ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise) without prior written approval of Melco Embroidery Systems. Melco reserves the right to
revise this publication and to make changes in it at any time without obligation of Melco to notify any
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All precautions have been taken to avoid errors or misrepresentations of facts, equipment, or products.
However, Melco Embroidery Systems does not assume any liability to any party for loss or damage
caused by errors or omissions.
The EMT 1 Embroidery Peripheral Technical Manual is a guide for performing repairs
and adjustments which go beyond routine operator maintenance.
Although these procedures are best understood and performed by professional
service technicians in conjunction with specific factory technical training, much of
the information in this manual may be useful reference for others who might
possess appropriate technical aptitude and skills.
If any information in this manual is not fully understood, however, you are advised
to contact your local Melco equipment service organization for assistance. You will
find they are professional service technicians trained on Melco equipment, who
have acquired technical expertise through experience and other general technical
training. Additionally, Melco equipment technicians routinely receive up to date
servicing information which continually enhances their product knowledge.
1 - 1
This technical manual is presented in four Sections: 1) an overview of general
information useful in understanding the manual and various service requirements,
2) service maintenance of all the machine areas except the embroidery head,
3) embroidery head maintenance, and 4) accessory adjustments. Sections 2, 3, and
4 address mechanical disassembly and replacement of the major components of the
embroidery peripheral and any related machine adjustments.
Standard Conventions Used In Manual
Throughout this manual abbreviations and specific terms may be used. The
following explains some of this terminology:
When speaking of a "printed circuit board," the item may quite often be referred
to as a "PCB."
The terms "X Beam", "Y Beam", "Beam", "Carriage", "Carriage Assembly" and
"Pantograph" may all refer to the same general area.
Certain procedures in the manual require actions such as pressing a certain key, or
typing some letters at the computer keyboard. The following is a list of some of the
more commonly used conventions found in this manual.
• To indicate a key on the computer keyboard, the key in question is simply
referred to, for example: Press the Enter key to initiate the application.
• A key on the peripheral keyboard is represented by a pictorial of that key.
• Typing with the computer keyboard is referred to in BOLD letters, for
example: Type: run and press Enter to start.
1 - 2Maintenance Philosophy
EMT 1 Technical ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
• To indicate that two or more keys must be pressed to obtain a desired
result, each key is indicated with commas between them. An example is:
Press Shift,8 to type an asterisk (*).
Occasionally in the manual, special attention by the user is required. In this
situation, "attention getters" are used to indicate the need for the user to be aware
of a situation that is above and beyond the normal or routine. Three standard
attention getters are explained below:
This term is used to call attention to the user that the procedure
following must be performed with care and accuracy to avoid possible
damage to property or personal injury to the operator or other persons in
the area. This term is also used to announce important regulatory
This term is used when the procedure following it may cause damage
to the equipment or other property if not properly performed by the user.
This term is used when additional information is required beyond
the normal steps for communicating the information. It may be used to
clarify certain portions of text or to call attention to other items previously
mentioned or mentioned later in the procedure.
Glossary Of Terms
Several words or terms are used in this manual that are unique or specialized in use
with the embroidery industry or Melco embroidery equipment. A glossary of these
terms is located in the operation manual.
Maintenance Philosophy
The maintenance philosophy used in this manual, and practiced at Melco, is to
isolate potential problems within the system to a "practical" replacement assembly.
Therefore, components are typically not repaired, but rather, a circuit board or
mechanical "assembly" may be replaced. In the process of isolating problems in the
machine, the person performing the trouble shooting must also practice good
trouble shooting techniques. Good trouble shooting techniques include, but are not
limited to, guarding against static electricity causing further damage to machine
components; and only replacing one part at a time to enable identification of the
defective part after the machine is repaired.
Warranty Considerations1 - 3
110344-01, Rev B1. Introduction
Good Maintenance Practice
The procedures in this manual are guidelines for performing repair maintenance
and must be used by personnel practicing good maintenance and repair technique.
