Melco AJ65SBT-64AD User Manual

Analog-Digital Converter Module type AJ65SBT-64AD User,s Manual
Mitsubishi Programmable Logic Controller
(Always read these precautions before using this equipment.)
Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals introduced in this manual carefully and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly. The precautions given in this manual are concerned with this product. Refer to the user’s manual of the CPU module to use for a description of the PLC system safety precautions. In this manual, the safety instructions are ranked as "DANGER" and "CAUTION".
Note that the !CAUTION level may lead to a serious consequence according to t he circumstances. Always follow the precautions of both levels because they are important t o personal safety.
Please save this manual to make it accessible when required and always forw ard it to the end user.
Indicates that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in death or severe injury.
Indicates that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in medium or slight personal injury or physical damage.
[Design Precautions]
When there are communication problems with the data link, the data for the master module will
be held. Configure an interlocking circuit in a sequence program so that the safety of the overall sy stem is always maintained.
Do not bunch the control wires or communication cables with the main circuit or power wires, or
install them close to each other. They should be installed 100mm (3.9inch) or more from each other. Not doing so could result in noise that would cause erroneous operation.
A - 1
[Installation Precautions]
Use the PLC in the environment that meets the general specifications contain ed in this Manual.
Using the PLC outside the range of the general specifications may result in electr ic shock, fire or malfunction, or may damage or degrade the module.
Securely fix the module to a DIN rail or with mounting screws, and securely tighten the mounting
screws within the specified torque range. Undertightening can cause a drop or malfunction. Overtightening can cause a drop or malfunction due to damage of the screws or module.
Do not touch the conducted area or electric parts of the module.
Doing so may cause module malfunctioning or breakdowns.
[Wiring Precautions]
Always switch power off externally in all phases before starting installation, w iring and other
works. Not doing so can cause the product to be damaged or malfunction.
Always earth the FG and FG1 terminals to the protective earth conductor.
Not doing so can cause a malfunction.
Wire the module correctly after confirming the rated voltage and terminal layout of the product.
Not doing so can cause a fire or failure.
Tighten the terminal screws within the specified torque range.
Undertightening can cause a short circuit or malfunction. Overtightening can cause a short circuit or malfunction due to damage of the screws or module.
Ensure that no foreign matter such as chips and wire-offcuts enter the module.
Foreign matter can cause a fire, failure or malfunction.
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[Wiring Precautions]
When connecting the communication and power supply cables to the module, alway s run them
in conduits or clamp them. Not doing so can damage the module and cables due to loose, moved or accidentally pulled cables or can cause a malfunction due to a cable connection fault.
When disconnecting the communication and power supply cables from the module, do not hold
and pull the cable part. Disconnect the cables after loosening the screws in the portions connected t o the module. Pulling the cables connected to the module can damage the module and cables or can cause a malfunction due to a cable connection fault.
[Starting and Maintenance Precautions]
Do not touch the terminals while the power is on. Doing so may cause malfunctioning. Always start cleaning or terminal screw retightening after switching power off externally in all
phases. Not doing so can cause the module to fail or malfunction. Undertightening can cause a drop, short circuit or malfunction. Overtightening can cause a drop, short circuit or malfunction due to damage of the screws or module.
Never disassemble or modify the module.
This may cause breakdowns, malfunctioning, injury and/or fire.
Do not drop the module or give it hard impact since its case is made of resin. Doing so can
damage the module.
Mount or dismount the module to or from an enclosure after switching power off externally in all
phases. Not doing so can cause the module to fail or malfunction.
[Disposal Precautions]
When disposing of this product, treat it as industrial waste.
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* The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cov er.
Print Date * Manual Number Revision Oct., 2000 SH (NA) 080106-A First printing
Japanese Manual Version SH-080087-A
This manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other kind, nor doe s it confer any patent licenses. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation cannot be held responsible for any problems inv olv ing industria l property rights which may occur as a result of using the contents noted in this manual.
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Thank you for choosing a Mitsubishi MELSEC-A Series General Purpose Programmable Controller. Before using your new PLC, please read this manual thoroughly to gain an understanding of its functions so you can use it properly.


