MR-J3-T Servo Amplifier with Integrated Point Table Positioning
VersionChanges / Additions / Corrections
A10/2007pdpFirst Edition
Quick Start Manual
Art. No.: xxxxxx
This Quick Start Manual for the servo amplifiers of the MR-J3-T series with point table positio
ning isdesignedtoenableyoutogetyoursysteminstalledand configured for use as quickly as
possible.Please notethat this guide only coversthe basic functionswith theinstructions neces
sary to use these functions. Complete descriptions of all the supported functions and all availa
ble extensions can be found in the instruction manuals.
Please also note that the servo amplifiers of the MR-J3-T series include the following additional
major functions that are not covered in this Quick Start Manual:
쎲 Communication via a serial port for controlling point table positioning
쎲 Positioning control in BCD format with the optional MR-DS60 digital switch
쎲 Amplifier c ontroller circuit settings and auto-tuning functions
Safety Instructions
Toensuresafeandproper installationoftheequipmentplease also observetheinstructionsand
safety precautions in the instruction manuals supplied for your hardware.
Notes in this Quick Start Manual:
NOTETips and useful information.
Additional documentation:
쎲 MR-J3-T Instruction Manual (SH(NA030061-A)
쎲 MR-J3-T Instruction Manual for CC-Link (SH(NA030058-B)
쎲 Instruction Manual for the CC-Link Master Module:
The servo amplifiers of the MR-J3-T series are designed specifically for drive positioning appli
cations using point-to-point positioning without interpolation or trajectory control. The positions
tobeaccessedstored in atableandcanbe selected cyclically,individuallyor in any orderwith:
쎲 Digital signals
쎲 CC-Link communication
The MR Configurator setup software package enables the user to test the entered positioning
steps quickly and easily in test mode.
1. 1Preparations
The following products and parts are needed for using the point table positioning features described in this manual:
쎲 A servo amplifier, for example MR-J3-10T
쎲 A servo motor compatible with the selected amplifier
Example: HF-KP13 motor for the MR-J3-10T servo amplifier
쎲 MRZJW3-SETUP221E Version C0 of the MR Configurator setup software package
쎲 MR-J3USBCBL3MUSBcableforconnectingyourPC/notebookwiththeservoamplifier
쎲 MR-PWS1CBL M-A1-L motor connection cable
쎲 MR-J3ENCBL M-A2-L rotary encoder cable
쎲 MR-J2CMP2 connector for CN6 I/O signal connector
쎲 Power supply cables conforming to the applicable installation regulations
쎲 Connection cables for the control terminals
Required for positioning control with digital signals:
쎲 MR-J3CN1 connector for communication connector CN10
쎲 Optional MR-J3-D01 expansion card
Useful but not absolutely necessary:
쎲 Simulation Box and terminal block with connection cable for testing:
FX Simulation Box (Art. No.3386)
MR-TB50 ter minal block for CN10 (MR-J3-D01)
MR-J2M-CN1TBL•M c able for connecting CN10 to MR-TB50
Required for positioning control via a CC-Link network:
Q-Rack with PLC and the CC-Link module QJ61BT11N
CC-Link cable compatible with version V1.10 Standard
쎲 Cable for connecting the PC/notebook to the PLC CPU:
Q ser ies: SC-Q QC30R2
A and FX series: SC-09
쎲 The GX IEC Developer programming software package for configuration of the data com-
munications settings
NOTEThis Quick Star t Manual describes theinstallation and setup of a typical servo system con-
sisting of an MR-J3-10T servoamplifier (single-phase, 230V / 100W) and an HF-KP13 servo motor. Note that the specifications of this sample system may differ from those of your
configuration–pleasecheckyourequipment’sinstr uction manualsfordetails ifnecessary.
Installing the EquipmentInstalling the MR-J3-D01 Extension
2Installing the Equipment
The procedure for the physical installation of the MR-J3-T series hardware is exactly the same
as for the MR-J3-A and MR-J3-B models. The dimensions of the MR-J3-T series amplifiers are
identical to those of the matching models of the MR-J3-A and MR-J3-B series.
NOTEPlease consult the instruction manual for detailed installation instructions.
2. 1Installing the MR-J3-D01 Extension
Remove the cover of the CN7 connector on the r ight side of the MR-J3-T housing.
Upper mounting
point 2
Cover forCN7
Lower mounting
point 2
Upper mounting
point 1
Lower mounting
point 1
Fig. 2-1:Fixing points of the extension MR-J3-D01
PositiontheMR-J3-D01 extension over theupper and lowermounting points 1 on the ser voamplifier,then press theextensionintoplace so thatthelugs click into positioninthe upperand lowermounting points 2.This also connects the extensionto theamplifier via connector CN7 on the amplifier.
Fasten the extension securely to the servo amplifier with the M4 screw (included) as
Installing the MR-J3-D01 ExtensionInstalling the Equipment
Fig. 2-2:Fastening screw dimensions for extension MR-J3-D01
NOTETouninstall the extensionperform the above steps in the reverseorder.To release the retai-
ning clips press the retaining tabs marked “Push” inwards and pull the extension out to the
First Functional TestMinimumConnections for the Functional Check
3First Functional Test
Thewiring diagram below (Fig. 3-1)shows theminimum connectionsthat youmust maketo test
an MR-J3-T series amplifier with the MR Configurator setup software. In test mode you can
check whether all the components are working properly.
NOTEYou can also use the optional MR-PRU-03 HMI control terminal for performing initial tests
andsettingthe amplifier’sparameters.Forfur ther detailssee the MR-J3-Tseries instruction
3.1Minimum Connections for the Functional Check
Servo motor
200–230V AC
Fig. 3-1:Wir ing diagram for minimum configuration without control ter minals
Minimum Connections for the Functional CheckFirst Functional Test
3.1.1Connector pin assignments
Power terminals
Connector CN2
Servo amplifier
I/O extension
Fig. 3-2:Power and control connector pin assignments for minimum c onfiguration
First Functional TestFunctional Test Settings
3. 2Functional Test Settings
The following input signals are required to activate the servo amplifier’s motor output:
EMG -> Force stop (safety signal)
쎲 SON -> Ser vo ON
쎲 LSP -> Forward rotation stroke end (limit switch)
쎲 LSN -> Reverse rotation stroke end (limit switch)
You can configure the servo amplifier to activate these signals automatically when the power is
switched on:
Connect the PC / notebook to the servo amplifier’s USB port (CN5) with the
MR-J3USBCBL3M cable.
Start MR Configurator on the computer and make the following settings:
– Select the MR-J3-T series servo amplifier:
Fig. 3-3:Selecting the servo amplifier
Functional Test SettingsFirst Functional Test
Set the parameter for the automatic activation of the EMG, SON and LSP/LSN input
Parameter PD01 “Input signal automatic ON selection 1” = 1C04
Fig. 3-4:Parameter settings for automatic input signal activation.
– Turn the servoamplifier off and then tur n it on again to initialise the newparameter set-
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