This instruction manual gives handling information and precautions for use of this equipment. Incorrect handling
might cause an unexpected fault. Before using the equipment, please read this manual carefully to use the equipment
to its optimum.
Please forward this manual to the end user.
This section is specifically about safety matters
Do not attempt to ins tall, ope rat e, maint ai n or insp ect t his pro duct u nt il y ou h ave r ead t hro ugh th is i nst ruct io n manual and appended documen ts car ef ully and can us e the equip ment corr ectl y. Do not use t his pro duct until you ha ve
a full knowledge of the equipment, safety information and instructions.
In this instruction manual, the safety instruction levels are classified into "WARNING" and "CAUTION".
Note that the CAUTION level may lead to a serious consequence according to conditions. Please follow the instructions of both levels because they are important to personnel safety.
Assumes that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in
death or severe injury.
Assumes that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in
medium or slight injury, or may cause physical damage only.
1. Electric Shock Prevention
While power is on or when the inverter is running, do not open the front cover. You may get an electric shock.
Do not run the inverter with the front cover removed. Otherwise, you may access the exposed high-voltage termi-
nals and charging part and get an electric shock.
If power is off, do not remove the front cover except for wiring or periodic inspection. You may access the
charged inverter circuits and get an electric shock.
Before starting wiring or inspection, switch power off, wait for more than 10 minutes, and check for no residual
When parameter clear or all parameter clear is performed, each parameter returns to th e factory setting. Re-set
the required parameters before starting operation.
For prevention of damage due to static electricity, touch nearby metal before touching this product to eliminate
static electricity from your body.
(4) Maintenance, inspection and parts replacement
Do not test the equipment with a megger (measure insulation resistance).
(5) Disposal
Treat as industrial waste.
(6) General instruction
All illustrations given in this manual may have been drawn with covers o r safety guards removed to provide indepth description. Before starting ope ration o f th e p roduc t, always return the covers and guards into o ri ginal po sitions as specified and operate the equipment in accordance with the manual.