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS..............................................................................................................................A- 1
REVISIONS....................................................................................................................................................A- 4
About Manuals ...............................................................................................................................................A- 7
Conformation to the EMC Directive and Low Voltage Instruction ................................................................A- 7
About the Generic Terms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................A- 8
Product components......................................................................................................................................A- 9
1. OVERVIEW 1- 1 to 1- 2
1.1 Features ...................................................................................................................................................1- 1
2.1 Overall Configuration ...............................................................................................................................2- 1
2.2 Applicable System....................................................................................................................................2- 2
3 SPECIFICATION 3- 1 to 3- 16
3.1 General Specification...............................................................................................................................3- 1
3.2 Performance Specification.......................................................................................................................3- 2
3.3 I/O Conversion Characteristics................................................................................................................3- 3
3.3.1 Voltage input characteristics.............................................................................................................3- 4
3.3.2 Current input characteristics ............................................................................................................. 3- 5
3.3.3 Relationship between the offset/gain setting and digital output value............................................. 3- 6
3.3.4 Accuracy............................................................................................................................................3- 6
3.3.5 Conversion speed .............................................................................................................................3- 7
3.4 Function List .............................................................................................................................................3- 8
3.4.1 Sampling processing.........................................................................................................................3- 9
3.4.2 Moving average processing..............................................................................................................3- 9
3.5 Remote I/O Signals.................................................................................................................................3- 10
3.5.1 Remote I/O signal list.......................................................................................................................3- 10
3.5.2 Functions of the remote I/O signals.................................................................................................3- 11
3.6 Remote Register.....................................................................................................................................3- 13
3.6.1 Remote register allocation...............................................................................................................3- 13
3.6.2 A/D conversion enable/prohibit specification (Address RWwm)....................................................3- 14
3.6.3 Input range setting (Address RWwm+1).........................................................................................3- 15
3.6.4 Moving average processing count setting (Address RWwm+2) ....................................................3- 16
3.6.5 CH.
Digital output value (Address RWrn to RWrn+3).................................................................3- 16
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4.1 Pre-Operation Procedure.........................................................................................................................4- 1
4.2 Precautions When Handling....................................................................................................................4- 1
4.3 Name of Each Part...................................................................................................................................4- 3
4.4 Offset/Gain Setting...................................................................................................................................4- 5
4.5 Station Number Setting............................................................................................................................4- 7
4.6 Facing Direction of the Module Installation .............................................................................................4- 7
4.7 Data Link Cable Wiring ............................................................................................................................4- 8
4.7.1 Instructions for handling the CC-Link dedicated cables...................................................................4- 8
4.7.2 Connection of the CC-Link dedicated cables...................................................................................4- 8
4.8 Wiring........................................................................................................................................................4- 8
4.8.1 Wiring precautions.............................................................................................................................4- 8
4.8.2 Module connection example.............................................................................................................4- 9
4.9 Maintenance and Inspection....................................................................................................................4- 9
5 PROGRAMMING 5- 1 to 5- 18
5.1 Programming Procedure..........................................................................................................................5- 1
5.2 Program Examples .................................................................................................................................. 5- 2
5.2.1 Program examples for use of the ACPU/QCPU (A mode) (FROM/TO instructions)...................... 5- 2
5.2.2 Program examples for use of the ACPU/QCPU (A mode) (dedicated instructions).......................5- 7
5.2.3 Program examples for use of the QnACPU....................................................................................5- 12
5.2.4 Program examples for use of the QCPU (Q mode)........................................................................5- 15
6 TROUBLESHOOTING 6- 1 to 6- 6
6.1 Using the Remote Input Signals to Check Errors...................................................................................6- 1
6.2 Using the LED Indications to Check Errors............................................................................................. 6- 2
6.3 When the digital output value cannot be read.........................................................................................6- 4
6.4 Troubleshooting for the Case where the "ERR." LED of the Master Station Flickers ...........................6- 5
APPENDIX Appendix- 1 to Appendix- 4
Appendix1 Comparison between This Product and Conventional Product....................................Appendix- 1
Appendix2 External dimension diagram...........................................................................................Appendix- 3
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About Manuals

