The original operating instructions can be downloaded from: https://partnernet.meiko. de
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
1 Introduction and gener a l infor mation 4
1.1 Storage 5
1.2 Name and address of manufacturer 5
1.3 Description of the type of equipment 5
2 Explanation of the safety symbols used 5
3 Use of the appliance for the purpose intended 6
4 CE-Declaration of Conformity 6
4.1 CE-Declaration of Conformity 7
4.2 Declaration of Incorporation 8
5 General safety instructions 10
10.1 Washing interruption 30
11 Shutting the appliance down 31
12 Short operating instructions 32
13 Cleaning 33
13.1 Safety instructions for cleaning 33
13.2 Cleaning after operation 33
13.3 Cleaning instructions – daily 34
13.4 Care of stainless steel surfaces 35
13.5 Cleaning after operation 35
14 Tips for self-help in the case of faults 37
15 Staff training 38
16 Disposal of the installation 38
17 Noise level 38
18 Non-ionizing radiation 38
19 Maintenance 39
19.1 Basic safety measures during normal operation 39
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
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20 Maintenance recommendation 40
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
1 Introduction and genera l information
Dear Customer,
We are delighted about the confidence you have shown in our products.
It is very important to us th at you shou ld obtain signif icant use f rom MEIKO prod ucts and
that they should make your work easier.
If you follow the instructions in this document carefully, your dishwashing machine will
always give you total satisfaction and will have a long service life.
The dishwashing machine has been assembled by us at the f ac tory and has undergone a
thorough inspection. T his provides us with the cer tainty and you with the guar antee that
you will receive a fully developed product.
We would therefore ask you to read these operating instructions carefully before
using the installation. Any further associated operating instructions for
accessories and integrated third-party products must be strictly observed!
These operating instructions inform users of this installation about the installation, its
operating methods, Its use, the safety instructions and the maintenance.
This information will help you to get to know the installat ion fully and to use it properl y. It
will also enable you to avoid repairs and the related loss of operational time.
In the event of any dam age caused by non-observance of these operat ing instructions,
any guarantee claims are invalid. We accept no l iab ilit y for any additional damage c aus e d
as a result.
MEIKO is constantly working on the further development of all its models.
We would therefore as k you to understand that bec au s e of this, we m us t res er ve the ri gh t
to make modifications a t any time to any item s covered by the contrac t in terms of their
shape, fittings and technical characteristics.
No claims may therefore be based on the details, the images or the descriptions
contained in these operating instructions.
Should you require an y further information, or in case any partic ular problems not dealt
with in great detail in the o p er ating i ns tr uct ions s ho ul d aris e, you may contact the relevant
MEIKO branch to obtain the information you require.
We should also like to inform you that the contents of these instruc tions do not form part
of or amend any earlier or existing agreement, statement, or legal position.
All MEIKO’s obligations aris e fr om the relevant p urcha se c ontract whic h also c ontains the
entire and only valid guarantee prov isi ons .
The operating instructi ons must exis t in the local language for each EU countr y. If this is
not the case, the dish-washing machine must not be commissioned.
The original operating instructions in Germany, and all operating instructions in all
languages for EU countries can be downloaded from the following address:
The complete technical documentation is issued to you free of charge.
Additional copies will be charged at cost.
These contractual gu arantee rules shall be neither extended nor restricted as a result of
any explanations given in the instructions.
MEIKO very much hopes that you will enjoy our product and use it successfully.
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
1.1 Storage
Always store the operating instructions close to the installation!
The operating instructions must always be kept within easy reach!
When contacting us, a lways have the Operat ing Instructions ope n in front of you so tha t
our staff can refer to them.
1.2 Name and address of manufacturer
Please address any queries, technical problems etc. directly to:
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Englerstraße 3
Phone + 49 (0)781 / 203-0
Name and address of the MEIKO branch, manufacturer’s agent or dealer.
