ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise) without prior written approval of Melco Embroidery Systems. Melco reserves the right to
revise this publication and to make changes in it at any time without obligation of Melco to notify any
person or organization of such revisions or changes.
All precautions have been taken to avoid errors or misrepresentations of facts, equipment, or
products. However, Melco Embroidery Systems does not assume any liability to any party for loss or
damage caused by errors or omissions.
Printed in the United States of America
FIRST DRAFT: November 2, 1995
Table of Contents
Advantage 18
Operation Manual
1. Introduction and Installation
Physical Arrangement1 - 1
The Controller1 - 2
The Embroidery Head1 - 2
The Thread Tree1 - 2
The Keyboard1 - 2
The Pantograph1 - 2
Installation1 - 3
Power Requirements1 - 3
Static Electricity1 - 3
Inspecting Your Embroidery Peripheral1 - 3
Unpacking the Advantage 181 - 3
Tables And Cabinets1 - 3
Embroidery Peripheral1 - 3
The Air Compressor1 - 6
Canned Compressed Air1 - 6
Configuring The Advantage 181 - 6
What to Configure1 - 6
The Peripheral Program1 - 7
The Unit Number1 - 7
The Language1 - 7
How to Configure1 - 7
Start-Up Messages1 - 8
2. Operating the Advantage 18
How Threads Are Spliced2 - 1
Threading the Advantage 182 - 1
Threading to the Selector Carriage2 - 1
Inserting the Thread into the Splicing Cell2 - 3
Rethreading After a Failure2 - 3
Thread Types and Needles2 - 5
Thread Types2 - 5
Needles2 - 5
Tensions2 - 5
The Upper Tension2 - 5
Bobbin Tension2 - 5
Installing a Needle2 - 6
Hooping2 - 7
Hooping Flat Goods2 - 7
Loading The Hoop2 - 8
Cap Frames2 - 9
Installing the Cap Frame Drive2 - 9
Cap Hooping2 - 11
Using a Raised Needle Plate2 - 11
Table of Contents
Operation Manual
Advantage 18
Keyboard Operation2 - 12
3. The Setup Menus
An Overview of the Advantage 18 Menus3 - 1
Design Menu3 - 2
Color Menu3 - 3
Tension Menu3 - 5
Orientation Menu3 - 6
Run Design Menu3 - 7
The Idle Menus3 - 7
Introduction2 - 12
The Keys and Their Functions2 - 12
Key Combinations2 - 13
Sending a Design2 - 14
Receiving a Design2 - 14
Selecting a Design3 - 2
Deleting a Design3 - 2
An Example3 - 4
Change Now3 - 4
Select the Thread Position3 - 6
Select the Tension Setting3 - 6
Setting Orientation3 - 6
4. The Customizing Menus
Frame Menu4 - 1
The Frame Idle Display4 - 2
Return To Origin4 - 2
Trace Menu4 - 3
Home Menu4 - 4
Set Home4 - 4
Hoop Limits4 - 4
Power Fail Rescue4 - 5
Cleaning Your Machine’s Exterior Surfaces5 - 1
Cleaning the Rotary Hook Area5 - 1
Lubricating the Advantage 185 - 2
Lubricating The Embroidery Head5 - 2
Rotary Hook5 - 2
Needle Bar5 - 3
Needle Bar Driver5 - 4
Upper Connecting Rod5 - 4
Lower Connecting Rod5 - 5
Lubricating The Beam5 - 6
Lubricating the Pulley Assembly5 - 7
Lubricating the X-Carriage Rollers5 - 9
Lubricating the Y-Rails5 - 10
Lubricating the Lower Trimmers5 - 11
The Rear Trimmer Parts5 - 12
The Front Trimmer Parts5 - 12
Embroidery Head Timing5 - 13
Machine Out Of Timing5 - 13
Making A Stitch5 - 14
Setting Timing5 - 15
Needle Depth Check/Adjustment5 - 15
Hook Timing5 - 17
Checking Hook Timing5 - 18
Adjusting Hook Timing5 - 19
Cleaning the Color Change Area5 - 21
Color Change Cover Removal5 - 21
The Manifold5 - 22
Upper Trimmers5 - 23
Pretensioner5 - 24
A. Glossary of Embroidery Terms
B. Error Messages
C. Hoop Sizes
D. The Quick Reference Guide
Table of Contents
Operation Manual
Advantage 18
1 - 1
110265-01, Rev. A1. Introduction and Installation
1. Introduction and Installation
The Advantage 18 is an 18 color embroidery peripheral using an innovative, air driven, color
change process that automatically rethreads its single needle. You may embroider a design with up
to 18 colors without pausing to change spools or manually rethread the needle. In addition to
embroidering on flat goods, the Advantage 18 embroiders on caps using the optional cap frame
WARNING! For operator safety, Never allow untrained
personnel operate the Advantage 18.
