Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Nagoya Works is a factory certified for ISO14001 (standards for
environmental management systems) and ISO9001 (standards for quality assurance management systems).
Evolution of the inverter for fan and pump applications,
Evolution of the inverter for fan and pump applications,
energy savings for buildings and factories as a whole
energy savings for buildings and factories as a whole
Upgrade of the renown Optimum Excitation Control!!
•Achieved a higher level of energy savings during acc./dec. to say
nothing of during constant speed.
[Ex. of Blower Operation Characteristics]
Power Consumption (%)
01020304050 60
V/F control
Frequency (Hz)
Easy replacement with
the cooling fan cassette!!
[Ratio of Motor Power Consumption during Acc./Dec.]
Driving of the Mitsubishi 400V 4 poles
45kW motors comparison
Power Consumption Ratio (%)
RS-485 communication is
possible with PU connector
Conventional model(FR-F500)
0 1020304050
Motor Lord Torque (%)
The effect of energy savings is obvious
•The effect of energy savings can be confirmed using the
operation panel, output terminal (FM, AM terminal) and
via networks with the newly developed energy saving
Ex. of Power Savings
Monitor Display
[Energy Saving Monitor List]
Power saving monitor (kW)
Power saving rate (%)
Power saving amount (kWh)
Power saving amount charge ($)
Power saving average value (kW)
Power saving rate average value (%)
Power saving charge average value ($)
Annual power saving amount (kWh)
Annual power saving amount charge ($)
Easy operation
with the setting
dial of the
operation panel
(1) Adjustable 5 points V/F
•Possible to set the torque
pattern that is optimum for the
machine's characteristic
•Possible to expect even more
energy savings with optimum
excitation control and optimum
V/F pattern working together
(2) Enhanced PID function
Energy savings in low speed region ... PID shutoff (sleep control) function
Shorter PID startup time ... PID automatic switchover function
Monitor of set point/measured value/deviation possible ... PID monitor
Convenient for HVAC usage ... forward/reverse operation switchover
is simple with an external signal
Corresponds to a wide range of detectors ... set point and measured value
for PID input can either be voltage (0 to 5V/0 to 10 V) or current (4 to 20mA)
Adoption of the original operation continuation
at instantaneous power failure function
•Operation continues without
the motor coasting when an
instantaneous power failure
occurred in fan and blower
*The inverter may trip and the motor may
coast depending on the load condition.
Power Supply
V/F Characteristic
When power is restored during deceleration
(4) Restart after instantaneous
•Restart can be made without stopping the
motor when the motor is coasting due to an
instantaneous power failure.
(5) Flying start
•Smoothly restarts a motor that is rotating even in
the opposite direction due to the windmill effect.
Possible to avoid regeneration overvoltage alarm by
automatically increasing the frequency and continue
operation if the fan happens to rotate faster due to
the effect of another fan in the same duct.
(7) PTC thermistor input
•Protection of the motor can be certain since the
built-in PTC of the motor can be input directly in
addition to the electronic thermal relay function.
PTC thermistor input…Positive Temperature Coefficient Thermistor
(8) Commercial power-supply
Switchover to commercial power-supply operation is
simple using R1 and S1 terminals of the control circuit
and commercial power-supply switchover sequence.
power failure function
Regeneration avoidance function
switchover sequence
Connection with
Peripheral Devices
Why can the inverter
save energy?
Adoption of newly developed long life cooling fan (design life of 10 years*1)
Longer operating life is further enhanced with the use of ON/OFF control of cooling fan.
•Adoption of long life capacitor (design life of 10 years*
A capacitor with specification of 5000 hours at 105˚C ambient temperature is adapted.
Ambient temperature: yearly average 40˚C (free from corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt)
Since the design life is a calculated value, it is not a guaranteed value.
*2 Output current: 80% of the rated current of Mitsubishi standard 4P motor
State of the art longevity diagnostic method
Degrees of deterioration of main circuit capacitor, control circuit
capacitor or inrush current limit circuit can be diagnosed by monitor.
•Trouble can be avoided with the self-diagnostic alarms* that is
output when the life span is near.
*Any of alarm for main circuit capacitor, control circuit capacitor, inrush current limit
circuit and cooling fan can be output.
1, 2
(3) Maintenance timer
•Maintenance timer output function can also inform of
maintenance time for peripheral equipments.
Average output current value and maintenance timer value are output as pulses.
