................................... 9
OCP Spec 2.0 Type 1 Stacking Height - Dual-port Card................................................. 10
OCP Spec 2.0 Type 2 Stacking Height - Single-port Card .............................................. 10
OCP Spec 2.0 Type 2 Stacking Height - Dual-port Card................................................. 10
Features and Benefits........................................................................................................... 11
Operating Systems/Distributions ......................................................................................... 12
Connectivity ........................................................................................................................... 13
Interfaces .................................................................................................................14
Ethernet SFP28 and QSFP28 Interfaces .............................................................................. 14
PCI Express Interface ........................................................................................................... 14
LED Interface......................................................................................................................... 14
SMBus Interface.................................................................................................................... 15
Voltage Regulators................................................................................................................ 15
Thermal Sensors................................................................................................................... 15
Hardware Installation ..............................................................................................16
Safety Warnings..................................................................................................................... 16
Installation Procedure Overview........................................................................................... 16
System Requirements........................................................................................................... 16
Hardware Requirements ................................................................................................. 17
Airflow Requirements ................................................................................................. 17
Software Requirements ................................................................................................... 17
Unpacking the Product ......................................................................................................... 17
Adapter Cards Installation Instructions............................................................................... 18
Cables and Modules.............................................................................................................. 19
Identifying the Card in Your System ..................................................................................... 20
Adapter Cards Extraction Instructions................................................................................. 21
Safety Precautions ...........................................................................................................21
Card Extraction................................................................................................................. 22
Driver Installation ....................................................................................................24
Windows Driver Installation.................................................................................................. 24
Software Requirements ................................................................................................... 24
Downloading Mellanox WinOF-2 Driver ..........................................................................24
Installing Mellanox WinOF-2 Driver ............................................................................... 25
Attended Installation................................................................................................... 25
Unattended Installation...............................................................................................30
Installation Results ..................................................................................................... 31
Uninstalling Mellanox WinOF-2 Driver............................................................................ 31
Attended Uninstallation ..............................................................................................31
Unattended Uninstallation.......................................................................................... 31
Extracting Files Without Running Installation ................................................................ 32
Firmware Upgrade ........................................................................................................... 34
Linux Driver Installation........................................................................................................ 34
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 34
Downloading Mellanox OFED .......................................................................................... 35
Installing Mellanox OFED ................................................................................................ 35
Installation Script ........................................................................................................35
Installation Procedure ................................................................................................37
Installation Results ..................................................................................................... 39
Installation Logs..........................................................................................................39
openibd Script..............................................................................................................39
Driver Load Upon System Boot ..................................................................................40
mlnxofedinstall Return Codes....................................................................................40
Uninstalling MLNX_OFED........................................................................................... 40
Installing MLNX_OFED Using YUM ................................................................................. 40
Setting up MLNX_OFED YUM Repository................................................................... 41
Installing MLNX_OFED Using the YUM Tool ..............................................................41
Uninstalling MLNX_OFED Using the YUM Tool .........................................................43
Installing MLNX_OFED Using apt-get Tool..................................................................... 43
Setting up MLNX_OFED apt-get Repository ..............................................................43
Installing MLNX_OFED Using the apt-get Tool..........................................................43
Uninstalling MLNX_OFED Using the apt-get Tool..................................................... 44
Updating Firmware After Installation.............................................................................. 44
Updating the Device Online......................................................................................... 44
Updating the Device Manually .................................................................................... 44
