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Operating instructions for rack type dishwashing machine , model Upster K
1 I nt roduction and general instr uc t ions
Dear customer,
we are delighted about the confidence you have shown in our products.
It is very impor tant to us that you s hould obtain a gr eat deal of pleas ure and use-
fulness from MEIKO products and that they should make your work easier.
If you follow the instr uctions in this document caref ully, your machine will always
give you total satisfaction and will have a long service life.
After assembly at our factor y, this machine was put through a thorou gh inspection.
This helps us make s ure, and gives you the guarant ee that you always receive a
mature product.
We would therefore ask you to read these operating instructions carefully before using the installation. Any further related operating instructions for accessories and incorporated third-party products must be strictly observed!
These operating instruc tions are designed to familiarise the o wner/operator of thi s
system with its installat ion, m odes of operation, us e, safet y instructions an d servicing.
In the event of an y damage caus ed by non-o bservanc e of these oper ating instructions, any guarantee claims are invalid. We accept no liability for any additional
damage caused as a result.
MEIKO operates a policy of continuous development on all its appliances.
As a result of this, please understand that we thus reserve the right to make
changes to the scope of supply concerning the design, equipment and technical
features at any time.
No claims may therefore b e based on the details, the images or the desc riptions
contained in these operating instructions.
Should you require any further information, or in case any particular problems
should arise that are n ot dealt with in gr eat detail in t he operating ins tructions, you
may contact the relevant MEIKO branch to obtain the information you require.
Further, we draw your attention to the fact that the content of these instructions
does not form par t of a form er or exist ing agreem ent, promise or l egal relatio nship
and does not modify such a point.
All MEIKO’s obligati ons arise from the relevant purc hase contract which also contains the entire and onl y valid guarantee provisions. T hese contractual guarantee
rules shall be neit her extended nor restrict ed as a result of any exp lanations gi ven
in the instructions.
The operating instructio ns must exist in the local language for each EU countr y. If
this is not the case, the installation must not be commissioned.
The original operating instructions in German and all operating instructions in all
languages for EU countries can be downloaded from the following address:
You receive all this t echnical documentati on free of charge. Any ad ditional copies
required are available for a nominal fee.
dia) reserved to MEIKO Mas chinenbau GmbH & Co KG. Any commercial use or
distribution of texts, il lustrated models, dr awings and photographs within this product is not permitted. It is not permitted t o reproduce, store or pass on the service
manual without an y written approva l, either in whole or in par t, or transfer or trans late it, in any form or with any medium, without written approval.
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Operating instructions for rack type dishwashing machine , model Upster K
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Name and address of the MEIKO branch, manufacturer’s agent
(Firmenstempel oder Anschrift eintragen)
This information can be found on the type plate.
1.1 Safe keeping
Keep this operating manual in the vicinity of the installation in a location that is easily accessible to all users.
1.2 Name and address of manufacturer
In case of further questions or technical problems, contact directly:
Englerstraße 3
Telefon +49 (0)781 / 203-0
or from MEIKO authorised Service Partners
1.3 Authorisation for service technicians of our service partners
MEIKO exclusively author ises authorised Serv ice Partners for commissioning, inductions, repairs, maintenance, assembly and installation of the corresponding
product groups within MEIKO devices.
The service instructions feature additional information for authorised partners on
assembly, modifications and repairs of all optional modules for this dishwashing
1.4 Designation of installation
Please provide the following information on any query and/or when ordering spare
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Operating instructions for rack type dishwashing machine , model Upster K
Refers to a dangerous situation which results in death or serious bodily injury.
Refers to a dangerous situation which can result in death or serious bodily injury.
Refers to a situation whic h c an result in dam age to pro per t y.
Application information and other useful information
2 Explanations of the safety symbols used
The following safety symbols will appear throughout these operating instructions.
These symbols are designed to draw the reader's attention to the text next to the
safety instructions.
2.1 Graphic reference symbols
The following notes and risk symbols can occur wholly or in part in the operating
manual and on the installation. These symbols (or symbols on the installation)
must be observed without fail!
The symbols have the following functions:
Electric shock!
No splashing water! Access prohibited for
Use protective gloves! Wear safety glasses!
persons with pacemak-
Hand injuries!