Related Manu al s
The following manuals are also related to this product. In necessary, order them by quoting the details in the tables below.
Manual Name
CC-Link System Master/Local Module User's Manual ty pe AJ61BT11/A1SJ61BT 11
Describes the system configuration, performance specifications, functions, handling, wiring and troubleshooting of the AJ61BT11 and A1SJ61BT11. (Optionally available)
CC-Link System Master/Local Module User's M anual type AJ61Q BT 11/A1SJ61QBT11
Describes the system configuration, performance specifications, functions, handling, wiring and troubleshooting of the AJ61QBT11 and A1SJ61QBT11. (Optionally available)
CC-Link System Master/Local Module User's Manual ty pe QJ61BT 11
Describes the system configuration, performance specifications, functions, handling, wiring and troubleshooting of the QJ61BT11. (Optionally available)
Programming Manual type AnSHCPU/AnACPU/AnUCPU/QCPU-A (A Mode) (Dedicated Instructions)
Explains the instructions extended for the AnSHCPU/AnACPU/AnUCPU/QCPU-A (A Mode).
(Optionally available)
Manual Number
(Model Code)
IB-66721 (13J872)
IB-66722 (13J873)
IB-66251 (13J742)

Conformation to the EMC Directive and Low Voltage Instruction

When complying with EMC Directives and Low-Voltage Directives by assembling a Mitsubishi PLC compa t ibl e wi th EM C Di re ctiv e an d Low -V olta ge Di r e ctive s in to th e user product, refer to Chapter 3 "EMC Directives and Low-Voltage Directives" in the User’s Manual (Hardware) for the CPU module being used. The CE logo is printed on the rating plate on the main body of the PLC that conforms to the EMC directive and low voltage instruction.
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About the Generic Terms and Abbreviations

Unless otherwise specified, the following generic terms and abbreviations are used in this manual to describe Type AJ65SBT-64AD analog-digital converter module.
Generic Term/Abbreviation Description
GPPW Abbreviation for the SW4D5C-GPPW-E or later GPP function software.
QnACPU QCPU (A mode) Generic term for Q02CPU-A, Q02HCPU-A, Q06HCPU-A
QCPU (Q mode) Generic term for Q02CPU, Q02HCPU, Q06HCPU, Q12HCPU, Q25HCPU Master station
Local station
Remote I/O station
Remote device station
Remote station
Intelligent device station
Master module
Station that controls the data link system. One master station is required for each system. Station having a PLC CPU and the ability to communicate with the master and other local stations. Remote station that handles bit unit data only. (Performs input and output with external devices.) (AJ65BTB1-16D, AJ65SBTB1-16D) Remote station that handles bit unit and word unit data only. (Performs input and output with external devices, and analog data exchange.) Generic term for remote I/O station and remote device station. (Controlled by the master station) Station that can perform transient transmission, such as the AJ65BT -R 2 (including lo cal stations). Generic term for QJ61BT11, AJ61BT11, A1SJ61BT11, AJ61QBT11, and A1SJ61QBT11 when they are used as master stations. Link special relay (for CC-Link) Bit unit information that indicates the module operating status and data lin k status of the master station/local station. (Expressed as SB for convenience) Link special register (for CC-Link) 16 bit unit information that indicates the module operating status and data l ink st atus of the master station/local station. (Expressed as SW for convenience) Remote input (for CC-Link) Information entered in bit units from the remote station to the master statio n. (Expressed as RX for convenience) Remote output (for CC-Link) Information output in bit units from the master station to the remote station. (Expressed as RY for convenience) Remote register (Write area for CC-Link) Information output in 16-bit units from the master station to the remote dev ice st ation. (Expressed as RWw for convenience) Remote register (Read area for CC-Link) Information entered in 16-bit units from the remote device station to the master stat ion. (Expressed as RWr for convenience)
A - 8

Product components

This product consists of the following.
Product Name Quantity
Type AJ65SBT-6 4AD an alo g- dig it al conv e rte r module Type AJ65SBT-64AD analog-digital converter module user's manual (hardware)
1 1
A - 9
A - 10