(5) Improved workability
Easy replacement of cooling fan
Removable terminal block
¥The installation position of the cooling fan is in the
upper portion of the inverter.
Fan replacement is easily done without having to
remove the main circuit wires.
Wiring is easy with the combed shaped wiring cover
¥Wiring cover can be reinstalled after wiring.
(200V class 22K or less, 400V class 30K or less)
(4) Update is also easy
•Removable terminal block
¥When exchanging the inverter, the control
circuit terminals can be exchanged.
The removable terminal block of the FRF500 series can be used.
(The terminal block of the FR-F700 series is compatible with
that of the FR-F500 series.
Note that some functions of the FR-F700 series are restricted
when using the terminal block of the FR-F500 series.)
FR-F500 series
Possible to copy parameters with operation panel
¥Parameter setting for multiple inverters is simple by
copy with the operation panel.
•Alarm history
Alarm history (alarm details and frequency, current, voltage
and cumulative energization time at time of alarm
occurrence) can be displayed on the operation panel and
the cause of a trouble can be checked.(up to 8 past alarms)
FR-F700 series
Option and
Peripheral Devices
Precautions for
Precautions for Peripheral
Device Selection
Application to Motor
Main differences and
compatibilities with
the FR-F500(L) series
International FA center
Full of attractive features!
Reduction of electromagnetic noises
•Inverter noises have been reduced with the adoption of new technologies.
•Newly developed noise filter (EMC filter)
¥Because of the built-in EMC filter, the inverter itself can
comply with the EMC Directive (2nd environment*
setting the connector to "with filter"(*
[FR-F740-37K Conducted noise data]
.15 .2 .3.5 .7 12 35 7 1020 30
Refer to the EMC instruction manual for compliance conditions.
*2: Leakage current will increase when the EMC filter is selected.
*3: Since the leakage current when using the EMC filter for the 200V class 0.75K and
1.5K is small, the filter is always valid (a setting connector is not provided).
Because of the built-in capacitive filter and zero-phase reactor (55K or less),
second Environment QP level
QP value
Frequency [MHz]
) by
connecting the optional DC reactor to the inverter will comply with the
electric installation work common specification and machine installation
work common specification (2001) written under the general editorship of
the Japanese Ministry of land, infrastructure and transportation.
Capacitive filter
55K or less
75K or more
Countermeasures for harmonic current output
Standard (Built-in)
Standard (Built-in)
Zero-phase reactor
Standard (Built-in)
Option (Sell separately)
DC reactor
Option (Sell separately)
Standard (supplied)
•Small AC reactor (FR-HAL)/DC reactor (FR-HEL)
AC reactor and DC reactor options for the control of
harmonics current output has been miniaturized.
(DC reactor is supplied with the 75K or more as standard.)
Connection with high power factor converter (FR-HC/MT-HC) is possible
¥Connection is possible to high power-factor converter for effective
suppressions of power-supply harmonics (coefficient K5=0).
Equipped with inrush current limit circuit
Because of the built-in inrush current limit circuit, the current
at power on is restricted.
Equipped with operation panel with the popular setting dial
•Operation is easy with the popular setting dial.
¥Frequency and parameters can be set without frustrations.
Settings can be made quickly or slowly depending on fast
the dial is being turned.
Settings are certain due to the "clicking" sensation and notch on dial.
Example of parameter change
•Operation panel is detachable and can be installed on the
front cover. (Cable connector
option is required.)
•PU/EXT (operation mode)
switchover key is available.
•Dial/key operation lock
function is available.
(2) FR Configurator (setup software)
From start up to maintenance of the inverter is simple.
Possible to save and print parameter setting file making
parameter management simple
(Possible to use communications connecting to any of PU connector and RS-485 terminals)
RS-485 terminal is standard equipped
Complies with UL, cUL, EN (LVD) standards
•RS-485 terminals are available in addition to the PU.
connector. RS-485 communication can be performed using
the operation panel or parameter unit. Since terminals for
input and output are provided separately, multi-drop
connection is easily done.
•Modbus-RTU (Binary) protocol has been added for
communications in addition to computer link.
Possible to switch sink/source with one-touch
Possible to switch the logic of I/O terminals. Possible to use in
all regions
Possible to correspond with major networks
(3)Wide voltage range
Accommodate both 240V power supply (55K or less) and
480V power supply as standard
(1) Remote output function
•You can utilize the on/off of the inverter's output signals
instead of the remote output function of the programmable
logic controller.