Heavy loads!
Non-potable water!
Do not reach into the
Hot surfaces!
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Operating instructions for rack type dishwashing machine , model Upster K
The intended use of the system specifies that qualified and instructed personnel
adequately qualified, instructed and authorised by the operator!
Feeding side
Discharge side
Dish support
3 General description and use f or t he pur pos e in-
3.1 General description
This machine is a rack type dishwashing machine for dishes and common kitchen
Tables or conveyors can be put on the feeding or discharge side of the machine for
loading and unloading dishware baskets.
The dishes to be cleaned are put into carrier baskets, preferably made of plastic,
and transported through the dishwashing machine on transport equipment.
Wash ware is cleaned using a heated wash tank.
The dishes are finally rinsed using heated fresh water sprayed through fine nozzles.
3.2 Intended use
The dishwashing machine must be used according to its purposes only.
This dishwashing machine is intended for washing dishes and commonly used
kitchen utensils.
Where applicable, other special wash ware is described in the order confirmation.
The items to be washed must be suitable for industrial dishwashing.
In case of doubt, an agree ment ( size, version, bas ic suita bility of dish washers) can
be concluded with Meiko concerning the suitability (info@meiko.de).
Kitchen utensils that ar e eq uipped with el ectric com ponents m us t not be w ashed in
the machine.
The wash ware mus t not protrude from the dishwasher basket on the sides or at
the bottom.
Any other use is not considered intended.
This dishwashing machine is intended solely for use in a commercial environment.
operates the system only!
9726766Design and construction subject to change without prior notice!
Qualified personnel must be older than 14 years of age. Personnel must have been
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Operating instructions for rack type dishwashing machine , model Upster K
3.3 Foreseeable use
The dishwashing machine must not be used for the following foreseeable uses:
• Kitchen utensils that are equipped with electric components.
• Textiles, oven cloths or steel sponges.
• Utensils that must not come into contact with foodstuff, such as ashtrays,
candlesticks, etc.
• Living creatures
• Foodstuff intended for consumption
• Iron utensils
• Support grids of cooking hobs / gas hobs
• Wash ware that is not dishwasher-proof
4 EC Declaration of Conformi ty
A Declaration of Incorpor ation is provided with the machine if it is not s upplied in
fully operational state, that is, as a partially completed machine pursuant to the
Machine Directive.
An EC Declaration of Conformity is provide d with t he machine if it is suppl ie d i n f ully operational state as a complete machine.
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Operating instructions for rack type dishwashing machine , model Upster K
Muster / Example / Exemple / Esempio / Ejemplo / Voorbeeld / Mönster
EC-/EU-Declaration of Conformity / CE-/UE-Déclaration de confo rm i té / CE-/UE-Dichiarazione di conformità / CE-/UE-Declaración de conformidad /
EG-/EU-conformiteitsverklaring / EG-/EU-försäkran om överensstämmelse
Company / Société / Ditta / Empresa / Fabrikant / Företag
Serial number / numéro de série / numero di serie / número de serie / volgnummer / serienum-
Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de conformité / Dichiarazione di conformità / Declaración de conformidad / Conformitetsverklaring /
E-mail: info@meiko.de
Hiermit bescheinigen wir in alleiniger Verantwortung die Konformität des Erzeugnisses mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen der folgenden EG-Richtlinien, harmonisierten Normen, nationalen Normen.
We hereby declare at our sole responsibility that the product conforms to the essential requirements of the following EC Directives, harmonized standards, national standards.
Par la présente nous certifions sous notre seule responsabilité la conformité du produit avec les exigences fondamentales des directives CE,
normes harmonisées et normes nationales suivantes.
Con la presente dichiariamo sotto la nostra responsabilità la conformità del prodotto con i regolamenti basilari delle seguenti direttive CE, normative
armonizzate e normative nazionali.
Por la presente declaramos bajo nuestra sola responsabilidad que nuestros productos están en conformidad con las exigencias básicas de las siguientes
directivas de la CE, normas homologadas y normas nacionales.
Hiermee verklaren wij onder geheel eigen verantwoordelijkheid de conformiteit van het product met de fundamentele en gestelde eisen volgens
EG-richtlijnen, geharmoniseerde normen en nationale normen.