Updating the Device Firmware Automatically upon System Boot ............................ 45
UEFI Secure Boot............................................................................................................. 45
Enrolling Mellanox's x.509 Public Key on Your Systems...........................................45
Removing Signature from kernel Modules ................................................................46
Performance Tuning ........................................................................................................47
VMware Driver Installation ................................................................................................... 47
Hardware and Software Requirements........................................................................... 47
Installing Mellanox NATIVE ESXi Driver for VMware vSphere........................................ 47
Removing Earlier Mellanox Drivers................................................................................. 48
Firmware Programming .................................................................................................. 48
Updating Adapter Firmware ....................................................................................49
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................50
GeneralTroubleshooting ...................................................................................................... 50
LinuxTroubleshooting .......................................................................................................... 50
WindowsTroubleshooting..................................................................................................... 51
Specifications ...........................................................................................................52
MCX542A-ACANSpecifications ............................................................................................ 52
MCX542B-AC[A/U]NSpecifications...................................................................................... 53
MCX545B-GCUNSpecifications............................................................................................ 54
MCX545B-CCUNSpecifications............................................................................................ 55
MCX545A-CCAN andMCX545A-CCUN Specifications......................................................... 56
MCX546A-BCANSpecifications ............................................................................................ 57
MCX546A-CDANSpecifications ............................................................................................ 58
Board Mechanical Drawing and Dimensions....................................................................... 59
Finding the MAC and Serial Number on the Adapter Card ......................................63
Document Revision History ......................................................................................64
About This Manual
This User Manual describes NVIDIA® Mellanox® ConnectX®-5 and ConnectX®-5 Ex Ethernet adapter cards for Open Compute Project (OCP), Spec 2.0. It provides details as to the interfaces of the board, specifications, required software and firmware for operating the board, and relevant documentation.
Ordering Part Numbers
The table below provides the ordering part numbers (OPN) for the available ConnectX-5 Ex and ConnectX-5 Ethernet adapter cards for OCP Spec 2.0.
IC in Use OPN Marketing Description
MCX542A-ACAN ConnectX®-5 EN network interface card for
OCP2.0, Type 1, with host management,
MCX542B-ACAN ConnectX®-5 EN network interface card for
MCX542B-ACUN ConnectX®-5 EN network interface card for
25GbE dual-port SFP28, PCIe3.0 x16, Halogen-free, no bracket
OCP2.0, Type 1, with host management, 25GbE dual-port SFP28, PCIe3.0 x8, Halogen­free, no bracket
OCP2.0, Type 1, with host management, 25GbE dual-port SFP28, PCIe3.0 x8, UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM), Halogen free, no bracket
ConnectX®-5 Ex
MCX545B-GCUN ConnectX®-5 EN network interface card for
OCP2.0, Type 1, with hostmanagement, 50GbE,single-port QSFP28,PCIe3.0x16,UEFI Enabled, no bracket
MCX545B-CCUN ConnectX®-5 EN network interface card for
OCP2.0, Type 1, with host management, 100GbE, single-port QSFP28, PCIe3.0 x16, UEFI Enabled, no bracket
MCX545A-CCAN ConnectX®-5 EN network interface card for
OCP2.0, Type 2, with host management, 100GbE, single-port QSFP28, PCIe3.0 x16, no
MCX545A-CCUN ConnectX®-5 EN network interface card for
OCP2.0, Type 2, with host management, 100GbE, single-port QSFP28, PCIe3.0 x16, UEFI Enabled, no bracket
MCX546A-BCAN ConnectX®-5 Ex EN network interface card
for OCP2.0, Type 2, 40GbE dual-port QSFP28, PCIe3.0 x16, no bracket
MCX546A-CDAN ConnectX®-5 Ex network interface card for
OCP2.0, Type 2, with host management, 100GbE dual-port QSFP28, PCIe4.0 x16, no
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the installer and user of these cards.The manual assumes basic familiarity
with Ethernet network and architecture specifications.
Technical Support
Customers who purchased Mellanox products directly from Mellanox are invited to contact usthrough
the following methods:
URL:> Support
Tel: +1.408.916.0055
Customers who purchased Mellanox M-1 Global Support Services, please see your contract fordetails
regarding Technical Support. Customers who purchased Mellanox products through a Mellanox approved reseller should first
seekassistance through their reseller.
Related Documentation
Mellanox OFED for
Linux User Manual and
Release Notes
WinOF-2 for
WindowsUser Manual
and Release Notes
Mellanox VMware for
Ethernet User Manual
and Release Notes
Mellanox Firmware Utility (mlxup) User
Manual and Release
Mellanox Firmware
Tools (MFT) User
IEEE Std 802.3
User Manual describing OFED features, performance, band diagnostic, tools content and configuration. SeeMellanox OFED for Linux Documentation.
User Manual describing WinOF-2 features, performance, Ethernet diagnostic, tools content and configuration. SeeWinOF-2 for Windows Documentation.
User Manual describing the various components of the Mellanox ConnectX® NATIVE ESXi stack. SeeProducts > Software > Ethernet Drivers > VMware Driver
Mellanox firmware update and query utility used to update the firmware. Seehttp:
//> Products > Software > Firmware Tools >mlxup Firmware
User Manual describing the set of MFT firmware management tools for a single node. SeeMFT User Manual.
IEEE Ethernet specification at
PCI Express
Mellanox LinkX
Interconnect Solutions
Open Compute Project
2.0 Specification
Document Conventions
Industry Standard PCI Express Base and Card Electromechanical Specifications at
Mellanox LinkX InfiniBand cables and transceivers are designed to maximize the performance of High-Performance Computing networks, requiring high­bandwidth, low-latency connections between compute nodes and switch nodes. Mellanox offers one of industry’s broadest portfolio of QDR/FDR10 (40Gb/s), FDR (56Gb/s), EDR/HDR100 (100Gb/s) and HDR (200Gb/s) cables, including Direct Attach Copper cables (DACs), copper splitter cables, Active Optical Cables (AOCs) and transceivers in a wide range of lengths from 0.5m to 10km. In addition to meeting IBTA standards,Mellanox tests every product in an end-to-end environment ensuring a Bit Error Rate of less than 1E-15.Read more at https://
When discussing memory sizes, MB and MBytes are used in this document to mean size in mega Bytes. The use of Mb or Mbits (small b) indicates size in mega bits. In this document PCIe is used to mean PCI Express.