Good maintenance technique includes, but is not limited to, adhering to all
precautions and safety considerations when working on the unit, and using the
correct tools for the job being performed.
WARNING! Personal injury may result if proper precautions are
not observed. Remove rings, watches, and any other metallic
objects from hands and wrists before servicing the machine.
Remove metallic articles from shirt pockets to prevent them
from falling into the machine. Do not place hands under the
needle or needle bar. Do not allow loose clothing to come in
contact with moving parts of the machine. Under certain
conditions of machine failure the moving parts of the machine
may not be controllable by normal means. At these times the
machine may operate without notice.
Static Electricity
As with all computerized equipment, the EMT 1 Embroidery Peripheral is sensitive to
static electricity. Any time work is performed inside covered areas of the embroidery
peripheral, the person performing the work
MUST be using a static grounding strap.
WARNING! Failure to use a grounding strap, or failure to
practice other good maintenance/repair techniques may cause
damage to the machine and possible harm to personnel.
Grounding Strap Use
The grounding strap must be connected in the proper manner to insure the static
charge on the persons body is neutralized to the chassis ground level of the
embroidery peripheral when working in the electronic areas under the covers.
DO NOT attempt to use any grounding strap that is not specifically designed for
static use. A "straight-wire" grounding device (one without built-in resistance) will
place the operator in danger of exposure to dangerous voltages. It is recommended
that the static strap be checked during daily use for proper resistance protection.
Warranty Considerations
Many areas of maintenance in this manual require factory trained personnel to
assure proper service. Any service that is improperly performed may cause the
warranty to be voided.
1 - 4Functional Arrangement
EMT 1 Technical ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
Electrical Grounding
WARNING! It is very important that the power cord be plugged
into a properly wired electrical outlet. Failure to have a
properly wired outlet may result in damage to the equipment
and injury to personnel. It is recommended that a licensed
electrician be consulted to assure that the electrical outlet is
properly wired and grounded.
CAUTION! If a properly wired electrical outlet is not used for the source supply
voltage to the System, electrical failures may result.
Functional Arrangement
The EMT 1 is functionally arranged into several sections including the electronics, a
power supply section, the keyboard and disk drive, the Embroidery Head, and the
Carriage section. Figure 1-1 shows the general locations of these and other
functional parts of the embroidery peripheral.
e-stop switch
power supply
(under rear
table top or
bobbin winder
and needle
and Disk
(under rear
table top)
serial # tag
Figure 1 - 1
Configuration Procedure1 - 5
110344-01, Rev B1. Introduction
Configuring the EMT 1
During the operation of the EMT 1, certain situations may arise when the peripheral
does not respond to keyboard commands. You may often recover from this type of
situation by performing what is called "Configuring" (or Re-configuring) the
embroidery peripheral.
You must also configure the peripheral any time you install a new CPU (
Processor Unit) printed circuit board.
Configuration is initially set at the factory. However, if for any reason the
configuration is not set properly, or if you have replaced the CPU board, you should
know how to set the configuration.
NOTICE: Re-configuring your EMT 1 will
clear the power fail rescue function for the
current situation.
There are two items that must be set in each EMT 1 Embroidery Peripheral before it
is used in the Melco system for the first time.
First you must set the
Peripheral Program. The CPU PCB used on the EMT 1
Embroidery Peripheral may also be used in other embroidery peripherals produced
at Melco. Therefore, you must tell the CPU board what peripheral it is being used in.
If the CPU PCB is ever replaced, you must reconfigure the peripheral before using it
CAUTION! If the EMT 1 is not configured with the correct Peripheral Program, it will
not run properly, and may become damaged.
The second configuration item is the
Network Address. The address must be
different for each peripheral attached to an EDS II or EDS III computer or network.
There may be up to 64 (16 if using EDS II software) total embroidery peripherals
attached to any one computer, and each must have its own unique identification.