Physical Arrangement
The Advantage 18 has five sections: the controller, the embroidery head, the thread tree, the
keyboard, and the pantograph (see Figure 1-1).
Thread Tree
Figure 1-1
1 - 2Physical Arrangement
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
The Controller
The controller contains the printed circuit boards (PCB’s) and electronics that control much of the
machine’s operation.
The Embroidery Head
The embroidery head consists of the parts that move the needle, advance the thread, and produce
The Thread Tree
The thread tree holds up to 18 spools of thread and mounts on the embroidery head. Its
connecting plastic tubes feed the individual threads from the spools to the thread select carriage.
The Keyboard
Commands are given to the peripheral through the keyboard. The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
displays informative messages. The main power supply and the motor that moves the pantograph
forward and backward are located under the keyboard cover.
The Pantograph
The pantograph (see Figure 1-2) moves the hoop right or left (the X axis) and forward or backward
(the Y axis). The beam is the arm of the pantograph that moves forward or backward. Inside the
beam is the X-carriage that moves left or right. The hooped garment attaches to the X-carriage. As
the X-carriage moves the hoop left or right, the beam moves the X-carriage forward or backward.
This movement controls the placement of the stitching.
and Hoop
Figure 1-2
Unpacking the Advantage 181 - 3
110265-01, Rev. A1. Introduction and Installation
This section explains how to get your Advantage 18 unpacked, powered up, and connected to your
computer. Directions for installing software are in the software operation manuals.
If you are using the Advantage 18’s optional disk drive, skip the directions for connecting the
Advantage 18 to a computer. All instructions for the optional disk drive are in its operation manual.
Power Requirements
Electricity can have power spikes or surges that may affect your computer or embroidery
peripheral’s operation. Melco suggests a dedicated power for your system with a line conditioner.
Inspecting Your Embroidery Peripheral
Inspect all cartons for physical damage. If any damage is found, contact the shipper.
Unpacking the Advantage 18
When cutting open the boxes be careful not to damage any of the equipment. Continue to inspect
the parts for any physical damage not apparent from the condition of the cartons. Again, contact
the shipper to report any damage.
Tables And Cabinets
Unpack and place the work station furniture before unpacking the embroidery equipment.
Embroidery Peripheral
1. Carefully cut and remove the binding straps from the cardboard shipping carton containing the
embroidery peripheral.
Foam Cushions
2. Lift the top cover off the outside
3. Remove the outside carton from
the bottom cover.
4. Remove any packing boxes and
protective pads from around the
embroidery head (see Figure 1-3).
CAUTION: Use two
Packing Boxes
people to remove and
place the embroidery
Figure 1-3
1 - 4Installation
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
5. Grasp the underside of the machine at the four locations indicated in Figure 1-4.
Lift Here
Lift Here
Figure 1-5
6. Keep the embroidery peripheral level. The unit and foam packaging should come out of the
carton with relative ease.
