Melco EP 1B Installation Manual

Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance manual for the EP 1B
embroidery peripheral
Single head, single needle
Easy to operate
Low power consumption
High-quality results
1575 West 124th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80234 United States of America
© Copyright 1999 by Melco Embroidery Systems
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written approval of Melco Embroidery Systems. Melco reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in it at any time without obligation of Melco to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.
All precautions have been taken to avoid errors or misrepresentations of facts, equipment, or products. However, Melco does not assume any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions.
Printed in the United States of America
Revision A, March 1999 Revision B, June 1999
Table of Contents
1. Setup
2. Configuration
Unit Name 2 - 1 Key Click Volume 2 - 1 Error Beep Volume 2 - 1 Measuring System 2 - 2 Updating the Application Software (APL) 2 - 2
3. Threads, Bobbins, and Needles
Threading the EP1B 3 - 1 Drawing Out the Bobbin Thread 3 - 3 The Bobbin Case 3 - 3 Removal 3 - 3 Winding Thread Onto The Bobbin Reel 3 - 4 Setting the Bobbin 3 - 5 Installation 3 - 5 Setting Thread Tensions 3 - 6 Upper Thread Tension 3 - 6 Bobbin Thread Tension 3 - 7 How to Select a Needle 3 - 7 Needle Replacement 3 - 8
4. Quick Start
Loading Garments 4 - 1 Attach the Hoop 4 - 2 Embroider the Design 4 - 3
5. Detailed Operation
The Control Panel 5 - 1 The Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) 5 - 1 Start Key 5 - 1 Stop Key 5 - 1 Arrow Keys 5 - 1 Hoop Center Key 5 - 1
Table of Contents
Spool Key 5 - 1 Menu Key 5 - 1 Enter Key 5 - 1 Alt Key 5 - 2 The Light Emitting Diodes (LED) 5 - 2 The Operation Menus 5 - 2 Design Menu 5 - 2 Run Design 5 - 2 Frame Menu 5 - 3 Trace Menu 5 - 3 Hoop Selection 5 - 3 Move Menu 5 - 3 Moving The Hoop Numerically 5 - 3 Seeing The Hoop’s Physical Location 5 - 3 Reset Menu 5 - 4 System Reset 5 - 4 Hard Reset 5 - 4 Auto Load 5 - 4 Error Messages 5 - 5
6. Operator Maintenance
Cleaning 6 - 1 Disassembling the Hook Area 6 - 1 Assembling the Hook Area 6 - 1 General Cleaning 6 - 2 Lubrication 6 - 2 Lubricating the Hook Area 6 - 2 General Lubrication 6 - 2 Replacement Parts 6 - 4
7. Troubleshooting Guide
Table of Contents
Single-Head Embroidery Peripheral
EP 1B Specifications
Maximum embroidery speed
700 stitches per minute
Number of Heads
Number of needles
46cm W x 36cm H x 52cm D 18" W x 14" H x 20.5" D
26kg 58 lbs
Shipping weight
31kg 68 lbs
Power consumption
80 W; wired for 100V to 240V 50/60Hz 2 fuses, 800mA Fast Blow (FB)
Noise level and test conditions
Equivalent continuous A weighted sound pres­sure level at 1 meter from the machine is 66db.
The peak C weighted instantaneous sound pressure level is 71db.
The noise level was measured sewing a test design at 600 spm.
Recommended power conditioning equip­ment
LC 1800 Line stabilizer (available from Accessory Resource Corporation)
Embroidering field size
24 x 14cm (9.5 x 5.5")
Intended use
The EP 1B is designed to embroider on textile products which are placed easily in a Melco embroidery hoop. The machine should not be used on thick leather, wood, plastic, or other dense material.
Table of Contents
Explanation of Symbols
Indicates a machine component will move. Keep clear!
Shock hazard. No user replaceable parts behind this label. Do not open!
Pinch point, Keep clear!
Pinch point, Keep clear!
Pinch points, Keep clear!
Needle pinch point, Keep clear!
1. Setup
The setup procedure for the EP 1B Embroidery Peripheral is easy and will only take a few minutes.
1. Carefully remove the machine from the shipping container, using care not to drop or damage any other items packed around it. The machine is heavy, so be careful. Place the machine on a sturdy table or work bench.