The EMT 1 uses an Ethernet network card which allows the address to contain the
numbers 0 through 9, all 26 English letters, three symbols (-, /, and *), or any
combination of these characters. The maximum number of characters that can be
used in the network address is sixteen.
Configuration Procedure
Refer to the operation manual for the procedure to configure or re-configure the
EMT 1 Embroidery Peripheral.
1 - 6Troubleshooting LEDs and Test Points
EMT 1 Technical ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
Troubleshooting LEDs and Test Points
At the front of the EMT 1 is a metal cover plate over a variety of indicator LED lights
and a series of test points for checking certain voltages with a multimeter. This area
is provided for observing various machine conditions, especially while
troubleshooting problems that may occasionally occur. To access this area, remove
the screws holding the cover, flip the cover over so the lettering on the cover is
visible (as shown in Figure 1-2), and reinstall the cover in the same holes but above
the LED opening. The lettering on flip-side of the cover is a brief title for each of the
LED and test point locations. You may also refer to Figure 1-3 for this information.
Figure 1 - 2
lettering on
metal cover
indicator LED
lights and
test points
Configuration Procedure1 - 7
110344-01, Rev B1. Introduction
GREEN(all should be ON)
1) I/O FPGA (I/O IC on CPU configured OK at startup)
2) Control FPGA (Control IC on CPU configured OK at startup)
3) +5V (Power OK from CPU)
4) +6V (Isolated) OK
5) +36V OK (see note **)
6) +24V OK
7) -12V OK
8) +12V OK
9) +5V (+12V based) OK
10) +5V (+24V based) OK
(all should be OFF)
1) Estop Engaged
2) Light Fuse Blown
3) Bobbin Fuse Blown
4) Disregard,
5) Disregard, Not Used with EMT 1
6) Z Motor Current Limit Error
7) Y Motor Current Limit Error
8) X Motor Current Limit Error
9) Y Home not functioning
10) X Home not functioning
Not Used with EMT 1
* TEST POINT Voltage Tolerances
+6 VDC ISO (+5.6 to +6.1 VDC)
+36 VDC [without load] (+30 to +37 VDC)
+36 VDC [with 20-100% load] (+34.2 to +37.8 VDC)
+24 VDC (+22.8 to +25.2 VDC)
-12 VDC (-10.8 to -13.2 VDC)
+12 VDC (+11.4 to +12.6 VDC)
+5 VDC (+4.9 to +5.1 VDC)
ISO RET (Isolated GND)
+6 VDC ISO *
+36 VDC *
+24 VDC *
Note ** +36 VDC
When the peripheral is first
turned on and before the
program is downloaded,
-12 VDC *
+12 VDC *
the +36.0 VDC LED may be
blinking. This is normal. But
after the machine initializes,
and the motors become
energized, if the blinking
does not stop the power
supply may be marginal.
(2) through (5) ON, others as indicated)
(ON only at Head Up) Z Index (1
Watch Dog (2
(see note ***) Z Hall (3
(7) ON until motorsinitiated, then OFF
(see note ***) Y Hall (4
(see note ***) X Hall (5
Not Used with EMT 1 (6
XYZ Motor Brakes (7
(9) & (10) ON - one side of axis center,
OFF - other side of axis center
Not Used with EMT 1 (8
Y Home (9
X Home (10
10) Disregard, Not Used with EMT 1
9) Disregard, Not Used with EMT 1
8) Disregard, Not Used with EMT 1
7) Disregard, Not Used with EMT 1
6) Disregard, Not Used with EMT 1
5) Disregard, Not Used with EMT 1
4) Disregard, Not Used with EMT 1
3) Disregard, Not Used with EMT 1
2) Standard Cap Frame (ON when Installed)
1) Wide Angle Cap Frame (ON when Installed)
Note *** Hall - Sensors in the
motor which indicate defective
(dead spot) sections in the
motor. Only OFF at dead spot
positions in the motor rotation.