(2) Enhanced I/O is standard
Example of
operation mode
•Possible to connect with LONWORKS, CC-Link Ver.1.1 and Ver.2.0,
and Profibus-DP when used with communication
dedicated cable
Up to 42 units can
be connected
when connections
( )
are inverter only
CC-Link network
Network management
•12 contact inputs, 3 analog inputs, 5 open collector outputs, 2
relay outputs, analog output and pulse output are all standard.
•Possible to assign variety of functions to contact inputs, open
collector outputs and relay outputs
Possible to switch between voltage and current for the analog input.
•Possible to display the ON/OFF status of the I/O terminals on
the operation panel
Simple magnetic flux vector control is possible
•High torque in low speed region is possible with simple
magnetic flux vector control
(120% torque is possible at 3Hz with slip compensation)
Peripheral devices necessary for driving the FR-F700 series inverter are indicated below.
Three-phase AC power supply
Use within the permissible power supply
specifications of the inverter.
(Refer to page 7.)
Moulded case circuit
breaker (MCCB)
or earth leakage circuit
breaker (ELB), fuse
The breaker must be selected carefully since
an in-rush current flows in the inverter at
power on.
(Refer to page 57.)
Magnetic contactor(MC)
Install the magnetic contactor to ensure safety.
Do not use this magnetic contactor to start and
stop the inverter.
Doing so will cause the inverter life to be shorten.
(Refer to page 57.).
Reactor (FR-HAL, FR-HEL)
Reactors (option) should be used when power
harmonics measures are taken, the power factor
is to be improved or the inverter is installed near a
large power supply system (1000kVA or more).
The inverter may be damaged if you do not use
Select the reactor according to the model.
For the 55K or less, remove the jumpers across
terminals P/+-P1 to connect to the DC reactor.
(Refer to page 51.).
RS-485 terminal block
The inverter can be
connected with computers
such as PLC.
It supports Mitsubishi inverter
protocol and Modbus-RTU
(binary) protocol.
Inverter (FR-F700)
The life of the inverter is influenced by ambient temperature.
The ambient temperature should be as low as possible within
the permissible range. (Refer to page 8.) This must be noted
especially when the inverter is installed in an enclosure.
Wrong wiring might lead to damage of the inverter. The control
signal lines must be kept fully away from the main circuit to
protect them from noise.
AC reactor
(Refer to page 51.)
Noise filter
It is not necessary
for the 55K or less.
High power factor
*1, MT-HC*2)
Power supply harmonics
can be greatly suppressed.
Install this as required.
*1 Compatible with the 55K or less.
*2 Compatible with the 75K or more.
Refer to page 49 for the option list and details.
DC reactor
For the 75K or more, a DC
reactor is supplied.
Always install the reactor.
(Refer to page 51.)
Power regeneration
common converter
Power regeneration
converter (MT-RC
Greater braking capability
is obtained.
Install this as required.
R/L1 S/L2 T/L3
Brake unit
*1, MT-BU5*2)
Resistor unit
*1, MT-BR5*2)
The regenerative braking
capability of the inverter can be
exhibited fully.
Install this as required.
Noise filter
Install a noise filter to reduce
the electromagnetic noise
generated from the inverter.
Effective in the range from
about 1MHz to 10MHz.
When more wires are passed
through, a more effective result
can be obtained.
Devices connected to the output
Do not install a power factor correction capacitor,
surge suppressor or radio noise filter on the output
side of the inverter.
When installing a moulded case circuit breaker on the
output side of the inverter, contact each manufacturer
for selection of the moulded case circuit breaker.
Earth (Ground)
To prevent an electric shock, always earth
(ground) the motor and inverter.
Why Can the Inverter Save Energy?
The load torque of a motor-driven machine generally changes depending on speed. On the other hand, motor output is
proportional to the product of load torque and speed as indicated in the following formula, and therefore, necessary motor
output varies with speed.
Motor output P = T
× N/(9550 × η) [kW]
T : Motor shaft-equivalent load torque [N·m]
N : Motor speed [r/min]
η : Machine efficiency
When this motor is operated by the inverter, the inverter output provides the frequency f appropriate to the motor speed,
and the then output voltage V is determined by a "V/f = constant" pattern in the case of a constant-torque load.
For example, when the motor is operated at middle speed, f, i.e. output voltage V, decreases, and therefore, the inverter
output power V × I reduces if the output current I is constant.
Proportionately, the inverter input current decreases and the power consumption reduces. Namely, when the motor output
reduces, the input power of the inverter also decreases as a matter of course.
