M1711 Disassembly and Assembly guide
Edited by:Yi Peng
Reviewed by:Zhifeng Zhong
Approved by:Chuansan Wang
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Issued date:Sep.8 ,2017 Implemented By:Sep.8 ,2017

Disassemble guide
Ⅰ﹑Mobile phone structure introduction
Ⅱ﹑Disassembly Tool
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Ⅲ﹑Disassembly Guide
Push the pin harder
to eject and remove
the SIM tray
First, use the nail to push down
the USB port. After the battery
cover appears the gap, the USB
port have left Buckle and right
Buckle. we should make its aside.
(1)SIM Tray and TP screws removal;
1. Make sure the phone is switched off. Insert the Ejection Pin in the phone. Push the pin harder to eject and remove
the SIM tray;
2. Use the 0.8mm Torx screwdriver to unfasten 2pcs TP screws from the bottom of phone as below
(2)Battery Cover Removal
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(3)Screws*14 removal
1)Unfasten 14 screws by Philips screw driver as below picture;
(4)Speaker BOX, mainboard holder removal ;
1)As below picture,remove the mainboard holder and speaker in order;
(5)Disconnect connector,remove main FPC
1)Disconnect battery connector first,and then disconnect the other connectors as below picture, lastly, disconnect
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main FPC form mainboard and daughter board;
Side button FPC
(6)Mainboard removal;
1)Use the Philips screwdriver unfasten the screws*1 from mainboard,and then disconnect the coaxial wire on the
mainboard ,and then remove mainboard.
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