FV 40.2FV 40.2
V 40.2
Products for TodayProducts for Today
while Preserving Tomorrow.while Preserving Tomorrow.
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Products for
Products for
Products for
Products for
Today while
Today while
Today while
Today while
Meiko's seventy-five years of
Meiko's seventy-five years of
warewashing experience has
warewashing experience has
emphasized manufacturing
emphasized manufacturing
excellence, economy of
excellence, economy of
operation, user-friendly
operation, user-friendly
concepts and innovative
concepts and innovative
features that are not found in
features that are not found in
competitive machines -
competitive machines -
not even as options.
not even as options.
Meiko's revolutionary, exclusive Active
Plus double filtration system removes
food soil during the cycle, saves
detergent and eases your cleanup chores.
The heart of this system is a filter that
uses the natural water flow of the fill and
drain cycles to sift debris out of the
wash water and into the drain system.
During the wash cycle,
debris is trapped
inside the filter, keeping
the wash water clean
and saving detergent.
During the drain cycle,
the water flow flushes
the debris out of the
filter and into the drain,
making cleanup easy.
FV 40.2FV 40.2
FV 40.2FV 40.2
Sloped wash tank
ceiling is safer for
the user and
eliminates dripping
of wash water on
clean ware
Today, these qualities are
Today, these qualities are
demonstrated in Meiko's
demonstrated in Meiko's
Point 2 series. These
Point 2 series. These
warewashers combine solid
warewashers combine solid
reliability with advanced
reliability with advanced
features such as the award-
features such as the award-
winning Mike 2 control and
winning Mike 2 control and
diagnostics system, a built-
diagnostics system, a built-
in booster heater, pumped
in booster heater, pumped
rinse and pumped drain.
rinse and pumped drain.
The smallest of the Point 2
The smallest of the Point 2
series, the FV 40.2 is packed
series, the FV 40.2 is packed
with advanced features. It
with advanced features. It
combines state-of-the-art,
combines state-of-the-art,
labor-saving technology with
labor-saving technology with
outstanding performance -
outstanding performance -
all in a space-saving
all in a space-saving
package, and at a very
package, and at a very
attractive price.
attractive price.
Large pan strainer
and Active Plus
filter are easily
removed for
pumped rinse
Rotating and
interchangeable upper and
lower wash and rinse arms
with asymmetrical spray
pattern ensure complete
Slotted, concave wash
nozzles, in conjunction with the
Active Plus filtration system,
virtually eliminate clogging