(conditions as indicated)
+5 VDC *
Figure 1 - 3
1 - 8Various Technical Specifications
EMT 1 Technical ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
Various Technical Specifications
The following is a list of various tension and force specifications for the EMT 1 (All
specifications to be within plus or minus 10% unless otherwise indicated):
NOTE:A special force gauge has been designed for adjusting the belt tensions using
unique methods that are representative of these tension specifications.
X Home Sensor Position . . . . . centered within +/- 0.015 inches
Y Home Sensor Position . . . . . 7.09 +/- 0.015 inches from arm mounting holes
in the carriage relative to the needle plate hole
Drive Belt Tensions2 - 1
110344-01, Rev B2. Service Maintenance (except embroidery head )
2. Service Maintenance (except embroidery head )
This section of the manual provides parts replacement procedures and various
adjustments required during parts replacement or other service repairs of all areas
of the machine except the embroidery head. Embroidery head service maintenance
information is located in Section 3 of this manual. Accessory adjustment information
is located in Section 4.
These procedures are guidelines for performing repairs and must be used by
personnel practicing good maintenance and repair techniques. Refer to the
Maintenance Philosophy topics in Section 1 of this manual for discussion of good
maintenance and repair techniques, including concerns with static electricity.
WARNING! Failure to practice good maintenance and repair
technique may result in injury to personnel performing the
work, and damage to the equipment!
NOTE:The Warranty is exclusive of, and may be VOID if, poor maintenance practices
have caused damage to the equipment.
Drive Belt Tensions
CAUTION! Damage to the machine may result if belt tensions are
improperly adjusted.
All drive belts require special procedures and tools for setting the proper tensions. If
the tension settings are attempted without using the proper procedures and tools
(and without proper training in some cases), machine components may be
damaged and potential warranty issues voided.
2 - 2Keyboard Section
EMT 1 Technical ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
Keyboard Section
Keyboard/Display Replacement
To remove the keyboard/display assembly from the cover, refer to Figure 2-1 and
the following procedure:
Figure 2 - 1
1. Turn OFF the power switch to the EMT 1 and remove the power cord from the
power source electrical outlet and the rear of the machine.
2. Remove the cable cover from the base plate at the rear of the keyboard/display
3. Remove the cable strain relief plate from behind the keyboard/display assembly.
4. Remove the 4 screws from the base plate of the assembly to loosen the
keyboard/display assembly and cover.
5. Carefully slide the assembly forward until you can access the cables.
6. Pinch the locking lever of the small 2-wire connector and remove it from the
keyboard PCB.
7. Use a 3/16" nut driver and remove the 2 nuts securing the 15-pin connector to
the keyboard PCB.
Display Screen Intensity2 - 3
110344-01, Rev B2. Service Maintenance (except embroidery head )
8. Remove the PCB and cover together.
9. Install a static grounding strap between the working surface and the personnel
performing this procedure.
10. Remove the 4 screws that secure the keyboard/display assembly PCB to the
11. Disconnect the 3-button harness from the PCB.
12. Remove the keyboard/display assembly PCB from the keyboard cover.
13. Transfer the key caps from the old PCB to the new PCB by simply lifting them off
of the keys by using finger pressure only. It is recommended that this be done
one key at a time to avoid errors in key cap arrangement on the new PCB.
14. When the key caps are transferred, reinstall the keyboard/display assembly by
reversing the preceding steps.
NOTE:When re-attaching the PCB to the cover, be certain the ground wire is
attached at the 4th screw and that when the screws are tightened the
buttons do not stick in the cover holes when pressed.
Display Screen Intensity
During the adjustment of the display intensity the EMT 1 must be turned on so the
result of the adjustment may
be observed.
1. Locate the intensity
adjustment knob on the
top, rear of the
keyboard/display printed
circuit board as shown in
Figure 2-2.
