MELEXIS TH7301 Datasheet

Dual-Channel Programmable Low-Pass Filter
The device incorporates two matching 4th-order Butterworth filters with voltage gain control to perform low-pass filtering on quadrature demo­dulated signals. The cutoff frequency and inband gain are programmable via a standard 3-wire interface. The cutoff frequency can be set between
Wide cutoff frequency range (0.8 MHz to
22.4 MHz)
Dual-channel architecture produces superior
matching and ease of us e for quadrature signals
Companding design provides higher resolution at
lower cutoff frequencies
Digital Broadcasting Systems (DBS) and
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Satellite and cable TV decoders Microwave point to point links
portion of the cutoff frequency range. The device contains an on-chip oscillator to adjust the cutoff frequency. Maintaining amplifiers configure the Butterworth filter as the phase shift component of the oscillator. The frequency of oscillation tracks the filter cutoff frequency. The cutoff frequency of the filter can be accurately set according to the resolution of the IC by measuring the frequency of oscillation.
Low power consumption (<105 mA, typical 55 mA
from -5 V supply; Fc = 1 MHz @ 25°C)
Single ended or differential input operation
possible (AC coupled)
No external components for trimming necessary
Small package (16-pin SOP)
Block Diagram
Figure 1: Block Diagram
4th Order Butterworth Filter
4th Order Butterworth Filter
Fixed Gain
Fixed Gain
Rev. 2.1
November 1999
TH7301 Dual-Channel Programmable Low-Pass Filter
Theory of Operation
The IC is divided into I an d Q channel signal paths each consisting of an input stage, gyrator 4th order Butterworth low-pass filter, output stage and feedback amplifier for an oscillator. A serial interface is provided to allow the gain and cutoff frequ ency to be program med via a st andard 3 wir e in t er face. Th e digital cutoff frequency sett i ng is converted to a current by a digital-to-analog conver ter. In ternal bandgap references and biasing blocks provide top level biasing on voltage and current refer ences for the complete device.
Input stage
The device incorporates programmable attenua­tion in the input stages to maintain filter linearity and to provide overall gain contro l for the IC. The attenuation can be programmed in coarse steps of 3 dB with fine control of 0.5 dB in the input tran sconductor of th e gyrator filter s. Internal multiplexers and back to back followers allow sin gle-ended or differ ential input oper ation on both I and Q signal paths.
4th order Butterworth filter
The filter architecture is based on a fully balanced continuous time gyrator technique with 4th or der Butterworth response. Linear current programm­ab le t ranscon ductance elements are us ed to synthesise the two inductors and source and terminat ion impedance of the fi lter. A t er min ation to source impedance ratio of 2:1 is selected to mi nimise out put noise while m aintainin g a realisab le ra nge of capacitor values.
The use of a differential architecture has three distinct advanta ges. Firstly the ultimat e noi se rejection is substantially better than that of the unbalanced LC fi lter. Secondly differ ential drive allows the use of a current programmable Gm stage with very much greater signal handling. And finally DC loading of the output is common mode and does not lead to differential DC offsets. This last point is especially important as the bias current within the filter can become very low at low cutoff frequencies.
Out put stage
The output stage is designed to carry out differential to si ngle ended conver sion and provi des the capability of driving up to 15 pF of capacitive load.
The maintaining and limiting amplifier i s used as part of a phase shift oscillator circuit with the gyrator But terworth filter as the phase shift element. The frequency of oscillation occurs at t he
-3 dB fr equency of t he filter as the phase shift thr ough a 4t h order Butterwor th fi lter is 180 degrees at the -3 dB poi nt. Vo ltage limi ters are integrated into the gyrator filters and limit the differential voltage to 50 mVpp in order to ensure that the transconductance elements remain in their l inear reg ion of operation and henc e the expected inductance values are synthesised.
Serial interface
Th e fi lt er cutof f frequency and gain are programm­ed via a 3 wi re serial interf ace bus. The in t er face consists of the serial data clock (SCLK), serial data input (SDATA) and a serial enable (SDEN). The filter is progra mmed b y asserting SDEN and clocking the 8 bit serial data, MSB first, into the shift register. The two most significant bits represent the register address bits. The 6 LSB of data are loaded into the relevant register on the falling edge of SDEN.
The serial interface consists of: an 8 bit serial input to parallel output (SIPO) register, three 6-bit parallel load registers and register address decode logic.
Once S DEN is asserted, data is clocke d in to the SIPO on the positive edge of SCLK. When the data is loaded, the two address bits are decoded to determine which register should be updated. The data is transfered to the register on the falling edge of SDEN.
The serial interface does not contain a power on reset, thus all three registe rs must be programmed before reliable filter operation can be achieved.
The digital - to-a nalog converter is used to select the filter cut off frequency via a programma ble refe rence current. The fully companding DAC div i des the fr equency range i nto 5 chor ds, each wit h 128 equal fr equency steps. The reference curr ent is pr ogrammed by an external resisto r placed between RDAC and Vee. The final output is mirrored for the I and Q channels to provide isolation.
The chords are select ed by a 3 bit w ord and th e frequ ency step by a 7 bit word. The com panding law i s gener ated by adding th e chord curr ents and dividing t he required ch ord into 128 step currents .
TH7301 Dual-Channel Programmable Low-Pass Filter
Pinout Information
Pin Definition List
The TH7301 is contained i n a plast ic 16 pin SOP package.
