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MLX9 0719
General purpos e timer
MLX90719 General purpose timer Page 1 Rev 1.0 30/Jul/00
Featur es an d Be n efi ts
1µm CMOS technology
MLX8 core with 8 accumulators, 80 b
h voltage input (detection of mains-active)
detection input to detect the 50/60Hz
7 standard inputs of which 2 can be used as comparator inputs and 2 can be confi
ured as
open-collector o utp uts .
15 confi
urable LCD outputs (segment/backplane)
drivers which can also be used to drive a triac or LED’s without the need for external resistors.
Buzzer driver with pro
On-chip 4MHz oscillator, cr
stal oscillator and low power RC oscillator
Low power mo de
battery or decoupling capacitor)
h supply voltage eliminates the need for high power resistors
24 hour timer for cooker applications, coffee maker, ...
Ordering Information
Part No. Temperature Suffix Package version Temperature Range
MLX90719 S LS -x 0C to 85C
The c ustom er sp ecifi c ver sion c ode
defining the RO M conten t) is i ndi cat ed wit h 1 cha rac ter at th e en d of th e
The ASIC consists of a dedicated microcontroller
combined with on-chip analo
ured to a great extend. This
makes it ideal to adapt it to different applications b
means of an update in the software. The number of
external components for the electronic module is
minimized. A t
pical application mainly consists of
the MLX90719 ASIC, a number of command buttons,
a LCD, a rela
, some LED’s and a buzzer.
The number of buttons and their function can be
chosen. The configuration of the LCD, the
number of backplanes and its pinout is also under
software control. Three outputs are available for a
and LED’s.
Functional Diagram
1 x comp
IN 1-8
LCD 1-15
17bit timer
8 x input
A, B, C
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General purpos e timer
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General description
The MLX90719 is an ASIC which is ideally suited
for timing control application, low cost as well as
high end, such as clocks in coffee machines, cookers, baking eq uipm ent,...
The ASIC consists of a dedicated microcontroller
combined with on-chip analog and digital blocks,
which can be configured to a great extend. This
makes it ideal to adapt it to different applications by
means of an update in the software. The number of
external components for the electronic module is
minimized. A typical application mainly consists of
the MLX90719 ASIC, a number of command buttons, a LCD, a relay, some LED’s and a buzzer.
The number of buttons and their function can be
freely chosen. The configuration of the LCD, the
number of backplanes and its pinout is also under
soft war e contr ol. Thr ee out puts ar e avail able f or a
relay and LED’s.
Main functions:
General-purpose timer chip based on the 8-bit
LX11 core, including 80 bytes RAM and 6 Kbytes
Programming of the ROM and selection of all other
options is done with one mask.
An interrupt controller guarantees exact timings
and a clean refresh rate of the LCD.
High supply voltage eliminates the need for high
power resistors.
6 digital inputs and 2 I/O pins (function is under
software control).
1 comparator (uses 2 of the digital inputs) which
can be used for analog measurements.
3 hig h cur rent out put dri ver s. Th ey are s uita bl e for
driving low cost 12V relays, but other types can
also be used. They can also be used to drive triac
or LED’s without the need for external resistors.
1 bu zzer ou t pu t fo r piezo el ec t r ic b u zzer s, w it h pr o grammable frequency.
The LCD interface consists of 15 outputs, each of
them can be con figured as backpl ane or segm ent
The time base for the clock function is derived either f r om t he m ains fr eq uen c y o r f r om a cr y st a l o s cillator.
The clock frequency for the microcontroller, relay
drivers and buzzer output is derived from an on
chip oscillator, which is calibrated under software
For applications that are disconnected from the
mains for longer times, a battery backup can be
foreseen, so that the module always keeps track of
the time.
For short mains interruptions (up to 5 minutes), the
energy in a decoupling capacitor can be used to
keep track of the time.
An on-chip watchdog ensures the functioning of the
chip under all environmental conditions.
