MLX90217 Hall-Effect Cam Sensor Rev 1.7 18/December/00 Page 2
Hall-Effect Cam Sensor
MLX90217 Electrical Specifications
DC Operating Parameters TA = -40oC to 150oC, VDD = 3.5V to 24V (unless otherwise specified).
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Supply Voltage VDD Operating 3.5 - 24 V
Supply Current IDD VDD = 12V 1.5 3.0 4.5 mA
Supply Current IDD VDD = 3.5V to 24V 1 - 6 mA
Leakage Current I
= 3.5V to 24V - - 10 µA
Output Current I
Operating - - 25 mA
Output Saturation Voltage V
VDD = 12V, I
= 25mA - - 600 mV
Output Short Circuit Current I
Fault 50 100 150 mA
Output Short Circuit Shutdown T
Fault 100 - 200 µS
Clock Frequency f
Operating 300 500 800 kHz
Output Rise Time tr VDD=12V R1 = 880W C1 = 20pf - 400 nS
Output Fall Time tf VDD=12V R1 = 880W C1 = 20pf - 400 nS
Bandwidth BW Operating - - 15 kHz
Thermal Resistance RTH Operating - - 200
MLX90217 Magnetic Specifications
DC Operating Parameters TA = -40oC to 150oC, VDD = 3.5V to 24V (Unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Back Bias Range B
Operating -30 - 400 mT
Linear Region VDD = 12V 50 - 500 mT
Hysteresis B
VDD = 3.5V to 24V 1.8 3.5 10 mT
Notes: 1 mT = 10 Gauss
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Melexis Inc. reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Melexis does
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