The fundamental principle of energy saving by the inverter is to eliminate wasted power consumption by minimizing loss
caused by the other devices and minimizing the motor output as compared to the other system (for example, commercial
power supply operation or secondary resistance control of wound-rotor motor). A maximum energy saving effect is
produced on a fan, pump or like by the variable-torque load characteristic that reduces load torque as speed decreases.
Motor speed control enables substantial energy-saving operation as compared to commercial power supply operation.
Damper control (discharge side)
For example, when a 15kW motor is operated at 60% air volume and
the power charge is 17 yen/kW·h, the power charge as much as below
can be saved in a year.
Overload current rating*4120% 60s, 150% 3s (inverse time characteristics)
Voltage*5Three-phase 380 to 480V
Rated input AC voltage/frequencyThree-phase 380 to 480V 50Hz/60Hz
Permissible AC voltage fluctuation323 to 528V 50Hz/60Hz
Permissible frequency fluctuation±5%
Power supply system capacity (kVA)*6 110137165198247275329366416464520586659733833
Power supply
Protective structure (JEM 1030)*8Open type (IP00)
Cooling systemForced air cooling
Approx. mass (kg)375057727211011 0220220220260260370370370
*1. The applied motor capacity indicated is the maximum capacity applicable for use of the Mitsubishi 4-pole standard motor.
*2. The rated output capacity indicated assumes that the output voltage is 220V for 200V class and 440V for 400V class.
*3. When operating the inverter with the carrier frequency set to 3kHz or more, the carrier frequency automatically decreases if the inverter output
current exceeds the value in parenthesis of the rated current. This may cause the motor noise to increase.
*4. The % value of the overload current rating indicated is the ratio of the overload current to the inverter's rated output current. For repeated duty,
allow time for the inverter and motor to return to or below the temperatures under 100% load.
*5. The maximum output voltage does not exceed the power supply voltage. The maximum output voltage can be changed within the setting range.
However, the pulse voltage value of the inverter output side voltage remains unchanged at about that of the power supply.
*6. The power supply capacity varies with the value of the power supply side inverter impedance (including those of the input reactor and cables).
*7. When the hook of the inverter front cover is cut off for installation of the plug-in option, the inverter changes to an open type (IP00).
*8. FR-DU07 : IP40 (Except for the PU connector).
Common specifications
Control systemHigh carrier frequency PWM control (V/F control)/optimum excitation control/simple magnetic flux vector control
Output frequency range0.5 to 400Hz
0.015Hz/0 to 60Hz (terminal 2, 4: 0 to 10V/12bit)
Analog input
setting resolution
Digital input0.01Hz
Analog inputWithin ±0.2% of the max. output frequency (25°C ± 10°C)
Digital inputWithin 0.01% of the set output frequency
Voltage/frequency characteristics
Starting torque120% (3Hz) when set to simple magnetic flux vector control and slip compensation
Control specifications
Acceleration/deceleration time setting
DC injection brakeOperation frequency (0 to 120Hz), operation time (0 to 10s), operation voltage (0 to 30%) variable
Stall prevention operation levelOperation current level can be set (0 to 150% adjustable), whether to use the function or not can be selected
setting signal
Analog input
Digital inputFour-digit BCD or16-bit binary using the setting dial of the operation panel (when used with the option FR-A7AX)
Start signal
Input signals
Operational functions
Operation specifications
Operating status
Output signals
When used with the
Pulse/analog output
Operating status
Alarm definition
Interactive guidanceOperation guide/trouble shooting with a help function*2
*1. Can be displayed only on the operation panel (FR-DU07).
*2. Can be displayed only on the parameter unit (FR-PU04).
*3. Temperature applicable for a short period in transit, etc.
*4. Only the 75K or more functions.
*5. 2.9m/s
or less for the 185K or more.
0.03Hz/0 to 60Hz (terminal 2, 4: 0 to 5V/11bit, 0 to 20mA/11bit, terminal 1: -10V to +10V/11bit)
0.06Hz/0 to 60Hz (terminal 1: 0 to ±5V/10bit)
Base frequency can be set from 0 to 400Hz Constant torque/variable torque pattern or adjustable 5 points V/F can
be selected
0 to 3600s (acceleration and deceleration can be set individually), linear or S-pattern acceleration/deceleration mode
can be selected.