Vi intygar härmed på eget ansvar att produkten överensstämmer med de väsentliga kraven i nedan angivna EG-direktiv, harmoniserade standarder och
mentazione/ Responsable de la documentación / Voor deze documentatie verantwoordelijk /
(per procura)
Englerstr. 3 – 77652 Offenburg - Germany
9726766Design and construction subject to change without prior notice!
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Operating instructions for rack type dishwashing machine , model Upster K
Muster / Example / Exemple / Esempio / Ejemplo / Voorbeeld / Mönster
Declaration of incorporation / Déclaration de montage / Dichiarazione di montaggio / Declaración de montaje /
Inbouwverklaring / Försäkran om inbyggnad
Company / Société / Ditta / Empresa / Fabrikant / Företag
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Englerstraße 3 - 77652 Offenburg -Germany
Internet: www.meiko.de
Telefon: +49(0)781/203-0
Machine type / Modèle machine / Tipo di macchina / Tipo de máquina / Machinemodel / Modell
Einbauerklärung für eine unvollständige Maschine
Försäkran om inbyggnad för en ofull ständig maskin
Hiermit bescheinigen wir:
We herewith certify / Nous certifions par la présente / Con la presente attestiamo / Por la presente certificamos / Hiermee verklaren wij / Vi intygar härmed:
auf Verlangen in elektronischer Form übermittelt.
anexo VII B (para
iligheid en
die Konformität mit den Bestimmungen folgender weiterer EG-Richtlinien:
överensstämmelse med bestämmelserna i nedan angivna ytterligare EG-direktiv:
Serial number / num éro de série / nu mero di serie / núme ro de serie / vol gnummer / serienum-
Declaration of incorporation for partly completed machinery / Déclaration de montage pour une machine incomplète / Dichiarazione di montaggio per una
macchina incompleta / Declaración de montaje de incorporación para una máquina incompleta / Inbouwverklaring voor een onvolledige machine /
E-mail: info@meiko.de
dass die zum Einbau in Maschinen vorgesehenen Produkte oder Baugruppen mit den grundlegenden Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzanforderungen nach Anhang I der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG übereinstimmen. Die speziellen technischen Unterlagen gemäß Anhang VII B (für unvollständige Maschinen) wurden erstellt und werden der zuständigen Behörde
that the product or s ub-assembli es that are i ntended for i nstallatio n in machin es complies with the fun damental he alth and sa fety requir ements in ac cordance with Annex I of the Machine Directive 2006/42/EG. The special t ec hnical documents have been created according to Annex VII B (for partly completed
machinery) and shall be transferred to the responsible authority in electronic format when requested.
que les produits et modules destinés au montage dans des machines satis font aux exigences fondamentales en matière de sécurité e t de santé conformément à l'an nexe I de la di rective sur les machines 200 6/42/CE. Les do ssiers techniqu es spécifiques c onformément à l 'annexe VII B (p our les machines incomplètes ) ont été ré di g és et sero nt tra nsm is sur demande aux autorités responsables sous forme électronique.
che i prodotti o gru ppi di c ompo nenti p revi sti per i l mon taggi o in m acchi ne cor ris pondo no ai re quisi ti ess enzial i di sic ure zza e di tutela d ella s alut e seco ndo
l'allegato I dell a Direttiva Macchine 20 06/42/CE. L a documenta zione tecnic a speciale sec ondo allegat o VII B (p er macchin e incomplete ) è stata crea ta e
sarà trasmessa su richiesta e in forma elettronica all'ente responsabile.
que los productos o grupos previs tos para la inco rporación en m áquinas cu mplen con los re quisitos básic os de segurid ad y protección de la salud, con forme al anexo I de la directiva de m áquinas 2006/42/CE. Se han confeccionado los documentos técnicos especiales conforme al
máquinas incompletas), que se entregarán a las autoridades competentes en forma y por vía electrónica, en caso de solicitarlo las mismas.