1.1 Features

This user's manual explains the specifications, handling, programming methods and others of Type AJ65SBT-64AD analog-digital converter module (hereafter abbreviated to the "AJ65SBT-64AD") which is used as a remote device station of a Control & Communication Link (hereafter abbreviated to "CC-Link") system. The AJ65SBT-64AD conv e rt s the anal og sig nal s (vol ta g e o r cur ren t inpu t ) fr om th e PLC's external source to a 16-bit encoded binary data digital value.
This section gives the features of the AJ65SBT-64AD.
(1) High accuracy
This module performs A/D conversion at the accuracy of ±0.4% relative to the maximum value of the digital output value at the operating ambient temperature of 0 to 55°C, o r at ± 0 .2 % rel a tive to the maximum v a lu e o f the di gi ta l ou t pu t val ue at the operating ambient temperature of 25±5°C.
(2) Input range selectable per channel
You can choose the analog input range per channel to change the I/O conversion characteristics.
(3) High resolution of 1/±4000
By changing the input range, you can choose and set the digital value resolution to either 1/4000 or 1/±4000 (when the -10 to +10V range or user range setting 1 is selected) to p rov id e hi gh -re so lution digital value s.
(4) Designation of sampling processing or movi ng av erage pr ocessing
As a conversion method, you can specify sampling processing or moving average processing per channel.
(5) Smaller than the conventional A/D converter module
This module is 60% smaller in installation area and 38% less in volume than the conventional CC -Lin k A/ D co nve rt e r modul e (A J65B T-6 4A D) .
(6) Up to 42 modules connectable
You can connect up to 42 AJ65SBT-64AD modules to one master station.
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This chapter describes the system configuration for use of the AJ65SBT-64AD.

2.1 Overall Configuration

The overall configuration for use of the AJ65SBT-64AD is shown below.
CC-Link master/local module (master station) (AJ61BT11, A1SJ61BT11, AJ61QBT11,
A1SJ61QBT11, QJ61BT11)
Terminal resistor
(Intelligent device st a t io n) (Remote I/O station)
Terminal resistor
AJ65SBT-64AD (Remote device station)
CC-Link master/local module (local station) (AJ61BT11, A1SJ61BT11, AJ61QBT11, A1SJ61QBT11, QJ61BT11)
CC-Link dedicated cable
(Remote device station)
1 station occupied RX/RY: 32 points each RWr/RWw: 4 points each
Object whose
will be detected
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2.2 Applicable System

This section explains the applicable system.
(1) Applicable master modules
The following master modules can be used with the AJ65SBT-64AD.
AJ61BT11 A1SJ61BT11 AJ61QBT11 A1SJ61QBT11 QJ61BT11
(2) Restrictions on use of CC-Link dedicated instructi ons
The CC-Link dedicated instructions may not be used depending on the PLC CPU or master module used. For details of the restrictions, refer to the A series master module user's manual.
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This chapter provides the specifications of the AJ65SBT-64AD.

3.1 General Specification

Table 3.1 indicates the general specifications of the AJ65SBT-64AD.
Table 3.1 General specification
Item Specification Usage ambient temperature 0 to 55°C Storage ambient temperature -20 to 75°C Usage ambient humidity 10 to 90%RH, no condensation Storage ambient humidity 10 to 90%RH, no condensation
When there is intermittent vibration
Frequency Acceleration Amplitude Sweep count 10 to 57Hz
Vibration durability
Shock durability Usage environment No corrosive gas Usage height Less than 2000 m (less than 6562 ft.) Installation area Within the control board Over-voltage category * Pollution level *
*1 Indicates the location where the device is connected from the public cable network to the device structure wiring
area. Category II applies to the devices to which the power is supplied from a fixed equipment. Surge withstand voltage for devices with up to 300V of rated voltage is 2500V.
Conforming to JIS B
3501, IEC 1131-2
Conforming to JIS B 3501, IEC1131-2 (147m/s
57 to 150Hz
When there is continuous vibration
Frequency Acceleration Amplitude 10 to 57Hz
57 to 150Hz
Less than II Less than 2
, 3 times each in 3 directions)
10 times in each direction
X, Y, Z (80 minutes)
*2 This is an index which indicates the degree of conductive object generation in the environment Pollution level 2 is
when only non-conductive pollution occurs. A temporary conductivity caused by condensation must be expected occasionally.
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3.2 Performance Specification