NOTE: Be sure to save the shipping container and packing supplies that your embroidery periph-
eral came in. If your machine should ever require factory service, it should be returned in the original (or other equally suitable) shipping container.
2. Make certain the machine’s power switch is turned to the OFF position.
3. Plug one end of the power cord into a wall outlet. A surge protector is recommended but not required. Plug the other end into the machine.
4. The EP 1B is compatible with Ethernet network tech­nology. With Ethernet, peripherals connect to a wiring hub, and the hub connects to an EDS com­puter (or computers). The hub is a small electronic device that contains a number of cable jacks and diagnostic lights. The peripherals and EDS comput­er(s) can plug into any port on the hub. You can connect as many peripherals or computers as your hub can hold. If you have more peripherals or com­puters than your hub has ports, you can string 2 (or more) hubs together. Always use 10BaseT RJ45 wiring.
5. Your machine may have come with a needle already installed, but it is a good idea to start your sewing with a new needle.
6. Locate the thread guide bar and gently pull it upward until it reaches its maximum height. It will extend like a car antenna. Rotate the guide bar until the ends are aligned over the thread cones on the base below (see Figure 1-2).
7. Your machine may have come with thread already loaded on the bobbin, but check to make certain.
8. Load a spool of thread onto the thread stand and thread the machine as required.
At this point your EP 1B should be ready to begin sewing. If you should encounter any problems during this procedure, contact your local Melco representative for assistance, or call Melco’s Technical Support line.
12404 Rev. A 1. Setup
Figure 1-1
Figure 1-2
Note: Enclosed power cord is for North American applications. Use a cord suit­able for your area.
EP 1B Operation Manual Melco Embroidery Systems
Hazards of operation
Caution! Below are risk areas or danger points encountered dur­ing operation. Always wear eye protection while operating the machine to prevent injury in the event of a needle break. Do not wear loose or baggy clothing when operating the machine.
Take-up Lever Oscillation
Do not touch the take-up levers during operation.
Exposed Needles During Operation
Do not place body parts or other foreign objects under the needles during operation.
Rotary Hook Rotation
Do not attempt to change bobbin thread during operation. Do not place hands or other objects in the rotary hook area during operation. Do not operate the machine without the hook guards in place.
Dangers de service
Attention! Ci-dessous vous trouverez les descriptions de diverses zones de risque ou points dangereux lors du service de la machine. Il faut tou­jours porter des lunettes protectrices pendant le service de la machine afin d'éviter des blessures en cas d'une casse d'aiguille.
12404 Rev. B 1. Setup
Oscillation du releveur de fil Ne pas toucher les releveurs de fil pendant le service.
Aiguilles exposées pendant le service. Ne mettre ni de parties du corps ni d'autres objets au-dessous des aiguilles pendant le service.
Rotation de la navette rotative Ne pas essayer de changer la canette pendant le service. Ne pas mettre ni les mains ni d'autres objets dans la zone de la navette rotative pendant le service. Ne pas mettre la machine en marche sans avoir mis en place les gardes du ramasseur.
EP 1B Operation Manual Melco Embroidery Systems
Vorsicht! Nachfolgend sind Risikobereiche und Gefahrenpunkte genannt, die während des Betriebs auftreten können. Tragen Sie immer einen Augenschutz, wenn die Maschine in Betrieb ist, um Verletzungen im Falle eines Nadelbruchs vorzubeugen. Tragen Sie keine weite oder lockere Kleidung, wenn Sie die Maschine bedienen.
Hin- und Herbewegung des Fadengebers Die Fadengeber nicht berühren, wenn die Maschine in Betrieb ist.
Offenliegende Nadeln während des Betriebs Körperteile fernhalten und keine fremden Gegenstände unter die Nadeln legen, wenn die Maschine in Betrieb ist.
Umdrehung des Umlaufgreifers Die Garnspule nicht austauschen, während die Maschine in Betrieb ist. Die Hände vom Umlaufgreifer fernhalten oder andere Gegenstände nicht in den Bereich des Umlaufgreifers bringen, wenn die Maschine läuft. Die Maschine nicht bedi­enen, wenn der Greiferschutz nicht an seinem Platz ist.