7. Place the embroidery peripheral onto its dedicated work station.
8. Set the 115V/220V selector switch to the proper setting for your power supply. The switch is
just to the right of the ON/OFF switch (see Figure 1-5).
Rear of Peripheral
Attach Power
Cable here
Rear of Computer
Figure 1-4
Canned Compressed Air1 - 5
110265-01, Rev. A1. Introduction and Installation
9. Attach the power cable to the rear of the unit as shown in Figure 1-5.
10. Still referring to Figure 1-5, install the network cable between the computer and the Advantage
18. If you only have one peripheral device attached to the computer, install the terminator
cable to the machine as the figure shows. If more than one peripheral device is attached to the
computer, install the terminator cable on the last peripheral in the series.
11. Install the power cords of the computer, the monitor, and the embroidery peripheral to the
power source.
The Air Compressor
You must provide an air compressor for attaching the Advantage 18. The air compressor must meet
the following requirements:
• Air pressure of 100 to 120 psi (pounds per square inch)
• Air flow of 2 scfm (standard cubic feet per minute) at 90 psi for each Advantage 18
• A regulator with a minimum range of 70 to 100 psi
• A 5 micron particle filter
• A 0.5 micron oil-coalescing filter
The Advantage 18 comes with a 6 foot long air supply line with a standard quick-disconnect fitting.
To install the tubing on the Advantage 18:
1. Route the free end of the tubing through the open base of the thread tree.
2. Insert the end of the tubing into the air supply fitting with a red ring around it. It is located just
in front of the thread tree, at the back of the color change assembly.
3. Push the tubing into the fitting as far as it will go.
Canned Compressed Air
Use a can of compressed air that is free from contaminants to insert threads through the thread
guide tubes.
Configuring The Advantage 18
When turning on the Advantage 18 for the first time it must be configured to operate properly.
After configuration is completed, each time the Advantage 18 is turned on it checks its memory for
the needed data. The peripheral requires reconfiguration when a new PCB is installed.
1 - 6Configuring The Advantage 18
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
What to Configure
The three items of information set during configuration are:
• Peripheral Program
• Unit Number
• Language
The Peripheral Program
The CPU used in the Advantage 18 is also used in other Melco peripherals. The peripheral program
is set to match the CPU to the peripheral it is controlling. On new units the peripheral program is
set at the factory. However, if you replace the CPU board, you must reset the peripheral program.
the Advantage 18 is configured with the incorrect peripheral program, it will not operate properly,
and may be damaged.
The Unit Number
A network address or unit number for each peripheral attached to an EDS system must also be set
at the peripheral. The number may be between 1 and 16 when using EDS II software or between 1
and 64 when using other Melco software. Each peripheral must have a unique unit number.
Before sending designs to the Advantage 18, enable the unit number on the computer. See your
software operation manual for instructions.
The Language
Set the language displayed by the LCD to either English or Spanish.
How to Configure
Access the configuration mode by
following these steps:
1. Before you turn on the Advantage 18,
locate the keyboard in the upper right
area of the peripheral as shown in
Figure 1-6.
2. Locate the power switch at the rear of
the unit. It is a rocker switch above
the power cord as shown in Figure
3. Press and hold [ALT], [
⇑], and [⇓] while
turning the power ON.
Figure 1-6
How to Configure1 - 7
110265-01, Rev. A1. Introduction and Installation
4. Continue to press these keys until the unit ‘‘beeps’’ and the display shows a message that says
ADV-18 (or some other peripheral identification code). Release the three keys.
5. If the LCD displays anything other than ADV-18, press [
⇑] or [⇓] until it displays: ADV-18.
6. Press [ENTER] to set the peripheral program.
7. Press [
⇑] or [⇓] and the LCD will display: UNIT NUMBER 01. Keep pressing the arrow key until the
number you want displays. You cannot have two peripherals with the same unit number
attached to the same computer.
8. Press [ENTER] to set the unit number.
9. The last item you select is the display language. Press [
⇑] or [⇓] to display English or Spanish and
press [ENTER] to select that language.