Table 3.2 indicates the performance specifications of the AJ65SBT-64AD.
Table 3.2 Performance specification
Item Specification
Analog input Digital output 16-bit signed binary (-4096 to +4095)
I/O characteristi cs, maximum resolution, a ccu r acy (accuracy relative to maximum value of digital output value)
Maximum conversion speed 1ms/1 channel. Absolute maximum input Voltage ±15 V, current ±30mA Analog input points 4 channels/1module Number of occupied stations 1 station (RX/RY: each 32 points, RWr/RWw: each 4 points)
Connected terminal block Applicable wire size
Applicable crimping terminal RAV1.25-3.5 (conforming to JIS C2805) Module mounting screw Supported DIN rail TH35-7.5Fe, TH35-7.5Al (conforming to JIS-C2B12) External power supply 24VDC internal current
consumption (A) Noise immunity By noise simulator of 500Vp-p noise voltage, 1µs noise width and 25 to 60Hz noise frequency Dielectric withstand voltage Between power supply/communication system batch and analog input batch: 500VAC, 1 minute
Isolation system
Weight (kg) 0.20 Outline dimensions (mm) 118 (W) × 50 (H) × 40 (D)
Voltage DC -10 to +10V (input resistance 1M ) Current DC 0 to +20mA (input resistance 250
Analog input range Digital output
-10 to +10V
User range setting 1
(-10 to +10V)
M4 screw × 0.7mm × 16mm or more (tightening torque range: 78 to 108N
Across communication system terminals and all analog input terminals: Photocoupler isolated
Across power supply system terminals and all analog input terminals: Photocoupler isolated
0 to 5V 1.25mV 1 to 5V
User range setting 2
(0 to 5V) 0 to 20mA 5µA 4 to 20mA
User range setting 3
(0 to 20mA)
7-point, 2-piece terminal block (transmission, power supply)
Direct-coupled, 18-point terminal block (analog input section) (M3 screw)
-4000 to +4000 2.5mV
0 to 4000
0 to 4000
0.3 to 0.75mm
Can also be mounted to DIN rail
DC24V (DC20.4V to DC26.4V)
Inrush curren t :8 .5 A, within 2.3ms
Across channels: Non-isolated
0 to 55°C
(±16 digit*)
(±8 digit*)
* : digit indicates digital value.
Factory setting is -10 to +10V.
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3.3 I/O Conversion Characteristics

The I/O characteristics is the slope created by connecting the offset and gain values, with a straight line when converting the analog signals (voltage or current input) from an external source of the PLC to digital values. The offset value is an analog input value (voltage or current) at which the digital output value is 0. The gain value is an analog input value (voltage or current) at which the digital output value is 4000.
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3.3.1 Voltage input characteristics

The voltage input characteristic graph is shown below.
Analog input parcitcal value
4095 4000
Digital output value
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 1
Analog input voltage (V)
1) -10 to +10V 0V 10V -4000 to +4000 2.5mV
2) 0 to 5V 0V 5V 1.25mV
3) 1 to 5V 1V 5V —
Analog Input Range
User range setting 1
(-10 to +10V)
User range setting 2
(0 to 5V)
Offset Value
0V 10V -4000 to +4000 2.5mV 0V 5V 0 to 4000 1.0mV
Digital Output
0 to 4000
Fig. 3.1 Voltage Input Characteristic
(1) Do not input more than ±15V. The element may be damaged. (2) If the anal og i np u t prov id ed co rre spo nd s to th e di gi tal ou tp ut val ue* bey on d it s
range, the digital output value is fixed to the maximum or minimum.
For 0 to 4000, the digital output value is within the range -96 to 4095. For -4000 to +4000, the digital output value is within the range -4096 to +4095.
(3) Within the analog input and digital output scopes of each input range, the
maximum resolution and accuracy are within the performance specification range. Outside those scopes, however, they may not fall within the performance specification range. (Avoid using the dotted line part in Fig. 3.1.)
(4) Set the offset and gain values of the user range setting within the range
satisfying the fol low i ng cond itio n s. (a) Setting ran ge when use r ra ng e se ttin g 1 is sele cted : - 1 0 to +10V
(b) Setting ran ge wh en use r ra nge se tt in g 2 is sele ct ed : 0 to 5V (c) (Gain value) > (Offset value)
If you attempt to make setting outside the setting range of (a) or (b), the "RUN" LED flickers at 0.5s intervals. Set the values within the setting range. If you attempt to make setting outside the setting range of (c), the "RUN" LED flickers at 0.5s intervals. Make setting again .
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3.3.2 Current input characteristics

