MLX902xx Name of Sensor Rev Y.X 22/Aug/98 Page 3
Auto Shut Off Timer
MLX90721 Auto Shut Off Timer Page 3 Rev 1.0 22/Jun/00
Start/Stop Toggle Function
. The input BUT
is now an acti ve High, zero cross input wi th internal
pull down. The input is connected via a button and
external resistor to the mains. Each time this button
is pr essed , the i nter nal S TART si gnal toggl es and i n
com bi n ati o n wi t h th e A PO R si g nal it def i nes t he l o gi c
transitions in the following way:
APOR=1 and START=1 –> transition to ACTIVE
APOR=1 and START=0 –> transition to INACTIVE
APOR=0 – defines the INACTIVE state and
initialization of a start signal START= 0
The digital output of the BUT input is debounced as
High level debouncing (button pressed) – approx.
Low level debouncing (button released) – approx.
The first time the button is pressed after initialization
sets START=1. Once the logic has found that the
button is pressed, it has to detect a released button
in order to interpret correctly consecutive activations
of the button. Each next pressing toggles the START
Auto Shut-OFF Function.
When the ASIC is in the ACTIVE state and when the
delay period Td has elapsed, the output is activated
(wi th a wel l d efi ned dut y cycl e) for a pr edef i ned Au t o
Shut-OFF Time Ta. At the end of that period Ta, the
output is switched OFF, the ASIC is brought to the
INACTIVE state and the state of the digital output
si gnal fr om th e st art-st op/r eset b utton (if p resent ) is
Internal Oscillator.
The ASIC has a calibrated free running, RC
oscillator, which is used to generate a frequency
and a duty cycle for the relay output, and the
different delays and Auto Shut-Off times.
Relay Output.
When the coil is not activated, the open drain
output transistor is in the OFF state constantly.
When the coil is activated, the output transistor
starts switching ON and OFF with the specified
and with a duty cycle
Optionally, there could be doubled duty cycle
during the first few msec -
. This option is
usef ul to provide th e extra energy needed for t he
mechanical movement when act ivating a relay.
The c hip is di rectl y suppl ied fr om the mai ns, vi a a
diode and resistor. To limit the supply voltage
VDDA, a zener with a voltage of
To supply the analog and digital functions, an on
chip voltage regulator and the required biasing
ci r cuits are f oreseen.
Doubled Duty cycle
Mechanical relays normally need a higher magnetic field (and thus a higher coil current) to move
the c ontac t away from his norm al posi tion, t hen to
keep the contact in that position. Therefore it is
possible to increase t he current supplied to the coi l
during the first 6 msec. After activation of the output driver. This is done by doubling the duty cycle
which has been selected by mask option.
With a proper dimensioning of the external components the power consumption of the module can be
optimized in this way.
Test Mode
The test mode aims full verification of the above
specified logic functions and electrical characteristics, both on wafer and packaged device.
The test mode is defined under the following conditions:
V(O UT) = 0V for appr ox. 5m sec
. The ASIC enters
test mode when on pin
is detected a shortcircuit to GND. This detection is done after a digital
debouncing for a per iod of ~ 5mS, and the result is
latched and saved in a test status flip-flop.
When in test mode, pin
is used as an i nput
for the test clock sequence, as well as an output for
the IC reaction. This is achieved by appropriate
definition of input/output signal level s.
V(OUT) < 9V
. Thi s r es tri c t i on ai m s to mak e a cl ea r
distinction between normal mode operation, when
VDDA, and test mode. This feature also
ensures that if by mistake test mode is activated
during Normal Mode operation, and at the same
time on pin
is found a potential higher than
9V, follows immediate reset of test mode, and the
IC is brought back to normal mode.
Melexis reserves the right to periodically make
modifications to product specifications. The information included herein is believed to be accurate
and reliable. However, Melexis assumes no responsibility for its use; nor for any infringements of
patents or other rights of third parties which may
LED (optional)
Appl.1 ASO with start/stop button