Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are trademarks of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
Java, J2ME and all other Java-based trademarks are registered trademarks belonging
to Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Meizu (or Meizu's licensors) own all legal rights to the product, trademarks and
interests, including but not limited to any intellectual property rights found in
services (whether those rights have been registered, and regardless of where in the
world those rights may exist). Meizu company services may include information
designated as confidential. Without the prior written consent of Meizu; transcription,
replication, reproduction or translation of some or all of said contents are prohibited.
Users who disregard legal boundaries and use the product to for illegal activities,
bears the full legal responsibility for their actions. Please take note of the
software license agreement for Meizu and third-party software pertaining to the
installation and updating of the software.
The manufacturers and importers do not take any responsibility for accidental
damage to the device (including human error or other force majeure).
Meizu does not undertake errors or omissions in this document for any liability
arising, Meizu company will continue to provide new product development success
This document is subject to change without notice.
Meizu is committed to improvie its products to better meet consumer demand.
Please read through the contents of this document before the use of this product.
Product features may change with time. To obtain the latest product information,
please visit
All references to other companies, products and services names are trademarks or
service marks of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
Important Notices ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Getting Started ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Power on, off and the lock screen............................................................................................................. 14
Home Screen..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Text Input............................................................................................................................................................ 17
How to Start....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Safe Removal of Disk....................................................................................................................................... 20
Other ........................................................................................................................................................ 58
Ca re tips ........ ........ ........ ..................... ........ ........ ........ ........ ..................... ........ ........ .... 59
Impor tant Notice s 5
Important Notices
To avoid unwanted damages, please read the following information before using MEIZU M351.
• Traffic safety
• Safe operation
• Interference
• Hospitals
• Flights
• Gas stations
• Demolition sites
• Service & repairs
• Accessories
• Water damage
• Backups
• Connecting with
other devices
Please comply with all local laws and regulations.
Keep users' hands free while driving.
When using a wireless device may cause in terference or danger;
turn the phone off.
All wireless devices may be susceptible to interference,
which could affect performance.
Please turn off the phone in hospitals during situations where
it may inter fere with medical equipment.
Follow safety instructions provided by airline staff. Wireless
devices can cause interference in aircrafts.
Do not use the device at gas stations when refueling. Do not use
this device near gas or other chemicals.
Follow any local restrictions. Do not use the device near
demolition sites.
Only qualified personnel may ser vice or repair this device.
Please use original accessori es and batteries. Do not use
incompatible products.
This device is not water resistant. Keep it dry.
Back up important information stored on the phone to prevent
the loss of valuable data.
Before connecting to any other device, read its user guide for
detailed safety instructions. Do not connect with incompatible
• Emergency calls
Af ter starting up, ensure the phone has network reception. If
necessary, unlock the device from standby mode. Open the
Phone app, enter the emergency number, and tap the call
button. Tell the emergency staff about users' location and the
relevant circumstances.
Getting Started
Included in package:
Getti ng St ar ted 6
USB cable
Power adapter
SIM card adapter and
cutting template
Qu ic k St a
rant y Cer
IZ U M 3 5
Quick Star t Guide
Warranty Cer tificate
• The above picture is only for reference, with the possibility that accessories
available in users' area are different.
• users can buy accessories from a certified MEIZU store, or the official MEIZU
website (
• Please only use software from MEIZU’s official software center. MEIZU will
not be held accountable for any problems caused by unofficial software.
Phone Overview
Name of the phone parts
• Front
Getti ng St ar ted 7
1 Rec eiver
2 Infra red sen sor
3 Front c amera
4 Touch screen
5 Home bu tton
• Top
• Bottom
1 Headp hone jack
2 Power / lock b utton
1 Micro U SB port
2 Main mi croph one
3 Louds peake r
• Left Side
Getti ng St ar ted 8
• Back
1 Volume c ontro l key
2 Back co ver ope ning spri ng
1 Rea r camera Flash
2 Noise -cancel ing mic ropho ne
3 Flash light
4 Back co ver
Getti ng St ar ted 9
Using M351, different keys gives users access to different phone functions.