Terminal 2, 4: 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 4 to 20mA can be selected
Terminal 1: -10 to +10V, -5 to 5V can be selected
Available individually for forward rotation and reverse rotation. Start signal automatic self-holding input (3-wire input)
can be selected.
You can select any twelve signals using Pr.178 to Pr.189 (input terminal function selection) from among multi speed
selection, second function selection, terminal 4 input selection, JOG operation selection, selection of automatic
restart after instantaneous power failure, external thermal relay input, HC connection (inverter operation enable
signal), HC connection (instantaneous power failure detection), PU operation/external inter lock signal , PID control
enable terminal, PU operation, external operation switchover, output stop, start self-holding selection, forward
rotation command, reverse rotation command, inverter reset, PTC thermistor input, PID forward reverse operation
switchover, PU-NET operation switchover, NET-external operation switchover, command source switchover.
Maximum and minimum frequency settings, frequency jump operation, external thermal relay input selection, polarity
reversible operation, automatic restart after instantaneous power failure operation, original operation continuation at
instantaneous power failure, commercial power supply-inverter switchover operation, forward/reverse rotation
prevention, operation mode selection, PID control, computer link operation (RS-485).
You can select any seven signals using Pr.190 to Pr.196 (output terminal function selection) from among inverter
running, up-to-speed, instantaneous power failure /undervoltage, overload warning, output frequency detection, second
output frequency detection, regenerative brake prealarm
mode, inverter operation ready, output current detection, zero current detection, PID lower limit, PID upper limit, PID
*4, electronic thermal relay function pre-alarm, PU operation
forward rotation reverse rotation output, commercial power supply-inverter switchover MC1, commercial power supplyinverter switchover MC2, commercial power supply-inverter switchover MC3, fan fault output, heatsink overheat prealarm, inverter running start command on, deceleration at an instantaneous power failure, PID control activated, during
retry, during PID output suspension, life alarm, alarm output 3 (power-off signal), power savings average value update
timing, current average monitor, alarm output 2, maintenance timer alarm, remote output, minor failure output, alarm
output. Open collector output (5 points), relay output (2 points) and alarm code of the inverter can be output (4 bit) from
the open collector.
You can select any seven signals using Pr.313 to Pr. 319 (extension output terminal function selection) from among
control circuit capacitor life, main circuit capacitor life, cooling fan life, inrush current limit circuit life and the above
stated signals. (Only positive logic can be set for terminals of the FR-A7AR.)
Selection can be made from output frequency, motor current (steady or peak value), output voltage, frequency setting
value, running speed, converter output voltage (steady or peak value), electronic thermal relay function load factor,
input power, output power, load meter, reference voltage output, motor load factor, power saving effect, regenerative
brake duty
Pr.158 "AM terminal function selection (analog output)".
*4, PID set value, PID measured value using Pr.54 "FM terminal function selection (pulse train output)" and
Output frequency, motor current (steady or peak value), output voltage, frequency setting, running speed, converter
output voltage (steady or peak value), electronic thermal relay function load factor, input power, output power, load
meter, cumulative energization time, actual operation time, motor load factor, cumulative energization power, power
saving effect, cumulative saving power, regenerative brake duty
value, inverter I/O terminal monitor, input terminal option monitor
status monitor
*2, terminal assignment status*2
*4, PID set point, PID measured value, PID deviation
Alarm definition is displayed when the protective function is activated, the output voltage/current/frequency/cumulative
energization time right before the protection function was activated and the past 8 alarm definitions are stored
Overcurrent during acceleration, overcurrent during constant speed, overcurrent during deceleration, overvoltage
during acceleration, overvoltage during constant speed, overvoltage during deceleration, inverter protection thermal
operation, motor protection thermal operation, heatsink overheat, instantaneous power failure occurrence,
undervoltage, input phase failure, motor overload, output side earth (ground) fault overcurrent, output phase failure,
external thermal relay operation, PTC thermistor operation, option alarm, parameter error, PU disconnection, retry
count excess, CPU alarm, operation panel power supply short circuit, 24VDC power output short circuit, output
current detection value excess, inrush resistance overheat, communication alarm (inverter), analog input alarm,
internal circuit alarm (15V power supply), fan fault, overcurrent stall prevention, overvoltage stall prevention,
electronic thermal relay function prealarm, PU stop, maintenance timer alarm
To prevent a malfunction due to noise, keep the signal cables more than 10cm away from the power cables.
⋅ Be sure to use the inverter and motor after grounding (earthing) them.