2. Turn ON the power switch
to the EMT 1.
3. When facing the machine
from the front, rotate the
adjustment potentiometer
clockwise to decrease
intensity on the display, or
counterclockwise to increase the intensity on the display.
Figure 2 - 2
2 - 4Lamp Assembly
EMT 1 Technical ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
Disk Drive
1. Remove the
assembly and cover
as previously
2. Disconnect the disk
drive harnesses.
3. Remove the 4
screws shown in
Figure 2-3 that
hold the drive to
the side brackets.
4. Replace the disk
drive and re-install
the hardware,
harnesses, and
assembly and cover
that were removed
side bracket screws
base plate
disk drive
side bracket
Figure 2 - 3
NOTE:When installing the disk drive data ribbon orient the harness so the edge with
the colored stripe (indication pin #1) is lying adjacent to the power
Lamp Assembly
The halogen bulb replacement
is described in the operation
manual. The bulb has 2 pins that
simply plug into the base socket
at the end of the lamp post. The
bulb case must be removed by
rotating it counter-clockwise off
the base to access the lamp.
Lamp Assembly
Figure 2 - 4
Display Screen Intensity2 - 5
110344-01, Rev B2. Service Maintenance (except embroidery head )
Bobbin Winder
The optional bobbin winder is
mounted in the left rear table top.
There is no need to remove the
bobbin winder assembly from the
table top to service it. Simply remove
the 4 truss screws holding the table
top over the power distribution
section. As you lift the table top and
bobbin winder assembly upward,
disconnect the two harnesses going to
the bobbin winder motor and switch.
The built in bobbin winder receives its
power from the EMT 1 12 V source.
Winding starts by moving the actuator
lever to the start position. The winding
operation stops when the thread in
the bobbin triggers the switch inside
the actuator lever. The operation may
manually be stopped by moving the
actuator lever away from the start
position by hand.
The bobbin winder motor is equipped
with a thermal switch to protect the
motor and circuitry in the event of an
overload condition. If the bobbin
winder stops due to an overload or
Bobbin Winder
Assembly Parts
(see EMT 1 illustrated
parts manual for
Figure 2 - 5
1. Move the actuator lever to the OFF
2. Clear the obstruction and/or lubricate the drive shaft.
3. When the motor cools, the thermal switch will reset.
4. Move the actuator lever to the ON position and resume operation.
Refer to Figure 2-5 for an illustration of the various parts and their orientation in
making up the bobbin winder assembly.
For proper operation of the bobbin winder option, refer to the bobbin winder
section in the EMT 1 peripheral operation manual.
2 - 6E-Stop Switch Replacement
EMT 1 Technical ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
E-Stop Switch Replacement
The emergency stop switch is located just to the left of the needle case assembly.
Refer to the following procedure to replace this switch:
1. Turn OFF the peripheral and unplug the power cord from the source.
2. Remove the three screws on the side of the e-stop cover, then remove the cover
from the left side of the needle case assembly as shown in Figure 2-6.
left side
Figure 2 - 6
3. Loosen the locking collar on the e-stop switch assembly at the inside surface of
the cover (see Figure 2-7).
depress here
through the
switch block
locking collar
Figure 2 - 7
e-stop cover
(inside surface)
4. Refer to Figure 2-7 to locate the small square opening in the switch block
through which you will see the small locking tab on the switch assembly body.
5. Remove the switch block by depressing the tab on the assembly body through
the opening in the switch block and sliding the switch block off the end of the
assembly body.
Display Screen Intensity2 - 7
110344-01, Rev B2. Service Maintenance (except embroidery head )
6. Remove the locking collar the rest of the way off the assembly and remove the
remainder of the e-stop switch assembly.