Figure 2: Pinout Schematic
Pin No. Symbol Function
1 VCCI I channel positive supply 2 IIN I channel signal input 3 IREF I channel signal reference 4 VDD Digital positive supply 5 VSS Digital negative supply 6 QREF Q channel signal reference 7 QIN Q channel signal input 8 VCCQ Q channel positive supply
9 QOUT Q channel output 10 VEEQ Q channel negative supply 11 RDAC DAC referen c e curr en t s etting res i s tor connec t s between t his pin and negat ive rail 12 SDEN Serial data enable 13 SCLK Serial data clock 14 SDATA Serial data input 15 VEEI I channel negative supply 16 IOUT I channel output
TH7301 Dual-Channel Programmable Low-Pass Filter
Serial In t erf ace Programmin g
Operating conditions for the 3 wire interface
The seria l inter face is a 3- w ire bus used to program t he f ilt er cutoff frequency and volt age gain. Pin SDATA is the serial data input for an 8­bit s hift r egister, S CLK is the shift reg ister clock (active positive ed ge), SDEN (ac tive high) is the
referenced to a - 5 V sup ply and that th er e is no global reset for the logic devices, so a reset word should be input after power up.
The timing diagram for the interface is shown below.
serial inte r fac e enab le. Note that logic le vels are
Figure 3: Serial Interface Tim ing Diagram
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Comments
Power supply voltage VSS -5.25 -5.0 -4.75 V relative to VDD High level input voltage VIH 0.3 * VSS VDD + 0.1V note Low level input voltage VIL VSS - 0.1V 0.7 * VSS note Serial data clock period tCLK 50 ns Serial data setup time tSD 10 ns Serial data hold time tHD 10 ns Serial data enable delay time tDEN 20 ns Serial data enable hold time tHEN 20 ns Notes: Logic threshold levels for inputs SCLK, SDATA and SDEN. Note that this is a negative supply IC.
The serial data is stored in one of 3 intern al registers - gain control, frequency select A and frequ ency select B.
The first two bits of the serial data form an address code for the regist er s. The gain control bits AC(5...0) are deco ded to sele ct a voltage gain betw e en 0 dB and 20 .5 dB in 0.5 dB st eps. The frequency select bits FC(2...0) select one of the octave chords while FS(6...0) select the step within each chord.
Frequency Select A 0 0 FS2 FS1 FS0 FC2 FC1 FC0 Frequency Select B 0 1 OS0 0 FS6 FS5 FS4 FS3 Gain Control 1 1 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0
Address Bits Data Bits
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Additional bit OS0 (active high) controls the oscillator (for test issues only). The table below shows t he address and da ta decodi ng of the seri al data input.
The serial interface does not contain a power on reset, t hus all three registers must be pro­grammed after power on to prevent undefined logical state s and to achieve reliable filte r op era­tion. I. e. a first reset word may reset all registers to 0.
TH7301 Dual-Channel Programmable Low-Pass Filter
Definition of Terms
- cutoff frequency setting
- cutoff frequency (-3dB bandwid t h)
-step size
Av- voltage gain
Frequency Setting
To maintain frequency resol ution at low frequen­cies a companding la w i s appli ed to the fre­quency co de. The frequency range is sel ected as one of the five octaves in the total filter range controlled by bits FC(2...0). Each octave is divided linearly into 128 equ ally si zed steps decoded by bits FS(6...0). This frequency range is for an external r esistor value of 4.5 k between pin RDAC and VE E. The rang e is design ed t o guarantee 0.8 MHz to 22.4 MHz cut off ra ng e, taking process variations in top account without the need to change this external resistor. If there is a need to fine tune t his fr equency range for any reason, it may be re-centered by selecting a suit ably valued external r esistor.
The 12 8 st eps within ea ch octave are decoded by FS(6...0). The according control mechanism applies identically to all octaves refering to the appropriat e step sizes of each oct ave, as shown in the tables an d t he example bel ow.
Example: FC(2...0) = 000
(frequency range 0.8 ... 1.5937 MHz, Step size = 6.25 kHz) FS(6...0) = 000001 1 f
= 0.81875 MHz
The tabl es below show the selectable frequency settings.
000 0.8 ... 1.5937 6.25 001 1.6 ... 3.1875 12.5 010 3.2 ... 6.375 25 011 6.4 ... 12.75 50
1xx 12.8 ... 25.5 100
0000000 0 fcset = fmin 0000001 1 fcset = fmin + fstep 0000010 2 fcset = fm in + 2*fstep 0000011 3 fcset = fm in + 3*fstep
. . .
1111111 127 fcset = fmin + 127*fstep
Frequency range
fmin ... fmax (MHz)
Cutoff Frequency
Step N
. . .
fcset = fmin + N*fstep
Step size
fstep (kHz)
. . .
Gain Setting
The ga in con trol bits A C( 5. ..0) are decoded to select a volta ge gain between -3 dB and 20.5 d B in 0. 5 dB steps. The gain control is divid ed i nto 8 steps controlled by AC(2...0) with additive step sizes of 0.5 dB decoded by AC(5...3).
For example, to set the gain to 16 dB AC(5...0) = 011001.
The tabl e below shows t he gain setting.
AC(2...0) Gain (dB) AC(5...3) Gain (dB)
000 18 000 2.5 001 15 001 2.0 010 12 010 1.5 011 9 011 1.0 100 6 100 0.5
101 3 101 0.0 110 0 110 0.0 111 -3 111 0.0
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