Start-Up Messages
Once configured, a series of messages will display during power up. Usually the messages are
simply informational, but sometimes they will require a keyboard entry from the operator. The
messages displayed will depend on the combination of the computer and peripheral operating
When there is a completed link to the computer the series of messages are:
DSKBIOS Version#Bytes of free memory
ADV-18 Version#
If a link to the computer is not make because it is not on or it is busy, the following messages will
flash alternately until the Advantage 18 can link:
DSKBIOS version #bytes of free memory
If the Advantage 18 finds a problem in its self-check, it will display the appropriate error message
and wait for a response.
Appendix B contains a complete listing of the error messages.
1 - 8Start-Up Messages
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
Threading to the Selector Carriage2 - 1
110265-01, Rev. A2. Operating the Advantage 18
2. Operating the Advantage 18
How Threads Are Spliced
During a color change, both the current and new threads enter into the thread splicing cell. Inside
the splicing cell a short, forceful burst of air fluffs out the fibers of both threads causing them to
intertwine, making a secure slice between them. The old thread is then pulled through the needle,
followed by the splice and the new thread. The new thread is trimmed after passing through the
needle, and the old thread and splice are directed into a holding bin for later disposal. This
patented process allows the Advantage 18 to perform color changes and rethreading automatically
while using a single needle and tensioner.
Threading the Advantage 18
Although the Advantage 18 will automatically rethread when it performs a color change, you may
need to perform manual threading when the following occurs:
• Initial set-up
• Using short-fiber threads that do not splice well
• A thread break
• Mechanical failures
Follow these directions to thread the machine:
Threading to the Selector Carriage
1. Put a spool of thread on position number 1 of the thread tree.
2. Insert an inch or two of thread into the center of the thread guide tube.
3. Use a can of compressed air to direct a short burst of air into the tube as shown in Figure 2-1.
The compressed air will force the thread through the tubing to the thread selector carriage.
Thread Guide Tube
Compressed Air
Thread Spool
Figure 2-1
2 - 2Threading the Advantage 18
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
4. Lift the pretensioner magnet. Position the thread in the groove, over the idler roller, and through
the guide hole as shown in Figures 2-2 and 2-3.
Pretensioner Magnet
(lifted for thread placement)
Guide Hole
Idler Roller
Figure 2-2
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for all the thread positions.
6. Replace the pretensioner.
7. Trim the ends of the thread to 1/8 inch in front of the carriage (see Figure 2-3).
Thread tubes
from the
thread tree
Threads trimmed
to 1/8 inch.
Pretensioner Magnet
(in operating position)
Figure 2-3
Rethreading After a Failure2 - 3
110265-01, Rev. A2. Operating the Advantage 18
Inserting the Thread into the Splicing Cell
1. Move the selector carriage to the desired thread position by pressing [ALT][
space to the left or [ALT][
⇒] to move one space to the right.
⇐] to move one
2. Press [ALT][ENTER] to display one of three idle menus. Press [ENTER] to toggle through these
menus until reaching one that displays: THD: 1* TENSION: 27. The number with the asterisk
beside it is the current thread position of the selector carriage. A complete description of the
Idle menus is in the next chapter.
3. Press [ALT][
⇑] to move the selector carriage to thread position 18 or press [ALT][⇓] to move the
selector carriage to thread position 1.
4. To move the selector carriage to the previously selected thread and insert it through the splicing
cell, press the [FAST/SLOW] key. The
it is the
first key pressed after moving the selector carriage with one of the [ALT][arrow key]
only time [FAST/SLOW] will perform this function is when
NOTE:By allowing the selector carriage to move off the selected thread position and then travel
back to it before performing an insert, the tails of the neighboring threads become
positioned to avoid interference. Using [ALT][
⇑] or [ALT][⇓] stores the previous thread
position so the selector carriage knows where to return. Press [FAST/SLOW] immediately
after accessing [ALT]
[⇐] or [ALT][⇒] to perform an insert at that position.