(Insert company stamp or address)
1.3 Description of the type of equipment
Please provide the following information on any query and/or when ordering spare parts:
These information can be found on the plate in the electrical switch cabinet
2 Explanation of the safety symbols used
The following safety symbols will appear throughout these operating instructions. The
purpose of these symbols is to draw the reader’s attention to the text of the adjacent
safety information.
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
This symbol warns t hat there is dan ger t o the install ati on, to m ater ial
or to the environment.
This symbol denotes information that helps you to understand the
installation’s operation.
Warning of dangerous electrical current!
Warning of possible hand injuries!
The tray washing machine must be used only in accordance with regulations.
The tray washing machine BTA 160 / BTA 240 is exclusively designed for the washing
and drying of trays in a
Only one tray size can be used.
Other objects must not be passed through the machine.
This symbol warns that there is danger to human life and health.
3 Use of the appliance for the purpose intended
horizontal position.
dish-washing machine is intended solely for use in a commercial environment.
4 CE-Declaration of Conformity
A Declaration of Incorporation is provided with the machine if it is not supplied in fully
operational state, that is, as a partially completed machine pursuant to the Machine
An EC Declaration of Conformity is provided with the machine if it is supplied in fully
operational state as a complete machine.
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
Muster / Example / Exemple / Esempio / Ejemplo / Voorbeeld / Mönster
EC-/EU-Declaration of Conformity / CE-/UE-Déclaration de conf o rm ité / CE-/UE-Dichiarazione di conformità / CE-/UE-Declaración de conformidad /
EG-/EU-conformiteitsverklaring / EG-/EU-försäkran om överensstämmelse
Telefon: +49(0)781/203-0
Spülmaschine Typ
Lavavajillas modelo / Vaatwasmachine model / Diskmaskin modell
Serial number / numéro de série / numero di serie / número de serie / volgnummer /
Dishwasher model / Lave-vaiselle modèle / Lavastoviglie modello /
BTA 240
Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de conformité / Dichiarazione di conformità / Declaración de conformidad / Conformitetsverklaring /
Hiermit bescheinigen wir in alleiniger Verantwortung die Konformität des Erzeugnisses mit den grundlegenden
Anforderungen der folgenden EG-Richtlinien, harmonisierten Normen, nationalen Normen.
We hereby declare at our sole responsibility that the product conforms to the essential requirements of the following EC Directives, harmonized
standards, national standards.
Par la présente nous certifions sous notre seule responsabilité la conformité du produit avec les exigences fondamentales des directives CE,
normes harmonisées et normes nationales suivantes.
Con la presente dichiariamo sotto la nostra responsabilità la conformità del prodotto con i regolamenti basilari delle seguenti direttive CE, normative
armonizzate e normative nazionali.
Por la presente declaramos bajo nuestra sola responsabilidad que nuestros productos están en conformidad con las exigencias básicas de las siguientes
directivas de la CE, normas homologadas y normas nacionales.
Hiermee verklaren wij onder geheel eigen verantwoordelijkheid de conformiteit van het product met de fundamentele en gestelde eisen volgens
EG-richtlijnen, geharmoniseerde normen en nationale normen.
Vi intygar härmed på eget ansvar att produkten överensstämmer med de väsentliga kraven i nedan angivna EG-
documentazione/ Responsable de la documentación / Voor deze documentatie verantwoordelijk /
(per procura)
Englerstr. 3 - 77652 Offenburg - Germany
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
Muster / Example / Exemple / Esempio / Ejemplo / Voorbeeld / Mönster
Declaration of incorporation / Déclaration de montage / Dichiarazione di montaggio / Declaración de montaje /
Inbouwverklaring / Försäkran om inbyggnad
Company / Société / Ditta / Empresa / Fabrikant / Företag
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Englerstraße 3 - 77652 Offenburg -Germany
Telefon: +49(0)781/203-0
volgnummer /
Machine type / Modèle machine / Tipo di macchina / Tipo de máquina / Machinemodel / Modell
Einbauerklärung für eine unvollständige Maschine
Försäkran om inbyggnad för en ofullständig maskin
Hiermit bescheinigen wir:
We herewith certify / Nous certifions par la présente / Con la presente attestiamo / Por la presente certificamos / Hiermee verklaren wij / Vi intygar härmed:
Gesundheitsschutzanforderungen nach Anhang I der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG übereinstimmen. Die speziellen
ändige Maschinen) wurden erstellt und werden der zuständigen
Behörde auf Verlangen in elektronischer Form übermittelt.