Here are some commonly used shortcuts and methods of operation.
Briefly press this button to lock / activate the screen;
Power button
Holding this button will cause a "Power Off/Restart" dialog box
to pop up;
Increases and decreases volume;
Volume keys
When locked, double tap the home button to activate it;
Home button
When unlocked, tap to return to the Home screen;
During a call, press the Home button to return to the Home screen.
The Power button can be used to hang up.
Getti ng St ar ted 10
Batter y
Charging the battery
M351 is equipped with built-in rechargeable batter y.
Note: Do not at tempt t o remove the back cover to take out or repai r the battery.
Use only the supplied power adapter and USB cable to charge the battery.
Do not remove the batter y from the phone when charging the phone through
power adapter or automobile-used adapter.
• How to charge the phone:
1. Make sure t he USB cable is plac ed correctly,
and the n plug the cable into the M35 1’s micro USB
port which is in the bot tom of the pho ne;
2. Plug t he powe r adapter into a p ower ou tlet with
stand ard AC power applicab le to the p hone.
If the battery is critical, the M351 will not boot. Connect it to a power adapter, and
M351 will display the charging animation. The Locked screen would display
charging status. When the battery is full, a full green batter y would be shown on
the Locked screen, and the animation stops. Disconnect the power adapter from
the power outlet, and then disconnect the M351.
1. If the b atter y is c ritical , the M35 1 will no t boot.
Pleas e tr y bo oting a ft er 5 minu tes of charg ing.
2. It nor mally takes 2- 3 hours to fully charge t he phone.
This ca n vary depend ing on if t he phon e is on, if there
are any c alls wh ile cha rging , etc.
3. For sa fety re asons , please us e the sta ndard U SB cabl e
and pow er adap ter.
Getti ng St ar ted 11
Touch Screen
The main way to control the phone system is using users' fingers to operate icons,
buttons, menu items, the keyboard and other items on the touch screen.
What’s more, users can change the direction of the screen.
• Touch / tap
Touch the screen gently with users' finger.
• Hold
Use user s' finger to touch and hold on
the touch screen.
• Double-tap
Tap the screen twice.
In the web browser, users can swipe to browse
fastly. users can also double tap to zoom in
and out of the web page.
• Drag
Touch and hold an icon, and then
move it to a desired location.
• Quick swipe or Swipe
Swipe users' fingers vertically or
horizontally with quick dragging
motion. users can switch content pages
within an app by using this gesture.
Getti ng St ar ted 12
• Pinch
In some applications such as the Gallery
or Browser, users can use two fingers to
pinch and zoom in and out of photos
and web pages.
• Rotate
When supported, the phone automatically changes screen orientation depending
on how users hold it. This can be turned off unde r “Settings” > “Display”.
Getti ng St ar ted 13
Firmware Upgrade
How to upgrade the firmware
1. Use the USB cable to connect the Meizu M351 with a computer, and copy
the new firmware (update.bin) to the M351 root director;
2. Safely unplug the USB and turn off the Meizu M351.
Note: Pleas e make su re the ph one has s uffic ient ba ttery,
or it mig ht be unabl e to upgr ade or bo ot due to p ower fa ilure .
3. Start the phone while simultaneously holding the "Power" button
and "Volume Up" button (as pictured).
4. Wait until the "System Upgrade" appear s on the screen.
5. Tap the "Star t" icon to begin the upgrade process or tap the "Cancel" icon
to exit upgrade mode.
If data erasing is needed, please check "Clear Data" option before u pgrading.
Only the phone data (such as notes, messages, contacts) will be removed.
Data on the SD card (such as music and photos)
will remain intact.