Pericoli nel funzionamento
Attenzione! Di sotto vengono descrite le zone di rischio o i punti peri­colosi che potreste incontrare durante il funzionamento. Portate sempre degli occhiali prottetivi mentre comandate la macchina, per pervenire il ferimento in caso di rottura di ago.
12404 Rev. B 1. Setup
Oscillazione delle leve d'avvolgimento Non toccate le leve durante il funzionamento
Aghi esposti durante il funzionamento Non mettete delle parti del corpo o altri oggetti stranieri sotto gli aghi durante il funzionamento.
Rotazione del perno girevole della bobina Non provate a ricambiare la bobina di filo durante il funziona­mento. Non mettete le mani o altri oggetti sul perno girevole della bobina durante il funzionamento.
EP 1B Operation Manual Melco Embroidery Systems
Risco de funcionamento
Atenção! São a seguir indicadas áreas de risco ou zonas perigosas encon­tradas durante o funcionamento. Usar sempre protecção para os olhos ao comandar a máquina para evitar ferimentos no caso de quebra de agulhas. Não use vestuário solto ou desapertado quando trabalhar com a máquina.
Oscilação da alavanca de enrolamento Não toque nas alavancas de enrolamento durante o seu fun­cionamento.
Agulhas à vista durante o funcionamento Não coloque partes do corpo ou objectos estranhos por baixo das agulhas durante o funcionamento.
Rotação do gancho rotativo Não tente mudar fios das bobinas durante o funcionamento. Não ponha as mãos ou outros objectos na área do gancho rota­tivo durante o funcionamento. Não trabalhe com a máquina sem os resguardos dos ganchos estarem instalados.
Peligros durante el funcionamiento
¡Atención! A continuación se mencionan las zonas de riesgo o los puntos de peligro con los que se podrían encontrar Vds. durante la maniobra. Utilicen siempre gafas protectoras cuando operen la máquina a fin de pre­venir heridas en caso de rotura de la aguja. No lleven vestidos holgados mientras están operando la máquina.
12404 Rev. B 1. Setup
Oscilación de la palanca de compensación (entrega-hilo) Eviten tocar las palancas de compensación (entrega-hilo) durante el funcionamiento.
Agujas al descubierto durante el funcionamiento Eviten colocar partes del cuerpo u otros objetos debajo de las agujas durante el funcionamiento.
Rotación del gancho giratorio No traten de cambiar el hilo inferior de bobina durante la operación. Eviten colocar las manos u otros objetos en la área del gancho giratorio durante el funcionamiento. No accionen la máquina sin el dispositivo de protección del gancho en su sitio.
EP 1B Operation Manual Melco Embroidery Systems
2. Configuration
The EP 1B allows you the option of setting the unit name, measuring system, and volume of the key clicks and error beeps.
After starting EDS, turn on the EP 1B, then select “RESET MENU” with the menu key.
Unit Name
The unit name is a unique address for each machine. The machine uses the unique EtherNet address as a default. You may change this to any 10 (or less) character name. Use a unique name for each machine if you have more than one machine on your network.
1. With the machine power on, enter [RESET MENU]. Press [ò] until the display shows [UNIT NAME].
2. Press [ENTER] to change the unit name.
3. Use the [ñ] or [ò] keys to change a letter, and use the [ï] or [ð] keys to change character positions.
4. Press [ENTER] to save the unit name.
Key Click Volume
Each time you press one of the keys on the EP 1B control panel, the machine responds with a “click” sound. You can adjust the volume of this click to suit your needs.
1. With the machine power on, enter [RESET MENU]. Press [ò] until the display shows [KEY CLICK].
2. Press [ENTER] to change the key click volume.
3. Use the [ñ] or [ò] keys to change the key click volume. It will change as you use the arrows.
4. Press [ENTER] to save the key click volume level.
Error Beep Volume
Whenever an operation error occurs, the EP 1B beeps. The volume of this beep can be adjusted to suit your needs.
1. With the machine power on, enter [RESET MENU]. Press [ò] until the display shows [ERROR BEEP].
2. Press [ENTER] to change the error beep volume.
12404 Rev. B 2. Configuration
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