ements in
é et de santé
ducten of bouwgroepen voldoen aan de fundamentele eisen met betrekking tot de veiligheid en
die Konformität mit den Bestimmungen folgender weiterer EG-Richtlinien:
överensstämmelse med bestämmelserna i nedan angivna ytterligare EG-direktiv:
Serial number / numéro de série / numero di serie / número de serie /
Datum: 2017-11-07 (Update)
Declaration of incorporation for partly completed machinery / Déclaration de montage pour une machine incomplète / Dichiarazione di montaggio per una
macchina incompleta / Declaración de montaje de incorporación para una máquina incompleta / Inbouwverklaring voor een onvolledige machine /
dass die zum Einbau in Maschinen vorgesehenen Produkte oder Baugruppen mit den grundlegenden Sicherheits- und
technischen Unterlagen gemäß Anhang VII B (für unvollst
that the product or sub-assemblies that are intended for installation in machines complies with the fundamental health and safety requir
accordance with Ann ex I of the Machine Directive 2 006/42/EG. The speci al technical docum ents have been create d according to Annex V II B (for p artly
completed machinery) and shall be transferred to the responsible authority in electronic format when requested.
que les produits et modules destinés au montage dans des machines satisfont aux exigences fondamentales en matière de sécurit
conformément à l'a nnexe I de la directive sur les m achines 2006/42/CE. Le s dossiers techniques s pécifiques conforméme nt à l'annexe VII B (pour les
machines incomplètes) ont été rédigés et seront transmis sur demande aux autorités responsables sous forme électronique.
che i prodotti o gru ppi di c ompo nenti p revi sti per i l mon taggi o in m acchi ne cor ris pondo no ai re quisi ti ess enzial i di sic ure zza e di tutel a dell a salut e se condo
l'allegato I dell a Direttiva Macchine 20 06/42/CE. L a documenta zione tecnic a speciale sec ondo allegat o VII B (p er macchin e incomplete) è stata crea ta e
sarà trasmessa su richiesta e in forma elettronica all 'e nte responsabile.
que los productos o grupos previstos para la inco rporación en máquinas cumplen con los requisitos básicos de seguridad y protección de la salu d,
conforme al anex o I de la dir ectiva de máqui nas 2006/42/ CE. Se han c onfeccionad o los documen tos técnicos es peciales co nforme al a nexo VII B (par a
máquinas incompletas), que se entregarán a las autoridades competentes en forma y por vía electrónica, en caso de solicitarlo las mismas.
dat de voor inbouw in de machine bestemde pro
bescherming van de ge zondh eid c onfo rm bijl age I van de machi neri chtlij n 2 006/4 2/EC. D e speci ale t echni sche doc um entatie i s conf orm bij lag e V II B (vo or
onvolledige machines) opgesteld en wordt desgewenst in elektronische vorm ter beschikking gesteld aan de verantwoordelijke instanties.
att produkterna el l er komponentern a s o m är av se dd a f ör inbyggnad i maskiner övere nsst ämmer med de gru ndläggande säkerhets- och häls oskyddskraven
i bilaga I i maskindi rektivet 2 006/42/EG . De särsk ilda tek niska und erlagen e nligt bil aga VII B (f ör ofullst ändig a maskiner ) har tillh andah ållits och öv ersän ds
på begäran till ansvariga myndigheter i elektronisk form.