6. Do not power off the device while upgrading.
7. When the upgrade is complete, M351 will automatically reboot.
* To download the latest firmware, software and drivers; please visit
Note: Email s are not backed up on Fl yme. When c leari ng data , users wil l lose al l users' em ails.
users can also upg rade th e firmware by sy stem- provi ded upg rade func tion; m ore det ails
pleas e go to "Se ttings" > "About p hone".
Getti ng St ar ted 14
Power on, off and Lock screen
Powering on
Hold down the "Power button" until the phone shortly vibrates and the
logo is displayed.
If users' SIM card on the M351 has a PIN code enabled, users will need to enter a
PIN code after powering on the phone.
If users enter the wrong PIN for three times, users will need users' PUK code to
unlock the device. Please contact users' network operator for users' PUK code.
Restart or powering off
To power off or restar t the phone, hold down the "Power button" until the popup
selection box appears, and then select "Power off" or “Restart”.
More controls
Hold down the "Power button" until the popup selection box appears. Here, users
find shortcut controls for sile nt mode, vibration, fli ght mode, and more.
“ ”
Locking and unlocking the screen
By default, M351 will automatically lock and shutdown the screen to save battery if
users do not touch it for one minute. Under its locked state, the touch screen will not
respond to any operation, but users can still enjoy the music, answer the phone, etc.
Press the Home button to activate the phone screen, and drag “ ” icons upwards
to designated area to unlock the screen. If a screen password has been set, users will
need to enter users' unlock password at this point. Screen lock settings can be found
under "Settings" > "Security" > "Set Up Screen Lock".
Getti ng St ar ted 15
Home Screen
The home screen displays app icons, folders, and various widgets such as weather
and information, etc. users can choose pictures to be users' home screen wallpapers.。
Home screen icons
Tap any icons to launch their respective apps.
• Browse
Swipe the home screen to the left and right to browse users' icons list.
Touch the “ ” scroll bar to look through all users' apps.
• Adding
Tap the “Settings” icon on the home screen and choose “Customize” to
add items on the screen.
“Themes”, “Live Wallpapers”, “Wallpapers” and “Gallery Wallpapers”.
Themes: original default themes as well as themes designed and
provided by third parties.
Live Wallpapers: Tap “Live Wallpapers”>choose one> “Set Wallpaper”
Wallpapers: Tap “Wallpapers” menu (which is provided by the system)
to set a system-provided picture as standby wallpaper or
home screen wallpaper.
Galler y Wallpapers: Tap “Galler y”>“Galler y Wallpapers” >“Set Wallpaper”.
New folder
Drag one icon to another icon, a new folder would be automatically created.
Hold the screen until users see an option of “Widget”, tap it and then choose
the widget that users want to add. Hold the chosen widget and drag it to the
wanted screen.
• Moving and deleting
Anywhere on the Home screen users can tap and hold an icon to detach it from
the icons grid, and then drag the icon to move it to any blank area. Drag the
icon to the edges of the screen to jump to the previous or next Home screen. A
detached icon can also be deleted or uninstalled by dragging it downwards
unto the “Uninstall” or “Remove” area to delete the app or widget.
Note:Syste m appli cations c annot b e unins talled.
Conta ins three icons for Phone , Browser and Me ssagi ng.
users can a lso cus tomiz e users' own strip e by drag ging
the app s icons to this area.
butto nTap the but ton to en ter the P hone fu nction;
butto nTap thebut ton to en ter Web Browser;
butto nTap the but ton to en ter Mes sagin g.
Getti ng St ar ted 16
Notification Bar
This bar displays date, notifications (such as new email, calendar reminder, aler t,
current calling status and the device status, etc.), signal strength, batter y status
and time.
• Open notification bar
Notification bar : Show users' network prov id er a nd a ll o th er received notifications.
When no tificat ion is received, slid e down fr om the No tific ation bar and a pa nel wil l be drag ged out.