Access the insert thread option in the Splicing Menu. This is discussed in the Splicing Menu section
later in this chapter.
5. Finish threading the machine using Figure 2-4 as a guide.
Rethreading After a Failure
If a thread fails to insert through the splicing cell, perform these recovery steps before trying the
insert again.
1. Press [ALT][
⇑] or [ALT][⇓] to move the selector carriage all the way to the left or right depending
on which gives you the best access to the thread position.
2. If the tail of the thread is free, trim it back to 1/8 inch.
If the tail of the thread has become tangled under the color change cover, be sure to clear the
entire thread path. You may have to remove the color change cover to do this.
3. Trim the thread to 1/8 inch.
4. Press [FAST/SLOW]. The selector carriage will move back to the previous thread and perform an
2 - 4Threading the Advantage 18
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
The Advantage 18 Thread Path
Figure 2-4
NOTE: The thread is passed
between the disks of the
tensioner only once.
Bobbin Tension2 - 5
110265-01, Rev. A2. Operating the Advantage 18
Thread Types and Needles
Thread Types
The Advantage 18 can perform automatic color changes between a variety of thread types.
However, the longer the thread fibers, the better the splice. Because synthetic threads have longer
fibers than natural threads such as cotton, a synthetic to synthetic splice is the most consistent. The
following table lists general guidelines for the splicing quality of different thread types. Of course,
the two threads in a splice can be different types of thread. Even if a thread does not splice well,
you may embroider with it on the Advantage 18 by threading it manually.
SyntheticBest for splicing
Blends of Synthetic and NaturalBetter than all natural
NaturalMay need manual rethreading
MonofilamentsMust be manually threaded
MetalicsMust be manually threaded
During an Advantage 18 color change, the actual splice of the two threads passes through the eye
of the needle. For the splice to easily pass through the eye, use a standard 80/12 size needle or
Excellent embroidery quality is achieved when both the upper thread and bobbin thread tensions
are set properly. Experience and practice allows customized tension settings based on factors such
as: threads, material, backing, needle type, stitch size, and hooping.
The Upper Tension
There is one upper tensioner on the Advantage 18 used by all 18 thread positions. Because
different types and weights of threads require different tensions, the Advantage 18 tensioner is
designed to store the tension setting for each thread position in memory.
When a tension is reset, the new setting replaces the old one in memory for that thread position.
Keeping the same types and weights of threads in the same thread positions will reduce the
number of tension adjustments.
Bobbin Tension
The same factors affecting upper tensions affect bobbin tension. The bobbin tension is adjusted
manually, however, by rotating a set screw on the bobbin case (see Figure 2-5).
2 - 6Installing a Needle
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
Bobbin Case
Side ViewEnd View
Bobbin Case
Note the direction that the thread is wound on the
bobbin spool for insertion into the bobbin case.
Figure 2-5
1 Put the bobbin spool into the bobbin case as illustrated in Figure 2-5. When looking at the open
end of the bobbin case, the thread should rotate clockwise off the bobbin spool when you pull
on the thread.
2. Pass the thread through the slit in the bobbin case and under the spring.
3. Using a small, flat-blade screw driver, turn the set screw until you feel a slight resistance when
the thread is pulled from the bobbin. Set the tension so that when you hold the bobbin case
suspended by its thread:
• No thread feeds out when you are not moving it
• About an inch of thread feeds out when you jiggle it slightly
4. With the bobbin tension adjusted, pass the bobbin thread through the bobbin case pig tail.
Installing a Needle
The needle clamp set screw holds the needle in place
as shown in Figure 2-6. Using the small, flat-blade
screw driver from the operator’s tool kit:
1. Turn the set screw counterclockwise until the
needle can slide down and out of the needle bar.