the conformity with the provisions of the following additional EC Directives:
la conformité avec les disp ositions des directives euro pé en nes sup plém entaires suivantes :
la conformità alle disposizioni delle seguenti ulteriori direttive CE:
la conformidad con las disposiciones de las siguientes directivas de la CE adicionales:
de conformiteit met de bepalingen van de volgende aanvullende EC-richtlijnen:
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
Die vorgenannten speziellen technischen Unterlagen können angefordert werden bei:
Ovannämnda särskilda tekniska underlag kan beställas från:
Viktor Maier
Responsible for documentation / Responsable de la documentation / Responsabile della
documentazione/ Responsable de la documentación / Voor deze documentatie verantwoordelijk
Die Inbetriebnahme ist so lange untersagt, bis festgestellt wurde, dass die Maschine oder Anlage, in welche die o.a.
unvollständige Maschine einge ba ut werden soll, den Bestimmungen der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG entspricht.
bestämmelserna i maskindirektivet 2006/42/EG.
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Thomas Peukert
Technischer Leiter
Chief Technology Officer / Directeur de la technologie / Direttore tecnico /
Director técnico / Technisch directeur / Teknisk direktör
The above mentioned technical documentation can be requested from:
Les documents techniqu es spécifiques précités peuv e nt êtr e demandés auprès de:
La suddetta document a zione t ec nic a s peci al e può ess er e ric hie st a pr esso :
Los documentos técnicos especiales reseñados con anterioridad se pueden solicitar a:
De bovengenoemde speciale technische documentatie kan worden opgevraagd bij:
Commissioning is pro hibited unti l it has been det ermined that th e machine or system into whic h the partiall y completed m achiner y specified abov e is to
be incorporated also complies with the provisions of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
La mise en service d e la machine est interdite jusqu'à ce qu' il ait été déterm iné que la machine ou l' installation dans laquelle la machin e incomplète
susmentionnée doit être montée respecte les dispositions de la directive relative aux machines 2006/42/CE.
La messa in funzione è vi etata fino a che non sia stato accertato c he la macchina o l'impianto, in cui dev e essere installata la s uddetta macchina
incompleta, risponda alle disposizioni della Direttiva Macchine 2006/4 2/C E.
La puesta en marc ha estará prohi bida hasta que n o se haya dete rminado que la m áquina o instalac ión en la que se pretenda inc orporar la máqui na
incompleta indicada arriba cumpla las disposiciones de la directiva de máquinas 2006/42/CE.
De inbedrijfstelli ng is niet toegestaan voor dat is vastgesteld dat d e machine of installati e waarin de o.a. onvoll edige machine moet w orden ingebouwd
aan de bepalingen van de machinerichtlijn 2006/42/EC voldoet.
Idrifttagande är förbjudet tills att det har fastställts att maskinen eller anläggningen som den ovannämnda ofullständiga maskinen ska byggas in i uppfyller
(per procura)
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
The dishwashing machine has been constructed based on a risk analysis and after
careful selection of the ap plicable harmonized standards , as well as additional technical
specifications. It therefore corresponds to the latest technology and is guaranteed to
provide maximum
This level of safety can only be achieved in practice, however, if all the necessary
measures are tak en. The operator of the installa tion has an obligation of care to ensure
that these measures are scheduled, and also to check that they are correct ly exec ut ed.
The operator must ensure in particular that ...
... the dishwashing machine is only used in accordance with the regulations.
or danger may occur, f or which we accept
... in order to preser ve the operational and safet y guarantees, whene ver required, only
original parts supplied by the manufacturer are used.
the user will lose the r ight to any possible claims if the appliance is modified using a ny
parts other than original parts.
... only appropriately qualified and authorized personnel use, maintain, and repair the
... the
environmental protection and, in particular, that they are familiar with the operating
instructions as well as with the safety information provided in them.
... the installation is only operated in perfect, operationally efficient condition and, in
particular, that the safety systems and switch elements are regularly checked for their
operational efficiency.