The package size can be adapted to the number of
used pins (non-used I/O’s do not need to be
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MLX9 0719
General purpos e timer
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MLX90719 Electrical Specifications
DC Operating Parameters T
C, VDD = 60V (unless otherwise specified)
150 °C Maximum allowed source
Drivers off = all the current flows in the chip
Analog features
Power supply
The MLX90719 suppl
pin (VDD4) must be connected
external series resistor and rectifier diode to the
mains. An internal Zener function limits the volta
e at
VDD4 to 70-80V. For proper operation, a decouplin
capacitor needs to be connected between VDD4 and
*for information onl
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General purpos e timer
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The MLX90719 has several internal supply lines for both analog and digital blocks:
Voltage applied at the supply pin
Internal buzzer driver supply
Internal 5V for main oscillator
Vdd1 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Internal 5V for digital
4.0 5.0 6.0 V Low power mode
64 67 70 % Idd4 For Vdd4<Vaporl (LPM)
Voltage of backup battery
2.7 3 3.3 V Supply for external circuitry
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General purpos e timer
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3.4 V Low level threshold
The power on reset does not reset the s
stem when en tering low power mode with battery (Vdporl<Vbat).
The power on reset resets the s
stem if the RAM data may be corrupt due to undervoltage (Vdporl>RAM data
Analog Power-On Reset
The MLX90719 includes a high voltage power-on reset that watches on VDD3.
This block has two outputs APORL and APORH:
APORL = 1 when VDD3 > Vaporl
APORH = 1 when VDD3 > Vaporh
The states of APORH and APORL define the operation mode of the chip
see s ecti ons “S leep m anager” and
In low power mode the analo
power on reset operates in strobe mode. It is only enabled a few microseconds at
edge of th e signal ASTR generated by the digital core.
When Vdd3 > Vapo r l the ci rcuit
Fastr Slow rate of Vdd3>200V/s
Low power mode (LPM)
In low power mode (when the mains hav e been dis connec ted from the application) all supply lin es ar e di s abled
except VDD, which is
enera ted by a low co nsum ing regulator. The current is taken from the external decou-
capa cit or of V DD4 or f rom a ba ck up ba tt ery connected to pin BAT. This depends on the type of applica-
the mask option OXBAT implem ented within the chip:
OXBAT = 1 for application with batter
OXBAT = 0 for applications without batter
LCD operating voltage
The LCD operating voltage can have14 different values and can be chosen by mask options.
Supply for external components
If the mask option OVEXT is set the MLX90719 can supply some external circuitry from the internal Vdd1
h pin IN5B (which can not be used as input anymore).
Power On Reset
This module ensures a correct start of the MLX90719 logic.
The reset si
nal (DPORB) rises when VDD>Vdporh and falls when VDD<Vdporl
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General purpos e timer
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Zero crossing detector
The MLX90719 includes a zero crossing detector on pin ZCD. This detector contains two comparators with hysteresis. The first comparator has negative thresholds and the second one has positive thresholds (see table 5).
Outputs ZOUT1 and ZOUT2 of those comparators are changing as follows:
ZOUT1 rises wh en Vmains>Vz1h
ZOUT1 fal ls when Vmains<V z1l
ZOUT2 rises wh en Vmains>Vz2h
ZOUT2 fal ls when Vmains<V z2l
A mask option defines the levels of those thresholds. Low levels (+/- 5V, option OZCD = 0) are suitable for zero
crossing detection and high levels (+/- 20V, option OZCD = 1) for frequency detection with a better noise immunity.
A 1MΩ resistor must be connected between pin ZCD and the mains.
-5 V Rzc d = 1Mohm, OZCD = 1
-5 V Low level threshold 1
-9 V Rzcd = 1Mohm, OZCD = 1
-29 V High level threshold 2
Rzcd Vline = 230VAC typical
Low voltage inputs
The MLX90719 has 7 CMOS Schmitt trigger inputs with internal pull-up.
the input signals are inverted in the digital core so these inputs are active low.