⋅ This connection diagram assumes that the control circuit is sink logic (initial setting). Refer to the instruction manual for the
connection in the case of source logic.
Terminal Specification Explanation
Typ eTerminal SymbolTerminal NameDescription
R/L1, S/L2, T/L3AC power inputConnect to the commercial power supply.
Main circuit
Contact input
Control circuit input signal
Frequency setting
U, V, WInverter outputConnect a three-phase squirrel-cage motor.
R1/L11, S1/L21
P/+, N/-Brake unit connection
P/+, P1DC reactor connection
PR, PXPlease do not remove or use terminals PR and PX or the jumper connected.
STFForward rotation start
STRReverse rotation start
RH, RM, RLMulti-speed selectionMulti-speed can be selected according to the combination of RH, RM and RL signals.
JOGJog mode selection
MRSOutput stop
Power supply for control
Earth (Ground)For earthing (grounding) the inverter chassis. Must be earthed (grounded).
Start self-holding
Second acceleration/
deceleration time
Terminal 4 input selection
PTC input
Selection of automatic
restart after
instantaneous power
Contact input common
External transistor
24VDC power supply,
contact input common
Frequency setting power
Frequency setting
Frequency setting
Frequency setting
Frequency setting
Connected to the AC power supply terminals R/L1 and S/L2. To retain the alarm display and
alarm output, apply external power to this terminal.
Connect the brake unit (FR-BU, BU, MT-BU5), power regeneration common converter (FRCV), power regeneration converter (MT-RC) or high power factor converter (FR-HC, MT-HC).
For the 55K or less, remove the jumper across terminals P/+ - P1 and connect the DC reactor.
(For the 75K or more, a DC reactor is supplied as standard.)
Turn on the STF signal to start forward rotation and turn it off to
Turn on the STR signal to start reverse rotation and turn it off to
Turn on the STOP signal to self-hold the start signal.
Turn on the JOG signal to select Jog operation (initial setting) and turn on the start signal (STF
or STR) to start Jog operation.
Turn on the RT signal to select second acceleration/deceleration time.
When the second function such as "second torque boost" and "second V/F (base frequency)"
are set, turning on the RT signal selects these functions.
Turn on the MRS signal (20ms or more) to stop the inverter output.
Use to shut off the inverter output when stopping the motor by electromagnetic brake.
Used to reset alarm output provided when protective function is activated. Turn on the RES
signal for more than 0.1s, then turn it off.
Recover about 1s after reset is cancelled.
Terminal 4 is made valid only when the AU signal is turned on. (The frequency setting signal
can be set between 4 and 20mADC.)
Turning the AU signal on makes terminal 2 (voltage input) invalid.
AU terminal is used as PTC input terminal (thermal protection of the motor). When using it as
PTC input terminal, set the AU/PTC switch to PTC.
When the CS signal is left on, the inverter restarts automatically at power restoration. Note that
restart setting is necessary for this operation. In the initial setting, a restart is disabled.
Common terminal for contact input terminal (sink logic) and terminal FM. Common output
terminal for 24VDC 0.1A power supply (PC terminal). Isolated from terminals 5 and SE.
When connecting the transistor output (open collector output), such as a programmable
controller (PLC), when sink logic is selected, connect the external power supply common for
transistor output to this terminal to prevent a malfunction caused by undesirable currents. Can
be used as 24VDC 0.1A power supply. When source logic has been selected, this terminal
serves as a contact input common.
When connecting the frequency setting potentiometer at an initial
status, connect it to terminal 10.
Change the input specifications when connecting it to terminal 10E.
Inputting 0 to 5VDC (or 0 to 10V, 4 to 20mA) provides the maximum output frequency at 5V
(10V, 20mA) and makes input and output proportional. Use Pr.73 to switch from among input 0
to 5VDC (initial setting), 0 to 10VDC, and 4 to 20mA.
Voltage input: Input resistance 10kΩ ± 1kΩ Maximum permissible voltage 20VDC
Current input: Input resistance 250Ω ± 2% Maximum permissible current 30mA
Inputting 4 to 20mADC (or 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V) provides the maximum output frequency at 20mA
(5V, 10V) makes input and output proportional. This input signal is valid only when the AU
signal is on (terminal 2 input is invalid). Use Pr.267 to switch between the input 4 to 20mA and 0
to 5VDC, 0 to 10VDC (initial setting).