dat de voor inbouw in de machine bestemde producten of bouwgroepen voldoen aan de fundamentele eisen met betrekking tot de ve
bescherming van de gezondh eid c onfo rm bijl age I van de machi neri chtlij n 200 6/4 2/EC. D e speci ale t echni sche doc um entatie i s conf orm bij lag e V II B (vo or
onvolledige machines) opgesteld en wordt desgewenst in elektronische vorm ter beschikking gesteld aan de verantwoordelijke instanties.
att produkterna el l er komponentern a s o m är avs e dd a f ör inbyggnad i ma s k iner öv e re nsstämmer med de grundläggande s äkerhets- och häls osk yddskra ven
i bilaga I i maskindi rektivet 2 006/42/EG . De särsk ilda tek niska und erlagen e nligt bil aga VII B (f ör ofullst ändig a maskiner ) har tillh andah ållits och öv ersän ds
på begäran till ansvariga myndigheter i elektronisk form.
the conformity with the provisions of the following additional EC Directives:
la conformité avec les disp ositions des directives euro pé en nes s up plém e nt ai re s suiv antes:
la conformità alle disposizioni delle seguenti ulteriori direttive CE:
la conformidad con las disposiciones de las siguientes directivas de la CE adicionales:
de conformiteit met de bepalingen van de volgende aanvullende EC-richtlijnen:
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Operating instructions for rack type dishwashing machine , model Upster K
Die vorgenannten speziellen technischen Unterlagen können angefor dert werden bei:
Ovannämnda särskilda tekniska underlag kan beställas från:
Viktor Maier
Responsible for doc umentation / Respons able de la documentati on / Responsabile del la documentazione/ Responsable de la documentación / Voor deze documentatie verantwoordelijk
Die Inbetriebnahme ist so lange untersagt, b is festgestellt wurde, dass die Maschine od er Anlage, in welche die o.a. unvollständige Maschine eingebaut werden soll, den Bestimmungen der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG entspricht.
bestämmelserna i maskindirektivet 2006/42/EG.
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Thomas Peukert
Technischer Leiter
Chief Technology Officer / Directeur de la technologie / Direttore tecnico /
Director técnico / Technisch directeur / Teknisk direktör
The above mentioned technical documentation can be requested from:
Les documents techniques spécifiques précités peuvent être demandés auprès de:
La suddetta document a zione t ec nic a s peci al e può ess er e ric hie st a pr esso :
Los documentos técnicos especiales reseñados con anterioridad se pueden solicitar a:
De bovengenoemde speciale technische documentatie kan worden opgevraagd bij:
Commissioning is pro hibited unti l it has been det ermined that th e machine or system into whic h the partiall y completed m achiner y specified abov e is to
be incorporated also complies with the provisions of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
La mise en servic e de la machine est interdite jusqu'à ce qu'il ait été déter miné que la machine o u l'installation dan s laquelle la machin e incomplète
susmentionnée doit être montée respecte les dispositions de la directive relative aux machines 2006/42/CE.
La messa in funzione è viet ata fi no a c he non si a sta to acce rtat o che la m acc hina o l'i mpian to, i n cui dev e ess ere in stall ata la s uddett a macc hina i ncompleta, risponda alle disposizioni della Direttiva Macchine 2006/42/CE.
La puesta en marc ha estará prohi bida hasta que n o se haya dete rminado que la m áquina o instalac ión en la que se pretenda inc orporar la máqui na
incompleta indicada arriba cumpla las disposiciones de la directiva de máquinas 2006/42/CE.
De inbedrijfstelli ng is niet toegestaan voor dat is vastgesteld dat d e machine of installatie waarin de o.a. onvoll edige machine moet wor den ingebouwd
aan de bepalingen van de machinerichtlijn 2006/42/EC voldoet.
Idrifttagande är förbjudet tills att det har fastställts att maskinen eller anläggningen som den ovannämnda ofullständiga maskinen ska byggas in i uppfyller
(per procura)
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Operating instructions for rack type dishwashing machine , model Upster K
The following safety instructions are for your protection as well as the protection of
5 General safety rules
others and the dishwasher. Compliance with the instructions is therefore absolutely
5.1 Operator’s duty of care
This machine has been constructed and designed based on a risk assessment and careful selection of the applicable harmonised standards, as well
as additional technical specifications.