This is the User Guide for Ethernet adapter cards based on the ConnectX®-5 integrated circuit device for OCP Spec 2.0. These adapters connectivity provide the highest performing low latency and most flexible interconnect solution for PCI Express Gen 3.0/4.0 servers used in Enterprise Data Centers and High-Performance Computing environments.
The following provides the ordering part number, port speed, number of ports, and PCI Express speed.
ConnectX-5 Ex Ethernet Adapter Cards
Model ConnectX-5 Ex Cards for OCP Spec 2.0
Part Number MCX546A-BCAN MCX546A-CDAN
Ethernet Data Rate 10/25/40 Gb/s 10/25/40/50/100 Gb/s
Host Management -
Network Connector Type Dual-port QSFP28 Dual-port QSFP28
OCP Spec 2.0 Type Type 2 Stacking Height
PCI Express Connectors
Dimensions 3.07 in. x 4.33 in (78.00mm x 110.05mm)
PCIe Gen 3.0 x16 SERDES @ 8.0GT/s
(a), (b)
PCIe Gen 3.0 / 4.0 x16 SERDES @ 8.0GT/s / 16.0GT/s
(a), (b)
RoHS RoHS Compliant
IC Part Number MT28808A0-FCCF-EV
Device ID 4121 for Physical Function (PF)
4122 for Virtual Function (VF)
a. PCIe 4.0 x16 bus can supply a maximum bandwidth of 256Gb/s (=16 *16GT/s, including overhead), and can support 200Gb/s when both network ports of the card run at 100Gb/s.
b.TheGen4.0 cards have been tested and certified with PCIe 3.0 servers. PCIe 4.0 interface will be
tested when servers with Gen 4.0 support become available.
ConnectX-5 Ethernet Adapter Cards
Model ConnectX-5 Cards for OCP Spec 2.0
Part Number
Network Connecto r Type
OCP Spec
2.0 Type
Dual-port SFP28
Type 1
Type 1
Type 1
Type 1
Single-port QSFP28
Type 2
Type 2
Type 1
Model ConnectX-5 Cards for OCP Spec 2.0
Ethernet Data Rate
PCI Express Connecto rs
Halogen Free
Host Managem ent
UEFI - - -
Dimensions3.07 in. x
RoHS RoHS Compliant
IC Part Number
Device ID 4119 for Physical Function (PF)
10/25 Gb/s 10/25/40/50
PCIe Gen 3.0 x16 SERDES @
- - - -
4.33 in (78.00mm x
4120 for Virtual Function (VF)
PCIe Gen 3.0 x8 SERDES @
2.67 in. x
4.33 in (68.00mm x
PCIe Gen 3.0
2.67 in. x
4.33 in
(68.00mm x
PCIe Gen 3.0
2.67 in. x
4.33 in
(68.00mm x
100 Gb/s
PCIe Gen 3.0 x16 SERDES @
3.07 in. x
4.33 in (78.00mm x
100 Gb/s
PCIe Gen 3.0
3.07 in. x
4.33 in
(78.00mm x
100 Gb/s
PCIe Gen 3.0
3.07 in. x
4.33 in
(78.00mm x
a.Mellanox recommends populating MCX542B-ACAN in a standard PCIe x8 OCP connector which exposes PCIe lanes in a straight manner.
 In case the OCP slot exposes PCIe lanes in a reversed manner, MCX542B-ACAN supports automatic lane reversal withFW image from April 2019 release and above.
For more detailed information seeSpecifications.