The current input characteristic graph is shown below.
4095 4000
Analog input
parcitcal value
Digital output value
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
1) 0 to 20mA 0mA 20mA 5µA
2) 4 to 20mA 4mA 20mA
Analog Input Range
User range setting 3
(0 to 20mA)
Analog input current (mA)
Offset Value
0mA 20mA
Digital Output
0 to 4000
Fig. 3.2 Current Input Characteristic
(1) Do not input more than ±30mA. A breakdown may result due to heat increase. (2) If the anal og i np u t prov id ed co rre spo nd s to th e di gi tal ou tp ut val ue* bey on d it s
range, the digital output value is fixed to the maximum or minimum.
For 0 to 4000, the digital output value is within the range -96 to 4095.
(3) Within the analog input and digital output scopes of each input range, the
maximum resolution and accuracy are within the performance specification range. Outside those scopes, however, they may not fall within the performance specification range. (Avoid using the dotted line part in Fig. 3.2.)
(4) Set the offset and gain values of the user range setting within the range
satisfying the fol low i ng cond itio n s. (a) Setting ran ge wh en use r ra nge se tt in g 3 is sele ct ed : 0 to 20mA (b) (Gain value) > (Offset value)
If you attempt to make setting outside the setting range of (a), the "RUN" LED flickers at 0.5s intervals. Set the values within the setting range. If you attempt to make setting outside the setting range of (b), the "RUN" LED flickers at 0.5s intervals. Make setting again .
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3.3.3 Relationship between the offset/gain setti ng and di g i tal output v al ue

The relationship between the offset/gain setting and digital output value is described.
(1) Resolution
The resolution is obtained by the following formula: (a) For the voltage input:

3.3.4 Accuracy

Resolution =
(Gain value) - (Offset value)
(b) For the current input:
Resolution =
(Gain value) - (Offset value)
(2) Relationship between the max imum r esol uti on and di g i tal output
The maximum resolution of the AJ65SBT-64AD is as indicated in the performance specification. If the following is satisfied from the offset/gain setting, the digital output value does not increases /decreases by one.
(Gain value) - (Offset value)
Accuracy is relative to the maximum value of the digital output value. If you change the offset/gain setting or input range to change the input characteristic, accuracy does not change and is held within the range indicated in the performance specifications. Accuracy is within ±0.2% (±8 digit) at the operating ambient temperature of 25±5°C or within ±0.4% (±16 digit) at the operating ambient temperature of 0 to 55°C.
< Maximum resolution
Varies within the range of ±0.2% (±8 digit) at operating ambient temperature of 25±5 .
Digital output value
-10V 10V
Analog input value
Varies within the range of ±0.4% (±16 digit) at operating ambient temperature of 0 to 55 .
Fig. 3.3 Voltage Input Characteristic Accuracy
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3.3.5 Conversion speed

Varies within the range of ±0.2% (±8 digit) at operating ambient temperature of 25±5 .
Varies within the range of ±0.4% (±16 digit) at operating ambient temperature of 0 to 55 .
Digital output value
Analog input value
Fig. 3.4 Current Input Characteristic Accuracy
Conversion speed in di cat e s ti me fro m chan nel cha ngi ng to A/ D conv e rsio n co mpl etio n. Conversion speed pe r cha n nel of t he AJ 65S B T-64AD is 1 ms. Due to the data link processing time of the CC-Link system, there is a transmission delay until the A/D conversion value is read actually. For the data link processing time, refer to the user's manual of the master module used.
Example) Data link processing time taken when the master module is the AJ61BT11 or
[Calculation expression]
SM+LS×2+remote device station processing time SM: Scan time of master station sequence program LS : Link scan time Remote device station processing time: (Number of channels used+1*) × 1ms *: Internal processing time of AJ65SBT-64AD
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3.4 Function List

Item D e scription Refer to
Sampling processing
Moving average processing
A/D conversion enable/prohibit specification
Input range changing function
The AJ65SBT-64AD function list is shown in table 3.3.
Table 3.3 AJ65SBT-64AD function list
Perform A/D conversion of an analog input value one by one and store the result into the remote register each time.
Average the digital output values of the specified count measured per sampling time.
Specify whether A/D conversion is enabled or disabled per channel. By prohibiting the conversion for the channels which are not used, the sampling time can be shortened. Can set the analog input range per channel to change the I/O conversion characteristics. Select the input range setting from among the following 8 types.
Input Range Set Value
-10 to +10V 0H 0 to 5V 1H 1 to 5V 2H
0 to 20mA 3H 4 to 20mA 4H
User range setting 1 (-10 to +10V) 5H
User range setting 2 (0 to 5V) 6H
User range setting 3 (0 to 20mA) 7H
Section 3.4.1 Section 3.5.2 Section 3.4.2 Section 3.5.2 Section 3.6.4
Section 3.6.2
Section 3.6.3
Offset/gain setting
The offset/gain setting can be performed volumeless for each channel, and the I/O conversion characteristics can be changed.
Section 4.4
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