2. With the scarf of the new needle toward the rear
of the embroidery head, slide the needle into the
needle bar as far as it will go and tighten the set
Figure 2-6
Hooping Flat Goods2 - 7
110265-01, Rev. A2. Operating the Advantage 18
A properly hooped garment is one without any folds caught in the hoop and is as taut as possible
without permanently stretching the fabric, especially knits, jerseys, and other loosely woven fabrics.
Hooping Flat Goods
Follow these steps for hooping material in a circular or oval hoop on the table top insert.
1. Select a hoop that allows the complete design to fit with a comfortable margin of blank fabric
around the inside edge. Later you will learn how to use the Trace menu to make sure you have
the right size hoop.
2. Loosen the adjusting screw on the outer hoop by turning it counterclockwise (see Figure 2-7).
Figure 2-7
3. Place the outer hoop on a clean, flat surface with the mounting bracket on the side that is up
and away from the flat surface (see Figure 2-8).
Figure 2-8
4. On top of the outer hoop, place enough backing material to cover it.
5. Place your material on top of the backing.
2 - 8Hooping
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
6. Press the inner hoop into the outer hoop with the fabric and backing between them as shown in
Figure 2-9. Pull the outside edges of the material inward, toward the center of the hoop. This
tightens the material inside the hoop without popping the hoop apart.
Figure 2-9
7. When the material is hooped properly, tighten the outer hoop adjusting screw. Tightening this
screw will
permanent imprint in your material.
not tighten the fabric, it simply secures it. Tightening it too much can leave a
Loading The Hoop
To attach the hoop to the carriage:
1. Place the left notch of the hoop mounting bracket against the carriage stub as shown in Figure
Thumb Lever
Hoop Mounting
Figure 2-10
Cap Frames2 - 9
110265-01, Rev. A2. Operating the Advantage 18
2. Press the thumb lever towards the rear of the carriage.
3. Push the hoop bracket up to the lever stub and release the lever, snapping the lever stub into
the right carriage notch.
Cap Frames
Because a cap is not flat it cannot be hooped in a flat hoop. To solve this problem, a special device
called a cap frame is used. The cap frame option consists of two parts: 1) The cap frame that holds
the cap and attaches to the cap frame drive; and 2) The cap frame drive that secures to the X
carriage and the front of the machine.
Installing the Cap Frame Drive
Attach the cap frame drive by following these steps and referring to Figure 2-11.
CAUTION! To avoid possible cap frame drive or other machine damage, Set
Home before installing the cap frame drive.
Cap Frame Drive
Cap Frame Drive Shaft
Dove-Tail Bracket
Figure 2-11
Thumb Screw
1. Remove the table top insert from the embroidery area. This allows access to the cap frame
mounting brackets under the bed of the embroidery head.
2. Center the pantograph in both X and Y directions using the arrow keys.
2 - 10Hooping
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
3. Under the cylinder arm, locate the dove-tail mount under the needle area and a bracket with a
round hole at the rear of the embroidery head (see Figure 2-12).
Rear Mounting Bracket
Dove-Tail Mount
Figure 2-12
4. Loosen the thumb screw on the rear bracket.
5. Loosen the thumb screw on the cap frame drive dove tail bracket.
6. The cap frame drive has a hoop bracket on top of it. Pulling the cap frame drive shaft towards
you, attach the hoop bracket to the X carriage. It attaches just like a regular hoop.
7. Guide the cap frame drive shaft into the hole in the rear mounting bracket. At the same time,
insert the cap frame drive dove-tail bracket into the dove-tail mount.
8. Push the cap frame drive shaft into the bracket hole as far as it will go.
9. Tighten the thumb screw on the rear bracket.
10. Tighten the thumb screw on the dove-tail bracket.
Cap Frames2 - 11
110265-01, Rev. A2. Operating the Advantage 18
Cap Hooping
The following steps and Figure 2-13 explain how to put a cap in the cap frame.
1. Open the cap frame cover. The
latch should be on the left side
of the cap frame.
2. If you are using backing, place it
inside the cap.