OCP Spec 2.0 Stacking Heights

OCP Spec 2.0 Type 1 Stacking Height - Single-port Card
This section applies to MCX545B-CCUN andMCX545B-GCUN.
The single port 100Gb/s Ethernet adapter card complies with OCP Spec 2.0 Type 1 with 8mm stacking height.

OCP Spec 2.0 Type 1 Stacking Height - Dual-port Card

This section applies to MCX542A-ACAN and MCX542B-ACAN.
The dual port 10/25Gb/s Ethernet adapter card comply with OCP Spec 2.0 Type 1 with 8mm stacking height.

OCP Spec 2.0 Type 2 Stacking Height - Single-port Card

This section applies to MCX545A-CCAN and MCX545A-CCUN.
The single-port 100Gb/s adapter card follows OCP Spec 2.0 Type 2 with 12mm stacking height.

OCP Spec 2.0 Type 2 Stacking Height - Dual-port Card

This section applies to MCX546A-CDAN and MCX546A-BCAN.
The dual-port 100Gb/s adapter card follows OCP Spec 2.0 Type 2 with 12mm stacking height.

Features and Benefits

This section describes hardware features and capabilities. Please refer to the relevant driver
and/or firmware release notes for feature availability.
Feature Description
PCI Express (PCIe) Uses PCIe Gen 3.0 (8GT/s) and Gen 4.0 (16GT/s) through an x8 or x16
edge connector. Gen 1.1 and 2.0 compatible.
Up to 25 Gigabit Ethernet Mellanox adapters comply with the following IEEE 802.3 standards:
• 100GbE/ 50GbE / 40GbE / 25GbE / 10GbE / 1GbE
• IEEE 802.3bj, 802.3bm 100 Gigabit Ethernet
• IEEE 802.3by, Ethernet Consortium25, 50 Gigabit Ethernet, supporting all FEC modes
• IEEE 802.3ba 40 Gigabit Ethernet
• IEEE 802.3by 25 Gigabit Ethernet
• IEEE 802.3ae 10 Gigabit Ethernet
• IEEE 802.3ap based auto-negotiation and KR startup
• Proprietary Ethernet protocols (20/40GBASE-R2, 50GBASE-R4)
• IEEE 802.3ad, 802.1AX Link Aggregation
• IEEE 802.1Q, 802.1P VLAN tags and priority
• IEEE 802.1Qau (QCN)
• Congestion Notification
• IEEE 802.1Qaz (ETS)
• IEEE 802.1Qbb (PFC)
• IEEE 802.1Qbg
• IEEE 1588v2
• Jumbo frame support (9.6KB)
Memory SPI Quad - includes 128Mbit SPI Quad Flash device
Overlay Networks In order to better scale their networks, data center operators often
• (W25Q128FVSIG device by ST Microelectronics).
VPD EEPROM - The EEPROM capacity is 128Kbit.
create overlay networks that carry traffic from individual virtual machines over logical tunnels in encapsulated formats such as NVGRE and VXLAN. While this solves network scalability issues, it hides the TCP packet from the hardware offloading engines, placing higher loads on the host CPU. ConnectX-5 effectively addresses this by providing advanced NVGRE and VXLAN hardware offloading engines that encapsulate and de-capsulate the overlay protocol.
Feature Description
RDMA and RDMA overConverged Ethernet (RoCE)
Mellanox PeerDirect™ PeerDirect™ communication provides high-efficiency RDMA access
CPU Offload Adapter functionality enabling reduced CPU overhead allowing more
Quality of Service (QoS) Support for port-based Quality of Service enabling various
Hardware-based I/OVirtualization ConnectX-5 provides dedicated adapter resources and guaranteed