Voltage input: Input resistance 10kΩ ± 1kΩ Maximum permissible voltage 20VDC
Current input: Input resistance 250Ω ± 2% Maximum permissible current 30mA
Inputting 0 to ±5 VDC or 0 to ±10VDC adds this signal to terminal 2 or 4 frequency setting
signal. Use Pr.73 to switch between the input 0 to ±5VDC and 0 to ±10VDC (initial setting).
Input resistance 10kΩ ± 1kΩ, Maximum permissible voltage ± 20VDC
Common terminal for frequency setting signal (terminal 2, 1 or 4) and analog output terminal
AM. Do not earth (ground).
When the STF and STR
signals are turned on
simultaneously, the stop
command is given.
10VDC, permissible load
current 10mA.
5VDC, Permissible load
current 10mA.
Typ eTerminal SymbolTerminal NameDescription
Changeover contact output indicates that the inverter protective function has activated and the
A1, B1, C1
Relay output 1 (alarm
output stopped. Abnormal: No conduction across B-C (Across A-C Continuity), Normal: Across
B-C Continuity (No conduction across A-C) Contact capacity: 230VAC 0.3A (Power factor=0.4)
30VDC 0.3A
Switched low when the inverter output frequency is equal to or
RUNInverter running
SUUp to frequency
OLOverload alarm
Open collector
Instantaneous power
higher than the starting frequency (initial value 0.5Hz). Switched
high during stop or DC injection brake operation.
Switched low when the output frequency reaches within the range
of ±10% (initial value) of the set frequency. Switched high during
acceleration/deceleration and at a stop.
Switched low when stall prevention is activated by the stall
prevention function. Switched high when stall prevention is
Switched low when an instantaneous power failure and under
voltage protections are activated.
Permissible load 24VDC
(a voltage drop is 3.4V
maximum when the signal
is on)
Alarm code (4bit) output
(Refer to page 36)
Switched low when the inverter output frequency is equal to or
FUFrequency detection
Open collector output
Control circuitoutput signal
FMFor meter
AMAnalog signal output
higher than the preset detected frequency and high when less than
the preset detected frequency.
Common terminal for terminals RUN, SU, OL, IPF, FU
Select one e.g. output frequency from monitor items. *2
The output signal is proportional to the magnitude of the
corresponding monitoring item.
Output item:
Output frequency (initial
Permissible load current
1440 pulses/s at 60Hz
Output item:
Output frequency (initial
Output signal 0 to 10VDC
Permissible load current
1mA (load impedance
10kΩ or more) Resolution
8 bit
With the PU connector, communication can be made through RS-485.
(for connection on a 1:1 basis only)
PU connector PU connector
. Conforming standard: EIA-485(RS-485)
. Transmission format: Multidrop
. Communication speed : 4800 to 38400bps
. Overall length: 500m
With the RS-485 terminal, communication can be made through RS-485.
Conforming standard: EIA-485 (RS-485)
Transmission format: Multidrop link
Communication speed : 300 to 38400bps
Overall length: 500m
The inverter will be damaged if power is applied to the inverter output terminals (U, V, W). Never perform such wiring.
⋅ indicates that terminal functions can be selected fromPr. 178 to Pr. 196 (I/O terminal function selection)
*1. Low indicates that the open collector output transistor is on (conducts). High indicates that the transistor is off (does not conduct).
*2. Not output during inverter reset.
PU: Lit to indicate PU operation mode.
EXT: Lit to indicate external operation mode.
NET: Lit to indicate network operation mode.
Rotation direction indication
FWD: Lit during forward rotation
REV: Lit during reverse rotation
On: Forward/reverse operation
Unit indication
· Hz: Lit to indicate frequency.
· A: Lit to indicate current.
· V: Lit to indicate voltage.
(Flicker when the set frequency monitor is
Flickering: When the frequency command is
not given even if the
forward/reverse command is given.
Monitor indication
Lit to indicate monitoring mode.
Monitor(4-digit LED)
Shows the frequency, parameter
number, etc.
Setting dial
(Setting dial: Mitsubishi inverter
Used to change the
frequency setting and
parameter values.
Used to change
each setting mode.
No function
Operation command
forward rotation
Operation command
reverse rotation
Stop operation
Alarms can be reset
Used to set each setting.
If pressed during operation, monitor
changes as below;
* Energy saving monitor is displayed when the
energy saving monitor of Pr. 52 is set.
Operation mode switchover
Used to switch between the PU and external operation mode.
