Technical Data
Operating Instructions
Incl. Software TCRMON
Werner Meinberg
Auf der Landwehr 22
D-31812 Bad Pyrmont
Telefon: 0 52 81 / 9309-0
Telefax: 0 52 81 / 9309-30
19th. of February 2003
Table of Contents
Impressum ............................................................................................ 2
Introduction .......................................................................................... 5
General ................................................................................................. 5
Function ...................................................................................... 6
Setting into operation ............................................................................ 6
Supply Voltage............................................................................ 6
Input Signals................................................................................ 7
Configuration of the Board ................................................................... 7
IRIG-Mode.................................................................................. 7
Serial Port Configuration.............................................................7
Operating mode of the serial ports...............................................8
Configuration of the TTL and 20mA current loop outputs.......... 9
The DCF Simulation Mode .................................................................. 9
TIME_SYN Output............................................................................ 10
Updating the Firmware ....................................................................... 10
Replacing the Lithium-Battery............................................................ 10
CE Label ............................................................................................ 12
Format of the Meinberg Standard Time String ................................... 13
Rear Connector Pin Assignments ....................................................... 14
Pin Assignment................................................................................... 15
Diskette with Software TCRMON ..................................................... 16
The Program TCRMON.EXE ........................................................... 17
The Main Window .................................................................... 18
Setting the TCRs Initial Time and Date..................................... 18
Setting the local Offset from UTC............................................. 19
Menu Help ................................................................................ 20
In the early 1950's the use of coded timing signals for correlation of data began to take
on widespread importance. Especially the U.S space and missile programs were the
forces behind the development of new time codes. The definition of time code formats
was completely arbitrary and left to the individual ideas of each design engineer.
Hundreds of different time codes were formed, some of which were standardized by the
"Inter Range Instrumantetion Group" (IRIG) in the early 60´s.
Exept these IRIG-Timecodes other formats like NASA36, XR3, 2137 or AFNORNFS87500 are still in use. However TCR509 confines to the decoding of IRIG-Codes
A133 and B123. A decoding of AFNOR-NFS87500 is available on special request.
Detailed information about IRIG- and other time codes can be found in the "Handbook of Time Code Formats", by Datum Inc., 1363 South State College Boulevard,
Anaheim, California 92806-5790.
The board TCR509 was designed for the reception of the IRIG code formats A132/
A133 and B122/B123, as well as the translation of these received IRIG codes into a
serial telegram and a pulse telegram as transmitted by the german time code station
DCF77. An automatic gain control allows the reception of signals within an amplitude
range from 600mV to 8V (peak to peak). The potential free receiver input is terminated
in 50Ohms. TCR509 provides two configurable serial ports (RS232, 1xRS485 on
request), a PPS-Signal at TTL-Level, as well as four TTL and four potential free 20mA
outputs which can be configured to issue either a PPS-Signal or a DCF77 telegram. A
LED-Display indicating time, date and synchronization state is available on request.
The received IRIG telegram is used for synchronization of software clock and
buffered real time clock. Every received telegram is checked for its consistency. When
detecting an invalid telegram, the software clock is switched into freewheeling mode. A
crystal correction value, which is derived from IRIG in synchronous mode, is used to
limit the deviation of the time base to about 1us/sec in freewheeling mode. Since IRIG
codes do not supply a date information except the day of year, the buffered real time
clock keeps a complete date. Every minute the validity of the RTCs date is checked by a
day of year comparison. When detecting a mismatch between the day of year calculated
from the RTCs date and that received in the IRIG-Telegram, the system clock is
switched into freewheeling mode and the DCF simulation is suppressed, though the time
base which is used for generating the PPS signal is still synchronized by IRIG. Initial
Time and date can be set by a standard Meinberg telegram via serial port COM0.
TCR509 can re-calculate UTC from received IRIG-Time if there are no time zone
changeovers (such as daylight saving) performed in the IRIG telegram. Please see
Chapter TCRMON/UTC Offset for more information.
IRIG-Telegrams do not contain any announcement bits for daylight saving changeovers or for the insertion of a leap second. Hence, daylight saving changeovers are
performed by TCR509 with a delay of 1 second. In case of the insertion of a leap second,
TCR509 switches into freewheling mode and resynchronizes after one minute.
Time Codes Supported ( configurable by dip switch SW1-10)
a) A133: 1000pps, amplitude-modulated sinusoidal signal ,
10 kHz carrier frequency, BCD time of year, SBS time of day
b) B123: 100pps, amplitude-modulated sinusoidal signal,
1 kHz carrier frequency, BCD time of year, SBS time of day
a) A132: 1000pps, amplitude-modulated sinusoidal signal ,
10 kHz carrier frequency, BCD time of year
b) B122: 100pps, amplitude-modulated sinusoidal signal,
1 kHz carrier frequency, BCD time of year
Setting into operation
To obtain a correct operation of the TCR509, please pay attention to the following
Supply Voltage
The board only needs a single supply voltage of +5V. Source should be able to supply at
least 200mA.
Input Signals
The IRIG-A/B signal must be applied to the SMB-Connector. The respective IRIGCode is selectable by using the dip switch. Please use a shielded or a twisted pair cable.
Configuration of the Board
The time code type as well as the configuration of the serial ports and the pulse outputs
can be selected by the dip switch SW1.
The time code type is selected by dip switch SW1-10. Possible formats are A133 and
B123. Other formats are available on request.
SW1-10 IRIG-Mode
off IRIG-B