Storage Acceleration A consolidated compute and storage network achieves significant
ConnectX-5, utilizing IBTA RDMA (Remote Data Memory Access) and RoCE (RDMA over Converged Ethernet) technology, delivers low­latency and high-performance over Band and Ethernet networks. Leveraging data center bridging (DCB) capabilities as well as ConnectX-5 advanced congestion control hardware mechanisms, RoCE provides efficient low-latency RDMA services over Layer 2 and Layer 3 networks.
by eliminating unnecessary internal data copies between components on the PCIe bus (for example, from GPU to CPU), and therefore significantly reduces application run time. ConnectX-5 advanced acceleration technology enables higher cluster efficiency and scalability to tens of thousands of nodes.
available CPU for computation tasks. Open vSwitch (OVS) offload using ASAP
• Flexible match-action flow tables
• Tunneling encapsulation/decapsulation
application requirements for latency and SLA.
isolation and protection for virtual machines within the server.
cost-performance advantages over multi-fabric networks. Standard block and file access protocols can leverage RDMA for high­performance storage access.
• NVMe over Fabric offloads for the target machine
• T10-DIF Signature Handover
SR-IOV ConnectX-5 SR-IOV technology provides dedicated adapter
resources and guaranteed isolation and protection for virtual machines (VM) within the server.
NC-SI The adapter supports a Network Controller Sideband Interface (NC-
SI), MCTP over SMBus and MCTP over PCIe - Baseboard Management Controller interface.
High-PerformanceAccelerations • Tag Matching and Rendezvous Offloads
• Adaptive Routing on Reliable Transport
• Burst Buffer Offloads for Background Checkpointing

Operating Systems/Distributions

OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED)
OpenFabrics Windows Distribution (WinOF-2)


Interoperable with 1/10/25/40/50/100Gb/s Ethernet switches
Passive copper cable with ESD protection
Powered connectors for optical and active cable support


Ethernet SFP28 and QSFP28 Interfaces

The network ports of the ConnectX®-5 adapter card are compliant with the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
standards listed inFeatures and Benefits. Ethernet traffic is transmitted through the SFP28/QSFP28 connectors on the adaptercard.
The adapter card includes special circuits to protect from ESD shocks to the card/server when
plugging copper cables.

PCI Express Interface

The table below describes the supported PCIe interface in ConnectX-5 and ConnectX-5 Ex adapter cards.
IC Model Supported PCIe Interface Features
ConnectX-5 PCIe Gen 3.0 (1.1 and 2.0 compatible)
through x16 edge connectors
ConnectX-5 Ex PCIe Gen 3.0/4.0 (1.1 and 2.0 compatible)
through x16 edge connectors
Link Rates: 2.5. 5.0 or 8.0GT/s. Auto Negotiation to: x16, x8, x4, x2 or x1. Support for MSI/MSI-X mechanisms.
Link Rates: 2.5. 5.0, 8.0 or 16.0GT/s. Auto Negotiation to: x16, x8, x4, x2 or x1. Support for MSI/MSI-X mechanisms.