7. Install a new e-stop switch
assembly by reversing the
previous steps for removing
the old one. The switch
switch pole
block and assembly body
are keyed for assembly in
one orientation only.
wire C
wire D
8. When the new switch block
is pressed onto the end of
the switch assembly,
wire (C)
wire (D)
transfer the wires one at a
time to keep them in the
Figure 2 - 8
proper order (refer to the
diagram in Figure 2-8).
As shown in the figure, the two wires labeled with C and (C) are connected to
the pole marked C. The two wires labeled with D and (D) are connected to the
pole marked D.
2 - 8Power Distribution Section
EMT 1 Technical ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
Power Distribution Section
This section is comprised of various functions including power entry, line filter, and
switching circuitry for 110 or 220 volt operation. The various voltage sources for
logic circuits, motors, and solenoids are integrated into the power distribution
module. Additionally, the e-stop controls are built into the PCB located in this
module (see Figure 2-9). The section is located under the left rear table top.
Voltage Adjustments
The voltage values are set at the factory and are regulated within the operating
ranges of the peripheral.
Should any voltage drift out of its operating range, the module must be replaced.
Remove Table Top
To access the power distribution section for replacing the power module, remove
the left rear table top (with optional bobbin winder assembly) described as follows:
NO further adjustments are required for voltage values.
1. Loosen the left rear table top (with optional bobbin winder assembly) by
loosening the 4 truss screws (2 at the front and 2 at the rear).
Caution: If the optional bobbin winder is installed, you must
disconnect the two harnesses going to the bobbin winder assembly
as you lift the table top upward.
2. Lift the table top up and disconnect the bobbin winder harnesses if the bobbin
winder assembly is installed. Remove the table top to a safe storage area.
Module Replacement
The power distribution module is replaced as an entire assembly regardless of which
of the areas included within the module is malfunctioning. To replace the module
refer to the following steps:
1. Turn OFF the peripheral and unplug the power cord from the source.
2. Refer to the procedure for removing the left rear table top (with optional bobbin
winder assembly) and remove the table top.
3. Remove the five truss head screws and the left side cover of the peripheral to
enable access to the power switch harness connector shown in Figure 2-9.
4. Refer to Figure 2-9 and remove all of the harness connections entering the power
distribution module. In addition to the three harnesses entering the top and the
power switch harness at the side, there is a ground wire attached to a stud near
the rear left corner of the power distribution section that must be removed.
Module Replacement2 - 9
110344-01, Rev B2. Service Maintenance (except embroidery head )
the two left
side screws at
the base of the
section (loosen
screws ONLY)
three harnesses
entering at the top
the two right
side screws at
the base of the
section (remove
screws at
the rear
of the
5. At the rear of the peripheral, remove the four screws holding the power
6. At the side of the module next to the left peripheral wall, loosen the two M5 pan
7. Remove the remaining two M5 pan head screws holding the power distribution
8. The slots under the two loosened screws near the peripheral wall are shaped in a
Figure 2 - 9
distribution module to the rear wall of the power distribution section.
head screws with captured star washer (DO NOT REMOVE THE SCREWS).
module to the base of the power distribution section.
right angle pattern. To remove the power distribution module from those two
screws you must first slide it slightly forward and then to the right. Carefully lift
the module out of the peripheral.
9. Put the new power distribution module into place and push the open ends of the
slots at the left of the module under the loosened screws near the peripheral
2 - 10Power Distribution Section
EMT 1 Technical ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
10. Push the module toward the rear allowing the loosened screws to capture the
module within the right angled portion of the slots.
11. Install remaining two screws in the base of the power distribution module and
four in the rear wall of the power distribution section. Tighten all eight screws.
12. Reinstall the three harnesses in the top, the power switch harness at the side,
and the ground wire to the stud near the rear left corner of the power
distribution section.
NOTE: When a new power distribution module is installed, there is no
requirement for adjusting any voltages.
13. Reinstall the left rear table top (with optional bobbin winder assembly).
14. Reattach the power cord to the peripheral voltage source.
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