... the required personal protective equipment is made available to maintenance and
repair personnel, and is worn by them.
every regular maintenance.
... the operating instructi ons are always kept in legibl e, complete condition at the p lace
where the installation is insteveryd, and are always at hand.
... all the safety, warning and operating instructions provided are not removed and are
5 General safety instructions
5.1 Operator's duty of care
Measures to ensure the safe machine operation
Should it be used in an y other way, damage
no liability (see the chapter on "Use for the Purpose Intended“).
relevant pers onnel is regular ly traine d in all que stions relatin g to saf ety at wor k and
.. a functiona l test on a ll saf ety systems of the mac hine / insta llation is car ried out dur ing
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
suppliers, such as heat p umps or
other equipment, must be carried out. More detailed information, if required, can be
found in the relevant Instructions for Use.
Once the dishwashing machine has been insteveryd, put into service and handed over to
the customer/operator, no modifications (electrical or location modifications, for example)
may be made.
modifications carried out without the manufacturer’s written authorization, or any
modifications carried out by unauthorized persons, will lead to the complete loss of any
guarantee claims and will invalidate any liability for the product.
... equipment
operating temperatures, as set out in DIN 10510, 10511 and 10512. If you, the client,
install equipment for optimising energy consumption, any possible reduction in the quality
of the wash and hygiene is your responsibility.
Danger can arise from the improper use of the machine or if it is used for purposes for
which it was not intended.
Parts carrying electric current as well
The machine may only be operated by adequately qualified staff who have been traine d
by the operating company and who have been trained about the Hazard and Safety
Qualified staff, as defined by the Operating Instructions, are persons:
the work to be carried out).
The machine operates with hot water.
Observe all the instructions posted on the machine.
When electrical equipment is in operation, it is inevitable that certain parts carry a
dangerous current.
ALL current to the whole machine MUST be switched off before the machine’s cladding or
electrical equipment is opened.
measures to prevent the switch from being switched on.
Only specialist personnel may carry out repairs and rectification work on the electrical
part of the machine. The Health and Safety Regulations must be observed.
The machine, switch cabinets and other electrical components must NOT be sprayed with
a hose or a high pressure cleaner.
... any necessary init ial tests to parts suppli ed by sub-
Modifications to the dishwashing machine, and in particular technical
for optimising energy consumption must not be used to reduce essential
5.2 Basic safety measures
Dangers to the user’s life and limb and
Material damage
as moving or rotating parts can cause:
• who are over 14 years of age,
• who have read and who observe the safety instructions,
• who have read and who observe the Operating Instructions (or the part applicable to
Avoid all contact with the rinse water.Danger of
As a result, the dishes etc being washed are at high temperature.Take suitable
“OFF“ POSITION and install suitable security
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
fitting clothing; t hey must also remove
We also recommend wearing safety shoes with steel toe caps!
be hot after the tank has been emptied. There is
Any repair work and repair s to the power suppl y on the install ation’s electrica l equipment
may only be carried out by a qualified
Check the electrical equipment regularly! Tighten any loose connections! Replace any
damaged leads/cables immediately!
Always keep the switch c abinets closed! Access is only allowed to qu alified pers ons with
the appropriate key / tool!
The dish-washer may only be operated under the supervision of trained personnel.
If you are unsure about the operation of the machine, the machine must not be used.
Doors and flaps MUST be closed.
Because of the danger of entrapment by the conveyor and the dishes when the conveyor
is in motion, oper ating staff must not wear tightrings, bracelets and similar articles.
The tank heating elements may still
therefore the danger of burns when the machine is cleaned manually.
Rectification work and work of any kind on the steam installation must only be carried out
by specialist staff.
Only detergents and rinse-aids suitable for the use in industrial dishwashers may be
Corresponding information is submitted by the manufacturers of such products.
Detergents and rinse agents can be injurious to health.