LED Interface

There are two I/O LEDs, LED0 and LED1, per port to indicate speed and link status. LED0 is a bicolor (yellow and green) LED and LED1 is a single color (green) LED.
Link Indications
LED and State Description
1Hz blinking Yellow Beacon command for locating the adapter card
LED and State Description
4Hz blinking Yellow Indicates an error with the link. The error can be one of the
Error Type Description LED Behavior
Blinks until the error is fixed
Blinks until the error is fixed
LED0 ­Link Speed
LED1 ­Activity
I2C I2C access to the
networking ports fails
Over-current Over-current condition
of the networking ports
A constant Green indicates a link withthe maximum
networking speed.
A constant Yellow indicates a link withless than the
maximum networking speed
If LED0 is off, then the link has not been established.
A blinking Green indicates a valid link with data transfer.
If LED1 is off, then there is no activity
Heatsink Interface
A heatsink is attached to the ConnectX-5 IC in order to dissipate the heat from the ConnectX- 5 IC. It is attached either by using four spring-loaded push pins that insert into four mounting holes or by screws.
ConnectX-5 IC has a thermal shutdown safety mechanism that automatically shuts down the ConnectX-5 card in cases of high-temperature events, improper thermal coupling, or heatsink removal.

SMBus Interface

ConnectX-5 technology maintains support for manageability through a BMC. ConnectX-5 PCIe stand-up adapter can be connected to a BMC using MCTP over SMBus or MCTP over PCIe protocols as if it is a standard Mellanox PCIe stand-up adapter. For configuring the adapter for the specific manageability solution in use by the server, please contact Mellanox Support.

Voltage Regulators

The voltage regulator power is derived from the PCI Express edge connector 12V supply pins. These voltage supply pins feed on-board regulators that provide the necessary power to the various components on the card.

Thermal Sensors

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Hardware Installation

Installation and initialization of ConnectX-5 adapter cards for OCP Spec 2.0 require attention to the mechanical attributes, power specification, and precautions for electronic equipment.

Safety Warnings

Safety warnings are provided here in the English language. For safety warnings in other
languages, refer to the Adapter Installation Safety Instructions document available on
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Installation Procedure Overview

The installation procedure of ConnectX-5 adapter cards for OCP Spec 2.0 involves the following steps:
Step Procedure Link
1 Check the system’s hardware and software
2 Pay attention to the airflow consideration within
the host system.
3 Unpack the product. Unpacking the Product
4 Install the adapter card in the system. Adapter Card Installation
5 Connect cables or modules to the card. Cables and Modules
6 Identify ConnectX-5 adapter card in the system. Identify the Card in the System

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements
System Requirements
Unless otherwise specified, Mellanox products are designed to work in an environmentally
controlled data center with low levels of gaseous and dust (particulate) contamination.
The operation environment should meet severity level G1 as per ISA 71.04 for gaseous contamination and ISO 14644-1 class 8 for cleanliness level.

Hardware Requirements

For proper operation and performance, please make sure to use a PCIe slot with a
corresponding bus width and that can supply sufficient power to your card. Refer to the Specifications section of the manual for more power
A system with a PCI Express x16 slot (two FCI B2B x8 connectors) is required for installing the card. ConnectX-5 cards for OCP are complaint with automatic hosts-count detection per OCP Mezzanine card v2.0 (http://
Mellanox recommends populating MCX542B-ACAN in a standard PCIe x8 OCP connector
which exposes PCIe lanes in a straight manner. In case the OCP slot exposes PCIe lanes in a reversed manner, MCX542B-ACAN supports automatic lane reversal with FW image from April 2019 release and above.
Airflow Requirements
ConnectX-5 adapter cards are offered with two airflow patterns: from the heatsink to the network ports, and vice versa, as shown below.
Please refer to the "Specifications" chapter for airflow numbers for each specific card model.
All cards in the system should be planned with the same airflow direction.