3. Slide the top of your cap around
the body of the cap frame.
Keep the sides of the cap inside
the outer edges of the cap
frame. Push the cap completely
onto the cap frame.
4. Close the cap frame cover while
keeping the cap as straight,
fold-free, and taut as possible.
5. Secure the cap’s brim within the
brim holder mechanism.
Cap Frame
Figure 2-13
6. Install the cap frame onto the cap frame drive by:
• Aligning the cap frame and cap frame drive.
• Snapping the cap frame slots under the roller clamps on the cap frame drive.
Using a Raised Needle Plate
When the cap frame is attached, the curve of the frame leaves extra space between the needle
plate and the cap. This sometimes creates poor embroidery quality. Cap embroidery may be
improved by installing the raised needle plate option to reduce this extra space.
When embroidering with the raised needle plate, place extra spacers around the needle bar in the
needle case. The spacers raise the presser foot to compensate for the height of the raised needle
When returning to flat goods, install the normal needle plate and remove the extra spacers from
around the needle bars.
The raised needle plate option comes with its own installation procedures. Refer to those
procedures for proper installation and use.
2 - 12Keyboard Operation
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
Keyboard Operation
After receiving a design, the Advantage 18 uses its own program to start and direct the embroidery
process. The Advantage 18 operation is controlled through the keyboard illustrated in Figure 2-14.
Figure 2-14
The keyboard has ten keys and a display window called a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). The LCD
displays menu options and messages. The keys allow you to move between menus, enter
commands, and select various other settings. Following is a description of the keys and their
functions in the main menus and the idle menus.
The Keys and Their Functions
Key NameKey Function
[MENU]Moves from one menu to the next. After the last menu
displays, it wraps back to the first menu.
[ALT]Never used alone. Held down while pressing another key,
allows the other key to take on an
ALTernate function.
See Key Combinations.
[ENTER]Makes a selection similar to clicking on the OK button in
Windows or pressing the [ENTER] key on your computer
keyboard. Also scrolls through the idle menus.
[FAST/SLOW]Toggles the hoop carriage speed fast or slow. Also inserts
a thread through the splicing cell when used immediately
after an [ALT][ARROW] key combination.
The Keys and Their Functions2 - 13
110265-01, Rev. A2. Operating the Advantage 18
[⇒] or [RIGHT ARROW]Moves the needle position to the right in the embroidery
field (hoop moves left). Also used to select values for sub
menu options.
⇐] or [LEFT ARROW]Moves the needle position to the left in the embroidery
field (hoop moves to the right). Also used to select values
for sub menu options.
⇑] or [UP ARROW]Moves the needle position back in the embroidery field
and scrolls up a menu list. Also used to change sub menu
⇓] or [DOWN ARROW]Moves the needle position down in the embroidery field
and scrolls down a menu list. Also used to change sub
menu values.
STARTStarts embroidering. Also starts the TRACING function.
STOPStops any job. Also used to "frame forward" or
"frame backward" in idle or in the FRAME menu.
Key Combinations
KeysCombination Functions
[ALT][MENU]Displays the
previous menu.
[ALT][ENTER]Exits sub menu and displays one of three idle menus even
while the machine is embroidering.
⇐]Moves the selector carriage one thread position to the left
when the machine is in idle. Decreases upper thread
tension while the machine is embroidering.
⇒]Moves the selector carriage one thread position to the right
when the machine is in idle. Increases the upper thread
tension while the machine is embroidering.
⇑]Increases the maximum embroidery speed in increments
of 50 spm (stitches per minute) when the machine is
embroidering. The maximum is 900 spm for flat goods
embroidery and 800 spm for the cap frame. Also moves
the selector carriage to thread position 18 when the
machine is in idle.
⇓]Decreases the embroidery speed in increments of 50 spm
when the machine is embroidering. The minimum is 400
spm. Also moves the selector carriage to thread position 1
when the machine is idle.