The manufacturers hazard instructions on the original packaging and in the safety data
sheets must be observed.
The main switch must be turned off when operation has finished.
5.2.1 Working on electrical equipment
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
Risk of injury due to electric shock
repairs to the electr ical equipment of the s ystem must be conducted by a
qualified electrician!
6 Assembly instructi ons ( f or a partially completed
These apply where the MEIKO product is a part ially completed mac hine in the sense of
the Machinery Directive (Directive 2006/42/EC).
Observe the following items when connecting M EIKO products to an existing c onveying
system/washing machine:
- The components must be aligned with one another, connected in an appropriate
manner, and fastened so that safe operation is assured. (Choose conditions and
fasteners on site in line with this).
- Dangers (e.g: dra wing in, crushing, sheari ng or cutting) that pot entially arised due to
the connection must be safeguarded appropriately.
- The electrical connection to the supply grid on site, and any necessary electrical
connections must be implemented in line with the enclos ed wir in g diagram.
- During installation, make sure that you avoid damage, in particular to the electrical
- After completing the works, check the system for damage.
- Safety and functiona l tests must be performed in the s cope of testing the complete
system at the latest.
- The system is supplied with slide rails to optimise the transition point where
Working on the electric fittings
Work or
The wiring diagram for the partially com pleted machine deliver ed contains all necess ary
operational shut-offs known to the manufacturer MEIKO, as well as other known,
necessary shut-offs and electrical connections. The connectors are clearly indicated in
the wiring diagram . Always make sure that these connec tions are implemented prior to
commissioning the machine, and that they work reliably.
If any unknown sources of danger that are not described by MEIKO arise due to
connecting system parts, you must eliminate them; this may potentially mean that you
must operate the machine.
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
Move only with peveryt trucks!!!
pallet truck
7 Delivery, shipping, installa ti on a nd asse m bly
7.1 Delivery
Check that the delivery is complete immediately after receiving it by comparing it to
MEIKO’s contract confirmation and/or the delivery note.
If necessary, complain a bout an y miss ing parts im m ediatel y to the shipp ing com pany and
notify MEIKO.
Check the entire installation for any damage that may have occurred during shipping.
Should you suspect any damage has occurred during shipping, you should inform:
• the shipping company,
• and MEIKO
in writing, and also send a photo of the damaged parts to MEIKO.
7.2 Trans por t a nd installation
In order to avoid dam age to the appliance or life-threaten ing injuries during shipping of
the installation, the following points must be observed:
• The shipping oper at io ns m ay only be carried out by qualified persons who obs erve the
safety instructions.
In order to ensure s afe shipping, the installatio n parts are plac ed on a specia l four-sided
wooden frame.
Incoming goods should only arrive on these wooden frames. The packing is specifically
designed to allow the appliances to be moved safely and securely using two peveryt
pallet truck
It is possible to negotiate gentle curves if the peveryt trucks ar e not p os iti one d completely
under the wooden bearers.
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
Operating Instructions Tray washing machine Modell BTA 160 / 240
Datei:BA_BTA_9668415_EN_2009-10.docx 9668415
Severe damage to motor & frame!!!
e.g. Remove these and other screws and bolts.
Torx TX 25
Torx TX 25
10 mm socket
These screw drivers and sockets are available in all tool shops.
Electric motors may project downwards from the underside of the appliance. Care
must always be taken not to damage these.
The forks of the peveryt trucks are lowered when the desired position of the appliance is
reached (but must remain under the bearers). The machine is standing on the wooden
bearers of the packing. There is no load on the foot cleats.
All the screws and bolts of the packing are now removed.
Leave for the moment all the wooden bearers under the machine.
The following screw-drivers and sockets are needed.
A reversible electric drill with a lockable chuck is also necessary.
MEIKO Maschi ne nb au Gmb H & C o. K G, Eng le rs t raß e 3, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
We reserve t he right to c hange ex ecuti on and con struct ion!
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