Software Requirements

See Operating Systems/Distributions section under the Introduction section.
Software Stacks - Mellanox OpenFabric software package MLNX_OFED for Linux, WinOF-2 for Windows, and VMware. See the Driver Installation section.

Unpacking the Product

The adapter is being installed in a system that operates with voltages that can be lethal.
Before opening the case of the system, observe the following precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to system components.
Remove any metallic objects from your hands and wrists.
Make sure to use only insulated tools.
Verify that the system is powered off and is unplugged.
It is strongly recommended to use an ESD strap or other antistatic devices.
Unpack the adapter package and place them on an antistatic surface.
Check the parts for visible damage that may have occurred during shipping.
Please note that if the card is removed hastily from the antistatic bag, the plastic
ziplock may harm the EMI fingers on the networking connector. Carefully remove the card from the antistatic bag to avoid damaging the EMI fingers.
Shut down your system if active:
Turn off the power to the system, and disconnect the power cord. Refer to the system documentation for instructions. Before you install the ConnectX-5 card, make sure that the system is disconnected from power.

Adapter Cards Installation Instructions

This section provides detailed instructions on how to install your adapter card in a system.
Please note that the following figures are for illustration purposes only.
Before installing the card, make sure that the system is off and the power cord is not connected to the server. Please follow proper electrical grounding procedures.
Open the system case.
Make sure the adapter clips or screws are open. Place the adapter card on the clips without applying any pressure.
4.5.Applying even pressure on four corners of the card (as shown in the below picture), insert the adapter card into the PCI Express slot until firmly seated.
Secure the adapter with the adapter clip or screw.
To uninstall the adapter card, seeUninstalling the Card.

Cables and Modules

To obtain the list of supported Mellanox cables for your adapter, please refer to theCables Reference Tableat
Cable Installation
All cables can be inserted or removed with the unit powered on.
To insert a cable, press the connector into the port receptacle until the connector is firmly seated.
Support the weight of the cable before connecting the cable to the adapter card. Do this by using a cable holder or tying the cable to the rack.
Determine the correct orientation of the connector to the card before inserting the connector. Do not try and insert the connector upside down. This may damage the adapter card.
Insert the connector into the adapter card. Be careful to insert the connector straight into the cage. Do not apply any torque, up or down, to the connector cage in the adapter card.
Make sure that the connector locks in place.
When installing cables make sure that the latches engage.
Always install and remove cables by pushing or pulling the cable and connector
in a straight line with the card.
After inserting a cable into a port, the Yellow or Green LED0 indicator will light when the physical connection is established (that is, when the unit is powered on and a cable is plugged
into the port with the other end of the connector plugged into a functioning port). SeeAdapter
Card LED Operations.
After plugging in a cable, lock the connector using the latching mechanism particular to the cable vendor. When a logical connection is made, Green LED1 will light. When data is being transferred, Green LED1 will blink.
Care should be taken as not to impede the air exhaust flow through the ventilation holes. Use cable lengths which allow for routing horizontally around to the side of the chassis before bending upward or downward in the rack.
To remove a cable, disengage the locks and slowly pull the connector away from the port receptacle. LED indicator will turn off when the cable is unseated.

Identifying the Card in Your System

On Linux
Get the device location on the PCI bus by running lspci and locating lines with the string“Mellanox Technologies”:
lspci |grep -i Mellanox Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT28800 Family [ConnectX-5]
On Windows
Open Device Manager on the server. ClickStart=>Run, and then enterdevmgmt.msc.
ExpandSystem Devicesand locate your Mellanox ConnectX-5 adapter card.
Right click the mouse on your adapter's row and selectPropertiesto display the adapter card
properties window.
Click theDetailstab and selectHardware Ids(Windows 2012/R2/2016) from thePropertypull-
down menu.
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