2 - 14Keyboard Operation
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
Sending a Design
The Advantage 18 operates with either EDS II or EDS III software. In your EDS system prepare and
save an EXP design. The following steps are individualized instructions for EDS II and EDS III users.
1. Press F10: Peripherals in the main menu.
2. From the peripherals menu, press: F2: Send Design.
3. Type the file name of the design, a space, and the Advantage 18 unit number.
4. Press the Enter key.
For example, to send the design "SHIP" to peripheral #1, type:
only the instructions that apply to your system.
1. Click on Peripherals in the application or layout window and a drop-down menu displays.
2. Click on Transfer and a dialog box displays.
3. Select the appropriate information.
4. Click on OK.
More information is available in the EDS II and EDS III operation manuals. Consult the sections
concerning sending designs from the computer to the peripheral.
Receiving a Design
Now access the design in the Advantage 18’s design buffer. Remember the SHIP design is just an
example. Your file name and statistics may differ.
1. At the Advantage 18 keyboard, press [MENU] until the display reads:
2. Press [ENTER]. The display now reads:
SHIP 1380
SHIP is the design name. 1380 is the size of the design in bytes.
3. If you had more than one design in the buffer, pressing [
⇑] or [⇓] scrolls through the list.
3 - 1
110265-01, Rev. A3. The Setup Menus
3. The Setup Menus
Find all the Advantage 18 menus listed below with a brief description of their functions. Detailed
explanations of the Design, Color, Tension, Orientation and Run menus follow the brief overview.
These are "The Setup Menus" used for every design. Except for the Head Timing menu, the
remaining menus are discussed in Chapter 4, "The Customization Menus." Discussion of the Head
Timing menu is in Chapter 5, "Maintenance."
An Overview of the Advantage 18 Menus
Lists all the designs in the Advantage 18 design buffer, in the order sent. Select a design for
embroidery or to delete a design from the buffer.
Sets the color sequence.
Sets and remembers the upper tension for each thread position.
Positions a design in one of eight combinations for placement in the embroidery field.
Inserts the selected design and color sequence into the run buffer. Also allows the design to
embroider after you Set Home.
Sets the direction, either forward or backward, to move through a design to correct embroidery
errors. Allows precise corrections.
Traces the outline of a design to verify a design fits in the selected hoop.
Sets the"HOME POSITION," selects hoop sizes, and provides power fail rescue functions.
Moves the needle within the embroidery field.
Enables the operator to set, correct, or adjust the Needle Depth and Hook Timing.
Sets the Trimmer Option.
3 - 2Design Menu
Advantage 18 Operation ManualMelco Embroidery Systems
Primarily used for troubleshooting. Provides an option to insert the thread through the splicing cell
or change a thread selection temporarily.
Clears stitch counts and run buffer without turning off the machine. You do
not delete a job from
this menu. Used to perform a "hard reset" which restores any altered parameters to their default
Design Menu
When a design is sent from the computer to the Advantage 18, it is stored in the design buffer.
The Design Menu displays the buffer contents and allows you to select a design to embroider or
delete. To access the Design Menu, the Advantage 18 must be powered up but not embroidering
or making a color change.
Selecting a Design
To select a design, follow these steps:
1. Press [MENU] until the LCD displays: DESIGN MENU.
2. Press [ENTER] to display the first design.
3. Scroll through the designs with the [
⇑] key or [⇓] key until you reach the design you want.
4. Press [ENTER] to select the design. The LCD displays the next menu.
Deleting a Design
If you are not using the AutoDelete option on your computer, the design remains in the buffer. To
delete a design from the buffer, follow these steps:
1. Press [MENU] until the LCD displays: DESIGN MENU.
2. Press [ENTER].
3. Use [
4. Press [ALT][
5. Press [
⇑] or [⇓] to scroll to the design you want to delete.
⇓] and the LCD displays: KILL design name?
⇑] for YES, or [⇓] for NO.
6. Press [ENTER] to complete the deletion.
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