Signal ENINB (active at 0) enables the pull-up current flowing through external pad to VSS if the input is pushed
to VSS. When ENINB=1 (input disabled), DINxB = 1.
The programmer must enable inputs by setting bit ENIN of P7 at least 5us before reading the input port P3 (see
section “I/O ports”). The debouncing of inputs must be done by software.
100 uA Low level threshold
Multipurpose inputs:
Inp uts 3 and 6 ca n be used al so as pul l-dow n output s: the pul l down tr ansis tors ar e turn ed on by sett ing bit s
PD3 and PD6 of P6 (see section ”I/O ports”).
Inputs 1, 2 and 4 are used by the on-chip comparator (see section “comparator”)
Input 5 can be tur n ed into sup ply for external cir cuitry by mask option OVEXT (see “Power s u p pl y ”).
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General purpos e timer
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High voltage input
The MLX90719 has an eighth input that can be used either as a standard input (as described above) or as an
h volt age input to detect the mains via an external resistor. The high voltage mode is enabled if mask option
OIN7 is set.
Output DIN7B of this detector is hi
h when Vmains>Vthinh2 and low when Vmains<Vthinl2.
nal DIN7B is inverted whiti n the digital core.
Main oscillator
The MLX90719 contains a 4Mhz on-chip oscillator.
In low power mode this oscillator is turned off.
Over full temp. and supply range
Low power crystal oscillator
In case of applications with battery and crystal (OXBAT = 1) the MLX90719 uses a low power crystal osci ll ato r
as time reference for both normal and low power mode.
This oscillator re
uires a standard 32kHz crystal connected between pin XTAL1 and pin XTAL2.
No external capacitor is re
uired for proper operation.
Fckx Over full temp. and supply range
This oscillator is disabled if OXBAT = 0.
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General purpos e timer
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Low power RC oscillator
In case of applications without battery or crystal (OXBAT = 0) the MLX90719 uses an on-chip low power RC oscillator to count time during a few minutes after the mains has been disconnected (low power mode).
Fckl Over full temp. and supply range
As the CPU must calibrate it in normal mode, the low power oscillator is running continuously.
The low power RC oscillator is disabled if OXBAT = 1.
LCD outputs
The MLX90719 has 15 configurable LCD outputs able to drive either a backplane or a segment by mask option:
OLCDx = 0 => segment
OLCDx = 1 => backplane
The LCD voltages are defined according to bits LCDx and CKLCD written in P3 and P4 (see section “I/O
ports”). With Vcdl1 and Vlcd2 being respectively 1/3Vlcd and 2/3Vlcd, the MLX90719 is suitable for LCD having
1, 2, 3 or 4 backplanes.
Vlcd 0 1 1 Vss 1 0 0 Vlcd2
Relay drivers
The MLX90719 includes 3 pull-down power outputs A, B, and C able to drive relays, triacs or LED’s.
The gates of the drivers are controlled respectively by signals POUTA, POUTB and POUTC generated by the
digital core (see section “PWM generator”).
Each driver has its source and its drain connected to a pad (DRAINx and SOURCEx) except driver C of which
the source is connected to the ground. This allows a series connection of the drivers. In such a configuration
the current flowing through the relay is used to feed the LED’s.
Internal current generator
In a ppli cati ons b ased on th e foll owi ng sc hemati c, w here t he LE D(‘ s) may have t o be dr iven when the r elay is
off, an internal current peak generator can be activated to supply the LED’s through pin SourceA. This function
is enabled by bit INTCUR of P5 (see section “I/O ports”). When INTCUR is set the current generator is activated like a relay by signal PINT at frequenc y Fpwm and at 14.3% duty c ycle (see “PWM generator”).
If the application has no relay, this feature allows the MLX90719 to drive 2 LED’s without any external