Touch on the notific ation c an open the correspondi ng app. F or othe r notification s such as n ew voic e
mail or n etwork off-li ne, users c an open t he network list di rectly in current page to reconne ct to the
Inter net. Sl ide the read not ificati ons to de lete.
• Close notification bar
Hold and slide up the icon to close or touch anywhere outside the
notification bar.
Getti ng St ar ted 17
Text input
users can use the phone to input text by using the keyboards on the screen to add
contact information, write text messages, or take notes memos, etc.;by using the
on-screen keyboard, users can input Chinese, English, symbols and numbers.
Using the keyboard
1. When u sers touch a text input area, the keyboard w ill automatic pop-up, m arked by the
blink ing curso r.
2. Proc eed to ta p the keys on the keyboard .
• Keyboards
Whenis displayed in the lower left corner of the keyboard:
Tap and hold ,to open the "Select input method" popup menu, where
users can choose among "Simplified Chinese - Pinyin", "Stroke", "Handwriting",
"Other input methods" and “Settings” (with which users can set users'
keyboard preferences).
Tapto switch to the English keyboard, displayed as .
English keyboard
Whenis displayed in the lower left corner of the keyboard, English language
input is selected.
To type uppercase letters, touch ,so that theicon becomes illuminated .
Tap again to switch to lowercase .
Double tap the to keep letters uppercase .
Number s and symbols
Tap the icon to enter numbers and tap the icon enter symbols. Tap
icon to select other symbols.
Getti ng St ar ted 18
Hiding the keyboard
While typing, users can tap ,button so as to see the contents clearly.
The button near the “enter ” key can also hide the keyboard. Touch the
input area to activate the keyboard again.
• Text editing
Apps such as text files, emails, messages and other apps which adopts
multi-line editing suppor t copy and paste function. Tap and hold a text input
area to activate the text editing popup with the following options:
"Copy all" Copy all contents of the text input area to the clipboard.
"Select all" Select all contents of the text input area.
"Select" Select the current word. The arrow keys can be used to adjust
the selection.
"Cut" Cut the selected text.
"Copy" Copy selected text to the clipboard.
"Paste" Paste the latest clipboard item into the text area.
Basic O peratio ns 19
Basic Operations
How to Start
When using the M351 for the first time, please follow the steps outlined below:
1. Connect the M351 to users' computer wi th the USB cable, which will simultaneously
charge the M351.
2. Pull the notifications bar down > tap "USB Storage" control key (lights up when
turned on) to turn on storage connection to users' computer;
3. Copy music, videos, photos and other files from users' computer to corresponding
folder s on the M351.
4. Pull the notifications bar down > tap the "USB Storage" control key (lights down
when turned off ) to terminate the connection to users' computer.
5. Disconnect the USB cable of the M351 and computer.
6. Start using the device.
users can begin listening to music, watching videos and making phone calls
by tapping corresponding icons to launch the apps on the Home screen.
File Transfer
Note: Pleas e make su re the M3 51dev ice is co nnected to the c omputer.
users can download music, video, photos and other files from disks and websites and
then copy them to the M351 USB device. The following the example shows how to copy
music to M351:
1. Sele ct the docu ments u sers want to copy on users' c ompute;
2. Sele ct [Copy] o r pre ss Ctrl + C;
3. Doub le-clic k [Comp uter] d eskto p icon to open the C omput er wind ow and double clic k [Re movable Disk ];
4. Brow se to the M usic fo lder.
5. Sele ct [Paste] o r press C trl + V.
6 When th e files have been co pied, t he musi c files wil l appea r in the [M EIZU M351 ] Music f older.
Disco nnect the d evice a nd laun ch the Musi c app to listen to music.
For the M351 to automatically recognize users' media, please place the files to their
corresponding folders on the M351: copy videos to the Video folder, photos to the
Photo folder, music to the Music folder, or the program of M351may not be able to
recognize the files correctly. users can browse through al l files in the Documents app.
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