It is therefore stat e of the art and guarantee d to provide maximum s afety. Safety
can only be guaranteed during operat ion if all necess ary measures are taken.
The operator of the installation has an obligation of care to ensure that these
measures are planned for, and also to check that they are correctly implemented.
5.2 Measures to ensure safe system operation
The operator must ensure in particular that ...
•a l ocall y availa ble po wer d isc onnectio n unit is inst alled . T he power disco nnec-
tion unit must be easily accessible and in the direct vicinity of the warewashing
The following requirements must be fulfilled:
– Load-break switch as per IEC 60947-3
– Utilisation category AC23B
– Lockable in OFF position
– Protection class against water IPX5
– The load-break switch mus t be installed i n the direct vic inity of the
machine and must be easily accessible at a height of 0.6 - 1.9m
– Short-circuit breaking capacity >= 10kA
– Load-break switch rated operating current
– >= Machine's total current (type label) + 10%
– Neutral conductor shutdown optional
•the dishwashing machine is used in accordance with the regulations only.
in case of other use or op eration , dam age or risk s m ay arise for which we ac-
cept no liability (cf. chapter "Intended use").
•in order to preserve the operational and safety guarantees, whenever re-
quired, only original parts supplied by the manufacturer are used. An y potential claims by the us er shall be rendered void if the s ystem was altered usin g
parts other than original spare parts.
•only appropriately qualified and authorized personnel use, maintain, and re-
pair the installation.
•s taff is regularl y tra ined in all ques tions r elating to occupat ional saf ety and en-
vironmental protecti on and , in par t icular , tha t s taf f is f amiliar with the operating
instructions as well as with the safety instruc t ions they provide.
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Operating instructions for rack type dishwashing machine , model Upster K
Risk of injury due to electric shock, damage to property.
When electrical equipm ent is in operation, it is i nevitable that c ertain parts car ry
Work and troublesh ooting on electrical parts of the dishwashing m achine must
have been put back in place.
•the dis hwashing machine is only operated in a perfect, oper ationally efficient
condition and, in part icular, that the safety s ystems and switch elements are
checked on a regular basis for their operational efficiency.
•the r equired pers onal prote ctive equipm ent is made a vailable to a nd used by
maintenance and repair personnel.
•a f unctional test on all safety systems of the ins tallation is carried out during
every regular maintenance.
•all the safety, warning and operating instructions provided are not removed
and are legible.
•any necessary initial tests to parts supplied by sub-suppliers, such as heat
pumps or other equipm ent, must be carried out. More detailed information, if
required, can be found in the relevant operating instructions.
•ther e are no further modif ications after assem bly, commissioning and ha ndo-
ver of the dishwashing m achine to cus tomers/oper ators (e.g. el ectrical modif ications or location chan ges). modifications to the dishwashing m achine, and
in particular technical modifications carried out wit ho ut the manufacturer’s written authorization, or any modifications carried out by unauthorized persons,
will lead to the com plete loss of any guarantee c laims and will invalidate any
liability for the product.
•equipment for optim ising energy consum ption must not be used t o reduce es-
sential operating t emperatures, as s et out in DIN 10 511, 10512 and 10522. If
you, the client, insta ll equipment f or optimising energ y consumption, an y possible reduction in the quality of the wash and hygiene is your responsibility.
5.3 Basic safety measure s
Parts carrying electric current as well as moving or rotating parts can
cause·danger to the user’s life and limb and material damage.
Danger can arise from the improper use of the machine or if it is used for purposes for which it was not intended.
The machine ma y only be operated b y adequa tely qualified staff who have been
trained by the operating company and who have been trained about the hazard
and safety instructions.
a dangerous current.
The entire dishwashing machine must be de-energised before opening dish-
washing machine cover panels or electrical equipment.
SWITCH the locally available MAIN SWITCH TO “OFF“ and i ns tal l su ita bl e loc k -
ing devices to prevent the switch from being switched back on.
be performed by specialists only. Observe accident prevention regulations.
The operator must not restart the dishwashing machine until all cover panels
•Qualified staff, as defined by the Operating Instructions, are persons:
– over 14 years of age
– who have read and observe the safety instruct ions as well as the operating
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