When using the external operation mode (operation using a separately
connected frequency setting potentiometer and start signal), press this key to
light up the EXT indication. (Change the Pr.79 value to use the combined mode.)
PU: PU operation mode
EXT: External operation mode
Basic operation
Operation mode switchover
At powering on (external operation mode)
PU operation mode
(output frequency monitor)
Monitor/frequency setting
PU Jog operation mode
Value change
Output current monitor
and frequency flicker.
Frequency setting has been
written and completed!!
Output voltage monitor
Why energy
Peripheral Devices
Terminal Connection
Terminal Specification
Parameter setting mode
Parameter settingAlarm history
Value change
Parameter clearAll parameter
[Operation for displaying alarm history]
Past eight alarms can be displayed.
(The latest alarm is ended by ".".)
When no alarm history exists, is displayed.
Display the current
Parameter and a setting value
flicker alternately.
For simple variable-speed operation of the inverter, the initial setting of the parameters may be used as they are. Set the
necessary parameters to meet the load and operational specifications. Parameter setting, change and check can be made
from the operation panel (FR-DU07). For details of parameters, refer to the instruction manual.
Only simple mode parameters are displayed by the initial setting of Pr.160 User group read selection. Set Pr.160
User group read selection as required.
Simple mode parameter
0Torque boost0 to 30%0.1%6/4/3/2/1.5/1%*228
1Maximum frequency0 to 120Hz0.01Hz120/60Hz*128
2Minimum frequency0 to 120Hz0.01Hz0Hz28
3Base frequency0 to 400Hz0.01Hz60Hz28
4Multi-speed setting (high speed)0 to 400Hz0.01Hz60Hz28
5Multi-speed setting (middle speed)0 to 400Hz0.01Hz30Hz28
6Multi-speed setting (low speed)0 to 400Hz0.01Hz10Hz28
7Acceleration time0 to 3600/ 360s0.1/0.01s5s/15s*328
8Deceleration time0 to 3600/ 360s0.1/0.01s10s/30s*328
9Electronic thermal O/L relay 0 to 500/ 0 to 3600A*10.01/0.1A*1
60Energy saving control selection0, 4, 91034
79Operation mode selection0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 71037
125Terminal 2 frequency setting gain frequency 0 to 400Hz0.01Hz60Hz39
126Terminal 4 frequency setting gain frequency 0 to 400Hz0.01Hz60Hz39
160User group read selection0, 1, 99991999940
NameRangeIncrementsInitial Value
Rated inverter
output current
Extended mode parameter
⋅ The parameters marked with indicate simple mode parameters.
⋅ The shaded parameters in the table allow its setting to be changed during operation even if "0" (initial value) is set in
Parameter write selection.
Refer to
Pr. 77
Basic functions
NameSetting RangeIncrementsInitial Value
Torque boost0 to 30%0.1%6/4/3/2/1.5/1%*228
Maximum frequency0 to 120Hz0.01Hz120/60Hz*128
Minimum frequency0 to 120Hz0.01Hz0Hz28
Base frequency0 to 400Hz0.01Hz60Hz28
Multi-speed setting (high speed)0 to 400Hz0.01Hz60Hz28
Multi-speed setting (middle speed)0 to 400Hz0.01Hz30Hz28
Multi-speed setting (low speed)0 to 400Hz0.01Hz10Hz28
Acceleration time0 to 3600/ 360s0.1/0.01s5s/15s*328
Deceleration time0 to 3600/ 360s0.1/0.01s10s/30s*328
Electronic thermal O/L relay 0 to 500/ 0 to 3600A*10.01/0.1A*1
DC injection brake operation frequency0 to 120Hz, 99990.01Hz3Hz29
DC injection brake operation time0 to 10s0.1s0.5s29
DC injection brake operation voltage0 to 30%0.1%4/2/1%*429
DC Injection
Starting frequency0 to 60Hz0.01Hz0.5Hz29
Load pattern selection0, 11129
Jog frequency0 to 400Hz0.01Hz5Hz29
Jog acceleration/deceleration time0 to 3600/360s0.1/0.01s0.5s29
*1 Differ according to capacities. (55K or less/75K or more)
*2 Differ according to capacities. (0.75K/1.5K to 3.7K/5.5K, 7.5K/11K to 37K/45K, 55K/75K or more)
*3 Differ according to capacities. (7.5K or less/11K or more)
*4 Differ according to capacities. (7.5K or less/11K to 55K/75K or more)
Rated inverter
output current
Refer to
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